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Oh God-imagine a GOTG ride in Tommorowland.



Oh God-imagine a GOTG ride in Tommorowland.

That would be awesome!

They already have a section in Tommorowland's Innoventions that have three Marvel attractions. The first is a lab that has all of Iron Man's Armor from the three movies as well as digitally armoring up as Iron man and playing as him through a screen. The other two is just a meet and greet with Thor and Captain America.
Hm, I think I'll just go to standard 2D. So much cheaper and closer.

Excuse me, but what is this shit? You are not worthy of your avatar! : p

To the surprise of no one, "...Who?" will be the OT Title. The Spoiler Thread Title was close, but it was "Something Good, Something Bad, A Bit of Both" that won ("Burt Macklin in Space" lost by 1 vote).

Now it's time to get to work.

Great OT title, but the title for the spoiler thread seems way too long....

Sounds like this will hit 500m WW easy.

Good. good.

Of course it will. It'll do that as a very minimum. It’s gonna big a big hit.


Junior Member
Here's the summary of the preview my little bro & I saw. I'll just say this right now, it had quite the turnout. I'm quite hopeful for the chances of the movie's success. Not to mention that the 3D was legit.

So the preview starts off with the rap sheet scene with every Guardian, with more detail on each character (for example, Gamora's rap sheet did show Thanos's head, & his link to Ronan, as well as listing Gamora as Thanos' adopted daughter). Star-Lord's middle finger wasn't censored, but it didn't have the "OBSCENE GESTURE ALERT" sign. Then we get an Abby Road-esque walk towards prison. There's a nice exchange between Peter, Rocket, & Groot which confirmed that Rocket isn't a raccoon in this movie (he didn't even know what a raccoon was), and it was mentioned that Rocket was well aware of Gamora, where it was revealed by Gamora that she wants to betray Ronan & get the orb for a third party, likely The Collector. As they walk, Peter finds his Walkman, which proceeds to the scene where the blue Nova officer was listening to Hooked on a Feeling then zapped Peter, this leads to Hooked on a Feeling playing in the background for a while. Then we go to a shirtless scene with Star-Lord being sprayed with orange gunk (likely cleaning fluid) leaving him slightly orange & pissed, but you've probably seen the shirtless-&-pissed part.
The part that hit me emotionally was when they showed Rocket's back, which had tons of mechanical nuts & bolts, showing signs of what was done to Rocket. When they get to the main area of the prison, People seem pissed at Gamora, which is when Rocket pointed out that Ronan & his goons killed a lot of their friends & family, hence their anger towards Gamora.
A few of the aliens were starting to gang up on Peter, calling him "new meat" (my gut was telling me prison rape), specifically the big blue alien that was standing in front of Peter. It was there that Groot put two fingers up the giant blue alien's nose & started to grow inside said now, and from there Rocket gave his "This one here's our booty" speech. Afterwards, Rocket devises a plan to get out, saying he needed the prison remote (which was connected to the inside of the arms of some of the guards), a prosthetic leg, & another part that absolutely needed to be taken last that's high up in the prison (I think it was a power generator, given what happens next) in order to use the watchtower to escape.
As they were talking, Groot pulled the thing that was supposed to be taken last, thus killing the power in the main hall of the prison and alerted the guards. The drones came in & opened fire on Groot. Rocket went to the rescue, but lacked any firepower. Then Drax pops in out of nowhere, beat up a few guards, and threw Rocket one of the officers' guns, which lead to the "Oh....yeah" moment which sounded slightly different than the trailers, then he opened fire on the drones with Groot (it looked amazing). Gamora fought her way through some guards, then immobilized a guard that had the remote Rocket needed. Gamora requested for the remote somewhat jokingly, and then the guard said that it was connected to his arm internally and that it couldn't be removed, Gamora responded with "That can be arranged" or something like that. Then Star-Lord asked the one prisoner for his prosthetic leg. When he got it, Star-Lord was stopped by a guard, which he later proceeded to beat the crap out of the guards with the prosthetic leg.
Afterwards, everyone starts to climb up Groot's extended body up to the watchtower. Once they got to the watchtower, Gamora questioned why they were bringing Drax, and Peter answered that if Drax helped them excape, Peter promised that Drax would be able to get his revenge on Ronan. It was there that the Nova officers started to shoot the top of the watchtower. At the last second, Rocket made it to where gravity was shut off for everyone except the Guardians. It was from there that the Guardians went through their joyride escape, with some banter along the way (from Drax's metaphor moment to Gamora being surrounded by idiots).
Then they hit the closed exit. Then we see an extended trailer, which ends off with an extended version of the "I have part of a plan scene", which is beautifully done (even Rocket went on to try to pass off his fake laugh as real, even more than what was shown in the trailers). Even Drax questioned Star-Lord's plan.

This is a slightly different version of the trailer that played after the preview. I think it has a bit more footage than at the preview, & some new parts (specifically Ronan speaking & a good look at Yondu) that weren't in the IMAX preview. I have literally zero worries about this movie, now. It's a Fresh Tomato, guaranteed (it may even have a shot at a 90+%). There were some scenes that seemed to be missing in the preview,
like some more explanation for Drax's presence & his deal with Star-Lord
, but I'm certain that will be in the final product.


Junior Member
I actually wasn't going to make a preview summary, but I didn't want to disappoint Droid & the rest of you.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!

Neat, just realized that's the Collector's assistant in the Thor 2 credits scene.
Back. Full Imax theater, so about 300 people.

No summary, just thoughts.

Full Hype. I no longer have any concern about this movie.
The dialog was great, character, setting, all great.

I really don't care for 3D in movies. Both hobbit movies looked worse in 3d than when I saw them on BluRay. This looked amazing in 3d. Really well done background, depth and serious sharpness to all of the characters and effects.

Rocket was basically the lead of this preview.

Starlord was great

Groot is lovable and deadly and will be great comic relief

Rocket is GOLD

I hated Drax for about 30 seconds then I liked him

I will say that what they showed was much more intense that I thought it would be, action wise.

Really can't wait now.


I couldn't believe the turnout here (Birmingham, AL)! I mean I was shocked. I got there ~40 mins before 7 and there were probably 100 folks in line already.

The preview was absolutely fantastic IMO! Everyone in there seemed to feel the same. I was very pleasantly surprised at how well the 3D was done. So much so that I will be seeing this in 3D for sure. Cannot wait for this film!
YES!! Melbourne IMAX 3D tickets booked for me and my brother on the 2nd of August for 4:15pm! Advanced tickets here in Australia baby! We got perfect seats too!

They went on sale 10 minutes ago and I was rushing like a maniac so I could get good seats. I just checked again now and the first screening is already all sold! o_O


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
extended trailer is the best yet, Groot nibling on the leaf and Peter and Gamora's reaction cracked me up
I couldnt even get in.
I got the ticket to the preview event, but by the time I got there, the people in charge said the place was already "at capacity".

What? What was the point of promoting this when you have more tickets than you have seats? What a waste of time!

Maybe I gave up too easily and should have asked them to check for any stray seats, but I didn't bother. I just took the poster and went home.

Whoever did go, I hope you enjoyed it.


I couldnt even get in.
I got the ticket to the preview event, but by the time I got there, the people in charge said the place was already "at capacity".

What? What was the point of promoting this when you have more tickets than you have seats? What a waste of time!

Maybe I gave up too easily and should have asked them to check for any stray seats, but I didn't bother. I took the poster and went home.

Whoever did go, I hope you enjoyed it.

If you check your ticket, it'll tell you somewhere on it that they don't guarantee seating and to get there early.


I couldnt even get in.
I got the ticket to the preview event, but by the time I got there, the people in charge said the place was already "at capacity".

What? What was the point of promoting this when you have more tickets than you have seats? What a waste of time!

Maybe I gave up too easily and should have asked them to check for any stray seats, but I didn't bother. I just took the poster and went home.

Whoever did go, I hope you enjoyed it.

They always give out more tickets then they have available seats at free events in case loads of people don't turn up. Seems like the previews were pretty popular though so sorry to hear you got screwed.


Preview was great ! I recorded all 20 minutes of audio on my phone.Should I post it?

If you want to suck the joy out of everything, go ahead.

Oh, can anyone provide me with a hype Guardians badge on my Avatar of your choice? I lack an idea..

Nelo Ice

I'm hooked on a feeling. OMG that preview was incredible. I am literally about to go to TRU and get a Rocket plush.
That trailer posted online is slightly different than the one shown in theaters tonight.

Yeah, it's very, very similar, but I definitely saw
a shot of Thanos in his chair from the end of Avengers, from behind
that isn't in the online version.


Yeah, it's very, very similar, but I definitely saw
a shot of Thanos in his chair from the end of Avengers, from behind
that isn't in the online version.

Also the final shot is different-in the theater it shows Rocket slamming into the ships persuing him and then emerging from the explosion. Additionally in the "I have a plan" scene, Rocket accuses Star Lord of only saying that because Rocket successfully said it earlier. (From the prison break)

Also I can't be sure but I don't think Ronan spoke in the theater one


Saw it at Colossus in BC. Fucking HYPED. I was disappointed when the Disney mouth breather announced that we WON'T be seeing the full movie.


Saw it at Colossus in BC. Fucking HYPED. I was disappointed when the Disney mouth breather announced that we WON'T be seeing the full movie.

Well, they're providing what was advertised.

I had a tiny glimmer of hope I'd get lucky, but I didn't get my hopes up.
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