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Halo 5 beta clips leak (sprint, ADS is *not* COD-style) (more clips and info added)

So why is sprint so terrible again? Also, I think it is a good thing when there is a slight downside to zooming in.

It is preferable to have more accuracy in zoom with zero downside at all?? I think having the gun take up some screen space so that you can have more accuracy is a good thing. Maybe I'm in the minority on this it seems though.

later Halo games did this by blurring your peripheral vision and removing the motion tracker.



(i'd be inclined to agree that seeing the gun itself is a bit cleaner looking though).
I'm massively confused on peoples hate for sprint !?!?!

maps are stretched out to accommodate sprint

motion sensor range increased

maps are more "open" or have insane sight lines as a result (haven was a good map in halo 4 but the hallways were too long with little cover)

default movement speed is lowered, making strafing less effective

engagements become hit and run/cat and mouse.

just a few off the top of my head.

personally instead of sprint I wanted thruster pack to be the default ability tied to LS.
People saying crisis averted? Wut

ADS exists
Sprint exists

I'm just waiting for the kill streak rewards and perks announcement

I'll wait to see how they handle sprint, but if there's no CoD-like advantage of accuracy nor ability to simply suffer flinch without descoping, I think the worst of ADS is avoided. I hope there's no escalation mechanics involved, so until they reveal them, I won't worry that they're in there just yet.


and i'm literally at a loss as to how to respond to you if you honestly don't see why having 1/6 of your screen space taken up by a gun is worse than not having that gun there

I don't see a problem with it because I'm used to it. I like the accuracy I feel it provides compared to hip fire a lot of times for long distance shooting. That's like saying "why would you ever use cockpit view in that racer?". It's an option because people like it for different reasons. Same with ADS.
Hmm that new footage actually looks pretty good. I'm still disappointed that they added sprint, but I'm sure 343 will be smart enough to add a "classic mode" without it. The beta next month will be interesting.


Look at how the gun seriously takes up like 1/6 of the screen space.

And how this is perfect:

yup. So if theyre saying its the same function as scope, why add it?

It just a more annoying, blockbuster, cod-style scope in then? Like we should just rename this the generation of unnecessary screen clutter.

As a game dev the first question you should always ask is "how will adding 'x' make the game better?" If you can't answer that basic question it probably shouldn't be added.
Oh wait (insert playercount graph for both games)
Yes, because there's no way that Halo 4's multiplayer counts could have dwindled otherwise. It must be sprint and AAs because there are no other variables that could enter into it.

Lets just say that I think people project way too much into that graph.


I don't see a problem with it because I'm used to it. I like the accuracy I feel it provides compared to hip fire a lot of times for long distance shooting. That's like saying "why would you ever use cockpit view in that racer?". It's an option because people like it for different reasons. Same with ADS.

I think you're responding to something I never said.

Halo has always had guns that you can zoom and shoot with. Halo has NOT ever had a zoom in where the gun is still visible. That's what I'm arguing against.


Hipfire accuracy looks good at least. Still not sure I like the sound of these changes, but IMO that's the biggest bullet dodged. Sprint's still a potential issue

edit: no penalty? Well shit, good for them.
I'm massively confused on peoples hate for sprint !?!?!

The hate for sprint in Halo is partially based around the following:

- Tends to be accompanied by a lowering of base movement speed (vs. a game with no sprint mechanic) in order to draw a clearer contrast between sprinting and walking.

- Changes combat loop from "run and gun" to "run or gun"

- Allows players a "get out of jail free card" from combat if they're caught out of position or try to make a bad challenge

- Turns players with sword/hammer into gods, and allows for too many "sprint and smack" instakills with melee

- Pretty much destroys any classic/remade maps that weren't made with sprint in mind


later Halo games did this by blurring your peripheral vision and removing the motion tracker.



(i'd be inclined to agree that seeing the gun itself is a bit cleaner looking though).

I prefer that over than the weapon. The classic implementation has doesn't have a large curved scope or anything obstructing the center of the screen. And you can still slightly see through blurred area. That is the cleaner implementation IMO.


I don't see a problem with it because I'm used to it. I like the accuracy I feel it provides compared to hip fire a lot of times for long distance shooting. That's like saying "why would you ever use cockpit view in that racer?". It's an option because people like it for different reasons. Same with ADS.
I think you're misunderstanding the argument. The argument is not about only having hip fire and nothing else.

Halo already has a feature for long distance shooting, with its zoom feature. And you can probably scroll up and find posts detailing the benefits of Halo's traditional way of doing it, rather than the almost ubiquitous ADS trend in most FPSs.


could never
The hate for sprint in Halo is partially based around the following:

- Tends to be accompanied by a lowering of base movement speed (vs. a game with no sprint mechanic) in order to draw a clearer contrast between sprinting and walking.

- Changes combat loop from "run and gun" to "run or gun"

- Allows players a "get out of jail free card" from combat if they're caught out of position or try to make a bad challenge

- Turns players with sword/hammer into gods, and allows for too many "sprint and smack" instakills with melee

- Pretty much destroys any classic/remade maps that weren't made with sprint in mind




Don't really understand why people are treating the freakout like it was nothing. Sure, its not as bad as it could have been but sprint and ADS are still in.

also stairs.
It doesn't. And I am a fan of the series. A critical fan. I've logged countless hours into 1 2 and 3. I've played every halo game. Around Reach is where they lost me. It was too much of the same thing. Kind of like how I felt about ... gasp ... COD.

Reach was bad too. Halo 4 just made those principles even worse. Then halo isn't for you if its core gameplay bores you now.I don't mind change but when change takes away the way I played the game it is no longer the game I loved to play.


Neo Member
I think you're responding to something I never said.

Halo has always had guns that you can zoom and shoot with. Halo has NOT ever had a zoom in where the gun is still visible. That's what I'm arguing against.

So just because a serious has never done something before, makes that new feature bad? Maybe you don't like that feature, but perhaps a lot of other people do.

Resident Evil 4 had a lot of new things in it that were different from the previous games, but I think it is the best in the RE series. Maybe new things can be good? Have to wait and see.
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