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Halo 5 beta clips leak (sprint, ADS is *not* COD-style) (more clips and info added)

Frankie is reading this thread like



This is horrible, thank the lawds for MCC, I guess that's what Halo I'll have for the rest of my life, which is fine really.
But seriously fuck sprint and ADS.


So just because a serious has never done something before, makes that new feature bad? Maybe you don't like that feature, but perhaps a lot of other people do.

Resident Evil 4 had a lot of new things in it that were different from the previous games, but I think it is the best in the RE series. Maybe new things can be good? Have to wait and see.

I'd love to hear what you think making the weapon visible while zooming adds to the game. Because I can't think of a single good reason to add that kind of functionality.

Frankly I don't give a shit about what RE4 did, lol. I didn't play it and I'm not interested in the series.


If they want to give the COD kiddies an ADS animation and view when scoping, fine give them the option, but they better have traditional scoping as well. I want to be able to see what is below my reticule when I'm zoomed in.
I prefer that over than the weapon. The classic implementation has doesn't have a large curved scope or anything obstructing the center of the screen. And you can still slightly see through blurred area. That is the cleaner implementation IMO.

i prefer the original trilogy's zoom implementation, but i'll take the gun model over the dark black blur from halo 4. those scopes also have a distracting parallax effect when you move side to side.


I think you're responding to something I never said.

Halo has always had guns that you can zoom and shoot with. Halo has NOT ever had a zoom in where the gun is still visible. That's what I'm arguing against.

I'm aware of what you said. I'm firmly arguing against the idea that just because the gun is visible, it's a bad thing. It may not be your thing, and I'm glad they have confirmed hip fire won't be penalized because of it, so for you guys against it, you don't have to bother. People who like it have the option, though. That's is a good thing to me.


Halo 5 > 4 confirmed. Now to take down Reach, then we'll see if it measures up to the original trilogy.

There is still sprint. We also don't know how Spartan abilities will play out. I don't think this game and the first trilogy are comparable right now.
Not being able to shoot and having the wind-up time *is* punishment. But no-shield-recharge would be a plus, and/or having to expend your shields to use it. If that could be balanced well I'd be fine with it.

that would balance the feature itself, but the unfortunate problem of Sprint is more inherent in the way it changes map design and combat ranges.

Sushi Nao

Ohh, I see! It's not there to visually balance against other design choices, like it's needed for in other games. It's just in there to visually fellate COD players!

Boy, that's a relief.
I can swallow sprint, it's bitter but I never really saw it leaving after being in 2 games.

just hope the default speed is decent. but I'ma go take a peek at the steam tomorrow before picking my MCC.

I REALLY have to see how 343 is making all this work, without making things redundant or game-breaking. They pull it off then I say we can hop off of their backs till the final release.
Sprint should come at a cost to shields, draining them all the way. That way, if you run carelessly, you're guaranteeing death from less damage. If you're already lacking shields, no sprint, as the fiction could simply state Spartan power systems are being diverted from shielding to powering a limited sprint. Maybe let overcharged shield allow as much as double sprint.


Cool - I have no problem with any of this. I'm sure it will genuinely bother some people but overreacting before you even play is silly.


Neo Member
I'd love to hear what you think making the weapon visible while zooming adds to the game. Because I can't think of a single good reason to add that kind of functionality.

Frankly I don't give a shit about what RE4 did, lol. I didn't play it and I'm not interested in the series.

I like the halo scope mechanic on the battle rifle (not seeing the gun), but it doesn't really penalize zooming at all. So people can just zoom in, take advantage of the improved range and accuracy with pretty much no downside at all.

Adding the gun on the screen is one way of balancing that out a bit in my opinion. Maybe another way is to increase recoil when zoomed. But I like the idea of having balance on the different mechanics.

Also, my RE4 example was just showing how sometimes changes in a game series are for the better. And you should play RE4, it's really good.


What made more more sad is that, while MC is still playable, Locke really is the primary character. Goddamnit.

This makes me really sad. The Chief has a legacy. He deserves to be the most important. We all have the most attachment to him. I don't think it'll be possible for me to like a new character as much as him in the span of only one game, especially when we've known Chief's backstory basically since his early childhood.

Following and building off that kind of massive backdrop for a character isn't just something you can just replicate easily.
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