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Halo 4 - Media blow out


tagged by Blackace
Wait, why cant we drop the flag now? I just noticed.
Probably to stop that silly flag-throwing nonsense. Plus you can whip out and use a pistol while you have the flag, no? Or am I tripping?

Essentially they're stopping the dumb flag throwing and compensating with defensive options at the same time.

Demon Ice

Probably to stop that silly flag-throwing nonsense. Plus you can whip out and use a pistol while you have the flag, no? Or am I tripping?

Essentially they're stopping the dumb flag throwing and compensating with defensive options at the same time.

Why is flag throwing dumb? It promotes team work and strategy. Gotta have teammates in position for when you chuck the flag off the ridge, etc. Rewards good communication.

What are the benefits of cementing the flag to your hand? What if you're the power weapon guy and you pick up the flag accidentally?
Why is flag throwing dumb? It promotes team work and strategy. Gotta have teammates in position for when you chuck the flag off the ridge, etc. Rewards good communication.

What are the benefits of cementing the flag to your hand? What if you're the power weapon guy and you pick up the flag accidentally?

Well i guess that means you better pay attention and not pick it up. Im not sure about this yet.

Demon Ice

Well i guess that means you better pay attention and not pick it up. Im not sure about this yet.

In previous Halo games, picking up the flag is assigned to the same button as picking up a new weapon or entering a vehicle. Has that changed? Otherwise what you are suggesting is easier said than done, at least in my experience.


tagged by Blackace
Why is flag throwing dumb? It promotes team work and strategy. Gotta have teammates in position for when you chuck the flag off the ridge, etc. Rewards good communication.

What are the benefits of cementing the flag to your hand? What if you're the power weapon guy and you pick up the flag accidentally?
It just looks silly, TBQH. I'm not talking about that kind of flag throwing, I mean the kind where people use the momentum of their jumps to make the flag move faster. Emergent gameplay, yeah, but clearly something developers don't like either. It's kind of an additional nuisance really that doesn't really add to the mode dynamics in any sense, specially within the mode. I guess their logic is to remove that element and let strategy evolve in other segments of gameplay, primarily gun combat.

I don't think it's a perfect solution either though. Perhaps the flag dropping straight down would be better, and it not carrying momentum, or at least as much momentum. Giving it some heft so it can't be thrown over and over, I'm sure a balance there can be found.
In previous Halo games, picking up the flag is assigned to the same button as picking up a new weapon or entering a vehicle. Has that changed? Otherwise what you are suggesting is easier said than done, at least in my experience.

Well, if its an auto pick up as you pass by AND you cant drop it, then yes it could potentially be very annoying.

Demon Ice

It just looks silly, TBQH. I'm not talking about that kind of flag throwing, I mean the kind where people use the momentum of their jumps to make the flag move faster. Emergent gameplay, yeah, but clearly something developers don't like either. It's kind of an additional nuisance really that doesn't really add to the mode dynamics in any sense, specially within the mode. I guess their logic is to remove that element and let strategy evolve in other segments of gameplay, primarily gun combat.

The tradeoff with the type of flag hopping you are describing is that it makes the carrier a painfully easy target. Not only does the Flag appear in the HUD when it's dropped, but a bunny hopping target is an absolute piece of cake for any half-decent sniper to hit.

I don't think there's gonna be much strategy evolving from permanently holding onto the flag and having a magnum since pretty much any other gun in the game will win in a straight fight against the magnum.

I don't think it's a perfect solution either though. Perhaps the flag dropping straight down would be better, and it not carrying momentum, or at least as much momentum. Giving it some heft so it can't be thrown over and over, I'm sure a balance there can be found.

This I can agree with. I wouldn't mind if they shortened the distance the flag traveled when thrown.

Well, if its an auto pick up as you pass by AND you cant drop it, then yes it could potentially be very annoying.

Looked to be auto pick up from the CTF video in the OP. I didn't see any prompt to pick it up.


tagged by Blackace
The tradeoff with the type of flag hopping you are describing is that it makes the carrier a painfully easy target. Not only does the Flag appear in the HUD when it's dropped, but a bunny hopping target is an absolute piece of cake for any half-decent sniper to hit.

I don't think there's gonna be much strategy evolving from permanently holding onto the flag and having a magnum since pretty much any other gun in the game will win in a straight fight against the magnum.
Yeah I don't think permanently holding the flag is a good idea at all. It still restricts the player's options to more per-defined ones that may not be in a player's best interest in most situations.

Auto-pick up is a bad idea though.. I hope that build wasn't just noob-ified for journos or something. You should always have the choice, especially in the heat of combat where you might just back into it while fighting for your life. I can't rock with that. Honestly I have a hard time believing it will stay like this, it doesn't make much sense. These changes don't feel.. warranted. But that's kind of how I feel about Halo 4 MP in general.

Demon Ice

Yeah I don't think permanently holding the flag is a good idea at all. It still restricts the player's options to more per-defined ones that may not be in a player's best interest in most situations.

Auto-pick up is a bad idea though.. I hope that build wasn't just noob-ified for journos or something. You should always have the choice, especially in the heat of combat where you might just back into it while fighting for your life. I can't rock with that. Honestly I have a hard time believing it will stay like this, it doesn't make much sense. These changes don't feel.. warranted. But that's kind of how I feel about Halo 4 MP in general.

Agreed. A lot of the changes I've seen in the MP have me scratching my head.
Yeah I don't think permanently holding the flag is a good idea at all. It still restricts the player's options to more per-defined ones that may not be in a player's best interest in most situations.

Auto-pick up is a bad idea though.. I hope that build wasn't just noob-ified for journos or something. You should always have the choice, especially in the heat of combat where you might just back into it while fighting for your life. I can't rock with that. Honestly I have a hard time believing it will stay like this, it doesn't make much sense. These changes don't feel.. warranted. But that's kind of how I feel about Halo 4 MP in general.

I like most of the changes, but this one doesn't sit right with me for some reason. Most of the new stuff makes sense to me and they all have a "logic" to them. I can see and understand why they are there. But an auto pick-up flag and no dropping? I just don't see the goal they're trying to achieve with this that couldn't also be achieved by simply making the flag "super heavy" when dropped. No bounce, nothing. Like that, you'd avoid the jumping and throwing crap and you can still drop it if you need too. I really don't see what they're trying to do here by forcing one guy to hold it till he dies other than possibly make most people not want to pick it up at all.

I can see it now, 2 guys waiting near the flag for the weaker flag guy to finally get there and pick it up. A nice 5 minutes wasted just waiting for another guy to get there and carry it. Im fairly positive that this wont be like this after patch 1.


The truth of the matter is that this is console with older tech. You can't do all the modern techniques. You just have to choose things and focus on them. On PC you can push everything to the max, this isn't pc.
Yes, but some people are denying that there are any problems at all when that clearly is not the case. No one is saying it's bad, just that it has a few issues with IQ. Why is that such a huge deal? It's not a lie.

The real kicker is they aren't even allowing us to play classic CTF in custom games. Real shitty.
Wait, what the fuck? Seems I'll only be playing the campaign and not touching the rest. I had my doubts before, but that's ridiculous. Kind of a shame.


Really? Games not out yet, few know how it plays yet people are testifying "I won't be playing multiplayer"?

I'm proud of you all for taking such a bold stand. :)


Being his most anticipated game doesnt mean he is going in blindly. Nothing is perfect and its only fair to be able to criticize something - even if you know your hyped for it.

I wish his discussion wasn't just based on pixel counting though.

EDIT: Screw you Overdoziz
Exactly, although my "criticisms" aren't based on pixel counting at all. "Pixel counting" is finding out a game's resolution, which we already know. I was pointing out aliasing after one person said they didn't notice any. Then when I pointed it out, he acted like I was nitpicking. Funny stuff. I also pointed out some low-res textures, stuff that looked like texture streaming issues. I talk about these things because the technical side of games interests me a lot, not because I'm looking to crap all over it.

Yes, when I really anticipate something, I go out of my way and criticize it on a regular basis, while pretty much saying nothing positive about the thing i'm anticipated about. That's normal behavior? I don't think so.
There have been plenty of Halo 4 threads in the past. Want positive comments? Go look through them. I'm pointing out shortcomings because it's stuff I noticed in these videos. That's what we're supposed to do, discuss the videos, not shower them with biased praise.


Really? Games not out yet, few know how it plays yet people are testifying "I won't be playing multiplayer"?

I'm proud of you all for taking such a bold stand. :)
Killstreaks, perks, loadouts, needless changes to mechanics like flags, no ability to play classic game modes even in custom games? Yeah, I think I'll be passing.


Cortana's knees are so low.....

People keep saying this. She's 8 heads high (artist thing).
2 heads to knees, 2 more heads to the crotch, 1 head hips, 2 heads upper torso, and her head. Like so:


See what you guys made me do?


Killstreaks, perks, loadouts, needless changes to mechanics like flags, no ability to play classic game modes even in custom games? Yeah, I think I'll be passing.
There will be classic playlists without the loadouts, killstreaks and perk system. The customizations in custom games are still available (well except CTF, but they have said it might be patched in later), they have said this since the first reveal and talked about it on their podcast.


Definitely took me longer than that. Unless you played on Easy or maybe normal?

Played it on Heroic. Don't get me wrong, I loved the campaign, but the aside from the two first levels on the arc, each mission could be finished in about 20-30 minutes. I had actually finished a 4 player run on legendary in a 5 hour sitting before, and the only reason it took that long was because we kept killing ourselves on the Warthog run. I remember Reach being about 5-6 as well, and ODST being around 4 with minimal exploration.


Played it on Heroic. Don't get me wrong, I loved the campaign, but the aside from the two first levels on the arc, each mission could be finished in about 20-30 minutes. I had actually finished a 4 player run on legendary in a 5 hour sitting before, and the only reason it took that long was because we kept killing ourselves on the Warthog run. I remember Reach being about 5-6 as well, and ODST being around 4 with minimal exploration.
Maybe I'm just not remembering correctly I guess. IIRC it took me around 7 hours to beat the game. You're probably just better than me =P

Demon Ice

The real kicker is they aren't even allowing us to play classic CTF in custom games. Real shitty.

Again, another decision I don't understand. Why restrict choice? Especially for custom games?

There will be classic playlists without the loadouts, killstreaks and perk system. The customizations in custom games are still available (well except CTF, but they have said it might be patched in later), they have said this since the first reveal and talked about it on their podcast.

Ah, so it's a time crunch thing. That makes more sense.


Killstreaks, perks, loadouts, needless changes to mechanics like flags, no ability to play classic game modes even in custom games? Yeah, I think I'll be passing.

You're being very dramatic. Many of the things you just wrote are false. There will be classic playlists. Killstreams, perks and loadouts makes it sounds like it's a COD fest can anyone who's examined anything put out about the changes knows that's not the case.

Demon Ice

You're being very dramatic. Many of the things you just wrote are false. There will be classic playlists. Killstreams, perks and loadouts makes it sounds like it's a COD fest can anyone who's examined anything put out about the changes knows that's not the case.

You are fooling yourself if you think a great deal of the changes made to multiplayer have nothing to do with COD.


There will be classic playlists without the loadouts, killstreaks and perk system. The customizations in custom games are still available (well except CTF, but they have said it might be patched in later), they have said this since the first reveal and talked about it on their podcast.
You're being very dramatic. Many of the things you just wrote are false. There will be classic playlists. Killstreams, perks and loadouts makes it sounds like it's a COD fest can anyone who's examined anything put out about the changes knows that's not the case.
Just watching the videos, that's the impression I got. It definitely looks and sounds like those things, good to know that videos gave me the wrong impression. So what exactly are the things that appear to be killstreaks, perks, and loadouts, then?


You are fooling yourself if you think a great deal of the changes made to multiplayer have nothing to do with COD.

I haven't played it yet. And i didn't say the changes have nothing to do with COD, just that they don't seem to turn the game into another COD. From what I've seen the the only thing I would call out as Call of Duty inspired are the ordnance drops, which don't do the same level of advantage change that Killstreaks provide in COD.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm really curious what the launch playlists are going to be. That and the hinted groups functionality are the two things I'm most excited to learn about.

"In Black Ops I'm always trying to get to a better weapon. Halo's more about survivable encounter rather than winning with the bigger gun"

What? Is this completely backwards for anyone else? In past Halo games, everyone starts off with a BR or a DMR and if they don't get to a rocket launcher or energy sword quick, they're stuck with it. There's absolutely no debate about which gun kills faster between a rocket launcher and a BR. One is simply the better weapon. Also because standard issued assault rifles are so weak, someone with an energy sword can afford to run up to him from quite a few yards and still manage to kill him, which eliminates the fair and simple premise of "If you pick up an energy sword, you'll be great at close range, but you'll have to accept disadvantage at distances". Weapon imbalance has always been my least favourite part about Halo.


I haven't played it yet. And i didn't say the changes have nothing to do with COD, just that they don't seem to turn the game into another COD. From what I've seen the the only thing I would call out as Call of Duty inspired are the ordnance drops, which don't do the same level of advantage change that Killstreaks provide in COD.
Killstreaks, perks, loadouts, killcam, and so on. I don't know that you can say CoD is the sole cause, but it is what popularized these concepts.

Not making a judgment call on whether or not the tweaks are for the better.

Demon Ice

I haven't played it yet. And i didn't say the changes have nothing to do with COD, just that they don't seem to turn the game into another COD. From what I've seen the the only thing I would call out as Call of Duty inspired are the ordnance drops, which don't do the same level of advantage change that Killstreaks provide in COD.

So to you the undroppable flag / weapon use with flag, loadouts, unlockable starting weapons, selectable perks, killcams, and the words plastered across the screen after every kill are completely original?

Hell, some of the perks are literally lifted STRAIGHT from COD. You have one that gives you unlimited sprint, another that lets you start off with two primary weapons, reload and switch weapons faster, suppress grenade damage.

Even the FORMAT is the same. 3 classes of perks (Armor Ability, Tactical Package, Support Upgrade), you pick one from each.

Come on dude.

Edit: And despite my reservations about all these changes, I will reserve final judgement until I play the finished product myself. But everyone that's saying there is no COD influence in Halo 4 MP are either completely clueless or just willfully ignorant. That's the target audience they're trying to win back.
"In Black Ops I'm always trying to get to a better weapon. Halo's more about survivable encounter rather than winning with the bigger gun"

What? Is this completely backwards for anyone else? In past Halo games, everyone starts off with a BR or a DMR and if they don't get to a rocket launcher or energy sword quick, they're stuck with it. There's absolutely no debate about which gun kills faster between a rocket launcher and a BR. One is simply the better weapon. Also because standard issued assault rifles are so weak, someone with an energy sword can afford to run up to him from quite a few yards and still manage to kill him, which eliminates the fair and simple premise of "If you pick up an energy sword, you'll be great at close range, but you'll have to accept disadvantage at distances". Weapon imbalance has always been my least favourite part about Halo.

I believe he was talking about weapon unlocks, not weapon pickups. In Black Ops, he's "always trying to get a better weapon", meaning UNLOCK a better weapon. So that he then has an advantage over anyone else that has weaker starting weapons. Halo levels the playing field as best as possible during that initial spawn. After that, power weapons come into play, etc.
I believe he was talking about weapon unlocks, not weapon pickups. In Black Ops, he's "always trying to get a better weapon", meaning UNLOCK a better weapon. So that he then has an advantage over anyone else that has weaker starting weapons. Halo levels the playing field as best as possible during that initial spawn. After that, power weapons come into play, etc.

Ah, that makes a lot more sense. My thanks


Let me jump the gun and predict that Halo 4 would be better without the QTEs and the mech sequence(s). Stuff like this just bogs down replays, which is especially dumb in a game that the devs know is going to be played again and again by a dedicated segment of their audience. Look at Halo 3's Cortana and Gravemind interludes or Reach's dogfighting sequence in Long Night of Solace. These aren't fun to sit through for the twentieth, dozenth, or even fifth time. Past the second or third play, they're nuisances that you wish you could skip.

343 should confine elements that interrupt ordinary gameplay to optional cutscenes in order to maximize their game's replay value.


I haven't played it yet. And i didn't say the changes have nothing to do with COD, just that they don't seem to turn the game into another COD. From what I've seen the the only thing I would call out as Call of Duty inspired are the ordnance drops, which don't do the same level of advantage change that Killstreaks provide in COD.

The truth is many of the ideas are directly lifted from COD and adapted for Halo. 3 perks at a time, many of them identical to COD, such as the two primary weapons.

It's pretty obvious multiplayer would have been vastly different if COD was not the lowest common denominator blockbuster that it is

343 want to desperately lure back the dudebro frat crowd that Bungie lost


Let me jump the gun and predict that Halo 4 would be better without the QTEs and the mech sequence(s). Stuff like this just bogs down replays, which is especially dumb in a game that the devs know is going to be played again and again by a dedicated segment of their audience. Look at Halo 3's Cortana and Gravemind interludes or Reach's dogfighting sequence in Long Night of Solace. These aren't fun to sit through for the twentieth, dozenth, or even fifth time. Past the second or third play, they're nuisances that you wish you could skip.

343 should confine elements that interrupt ordinary gameplay to optional cutscenes in order to maximize their game's replay value.
There are QTEs? :(
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