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Halo 4 - Media blow out


Because I absolutely, from the start, have worshiped the ground Halo 4 walks on. I don't offer any criticism, ever. Nope.
And yet, you always do this song and dance about counting pixels. I guess his kind of criticism is somehow inferior.

Anyway, I didn't mean you specifically. This thread is particularly sensitive to any kind of opposing viewpoints (or, "shitting up threads").
And yet, you always do this song and dance about counting pixels. I guess his kind of criticism is somehow inferior.
Because I'm joking. Well, more sarcastic really, but either way I'm just playing off GAF's obsession with pixels. Which, in most circumstances, comes off as a bit silly.
And yet, you always do this song and dance about counting pixels. I guess his kind of criticism is somehow inferior.

Anyway, I didn't mean you specifically. This thread is particularly sensitive to any kind of opposing viewpoints (or, "shitting up threads").

Nothing is wrong with opposing view points but a claim to tell everyone to neglect what they are seeing with their own eyes and say dont get excited about it is straight up trollish. If youre coming here to be a debbie downer then prepare to get flamed. Really, read the previews from people who played it. Simply going to be a swan song game.


You'd think so, but you'd be wrong.



Anyway, I didn't mean you specifically. This thread is particularly sensitive to any kind of opposing viewpoints (or, "shitting up threads").
This often happens when someone says something negative in a mostly positive Halo thread. Some people from HaloGAF immediately label it as trolling or shitting up the thread.
Quite strange actually since the HaloGAF topics are usually overwhelmingly negative.
And yet, you always do this song and dance about counting pixels. I guess his kind of criticism is somehow inferior.

Anyway, I didn't mean you specifically. This thread is particularly sensitive to any kind of opposing viewpoints (or, "shitting up threads").

To be honest pixel counting is something Gaf does a lot, and its infuriating to watch. Entire threads break down to 'game x is inferior to game y because of 3 pixels' - its infuriating when that conversation overtakes more general conversation about graphics or more importantly gameplay.

So yeah I really do think counting pixels is inferior to discussing the game based on the merits of its gameplay.

I just wish people would bitch about perks, killstreaks and armour abilities rather than complain about some random jaggie.
True. It's funny being treated as someone who's just here to bash it, when in reality it's my most anticipated game of the year.

Internet fan dynamics are fun.

Thats funny, if its your most anticipated game of the year, why do you continually come in these halo 4 threads with negative criticisms? If this is your most anticipated game, you sure have a funny way of showing it.
Thats funny, if its your most anticipated game of the year, why do you continually come in these halo 4 threads with negative criticisms? If this is your most anticipated game, you sure have a funny way of showing it.

Being his most anticipated game doesnt mean he is going in blindly. Nothing is perfect and its only fair to be able to criticize something - even if you know your hyped for it.

I wish his discussion wasn't just based on pixel counting though.

EDIT: Screw you Overdoziz


To be honest pixel counting is something Gaf does a lot, and its infuriating to watch. Entire threads break down to 'game x is inferior to game y because of 3 pixels' - its infuriating when that conversation overtakes more general conversation about graphics or more importantly gameplay.

So yeah I really do think counting pixels is inferior to discussing the game based on the merits of its gameplay.

I just wish people would bitch about perks, killstreaks and armour abilities rather than complain about some random jaggie.
Sure, but in this case the "discussion" wasn't actually about counting pixels, but about some seriously distracting graphical issues. Unavoidable when the new Forerunner art direction is based around clumps of clean, vertical lines, but to pretend it doesn't happen is craaaaazy.

Doesn't the community thread have enough perk discussion to last ten lifetimes already? I find this side's grumbling to be quite refreshing.

Demon Ice

Lol, says you. This place is funny. Overreact much? I mean what are you really expecting from a 7 year old console? You make no sense.

You seem to be the one overreacting here. Why are you taking it so personally that not everyone thinks the graphics are perfect? Are you part of the Halo 4 dev team? Are people talking about your accomplishments?


I was happy to see some slight aliasing in the released footage.

It indicates that the release footage is a good representation of what we'll get in november.

if it had flawless image quality, it would most likely have been pre rendered or touched up.
Being his most anticipated game doesnt mean he is going in blindly. Nothing is perfect and its only fair to be able to criticize something - even if you know your hyped for it.

I wish his discussion wasn't just based on pixel counting though.

EDIT: Screw you Overdoziz

Yes, when I really anticipate something, I go out of my way and criticize it on a regular basis, while pretty much saying nothing positive about the thing i'm anticipated about. That's normal behavior? I don't think so.
You seem to be the one overreacting here. Why are you taking it so personally that not everyone thinks the graphics are perfect? Are you part of the Halo 4 dev team? Are people talking about your accomplishments?

Okay whatever if I'm overreacting so be it but it's in response to something that is clearly nitpicking and overreacting.

Lol I'm taking it personal? I could say the same thing about people who say shit like, "People need to calm down...it's not perfect." Or "to ignore pixel number 234,456 in the upper left corner is crazy"


Lol, says you. This place is funny. Overreact much? I mean what are you really expecting from a 7 year old console? You make no sense.
Okay whatever if I'm overreacting so be it but it's in response to something that is clearly nitpicking and overreacting.

Lol I'm taking it personal? I could say the same thing about people who say shit like, "People need to calm down...it's not perfect." Or "to ignore pixel number 234,456 in the upper left corner is crazy"
You're adorable. It almost seems like you know how to read!


True. It's funny being treated as someone who's just here to bash it, when in reality it's my most anticipated game of the year.

Internet fan dynamics are fun.

The game looks amazing, but you're entirely right. Sub-pixel and specular aliasing are very apparent in these videos. People shouldn't see you as pointing out faults as a way of diminishing the overall look of the game, every game has faults.


So now it doesn't look good because there's some jaggies here and there? Yeah, ok.
People must not have played any other games, or they just conveniently looked over their visual flaws.
The game looks amazing, but you're entirely right. Sub-pixel and specular aliasing are very apparent in these videos. People shouldn't see you as pointing out faults as a way of diminishing the overall look of the game, every game has faults.

I guess it is a strange thing to point out though because basically every game has those types of aliasing. The amount of power it takes to get rid of specular aliasing and sub-pixel aliasing is kinda brutal. Especially for console hardware (higher bit alpha, Super sample, not fxaa etc...)


So now it doesn't look good because there's some jaggies here and there? Yeah, ok.
People must not have played any other games, or they just conveniently looked over their visual flaws.

Please show me one post that says this game doesn't look good.

I guess it is a strange thing to point out though because basically every game has those types of aliasing. The amount of power it takes to get rid of specular aliasing and sub-pixel aliasing is kinda brutal. Especially for console hardware (higher bit alpha, Super sample, not fxaa etc...)

Well I could be wrong but I thought he was replying to a post claiming there are no jaggies on the screen. Otherwise yeah, I agree with you to a point. I still don't think pointing these things out indicates anyone is saying the game looks bad.


I think most people agree that the game generally looks good, but is obviously not perfect. This apparent conflict seems to me more an issue of framing than anything else. We have one group of people who are approaching this with the mindset of "my expectations for how good a game should look on this hardware is set at 'x', and Halo 4 exceeds 'x', therefore it's an impressive accomplishment". The other set are comparing it to some theoretical ideal and noting the shortcomings, making them sound more negative. We're not actually disagreeing, just looking at it from different ends.
Hey guys, is it OK to still be excited about how good this looks even though I know there will likely be some graphical flaws (as there are with all games)? I mean, I've watched the direct feed videos, I've read the hands-on impressions of the visuals - still looks and sounds awesome to me...
Hey guys, is it OK to still be excited about how good this looks even though I know there will likely be some graphical flaws (as there are with all games)? I mean, I've watched the direct feed videos, I've read the hands-on impressions of the visuals - still looks and sounds awesome to me...

Man every video ive seen looks amazing vusually so i dunno what the problem is. The issue is some pics are bullshots or something? Man who cares. The videos look just as amazing anyway so whats the issue. Some people just are not happy they dont own a 360 or something.


Yeah, that's kind of obnoxious. The game looks great in places, but it also has plenty of problems. The sooner everyone can come to terms with that, the better.

The truth of the matter is that this is console with older tech. You can't do all the modern techniques. You just have to choose things and focus on them. On PC you can push everything to the max, this isn't pc.


Might aswell post this here:

Final thoughts/summary on the flood of information that came out last Friday.

  • While it has been known for a while, but the inclusion of duel firing modes on the Prometheans weapons sounds great and a welcome inclusion to the sandbox as a whole.
  • Great to hear that the game is challenging even on normal, according to Arthur Gies.
  • The justification for the change in Chiefs armor should have never been a big deal,
    finding out that it was just a Firmware update done by Cortana kind of makes me laugh
  • So the recap of previous games is tucked under a terminal you can’t miss after waking up, cool. Don’t like the sound of terminals being locked and viewable only (?) via Waypoint, though.
  • “But the interesting thing is that a lot of peoples' favorite moments from Halo games are the sort of noir-ish plot elements from ODST, or the politics of Halo 2. We wanted to make sure that those fans are getting lots and lots of meat out of this experience. So what we did is move that stuff out of the mainline game and into the fiction that is scattered throughout the game. Some of it's in the skyboxes, some of its in the terminals. But the complicated, super deep canon is in the game, and just moved to different places now, and to appropriate places for that audience.”- Frank, Verge interview.
  • Don’t like the inclusion of non-QTE scripted events (Which are said to be sprinkled here and there during the campaign), very few games do it right. Even those who do it right often just limit the replayability of the game. Feels wrong that it’s even in a Halo game.
  • The Covenant and Prometheans fighting each other should bring some interesting dynamic to the game. Hearing you can sneak past them, fight with a faction or just watch them tear themselves apart sounds pretty trilling.
  • So next to flying sentinels that you can spawn, there are also fixed-to-the-wall sentinels. Interestingly, they have not been named.
  • “Q: Prometheans equal Forerunner or does it go deeper than that? A: It goes deeper than that. You’re effectively fighting Forerunner Warriors”- Frank, Giantbomb interview. Interesting answer, especially seeing Frank sweat it a little during that segment. Maybe it’s my fascination with the Forerunner that makes me question everything.
  • “We’re not going to eliminate the idea that you can have a cliffhanger thought or premise in a story, because those are actually useful or satisfying. [..] It’s just done one battle in a bigger war. We will definitively use that tact in the end of Halo 4. ”- Frank, IGN interview.
  • “Maybe on the next [Spartan Ops] episode that artifact is on the UNSC Infinity and something happens with it.”- Kiki, Gametrailers interview. I wonder if we will get to run around the ship itself.
  • “Forward Unto Dawn’s John Sullivan shows up in Halo 4 and along with some other characters, and he is kind of hacker, social networking guy, and he has found some strange tapes while going through the UNSC archives.”- Frank, Machinima interview. Interesting side-story.
  • A mech playable, named Mantis, confirmed to be in the game. So far only a single player vehicle. I like mechs, sorry Gundams, and want to Power Ranger all day.
  • They changed the Legendary icon, which now looks like a dead Forerunner. Seeing as they are new big baddies, it’s understandable that they changed it – still I wish it didn’t look like clipart.
  • Newly introduced multiplayer map Solance really does remind me of Halo 3’s Narrows. I’m not sure if that is a good or bad thing, but from the videos we’ve seen the look of the level is awesome.
  • The new multiplayer mode Dominion looks interesting, but a bit too hectic from what I have seen. It’s interesting to hear that once a point is secured it will resupply, which can give the structure turrets, shield doors and even vehicles. Those fortification will stay even when the other team takes the base over. Interesting dynamic.
  • Killcams and final killcam, sorry Sitrec Replay, are now in Halo. So far we know it’s only restricted to certain modes. Don’t mind this at all, one of the better things that has been copied.
  • Zombies, now renamed Flood will gets its own mode. 2 against 10 flood infected. Sounds cool, look forward to how it's executed.
  • “There will be classic playlists where those loadouts are restricted.” –Frank, Gamespot interview.
  • No word on any ranking system, then again this blowout seems to be focused on SP.

Demon Ice

Has anyone from 343 answered if we'll be able to turn off those point pop ups in multiplayer? Watching an infinity slayer match and the amount of text popping up on the screen is obnoxious, not sure what they were thinking there.
Has anyone from 343 answered if we'll be able to turn off those point pop ups in multiplayer? Watching an infinity slayer match and the amount of text popping up on the screen is obnoxious, not sure what they were thinking there.

Nope, test data shows that you'll learn to ignore it. Which I can sorta believe, given my experience with BF3.
Hopefully in theater mode that stuff doesn't pop up!

Demon Ice

Nope, test data shows that you'll learn to ignore it. Which I can sorta believe, given my experience with BF3.
Hopefully in theater mode that stuff doesn't pop up!

BF3's text pop ups are at the bottom center of the screen, which is fine. Nowhere near as intrusive. Disappointing that there isn't at least the option to turn that stuff off. Would expect much better UI design from a company with former Bungie employees. Guess they want to make COD players feel more at home with a novel popping up on screen after every kill.


So we still have a few drainers in here telling us this game won't look good because its going of have some jaggies?

Gotcha. Because you know....no console games these days have jaggies while also looking like fantastic games.
Nope, test data shows that you'll learn to ignore it. Which I can sorta believe, given my experience with BF3.
Hopefully in theater mode that stuff doesn't pop up!

Ya exactly. I remember the player icons in Halo2 being annoying for about 10 minutes and then i just stopped noticing them until i needed to see them. This will be the same.


So we still have a few drainers in here telling us this game won't look good because its going of have some jaggies?

Gotcha. Because you know....no console games these days have jaggies while also looking like fantastic games.

No, we mostly have a few ... fillers? in here telling us that there are a few drainers in here telling us this game won't look good because it's going to have some jaggies.

So, there you go. Because, you know... there aren't. No one actually said that.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
So we have:


So that leaves 4 more maps, the remade map, and two more forge environments. Hm.


Has anyone from 343 answered if we'll be able to turn off those point pop ups in multiplayer? Watching an infinity slayer match and the amount of text popping up on the screen is obnoxious, not sure what they were thinking there.
Reminds me of how the text (X killed Y) pop-ups in Reach cover the cross-hair when you play with split screen.
Do we know, or have an estimate about how long is the SP?

From the previews it took them about a hour or more to finish. With 8 levels, you can see at least 7-8 hours on standard difficulty. But if you're a shooter fan or just want to see the full potential of the AI, playing on Legendary solo is going to take 10+ hours. Then we are going to have HUGE levels to explore and find little secrets. It's going to be so good.


So we still have a few drainers in here telling us this game won't look good because its going of have some jaggies?

uh, no one really said that. all that was said was the high res AA'd screens are not 100% representative of what the game will look like, that the claims of "near jaggy less" visuals from some posters here are ridiculous, you get the idea.

oh and to those shitting on reach's visuals. have you actually played the game? it's still a decent looking game and yeah there's an improvement, but it's not as big a leap as some of you make it out to be.

Demon Ice

So we still have a few drainers in here telling us this game won't look good because its going of have some jaggies?

Uh, no. We have posters like you that take it personally when anyone has the gall to point out any sort of flaw in your favorite game of the month.
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