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Halo 4 - Media blow out


The point is, the game is not going to look as good as it does in the screenshots and I think people should temper their expectations a bit.

So it's not going to look as good because of a few jaggies which occur on every game?

So when GAF jizzes over Uncharted and Killzone bullshots, that's ok because those games don't have jaggies upon release?


So it's not going to look as good because of a few jaggies which occur on every game?

So when GAF jizzes over Uncharted and Killzone bullshots, that's ok because those games don't have jaggies upon release?

Looked about as good in the gameplay we saw from press

does this mean the press graphics were "bullshots"? I'm confused.


Looked about as good in the gameplay we saw from press

does this mean the press graphics were "bullshots"? I'm confused.

My point was, that almost all games look like their bullshots in gameplay, outside of a few jaggies. No game this generation on the current consoles is immune to them.

I've only played 2 games that don't seem to suffer very much from jaggies.

RE5, and the Ratchet games. That's it.


My point was, that almost all games look like their bullshots in gameplay, outside of a few jaggies. No game this generation on the current consoles is immune to them.

I've only played 2 games that don't seem to suffer very much from jaggies.

RE5, and the Ratchet games. That's it.

Gotcha. I honestly don't even care, seeing as though this halo is yet again more graphically pleasing than the last iteration.



Gotcha. I honestly don't even care, seeing as though this halo is yet again more graphically pleasing than the last iteration.


This was only in response to Vlanen telling us not to get excited about Halo 4's visuals. My assumption is that he believes some jaggies will prevent this game from being as gorgeous as its obviously going to be.


The point is, the game is not going to look as good as it does in the screenshots and I think people should temper their expectations a bit.

343 below guerilla confirmed? pixel counting is really hot science in here.

and just for you valnen, my expectations in halo 4, just like everybody else here i think, is that 343 greatly improves the visuals, the gameplay, the music, the presentation of the game from the games made by bungie. we are "blown away" by halo 4 because it really looks like good compared to reach. don't hate because people are loving a game you aren't fond of. :)


My point was, that almost all games look like their bullshots in gameplay, outside of a few jaggies. No game this generation on the current consoles is immune to them.

I've only played 2 games that don't seem to suffer very much from jaggies.

RE5, and the Ratchet games. That's it.

Heh a "few"...

don't hate because people are loving a game you aren't fond of. :)
Who says I'm not fond of the game? Did I not say it's a shame it won't look that good? If I hated the game, I'd be glad it's going to look bad wouldn't I?

Demon Ice

Still want them to give us the option to get rid of the ADHD-ish "YOU'RE AWESOME +5" text for the 47% that need this type of hand out in the middle of the screen every time you shoot a bullet, but other than that I'm still excited for it.

I lol'd.

I also agree.
The point is, the game is not going to look as good as it does in the screenshots and I think people should temper their expectations a bit.
I played the game several times at PAX, it's gorgeous. I also play PC games usually with SGSSAA or 4x MSAA at 1080p so don't even think about saying I don't have standards. I just have reasonable expectations for 7 year old hardware.
Screenshots will be higher res and smoother but anything else is no different from what you will see in the game. Their FXAA has been reworked as the engine itself which gives the near jaggyless image quality. It's already stated by press who played it that it looks like a next-gen technology demo. Going to be so good :)

Recap brace for impact!!!!!











Demon Ice

I get to play Halo 4 in 2 weeks, I'll let you know.

!!!! How?! So jealous

Screenshots will be higher res and smoother but anything else is no different from what you will see in the game. Their FXAA has been reworked as the engine itself which gives the near jaggyless image quality. It's already stated by press who played it that it looks like a next-gen technology demo. Going to be so good :)

This is the first time I've ever heard the word "subpixels" before.

Now I gotta worry about how many pixels and subpixels the game has? Oh jeez. I don't know if I can handle that.
This is the first time I've ever heard the word "subpixels" before.

Now I gotta worry about how many pixels and subpixels the game has? Oh jeez. I don't know if I can handle that.

:lol same.

The game wont look perfect, we know that, but it sure has hell looks amazing.

Demon Ice

As long as the game isn't a blurry, ghosty, jaggy mess like Reach was, I'll be happy. It isn't realistic to expect anything more intensive than FXAA from a 360 game that's pushing graphics like Halo 4 is.


Gold Member
Really impressive visuals they're squeezing out of the 360. Concerned about the game, but they have the hardware wired.
Lol. Have you been looking at the footage with your eyes closed? You don't even have to look hard to notice all the subpixel aliasing.

I've been looking at ALL the footage and the game looks clean and sharp. I noticed NO jaggies. I seriously don't know what you're talking about unless you're deliberately trying to hate/troll on this game for your own fanboy reasons.

Now if you wanna talk about some AF issues here and there fine. But even then those things don't take away how gorgeous this game looks. 343 did an excellent job with the seven year old 360. The goods outweigh the "bads" by a GIGANTIC margin. And every game has its faults.

Lol at subpixel jaggies...gimme a break. The question is what are YOU looking at?


Loving everything so far except one, is there going to be an option to remove that text from the fucking middle of the screen anytime you do something other than reload in multiplayer? Really hate it being so obtrusive
Screenshots will be higher res and smoother but anything else is no different from what you will see in the game. Their FXAA has been reworked as the engine itself which gives the near jaggyless image quality. It's already stated by press who played it that it looks like a next-gen technology demo. Going to be so good :)

(dear god look at those gifs)
I nominate this for most awesomest post of the year.
Judging by this GIF, ambient occlusion is still out:

Shame. Game still looks sooo good though. Let's hope they release a 1080p version for the Xbox 3 launch.


I've been looking at ALL the footage and the game looks clean and sharp. I noticed NO jaggies. I seriously don't know what you're talking about unless you're deliberately trying to hate/troll on this game for your own fanboy reasons.

Now if you wanna talk about some AF issues here and there fine. But even then those things don't take away how gorgeous this game looks. 343 did an excellent job with the seven year old 360. The goods outweigh the "bads" by a GIGANTIC margin. And every game has its faults.

Lol at subpixel jaggies...gimme a break. The question is what are YOU looking at?


1:21 mark and 1:26 mark. There's more, but I'm not going to point it all out to you.

No need to get all fanboy on me.


This is the first time I've ever heard the word "subpixels" before.

Now I gotta worry about how many pixels and subpixels the game has? Oh jeez. I don't know if I can handle that.
But the pixels tell me how much I will enjoy game. Dax pls.


This is the first time I've ever heard the word "subpixels" before.

Now I gotta worry about how many pixels and subpixels the game has? Oh jeez. I don't know if I can handle that.

Sub-pixels are really easy to understand. A sub-pixel is used when a regular pixel gets hurt. Nothing to concern yourself with.
yeah we know what you mean. the edges are shimmering, we all know and seen that in other games. No one expects a complete smooth image on this hardware.

Also won't be fixed anytime soon unless we get more perfomance or other ways to smoke and mirror our way out of it.


You should know better than to try and correct rabid fanboys on the internet.
True. It's funny being treated as someone who's just here to bash it, when in reality it's my most anticipated game of the year.

Internet fan dynamics are fun.


Lol. Have you been looking at the footage with your eyes closed? You don't even have to look hard to notice all the subpixel aliasing.

Well of course there will be some jaggies/shimmering but still FXAA is so much better than the TAA that was in Reach.

That being said Bungie were unlucky that they released Reach before FXAA became more common in console games - sadly because of this Reach's IQ was plagued by ghosting and a general soft look...TAA was doing more harm than good IMO, I'd get a sharper IQ with no AA at all than a softer IQ with ghosting anyday.


"OMG these graphics are amazing!!!" "There's some issues with them here and there." "Dude, graphics don't matter, it's about gameplay."

I know that your opinion on that matter can be and probably is different but Reach was IMO really good looking game,especially for a game with bigger scope than most other console shooters and it looks like Halo 4 is even better looking game.
So I don't think that some low res textures(maybe due to lack of AF) which you have pointed earlier in the thread or some aliasing will be so destructive for overall look of a game.
Especially now when game runs in 720p with better AA solution than previous Halo games,with higher quality assets,nice art and all other improvements.
There are some trade-offs,like always but in my opinion they are done in right places because IMO Halo 4 (from what we've seen ;) ) is better looking game than Reach and if this is a point so I don't see a reason to not be hyped.


True. It's funny being treated as someone who's just here to bash it, when in reality it's my most anticipated game of the year.

Internet fan dynamics are fun.

so true. I play reach online pretty much everyday, in fact the only games I have for 360 are halo 3, cea, and reach lol, but it's like you're not allowed to be a fan unless you think halo 4's got the best graphics evar with no jaggies at all :p


There's lots of direct-feed gameplay footage available, why are people complaining about or tempering imagined expectations from giant photo mode shots? The gameplay footage is brilliant and IQ is good for console.


Will they have a hardware bundle for this game you think?
My launch day 360 doesn't have HDMI and is on it's last legs with a near-broken fan.
the gifs are amazing. I didn't know the game had different assassinations. I'm also elated to see vehicle sections will be back, those were the best missions in past games.
It's not.

You guys are being ridiculous, he's not even insulting your new $60 god.

is that necessary?

moving on, is there any indication how long the campaign will be? and can someone confirm will spartan ops be free for everyone or is it a season pass situation?


"OMG these graphics are amazing!!!" "There's some issues with them here and there." "Dude, graphics don't matter, it's about gameplay."
Yeah, that's kind of obnoxious. The game looks great in places, but it also has plenty of problems. The sooner everyone can come to terms with that, the better.
Yeah, that's kind of obnoxious. The game looks great in places, but it also has plenty of problems. The sooner everyone can come to terms with that, the better.

The game simply looks amazing. Top quality notch console graphics. The human characters are going to look balls crazy on my tv.
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