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Halo 5 Guardians: #huntthetruth

I dunno how I feel about them putting Blue Team in the games. I could see it feeling incredibly disjointed for people that aren't up on the novels.

I think you bring a valid point. People that have only played the games were told that Master Chief was the last surviving Spartan II (if memory serves, Halo CE mentioned this either in the game case or the manual; but I can't remember if it was brought up in game as well). And I don't think any game after that has said otherwise. So people will wonder who blue team is and where they come from. How to do the introductions? The Chief has encountered blue team in the extended lore recently, so it won't be a surprise for him. But it'll be for non-readers. I haven't played Halo 4 so I don't know if Blue team is hinted at during its events.

Could they perhaps be introduced through the Arbiter? I don't know if Thel has ever come into contact with Blue Team (not in the books that I've read). Perhaps Locke can do an interrogation or something and they have playable flashbacks (Reach, Unyielding Hierophant).

top of the page edit: How about you guys use a proper browser, like Firefox :p
I think you bring a valid point. People that have only played the games were told that Master Chief was the last surviving Spartan II (if memory serves, Halo CE mentioned this either in the game case or the manual; but I can't remember if it was brought up in game as well). And I don't think any game after that has said otherwise. So people will wonder who blue team is and where they come from. How to do the introductions? The Chief has encountered blue team in the extended lore recently, so it won't be a surprise for him. But it'll be for non-readers. I haven't played Halo 4 so I don't know if Blue team is hinted at during its events.

Could they perhaps be introduced through the Arbiter? I don't know if Thel has ever come into contact with Blue Team (not in the books that I've read). Perhaps Locke can do an interrogation or something and they have playable flashbacks (Reach, Unyielding Hierophant).

Well in Halo CE, I guess it was plausible that Master Chief WAS the last operational Spartan-II (as far as they knew at that point since Reach was getting whooped).

Why they didn't appear in Halo 2 or 3 (or 4).. yeah I dunno. Did we ever get a good explanation? Or were they just fighting "off screen"?
Can someone just post the wallpaper? What's the point of this? There's not even anything clever about it. And the watermarks are really greasy.


Neo Member
When I think of a Spartan IV I think of Palmer. When I think of a Spartan II I think of my avatar. Even my avatar would destroy Palmer. So yes and am a bit short when it comes to the fairness when it comes to Spartan IVs. Its all Palmers fault.
I've always thought that if Palmer's dialogue was voiced by David Sculley (Sgt. Johnson's voice actor) far less people would have found the character annoying.
I don't even think it's a sexism thing either, I just think that Sgt. Johnson has so much charisma, while Palmer is portrayed as a much more flat character.

Chief Canuck

Neo Member
Can someone just post the wallpaper? What's the point of this? There's not even anything clever about it. And the watermarks are really greasy.

We don't have all the pieces yet. It's to generate hype and interest. Lots of people are excited with Blue team and Spartan Locke's team of Spartans.

The water marks because we're doing the hard work for days searching and piecing it together. I'll probably post it without the watermark once it's complete.
I've always thought that if Palmer's dialogue was voiced by David Sculley (Sgt. Johnson's voice actor) far less people would have found the character annoying.
I don't even think it's a sexism thing either, I just think that Sgt. Johnson has so much charisma, while Palmer is portrayed as a much more flat character.

Is that a chest size joke?!!!

Haha jk.

Yeah I agree, the Sgt. Johnson delivery was just much better, but we also had more time to get to know him. I think his lines in Halo 2 were the best personally.


Hm, will it even be filled in by today, or will day three just be the remaining pieces too? I thought this three day event would have something different each day.
Hm, will it even be filled in by today, or will day three just be the remaining pieces too? I thought this three day event would have something different each day.

I could see it being done today, but the 'event' is through the 28th "worldwide" so I'd imagine we won't get it all till tomorrow.
We don't have all the pieces yet. It's to generate hype and interest. Lots of people are excited with Blue team and Spartan Locke's team of Spartans.

The water marks because we're doing the hard work for days searching and piecing it together. I'll probably post it without the watermark once it's complete.

It's self-promotion. The hard work was done by the artists. Not trying to diminish the shooping of rectangles into a grid, but I mean... it's not yours to watermark. What ever happened to the clever crypto arg stuff... I find this silly. #huntthedesktopbackground

Chief Canuck

Neo Member
Well I'm calling it hard work because I've been keeping track of all the images, managing duplicates, keeping the reddit post on /r/halo up to date, and piecing them together. It takes time.
Well in Halo CE, I guess it was plausible that Master Chief WAS the last operational Spartan-II (as far as they knew at that point since Reach was getting whooped).
Yeah, actually in First Strike (if I remember correctly) Chief went back to Reach *hoping* to find survivors, but the reports were that the entire planet had been Glassed and that no Spartan II had made it out alive (besides him).

Why they didn't appear in Halo 2 or 3 (or 4).. yeah I dunno. Did we ever get a good explanation? Or were they just fighting "off screen"?
I don't know. Honestly, considering the end of First Strike (Chief with Blue Team heading to Earth), I was expecting Blue Team to be featured in Halo 2. But they weren't. They weren't even in the ceremony in Cairo Station. Never mentioned. Three additional Spartan IIs, all on Earth according to Lore. In the middle of the first Covenant strike on Earth, and it's just Chief all by himself again. I always thought that was weird.

I don't know if Bungie ever said why they made no mention of Blue Team over the years (I'd love if Frankie could chime in after E3, though I imagine that the answer would be something along the lines of "would have been very difficult to implement in-game").
This is at the core of my concern.
Worst case scenario? We're not getting Blue Team in game. I honestly don't think that's an option at this point, but it is the worst case scenario for me. Less-than-ideal case scenario? 343i makes a bad job of introducing Blue Team (and they're not playable).
Ah, lay off the guy. We know that we'll get a clean wallpaper later, and unless one of y'all are stepping up, I don't see the problem with the people doing the compiling sticking their watermark on there in the mean time.
Hm, will it even be filled in by today, or will day three just be the remaining pieces too? I thought this three day event would have something different each day.

It's going to end with a reveal of the box art and a release of this wallpaper - er VISUAL ID - without watermarks for readyuplive and german halo news aggregate sites.

But how do you know it's going to say Halo 5 on the wallpaper. Looks to me like it will say Half Life 3.
I don't know if Bungie ever said why they made no mention of Blue Team over the years (I'd love if Frankie could chime in after E3, though I imagine that the answer would be something along the lines of "would have been very difficult to implement in-game").

Probably something along those lines.. or not having a viable way of introducing people to them or something.

I mean, really, without lore game fans never really found out how 117 got back to Earth for Halo 2. I guess it's assumed his Longsword took him all the way there..

And Halo 1-3 really depended on the "Last Super Soldier Alive" narrative as a Jesus figure, having other bad-ass Spartans around would have possibly 'cheapened' the narrative a little I guess.

Halo 4+ seems to be more in-line with the lore and obviously having SIV's be a big part going forward makes additional SII's not a shock.


I think you bring a valid point. People that have only played the games were told that Master Chief was the last surviving Spartan II (if memory serves, Halo CE mentioned this either in the game case or the manual; but I can't remember if it was brought up in game as well). And I don't think any game after that has said otherwise. So people will wonder who blue team is and where they come from. How to do the introductions? The Chief has encountered blue team in the extended lore recently, so it won't be a surprise for him. But it'll be for non-readers. I haven't played Halo 4 so I don't know if Blue team is hinted at during its events.

Could they perhaps be introduced through the Arbiter? I don't know if Thel has ever come into contact with Blue Team (not in the books that I've read). Perhaps Locke can do an interrogation or something and they have playable flashbacks (Reach, Unyielding Hierophant).

top of the page edit: How about you guys use a proper browser, like Firefox :p

With how the story of Halo 4 was I think 343i is far beyond from worrying about that. I hope they introduce them properly to give them the weight they deserve, but honestly nothing will be as good an introduction as Nylund's books. Perhaps an animated summary of their storyline in Escalation would work, since that would at least tie them to the current Forerunner and Master Chief story lines past Halo 4. Or maybe we see more of them in Halo 5's terminals, who knows...

Chief Canuck

Neo Member
Did you downsize the images to the smallest or up-size to the largest?

I was trying to figure out how you'd get a baseline since they seemed to be all different ratios.

My baseline started from the original images that had pieces of the Halo 5 logo, then I branched off the logo to try and keep it the same size.

Although there are some weird instances with the size of some pieces. I'll probably do it all over again once we have all the pieces and start from one corner. Provided the full image isn't released in it's entirety.
Well in Halo CE, I guess it was plausible that Master Chief WAS the last operational Spartan-II (as far as they knew at that point since Reach was getting whooped).

Why they didn't appear in Halo 2 or 3 (or 4).. yeah I dunno. Did we ever get a good explanation? Or were they just fighting "off screen"?
They were in the Escalation comics that took place after 4. They were together and fought against Didact. Even saved Chief from death.

It ended with them going off somewhere together.


They were in the Escalation comics that took place after 4. They were together and fought against Didact. Even saved Chief from death.

It ended with them going off somewhere together.

Yeah, that's true. I meant more where were they during Halo 1-4.

I guess they were still on Reach, then helped John get back to Earth between Halo 1-2.

The terminals showed them giving testimony to ONI in one of the H2A terminals, so they had to be on/near Earth. Not sure why they didn't help out.

I don't think we know where they were during Halo 3 though, do we? Since the Humans & Elites had a little bit of time to gear up before heading through the portal you'd like they'd send every last Spartan with them.
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