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GTA V PC Trailer (60 FPS)


Speaking of Steam, GMG and Social Club..

Gaben put an annoying Norwegian tax on top of the usual Euro-tax on his store, the prices are just ridiculous.

So, buy this game at Steam for 68 US Dollar...Or Buy this game at GMG for 45 US Dollar (w/discount code)..

You know they've been touched up how?

Because it's just impossible that the PC version can look better than the PS4 version.


And you were wrong that time, too? Social Club is a launcher. It is not a downloader. Unless there's an eleventh hour update to Social Club to change that, nothing about its services for GTAV haven't been done in other Rockstar titles - handling multiplayer for Max Payne 3, tracking achievements for previous games, etc.

I'm really confused by this as well. How was Max Payne 3 delivered ? ...and what is this 'Capsule' ?

I assume when you buy the game outside of Steam you are given a Social Club key which you do what with exactly? Enter it into the Rockstar Warehouse ..? But I see no place there to enter codes either.

I also see no Social Club client to download from anywhere....nor a place on the social club website to download game clients / redeem codes

Surely this is the same process as it was for MP3...or is this an entirely new system they are implementing for GTAV ?


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
It's so weird seeing GTA at 60fps. The 4790K/GTX 970 PC I built three months ago won't even run GTAIV at 60fps. Max Payne 3 blazes doe.


Huh? You were the one arguing that LA Noire and Max Payne 3 were downloaded through Social Club; I was arguing the contrary.

Indeed. MP3 came with social club (mandatory) via steam. So you had to sign in with a social club ID to play, together with steam, but it was installed through steam, not through another 3rd party app. I bought MP3 via steam, downloaded it, had to register SC account to play and it phoned home every time (IIRC).

Not that social club sucks balls either way. I won't buy GTAV on PC if it comes with a mandatory social club registration, a service which doesn't allow your account to be deleted.


Was gonna tripple dip then I realized my new gaming pc has no dvd drive so only option is to go digital but downloading 50gb takes at least a week fml


The sad thing about this is... I can't download it from Rockstar's site. Unless I'm missing something. They changed their shit. Damn. I usually save official GTA media.


I wish they swayed more than they do. Perhaps a mod will introduce that.

Really looking forward to seeing the films people put out with the in-game camera.

Maybe they'll sway more in stormy weather. They were advertising "dynamic weather effects" so...
This makes me wish I didn't buy the PS4 version. I should have had the patience to wait for it to come to PC. Oh well, I will get it in a sale, by then there should be some worthy mods.


It's so weird seeing GTA at 60fps. The 4790K/GTX 970 PC I built three months ago won't even run GTAIV at 60fps. Max Payne 3 blazes doe.

What res? I have the same CPU and GPU and I get 60fps at 1080p with everything maxed, no problem.
Finally, this game will be mine.

Aside from a few trailers and a few minutes of sandbox gameplay, I haven't seen anything of this game. I've managed to not spoil it for myself for almost two years. I know next to nothing about the story or missions.

I'm proud of myself.


Finally, this game will be mine.

Aside from a few trailers and a few minutes of sandbox gameplay, I haven't seen anything of this game. I've managed to not spoil it for myself for almost two years. I know next to nothing about the story or missions.

I'm proud of myself.

hey man, good job! that must've been really difficult to franklin is really cj


Finally, this game will be mine.

Aside from a few trailers and a few minutes of sandbox gameplay, I haven't seen anything of this game. I've managed to not spoil it for myself for almost two years. I know next to nothing about the story or missions.

I'm proud of myself.
I am so jealous, your patience will be rewarded.
Just ignore any PC screens you see being compared to PS4. The PC pictures are from RS and have been touched up. Everything is in the right place at the right angle with the right lighting. The PS4 screens are in game and compressed taken with the camera or share button. You absolutely can not compare the two that way.

You're right that the comparisons are skewed but people really need to learn that words and phrases like 'touched up' and 'bullshot' have actual meaning. I have my doubt that these shots are 'touched up' as in altered. Just because they're choreographed shots for marketing doesn't innately make them bullshots.

You know they've been touched up how?

same way people can tell that those shots are bullshots of course

'just cuz'


The game looks superb on the PS4, so I envy you PC owners with a top system that will make it look even better.

I'm not so sure on the 60fps, as great as it is for certain games ie FPS/Racing games, it looks weird to me on GTA V, almost like watching TV with motionflow on high, the movement looks too fast.

Each to their own though, it looks fantastic either way.


Got this game gifted can't wait..I know nothing of this game besides you can ride roller coasters + what I learned from previous GTAs.



For those that need to cap it at 30FPS you can..even if they don't include it ingame. This is PC after all.


First time seriously getting into GTA 5 as well. Played 1-2 hours on PS3, unbearable framerate and IQ, played a bit on PS4 just to see what upgrades there were.


I'm not really sure what people mean when they think it looks fast. Everything still takes the exact same amount of time (e.g an animation), you're just seeing more visual information during that period of time.


First time seriously getting into GTA 5 as well. Played 1-2 hours on PS3, unbearable framerate and IQ, played a bit on PS4 just to see what upgrades there were.

im completed gta 5 on ps3 on a 14" crt tv. i can't wait to be able to read the text for once.


Finally, this game will be mine.

Aside from a few trailers and a few minutes of sandbox gameplay, I haven't seen anything of this game. I've managed to not spoil it for myself for almost two years. I know next to nothing about the story or missions.

I'm proud of myself.
Right there with you. I've seen trailers and I've played the first 30 minutes or so on PS3(before stopping due to the framerate), but I know very little else about the game. Held out a *long* time for this baby. Wasn't easy because I love GTA, but I wanted my first time to be special....


Gold Member
Sure, it's not in 60fps, but the Heists trailer is still much better than the first PC Trailer.


Right there with you. I've seen trailers and I've played the first 30 minutes or so on PS3(before stopping due to the framerate), but I know very little else about the game. Held out a *long* time for this baby. Wasn't easy because I love GTA, but I wanted my first time to be special....

I played through the story on PS3 and it was horrible getting used to abysmal framerate and IQ but I enjoyed it so much, can't wait to play it again on PC and explore the world even more.


I played through the story on PS3 and it was horrible getting used to abysmal framerate and IQ but I enjoyed it so much, can't wait to play it again on PC and explore the world even more.

This was me, I played through the story on PS3 and then pretty much immediately stopped in anticipation of a PC version. I knew it would come, but I didn't expect it to be this long!

It has been a painful wait, because I stopped playing a game whilst I was still enjoying it, so I want to just continue!


Just ignore any PC screens you see being compared to PS4. The PC pictures are from RS and have been touched up. Everything is in the right place at the right angle with the right lighting.

It's almost as if some of you expect $400 gaming hardware to compete graphically with $1000 hardware.
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