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Halo 5 Guardians: #huntthetruth

Calm Killer

In all media, only true fans who consume every book, film, game, or pog collection deserve to know what's going on.
But in hindsight it is an absurd criticism; since Halo 2 could not have possibly ended without a cliffhanger unless it absorbed Halo 3 completely, using the current storyline.

Halo 2 had an ending, but 3-4 mission were cut from the end because of time. So it didn't exactly have a cliffhanger.
Ahhaha! I never even thought about that possibility! Unlikely, but interesting to consider Spartan IVs being part of an ONI cover up. Not totally outwith the realms of possibility...

Well, the Spartan IVs are more or less ONI's personal space police, in a sense. Yes, they work under the UNSC banner, but ONI has their hands in all of that, both in the forefront and in the background. It wouldn't too far of a stretch for Palmer to be a double agent, as we already know of one Spartan IV who is an ONI chess piece: Locke.

I'm really digging all the callbacks/references and returning characters in this so far. The canonization of the Starry Night trailer, the return of Sully, the ODST fight, the nod to John playing king of the hill, and of course the protagonist himself being a character from The Graphic Novel. All awesome, and the best part is that it's all done so naturally. None of it's forced, it all makes sense. Honestly I'm just as excited to see who and what they call back to as I am to see where the story goes.

343 has a very tight grip on the lore. It's an insane amount of information, but they seem to have all of their ducks in a row going into Halo 5. Say what you will about the multiplayer, or the state of the MCC server connections, but as far as the story and the extended lore is concerned - they are on top of their game.

Well, Locke IS an assassin. And considering what Giarud did in the last podcast... well there's a pretty good chance ONI is going to go after him now.

Locke's profile link for reference - http://www.halopedia.org/Jameson_Locke#cite_note-wp_locke-1

He's more of a hunter than an assassin.


Locke is still a spook. They do anything necessary. Including assassinations. I imagine he's more or less charged with terminating the chief. All this cover up nonsense. You can't bring him back from the fringe of space and expect him to roll with the story they are fronting. Locke is out to kill. That's assassination.

Man, Steve Blum always pulls me out of stuff. His voice is so distinct. He's a great actor, but I always know it's him. Like Nolan North. Great episode though. Ben's voice actor is very good too.


Good chance Locke is a company man and following orders. ONI will have done enough to make everyone believe John is a traitor so he feels the real duty to this mission. In the end he'll probably find out the truth and team up with John against ONI or whoever.
I love ❤ these. Are we going to get them all the way up to release or just to E3?

Just until E3 unfortunately.

I wish it would go on until Halo 5, I like the idea of a weekly "lore dump" done as a radio show. It would do far more for me than another set of terminal videos in the game.


Just watched the soundclouds. Way better than I would've expected.

  • Gabriella being Jen Hale: Absolutely
  • Gabriella being a SPARTAN: Maybe
I wouldn't be surprised if we got a Blue Team game sooner or later. Probably an ODST-style game, basically a stand-alone expansion built by a smaller team with a short dev cycle.


So the more I think about it, the more I hope 343 makes map packs free and instead has cosmetic micro transactions for multiplayer. I would rather all players get maps and people who want to look significantly different from standard armor unlocks can buy things. I just desperately want the player base to always be available to play all maps so we don't have DLC only playlists.


So the more I think about it, the more I hope 343 makes map packs free and instead has cosmetic micro transactions for multiplayer. I would rather all players get maps and people who want to look significantly different from standard armor unlocks can buy things. I just desperately want the player base to always be available to play all maps so we don't have DLC only playlists.

Or all you peasants need to start coughing up and start buying maps.
Obviously joking
So the more I think about it, the more I hope 343 makes map packs free and instead has cosmetic micro transactions for multiplayer. I would rather all players get maps and people who want to look significantly different from standard armor unlocks can buy things. I just desperately want the player base to always be available to play all maps so we don't have DLC only playlists.

I definitely agree that free map packs are significantly better for maintaining a healthy player base. The thing is though, it's really not up to 343i at all. It's all down to Microsoft. If they want to charge players for map packs, they'll charge players for map packs, regardless of what 343i wants to do. Unless Microsoft suddenly decides cosmetic DLC can be at least as lucrative as paid map packs, I don't see anything changing. As long as they feel charging for map packs will yield more money, they really have no reason to care how long the online player numbers are maintained.

Honestly, if anything we'll see more cosmetic DLC on top of paid map packs.


Halo 2 had an ending, but 3-4 mission were cut from the end because of time. So it didn't exactly have a cliffhanger.

Even if they completed those missions the game would still have a significant cliffhanger unless it absorbed Halo 3 completely.

Also, this guy in HTT is absolutely screwed. I'm not sure how he is going to continue broadcasting after this...
Even if they completed those missions the game would still have a significant cliffhanger unless it absorbed Halo 3 completely.

"absorbing" Halo 3 is the wrong way to think about it, considering that Halo 3 (at least the Halo 3 we got) was born directly from Halo 2 losing its ending. There was never supposed to be a "Halo trilogy". Halo 2 was supposed to wrap up all the major plotlines and actually "finish the fight", though how it was going to do it differed from what we got in Halo 3. For instance, there was no portal to the Ark on Earth, but rather the "portal" was the Ark.


Honestly it feels like Halo 3 "absorbed" a lot of Halo 2. I remember being a little disappointed that the first half of Halo 3 was basically just the Earth missions that were intended to be at the end of Halo 2, with no real progression in the story until the portal opened. Then once they do get to the Ark, everything starts happening really fast. A whole game that started at the Ark would have been something else.
Just watched the soundclouds. Way better than I would've expected.

  • Gabriella being Jen Hale: Absolutely
  • Gabriella being a SPARTAN: Maybe

It's possible that Gabriella and Sarah Palmer are one and the same. Though all we have to go by is that it's the same VA, so far we haven't been given any timeline discrepancies to disprove the theory yet, either.


Here's my Halo 5 prediction.

Cortana is not in Halo 5, but the game is about her.

Chief's story:

Chief goes rogue trying to hunt down some crazy forerunner tech to save cortana.

Chief finds out the only way to recover cortana is through the use of forerunner technology that bridges digital and organic life (but works, unlike the didact's prometheans). He is so focused on this journey he neglects helping humanity, which is again in peril. Playing as chief, we will get to explore new forerunner worlds, enemies and technology.

Locke's story:

Locke is part of an ONI anti-Spartan-going-rogue contingency program.

Not unlike jason bourne- when the multi-billion dollar super weapon goes rogue, the powers at be decide it must be eliminated to prevent the risk of it becoming an enemy.
Playing as locke, we will get to see first-hand some of the destruction of humanity that MC ignored.

I think the finale will be that Locke catches up to Chief at the moment he finally finds the tech to save cortana. Chief's perspective is that he needs cortana in order to be successful against whatever is threatening humanity (but he's also in it for selfish reasons).

While locke's perspective is that Chief is chasing a myth while humanity is currently getting destroyed.

"All hail the conquering hero. Let us remember him as our protector And not the one who gave us this [destruction]. As our savior, and not our betrayer... All hail the conquering hero- the one who was supposed to save us all! But now...I... must save us from you."

Edit: I don't normally make or read story predictions. Sorry if this has already been predicted or anything.


Here's my Halo 5 prediction.

Cortana is not in Halo 5, but the game is about her.

Chief's story:

Chief goes rogue trying to hunt down some crazy forerunner tech to save cortana.

Chief finds out the only way to recover cortana is through the use of forerunner technology that bridges digital and organic life (but works, unlike the didact's prometheans). He is so focused on this journey he neglects helping humanity, which is again in peril. Playing as chief, we will get to explore new forerunner worlds, enemies and technology.

Locke's story:

Locke is part of an ONI anti-Spartan-going-rogue contingency program.

Not unlike jason bourne- when the multi-billion dollar super weapon goes rogue, the powers at be decide it must be eliminated to prevent the risk of it becoming an enemy.
Playing as locke, we will get to see first-hand some of the destruction of humanity that MC ignored.

I think the finale will be that Locke catches up to Chief at the moment he finally finds the tech to save cortana. Chief's perspective is that he needs cortana in order to be successful against whatever is threatening humanity (but he's also in it for selfish reasons).

While locke's perspective is that Chief is chasing a myth while humanity is getting destroyed right now.

"All hail the conquering hero. Let us remember him as our protector And not the one who gave us this [destruction]. As our savior, and not our betrayer... All hail the conquering hero- the one who was supposed to save us all! But now...I... must save us from you."

Edit: I don't normally make or read story predictions. Sorry if this has already been predicted or anything.

Ah I think the Cortana storyline will be more subtle than Chief is in love with her and would stop at nothing to resurrect her. More likely Chief is concerned with Humans taking up the mantle/permanent peace in the galaxy and that puts him at odds with ONI...there is a lot of writing that can wrap around that easily


Ah I think the Cortana storyline will be more subtle than Chief is in love with her and would stop at nothing to resurrect her. More likely Chief is concerned with Humans taking up the mantle/permanent peace in the galaxy and that puts him at odds with ONI...there is a lot of writing that can wrap around that easily

I Completely agree. I don't think his reason for attempting to save cortana is entirely selfish. But it is definitely of his own agenda vs ONI.


Don't assume this story will wrap up nicely either, remember they said 4 was the beginning of a new trilogy. So I expect 5 to end on some form of a cliffhanger.
Don't assume this story will wrap up nicely either, remember they said 4 was the beginning of a new trilogy. So I expect 5 to end on some form of a cliffhanger.

It's not a trilogy any more, it's a "saga."

Plus, not all second entries in a trilogy end with a cliffhanger :p


haha I was thinking more of a cliff hanger with him and Locke deciding to go after someone/something.

Master Chief will be frozen in slipspace carbonite
Locke will become the main hero
Palmer turns out to be Locke's step-sister
Ur-Didact possesses Cortana
Halsey tricks Jul into unleashing the Flood on the galaxy

"Johnson" makes an astonishing omgwtfbbq appearance in the legendary after-credits, working for ONI, overseeing Sgt. clones of himself.
Master Chief will be frozen in slipspace carbonite
Locke will become the main hero
Palmer turns out to be Locke's step-sister
Ur-Didact possesses Cortana
Halsey tricks Jul into unleashing the Flood on the galaxy

"Johnson" makes an astonishing appearance in the legendary after-credits, working for ONI, overseeing Sgt. clones of himself.

I would stand up and cheer, no shame. Killing Johnson was the worst thing Bungie ever did.


Master Chief will be frozen in slipspace carbonite
Locke will become the main hero
Palmer turns out to be Locke's step-sister
Ur-Didact possesses Cortana
Halsey tricks Jul into unleashing the Flood on the galaxy

"Johnson" makes an astonishing omgwtfbbq appearance in the legendary after-credits, working for ONI, overseeing Sgt. clones of himself.

omg this sounds so dumb

yet i want it
Anyone have links to all the audio logs or what's going on in one place? Haven't been keeping track of it all and I'm looking forward to the game a lot.
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