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Graphical Fidelity I Expect This Gen


Resident Crybaby
AW2 continues to blow me away. It's the perfect mix of incredible art direction and top-tier technical wizardry


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So, I need to know : how big of a problem is shimmering in AW2 on PS5? Is it only visible from time to time or is it almost always visible like it was in Horizon FW?
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Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Yes it moves around characters very immersively. It's also definitely a game one has to play to see how amazing it is. Easily the best looking game out currently.
God I love this game. Are you playing on PC or console? If console how are you getting such HQ screens?

Lack of photomode is a fucking crime for this game
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No shit, that was just an example of last gen rocks for comedic purpose, of course it shit on a ps4 launch game:lollipop_grinning_sweat:

When rocks are fucking everywhere you better nail the rendering on them, no amount of realistic light is gonna blind me enough to not notice that shit:lollipop_squinting:

In the end i was right, ue5 demo shits all over the comparable assets in aw2, and it's not even close.

UE5 demo (Valley of the Ancient) is 100GBs* of rocks, compiled down to 25GB.

If your game (demo, in this case) is almost 100% rocks and you can fill up a normal-sized releasable without cutting back on the rock data, then sure, your rocks are going to shit all over rocks made in games that have to deal with real-world conditions. Nanite, compression techniques, and procedural generation (and hopefully overdraw management, if possible?), plus smart use of replicated assets where repetition can be hidden, all that kind of new stuff will make for some kick-ass rocks in games as techniques and technology grow. However, as we're seeing from the first wave of UE5 games, things turn out differently from demos once a developer has to start living in the real world and has to release a real game.

(*Okay, it's not actually a full 100GB; that's the full asset package size. I don't have access to UE Editor to actually see how many rocks were pulled from the Canyons of Utah Megascans pack and how much the included megascan data weighs in the release package, but somebody could go get a clearer number of the geo used in that demo. In either case, there's some big rocks filling up that bucket. Nanite geo data in Lumen in the Land of Nanite was just over 6GBs, for comparison.)
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Gold Member
UE5 demo (Valley of the Ancient) is 100GBs* of rocks, compiled down to 25GB.

If your game (demo, in this case) is almost 100% rocks and you can fill up a normal-sized releasable without cutting back on the rock data, then sure, your rocks are going to shit all over rocks made in games that have to deal with real-world conditions. Nanite, compression techniques, and procedural generation (and hopefully overdraw management, if possible,) plus smart use of replicated assets where repetition can be hidden, will make for some kick-ass rocks in games as techniques and technology grow. However, as we're seeing from the first wave of UE5 games, things turn out differently from demos once a developer has to start living in the real world and has to release a real game.

(*Okay, it's not actually a full 100GB; that's the full asset package size. I don't have access to UE Editor to actually see how many rocks were pulled from the Canyons of Utah Megascans pack and how much the included megascan data weighs in the release package, but somebody could go get a clearer number of the geo used in that demo. In either case, there's some big rocks filling up that bucket. Nanite geo data in Lumen in the Land of Nanite was just over 6GBs, for comparison.)

My post was mostly refering to slimy calling the assets in aw 2 better than ue5 demo, i know its' gonna be hard as hell to reach that level of detail.

As an asset guy, it make me sad that lights, shadows and reflections are going forward but assets are still old gen as fuck, just in higher resolution.
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Gold Member
You make assets? Artstation link?
No no, asset guy in the sense of liking high quality texture and assets over lights\shadows\reflections.

Some people care about how things get lit, i care about how the things looks, because good lights can't substitute high details, at best it enhance them, but they have to look good to begin with.
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No no, asset guy in the sense of liking high quality texture and assets over lights\shadows\reflections.

Some people care about how things get lit, i care about how the things looks, because good lights can't substitute high details, at best it enhance them, but they have to look good to begin with.
oh, i see. on that front, i agree. even an old game with hr textures can look really nice, and pre-baked lighting can really do most of the heavy lifting anyway.


On that note. DONT disable film grain.
It helps to greatly eliminate banding by dithering.


Besides that, the game is also trying to look cinematic, so film grain adds to that atmosphere/style. Same with chromatic aberration in some games.


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
Yeah 5, the last one they released from the forza horizon brand (the other is forza motorsport right?)

I'm no racing game nomenclature expert.
Correct, and hopefully next year they gonna release FH6 on the new engine for current gen only.


*Refreshes biennially
I really like that second area that you explore as Saga. I'm playing at 4k with DLAA (no DLSS) + no film grain + frame gen and it look so damn crisp.



Can’t Git Gud
One does not have to look far to find a 3rd party multiplatform game that does not look like lazy shit on consoles image quality and shortcuts wise.
Look at Hogwarts Legacy. Ps5 version. Runs super smooth in any mode, image quality is superb with almost no grain/breakup in static or in motion.
I've launched it up just now and my god. It's like playing a postcard. It's one of the best and also one of most underrated games this year.
I originally played and finished the game in it's 40fps mode but I switched to 30fps mode to be fair with Alan Wake 2 comparison.
But to be fair, I've tried 30, 40, 60 and 120fps modes and all look great and very stable. There are no break up, artifacting or shimmering in any modes. Higher fps is just blurry and soft. But stable.

On top of that it's a big open world, no streaming issues, super fast loading.
I really really think we should praise this game at least a bit more here.
Sure, it doesn't got for hyperrealism at all like Alan Wake 2.
Alan Wake on consoles is mostly baked and Hogwarts is fully dynamic.
One thing that Hogwarts and AW2 share in common is bad looking mirrors. But even then, the mirrors are "dirty" and reflect "something"... not just 17 pixels and grainy pallet.
This is the best example this year how to release a game on many platforms with great care. RT on pc doesn't FIX the console drawbacks. it improves.
There is 0 grain or upscaling artifacting here. Even motion blur is high quality.

Some pics: (30fps mode for the sake of apples to apples)

All dynamic shadows and gi


Some SSR - you can see... no grain. It's clear


worst mirror I could find

Motion blur

And also - the game controls like a dream on controller. There is acceleration slider which, after you adjust it, it's perfect.










One does not have to look far to find a 3rd party multiplatform game that does not look like lazy shit on consoles image quality and shortcuts wise.
Look at Hogwarts Legacy. Ps5 version. Runs super smooth in any mode, image quality is superb with almost no grain/breakup in static or in motion.
I've launched it up just now and my god. It's like playing a postcard. It's one of the best and also one of most underrated games this year.
I originally played and finished the game in it's 40fps mode but I switched to 30fps mode to be fair with Alan Wake 2 comparison.
But to be fair, I've tried 30, 40, 60 and 120fps modes and all look great and very stable. There are no break up, artifacting or shimmering in any modes. Higher fps is just blurry and soft. But stable.

On top of that it's a big open world, no streaming issues, super fast loading.
I really really think we should praise this game at least a bit more here.
Sure, it doesn't got for hyperrealism at all like Alan Wake 2.
Alan Wake on consoles is mostly baked and Hogwarts is fully dynamic.
One thing that Hogwarts and AW2 share in common is bad looking mirrors. But even then, the mirrors are "dirty" and reflect "something"... not just 17 pixels and grainy pallet.
This is the best example this year how to release a game on many platforms with great care. RT on pc doesn't FIX the console drawbacks. it improves.
There is 0 grain or upscaling artifacting here. Even motion blur is high quality.

Some pics: (30fps mode for the sake of apples to apples)

All dynamic shadows and gi


Some SSR - you can see... no grain. It's clear


worst mirror I could find

Motion blur

And also - the game controls like a dream on controller. There is acceleration slider which, after you adjust it, it's perfect.








I really loved that game. I grew up in a harry potter household, and it was just really awesome to get the game I dreamed of since I was a little kid playing the lego HP games on the wii. Really captured the atmosphere and magic of hogwarts.


Roughly 3 hours in on RoboCop (idk if the C is capitalized) now, and it's stunning. I'd argue it's honestly a significant step up from AW2. The asset quality is also probably the highest I've ever seen, although it can take some time to load if you don't use a custom cfg. Really just amazing work, and 2023 has been such a cool year for graphics and games alike.


Gold Member
Roughly 3 hours in on RoboCop (idk if the C is capitalized) now, and it's stunning. I'd argue it's honestly a significant step up from AW2. The asset quality is also probably the highest I've ever seen, although it can take some time to load if you don't use a custom cfg. Really just amazing work, and 2023 has been such a cool year for graphics and games alike.
Played the first 30 min maxed out 4k on pc, althught it looks better than it has any right to be for a small budget AA, asset wise i'm not even sure if it beats atomic hearts (that has an impressive first 30 min, except for the human models).

It looks great until you zoom here and there, i'm too lazy to take pics.

And more important, the game is even more fun than how it looks.
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Gold Member
Is robocop the best looking unreal engine 5 game by far ,right now?
Too soon for me to judge, the other games are all fantasy\stylized so it's hard to judge against a super realistic style.

For my personal taste i would say yes but i only played 30 min and i didn't tried the magic fps.
I think rem2 had a cleaner iq but it could just be some dlss fuckery going on.
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My expectations were always on point, As I said before, y'all had overinflated ideas of what the hardware was capable of and use that to trash on the devs.
What real UE5 games or games on other new engines exist by big devs now? What game has matrix awakens visuals? What game is 30FPS 1440p built by Naughty Dog or another big Dev? CG requires GI and very high polycount, which these current engines just can’t do properly. You can see glimpses of good lighting in Spider-Man 2, FF16 etc, those parts look like CG because of it. PS5 blows PS4 away in power, where is PS5s “TLOU2”?
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
Finished Spider-Man. Game runs out of steam towards the end. Was hoping for a sandman style romp through the city with the final boss but got a traditional arena fight gymwolf loves so much.

Overall though, the game looks amazing when you are above the buildings. Really last Gen at night. Very busy on the streets. The audio work doesn’t get enough credit. The npcs are the most varied I’ve seen since rdr2. The trees look amazing and rt reflections really pop during rain. It sucks that the weather isn’t dynamic in this game because you really don’t get to appreciate cloudy lighting conditions.

I do hope they do a complete overhaul of their cars, character models and building assets for the next game. They have done a fantastic job with what is essentially a last Gen game but its time to upgrade. Hopefully the next Spider-Man doesn’t take 5 years.





Gold Member
Finished Spider-Man. Game runs out of steam towards the end. Was hoping for a sandman style romp through the city with the final boss but got a traditional arena fight gymwolf loves so much.

Overall though, the game looks amazing when you are above the buildings. Really last Gen at night. Very busy on the streets. The audio work doesn’t get enough credit. The npcs are the most varied I’ve seen since rdr2. The trees look amazing and rt reflections really pop during rain. It sucks that the weather isn’t dynamic in this game because you really don’t get to appreciate cloudy lighting conditions.

I do hope they do a complete overhaul of their cars, character models and building assets for the next game. They have done a fantastic job with what is essentially a last Gen game but its time to upgrade. Hopefully the next Spider-Man doesn’t take 5 years.



Final boss fight was crap (like 90% of the previous boss fights) because the game use free flow combat that is a dogshit combat system for boss fights, they improved from the previous game but they are still meh boss fights,no matter how many copy past phases they have, being in an arena has nothing to with that when you realize that the best boss fights in gaming history are all inside arenas since the beginning of times, but nice try.

They added a lot of reduntant abilities and a parry that nobody use because it doesn't feel very spidey and the timing is too stingy for the shit reward you get, but free flow is gonna free flow buddy.

I'm gonna cry if they used the same combat in wolvy.
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Played the first 30 min maxed out 4k on pc, althught it looks better than it has any right to be for a small budget AA, asset wise i'm not even sure if it beats atomic hearts (that has an impressive first 30 min, except for the human models).

It looks great until you zoom here and there, i'm too lazy to take pics.

And more important, the game is even more fun than how it looks.
Wait the robocop game is actually good? Cus I love the OG movie but thought the trailer made it look like trash


Played the first 30 min maxed out 4k on pc, althught it looks better than it has any right to be for a small budget AA, asset wise i'm not even sure if it beats atomic hearts (that has an impressive first 30 min, except for the human models).

It looks great until you zoom here and there, i'm too lazy to take pics.

And more important, the game is even more fun than how it looks.
That is what UE5 brings to the table even small devs can now make amazing looking games .. The UE5 effect.
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What real UE5 games or games on other new engines exist by big devs now? What game has matrix awakens visuals? What game is 30FPS 1440p built by Naughty Dog or another big Dev? CG requires GI and very high polycount, which these current engines just can’t do properly. You can see glimpses of good lighting in Spider-Man 2, FF16 etc, those parts look like CG because of it. PS5 blows PS4 away in power, where is PS5s “TLOU2”?

I don't know why you are asking me this, my point was that I don't expect any games to look close to "like CGI" on PS5 and reality proved it true, the hardware just isn't strong enough, the ps6 wont be either. I'm sure things will improve in the coming years and people will tell me I'm wrong, infact some already do when they pretend the Matrix demo looks like CG.

Also, you don't really need a new engine, UE4 to UE5 isn't really a brand new engine, just an upgrade, a few really nice features, just like adding raytracing which tons of other engines are also doing but even with UE5 or any other engines level of raytracing we aren't reaching CGI level on ps5
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