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GTA V PC Trailer (60 FPS)


What's the best way to do this?

I can lock games that run too fast at 60hz using VSYNC but what's the correct method to lock at 30 if there isn't an option ingame?

Depends on the game. For most, Vscyn at half refresh works perfectly. For some you want to enable triple buffered vscyn and limit the frame rate in Afterburner.
First time seriously getting into GTA 5 as well. Played 1-2 hours on PS3, unbearable framerate and IQ, played a bit on PS4 just to see what upgrades there were.

Seems I did well waiting for the PC version, not played a single minute of GTA V.

My only concern right now, I still haven't got on the SSD bandwagon. I want a 1tb SSD to replace my 1tb HDD but they're still quite expensive. I could afford a 500gb though. Just think we're close to another price drop on SDDs and a 1tb will be around £200 instead of £300.


Absolutely gorgeous. The quality/clarity is absolutely Acceptable!

It's like - I'm all enamoured by PS4/XB1 graphics and capability, and then PC shows up like a shiney McClaren - all sexy, like....Heyyyy!!! It's got my current-gen tech looking like it came from a cereal box, if not made from one.

With all due respect to the big 3 and what they can offer, I've got some serious reconsidering to do in regards to AAA quality (where the BEST eventually resides), and currently it isn't on consoles - not enough options IMO (not enough to look like that trailer...wow!
My only concern right now I still haven't got on the SSD bandwagon. I want a 1tb SSD to replace my 1tb HDD but they're still quite expensive. I could afford a 500gb though. Just think we close to another price drop on SDDs a 1tb will be around £200 instead of £300.

Don't replace your HDD with an SSD, compliment your HDD with an SSD.

OS and important programs/games go on the SSD and the rest can go on the HDD

I have my OS and STEAM installed on my SSD. Of the 50 or so games I have installed only 3 of them are on my SSD, the rest are on the HDD. STEAM, Origin and Uplay allow you to install games to someplace other than the install directory of the application itself.


Don't replace your HDD with an SSD, compliment your HDD with an SSD.

OS and important programs/games go on the SSD and the rest can go on the HDD

I have my OS and STEAM installed on my SSD. Of the 50 or so games I have installed only 3 of them are on my SSD, the rest are on the HDD. STEAM, Origin and Uplay allow you to install games to someplace other than the install directory of the application itself.

It helps that moving games between your SSD and HDD is essentially drag and drop at this point.

  • Install Steam on your SSD, and configure a Steam library folder on your HDD through the menus.
  • Install games onto the library folder on your HDD
  • When ready to play, move the associated folder from /steamapps/common to your ssd, move the appid.acf file associated with the game in the /steamapps folder
  • Restart Steam


I don't get it. Okay it's 60fps but most of the footage is in slow motion. What a waste.

Demonstrating 60fps @ normal speed defeats the purpose of the entire demonstration. How often are there car commercial at normal speed. Anything that is intended to be looked at should be slowed down - and it usually is. It's the next best thing to looking at static pictures - which usually don't have much merit these days (especially with demos of this caliber).

The slow-mo actually helps me appreciate what RS is trying to convey; lack of blur during clutter and fast pacing. Particle effects are prettier too, I think, and that's not even scraping the surface.

Yeah, it's all there @ normal speed too, but I'd take less away IMO.
Just ignore any PC screens you see being compared to PS4. The PC pictures are from RS and have been touched up. Everything is in the right place at the right angle with the right lighting. The PS4 screens are in game and compressed taken with the camera or share button. You absolutely can not compare the two that way.

With PS4 you have LOD pop in with those shots. PS4 has just as much vegetation as that PC pic with Trevor-

That other PS4 pic was taken further away and not at the exact location.

Lol. Why do people think the PS4 is the most powerful thing ever. Dying light ran at PC equivalent low XD
Don't replace your HDD with an SSD, compliment your HDD with an SSD.

OS and important programs/games go on the SSD and the rest can go on the HDD

I have my OS and STEAM installed on my SSD. Of the 50 or so games I have installed only 3 of them are on my SSD, the rest are on the HDD. STEAM, Origin and Uplay allow you to install games to someplace other than the install directory of the application itself.

Yes I know I can do that. Trouble is I want about large 5 games on my SSD, with mods plus other many video editing programs and files. It comes to about 700GB for all my essential stuff. Mods and skins can take up 200GB alone.

On Demand

You know they've been touched up how?

Look at them. Stylyzed and composed captured perfectly. Everything is placed exactly where it should be in the screen. Lighting looks like something out of photoshop etc. You know, like all developers do when they want to show their game as best as possible.

Because it's just impossible that the PC version can look better than the PS4 version.

That's not what i'm saying. Those pics shouldn't be used to compare with flawed in game pics of the PS4 version. That's all. And i showed the reason why with that pic i posted.

It's almost as if some of you expect $400 gaming hardware to compete graphically with $1000 hardware.

You guys clearly misunderstand me.


Thinking of upgrading to get the most out of this game, whats best for me to upgrade first - my Geforce GTX780 Windfoce 3GB graphics card or my i7-2500k @3.4Ghz processor? Any suggestions?


Look at them. Stylyzed and composed captured perfectly. Everything is placed exactly where it should be in the screen. Lighting looks like something out of photoshop etc. You know, like all developers do when they want to show their game as best as possible.
Using their development tools to place everything ideally and create a nice looking shot is not the same thing as 'touching up' an image, though.

Thinking of upgrading to get the most out of this game, whats best for me to upgrade first - my Geforce GTX780 Windfoce 3GB graphics card or my i7-2500k @3.4Ghz processor? Any suggestions?
Get a CPU cooler and overclock it to at least 4.2Ghz.

That would be my absolute first thing to do, especially for a game like this. You're looking fine otherwise. Wouldn't upgrade a thing unless you *really* wanted to.


Looks so stunning! I feel like I need to upgrade my video card (680 2GB) to really enjoy this properly but caught in the 980 now vs. wait for Ti woes.


Stumbled across a CVG video analysing the GTA V PC trailer. Having not played the game I don't know what is new, but the new stuff they see are:

  • Better DOF
  • New Rain Effects
  • Improved Lighting / Reflections
  • Walking Splashes in puddles may be new
  • Clear Readable Text on the side of guns
  • Bullets impact / spark / splinter tarmac
  • Light reflects off bullet casing
  • Some footage seems to be alternate angles of mission cutscenes - possibly recut in game or just used the video editor... or not
Thinking of upgrading to get the most out of this game, whats best for me to upgrade first - my Geforce GTX780 Windfoce 3GB graphics card or my i7-2500k @3.4Ghz processor? Any suggestions?

Honestly, if you know you're going to upgrade soon, I'd just wait and see how the game runs first on your current set up. We don't know how CPU or how GPU bound it will be, so it's hard to accurately give advice about which will give you a bigger boost.
Look at them. Stylyzed and composed captured perfectly. Everything is placed exactly where it should be in the screen. Lighting looks like something out of photoshop etc. You know, like all developers do when they want to show their game as best as possible


Why do we have to do this in every GTA V PC thread?

Framing a marketing shot in the best positive light is not 'touching up'. 'Touching up' is editing a rendered or captured image in post. You have not pointed out anything close to a proof that that's what these images are, nor has anyone else despite vague assertions. 'Lighting looks like something out of photoshop'? Why don't you go ahead and validate that statement. I can supply you with at least ten shots from the PS4 version that someone ignorant might think is a photoshop. In fact, I can do that with a lot of games. Games look pretty these days. In GTA V's case, any single one of these 4k images shows flaws or quirks indicative of an albiet well-choreographed screengrab - as opposed to something meticulously altered after the fact to misrepresent the visuals, which is what 'touching up' is.

A woman is having a photo taken. She chooses to wear copious makeup for the photo.

Does that mean the photo is touched up? No, ofc not.

The Llama

I sincerely hope this is a stealth brag and you aren't actually serious.

Given it's a Rockstar PC port, it's always fair to question, unless you're rocking SLI Titan X's.

I actually have the exact same setup as him and truly have no idea what to expect.
Any word on spec requirements?

R9 290x, 16gb ram, i7 4790k. Will I be okay or better?

Same card as you but with an i5-4690K and 8GB RAM...I'm waiting to see some performance reviews before I buy (hopefully something comes out before release but I'm not holding my breath)


What's the best way to do this?

I can lock games that run too fast at 60hz using VSYNC but what's the correct method to lock at 30 if there isn't an option ingame?

Kinthalis is spot on. Download MSI Afterburner with Rivatuner and lock it to 30fps. That will keep the framerate steady and balance frame times to stop any judder. I always use it locked to 60 to minimize judder in every game.


Given it's a Rockstar PC port, it's always fair to question, unless you're rocking SLI Titan X's.

I actually have the exact same setup as him and truly have no idea what to expect.

Either Max Payne 3 is an outlier or sets a precedent for future Rockstar ports. Only have a couple more weeks to find out.

A member on GAF helped me build my PC very recently. Over on the "I need a new PC" thread. I really have no idea.

These kind of, 'will it run on my setup,' posts are pretty much ubiquitous on GAF. I have a feeling your situation comes up frequently, people new to PCs who just buy whatever other people tell them without a clue to what they actually have.

Your setup will probably be fine through the next console generation by the way.


Same card as you but with an i5-4690K and 8GB RAM...I'm waiting to see some performance reviews before I buy (hopefully something comes out before release but I'm not holding my breath)

Ya did good, kid.

Shouldn't have a problem running the game at 1080p, it will just be a matter of how high you can set the sliders.

Great! Sounds good.

Either Max Payne 3 is an outlier or sets a precedent for future Rockstar ports. Only have a couple more weeks to find out.

These kind of, 'will it run on my setup,' posts are pretty much ubiquitous on GAF. I have a feeling your situation comes up frequently, people new to PCs who just buy whatever other people tell them without a clue to what they actually have.

Your setup will probably be fine through the next console generation by the way.

Well, you should expect them. Honestly I don't know which card is better than the other since there are way too many combinations. You shouldn't be too hard on newbies. I'm actually quite enjoying my new PC. I haven't turned on my Ps4 in 2 weeks. All my gaming has been done on my PC since I built it. DayZ and ArmA 3. Amazing games.

Edit: Everyone has to start somewhere.
Well, you should expect them. Honestly I don't know which card is better than the other since there are way too many combinations. You shouldn't be too hard on newbies. I'm actually quite enjoying my new PC. I haven't turned on my Ps4 in 2 weeks. All my gaming has been done on my PC since I built it. DayZ and ArmA 3. Amazing games.

Edit: Everyone has to start somewhere.

Of course. But stealth brag posts are pretty common as well, and they do get tiring after a while. It's just most newbies don't tend to start out with a near top-of-the-line system. Adding a little bit about being new to the specs game can smooth out any misunderstandings.

Also welcome to the wonderful world of PC gaming! Congratulations, your PC is already obsolete....time to upgrade! ;)


Of course. But stealth brag posts are pretty common as well, and they do get tiring after a while. It's just most newbies don't tend to start out with a near top-of-the-line system. Adding a little bit about being new to the specs game can smooth out any misunderstandings.

Also welcome to the wonderful world of PC gaming! Congratulations, your PC is already obsolete....time to upgrade! ;)

Gotcha'. Didn't know. Now, where is Red Dead Redemption PC, amirite?
Yes I know I can do that. Trouble is I want about large 5 games on my SSD, with mods plus other many video editing programs and files. It comes to about 700GB for all my essential stuff. Mods and skins can take up 200GB alone.
What games are you playing?? Holy fuck, even when I had 200+ Skyrim mods installed it was only 20 GB or so (Plus the game).
What games are you playing?? Holy fuck, even when I had 200+ Skyrim mods installed it was only 20 GB or so (Plus the game).

I had like 20GB of project car skins. Space Engine solar system textures can be 37GB. GTA V is going to be 65GB, could be 100GB if mods take off. 5 important games can easily mount up to 300GB. Up coming games in general like Witcher 3 are 50GB and that will be important for up to 2 years for me. Add in a couple more simulations and I'm up in the 400GB+ range and without any OS installed and no room for programs. A 500GB drive is around 465gb in reality and need to leave some room.

Assetto Corsa is 25GB on my drive and hardly have any extra stuff in there and this game is open to tracks and car mods which I've not got into yet.
In case anyone is interested the pre-load for GTA 5 will start on the 7th April for Steam and Rockstar Digital customers :-

Rockstar script reader said:
Yes, pre-loads via Rockstar Warehouse and Steam will be available on April 7th. We will update this page with an exact time as soon as that information is available. If you pre-ordered GTAV from a digital retailer other than Rockstar Warehouse or Steam, please contact your retailer’s customer support departments for details on pre-loads.



I want to buy it and have it on steam but not for 60€. So I guess I'll wait for a sale or something.
Fuck you Rockstar and your shitty social club nobody wants


Sold my GTX 580 today for 75 euro's and getting yes the physical version for PC through bol.com here in the netherlands since it is there 44 euro's. Pretty cheap actually!


Alright my free internet seems to be decent, I will be able to download it much faster than the lot of people here I guess.


Well shit! With my 300kb/s download speed only available for about 12 hours a day/night, I should be done in 5 days, which would be before launch day. I didn't actually plan for this eventuality. I expected to be waiting a week or so

That's awful. How come you got it so bad?
If you don't mind me asking.


im guessing even if bought from steam that to join friends a social club account will be needed regardless?

where do you even redeem a download code and download the game anyway if not steam?
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