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Burt Macklin lost?


Also I was confused because those weren't new stills, but then I remembered that I'd actually bought the magazine >_>


Junior Member

Also I was confused because those weren't new stills, but then I remembered that I'd actually bought the magazine >_>
Even with your vote, it would have been a tie.

Anyway, Quick & I will be making more progress on the two threads after the preview screening. I have to go to a New Student Conference tomorrow & the day after, so don't expect much then.
I never got an email. After I logged in and picked a time I just printed a ticket right away. I don't think I got anything after that.

Q: Didn't someone mention that they did these screenings for Cap2 and one of them got turned into a full movie screening? Just adjusting my hype.

For the UK, they're only holding one screening and to get tickets you must enter a competition :(


Has anyone created a GIF of Korath the Persuser saying "...WHO?"

I can think of so many occasions to use that.

EDIT: Nevermind

I seriously can't wait for this. Planning on seeing it twice on release weekend <_<

Tonight is going to make or break it for me. I have been really down about Pratt's dialog as StarLord in all of the trailers. It's either whiny or cliche. I really hope I can just seen a regular scene or two and he speaks like a person.
So that screening is tomorrow and I have no email :(

Me neither :C

Maybe tomorrow morning?

Also I'm watching Star Trek '09 and it's making me need this film even more. We need more big budget space opera films. They are the fucking best. Argh.

I even like John Carter and The Chronicles of Riddick which the internet has led me to believe are terrible! BUT THEY'RE NOT AND I LOVE THEM.
Me neither :C

Maybe tomorrow morning?

Also I'm watching Star Trek '09

Well at least with GOTG, there no real chance of the movie shitting on the source material.
I really hope I come out of this hyped. I think I have built myself up too much; I've been expecting this to just floor me from the day it was announced.
In the theatre!

Well at least with GOTG, there no real chance of the movie shitting on the source material.
I really hope I come out of this hyped. I think I have built myself up too much; I've been expecting this to just floor me from the day it was announced.

Bendis is trying his best though.
To all those showing up at the 17 minute preview,

how early did you show up?

Did you get a poster?

what was attendance like?

I ask because I have tickets for later today, and would like to show up on time to have the best experience possible (near front of line, poster and good seat)


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Pretty packed theatre in NYC. Unlike the Cap 2 prescreening, they didn't confiscate phones. They just gave a warning, no recording.

No poster yet.
Really excited for this movie, I wont be in the states when it releases though, I'll be on vacation. Pretty disappointed about that, hopefully its still in the theaters when I return
I'm in the theater right now for the 17 minute screening. Got a cool little poster. Excited to find out what we're gonna see.
Haha, yeah I didn't really care about Star Trek before except for Shatner comedy value so I really enjoyed them despite not really being Star Trek. I can see why people would be upset though.
Yeah I bothers me. I hate the phrase Star Trek in name only but damnit, I like my science fiction slow. It's not their fault in '09, the Next Gen movies are really what killed ST for me. Great writing and acting and cool commentary about life and it just becomes really bad action shlock.

But this is not the place for that. I'm going to leave now and grab a beer next door to the theater. I'm sure everyone is going to want to post when they get back.

Should we have a separate thread for this so it's not just 2 pages of black boxes?


To all those showing up at the 17 minute preview,

how early did you show up?

Did you get a poster?

what was attendance like?

I ask because I have tickets for later today, and would like to show up on time to have the best experience possible (near front of line, poster and good seat)

Showed up 20 minutes before it starts.

Yes to the poster. It's small.

Plenty of people.


Just finished up.

We were all holding our breath when they kept the lights off at the end hoping for a full screening. Oh well.

Footage was great. Not hugely spoilery.


It's 2014. Do I seriously have to print out a ticket to go see this or can I just show them the attachment from the email?
I consider myself fairly jaded, but damn if that preview didn't surpass nearly all my expectations. Great comic performances from the cast, clever and well-choreographed action, surprisingly worthwhile use of 3D, and Rocket/Groot are everything I hoped for. Can't wait for August 1.

...and yes, the extended version of the "it's real" scene from the recent trailers was even better.
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