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Halo: Master Chief Collection Master Thread | This is it, baby. Hold me.

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Do you guys still wonder why Frankie denied the existence of this game in the last minute? I'm guessing to offer a bigger surprise for E3 - but we've been discussing this for months now. He only denied for the first time it in the thread about Major Nelson posting a picture of Halo 2 on the Surface. For some reason that is still on my mind lol.

It's here

I'm probably just tired and thinking too much.

He just denied the Vista version in fact. I think when they write something like this, they take care of every single word :)

And yes, I still think that Major Nelsons Halo 2 on Surface was a hint :D
Split screen Halo 3 was one of the greatest gaming experiences in my life - it's just a bummer that the subsequent games never held up to 3's level and encounter designs. I have high expectations for the split screen graphical fidelity for each game on the Xbone.
No, looks like you're the only one. Hope there's enough people online. It sucks when niche games like this have MP and no one plays it.
I wouldn't call Halo a niche game anymore than the next game. I'm strongly considering an xbox one soley for the MC Collection. There will be more.


I wouldn't call Halo a niche game anymore than the next game. I'm strongly considering an xbox one soley for the MC Collection. There will be more.

I believe he was joking.


They're completely different engines so no to the first question. The classic versions are in there of course, in the Halo 2 engine.

Are you allowed to talk about how forge is being handled on the H2 Anniversary maps? Will it just be Halo 4 forge (features wise)?


Modesty becomes a woman
The armor needs to be darkened a bit, that super lime-green doesn't really gel with the emerald green Halo 3 look.

Hell just make it look exactly like the Halo 3 version of the armor, that inconsistency always bothered me.

Chitown B

The multiplayer will definitely include PC maps, Frankie has confirmed it multiple times here. Maybe I'm thinking of the wrong video, but I thought that in that very IGN video he confirmed it. Minus two maps, supposedly. No to Infinity, and no to one more he didn't specify.

Though another Microsoft spokesperson said all the PC maps were in.

I must have dreamed it. I'd love for every map to be there. I'm sure Frankie will clear anything up in this thread once he gets a chance.

edit: here it is:


I heard him wrong. So, the exception is that they ARE included. Sweet. I thought he said "they aren't making it into this one." Was kinda mumbled at the end, so I misheard.


From the moment it was rumoured, I knew a Halo Megamix would prompt me getting an Xbox One. And its reveal at E3 just cemented that in my mind.

But after spending the weekend gorging on the Destiny Alpha, now I'm not sure. It's a better Halo that the recent Halos, with the scope to suck me in for months. It will absolutely scratch my Halo itch.

So it's will go one of two ways. Either Destiny will fill the Halo space in my life and I'll stick with PS4 for the foreseeable future, or it will just make me want more Halo and I'll get the Xbone with the Halo Collection.


Anyone else besides me picking this up?

Haha, I already know 3 people who have pre-ordered this game, and a cousin who just bought an Xbox One as well.

This is going to sell quite a lot of copies and with the $399 price for Kinectless, will move a lot of Xbox One consoles as well. I don't think they'll have been able to do any special console for a bundle. Just too much stock. You'll probably see just a special box, and a digital download card packed in. For Halo 5 Guardians you might see a new console with special controllers. Hope I'm wrong though. I'd kill for the white Xbox One as well.


From the moment it was rumoured, I knew a Halo Megamix would prompt me getting an Xbox One. And its reveal at E3 just cemented that in my mind.

But after spending the weekend gorging on the Destiny Alpha, now I'm not sure. It's a better Halo that the recent Halos, with the scope to suck me in for months. It will absolutely scratch my Halo itch.

So it's will go one of two ways. Either Destiny will fill the Halo space in my life and I'll stick with PS4 for the foreseeable future, or it will just make me want more Halo and I'll get the Xbone with the Halo Collection.
You can play both on Xbox One or just Destiny on PS4.


Why would I want to use the Xbox One for multiplats? If I get one, it will be for exclusives only.

I'm sure I'll get one down the line, and whenever I do, it will be with Halo Collection. It's just not certain any more that I'll buy into the Xbox One in November.
Why would I want to use the Xbox One for multiplats? If I get one, it will be for exclusives only.

I'm sure I'll get one down the line, and whenever I do, it will be with Halo Collection. It's just not certain any more that I'll buy into the Xbox One in November.

Yeah, I'm getting an Xbone for exclusives but will keep my PS4 as my primary console because the the superior multiplatform titles.
You're pretty much the only person I've seen expressing even a slight bit of interest towards this game.

Why would I want to use the Xbox One for multiplats? If I get one, it will be for exclusives only.

I'm sure I'll get one down the line, and whenever I do, it will be with Halo Collection. It's just not certain any more that I'll buy into the Xbox One in November.

Im picking up Destiny on XBO instead of PS4 simply because of the online community. More chatter on XBO and more friends. Extra smokey smoke effect doesn't replace fun with friends for this guy.


Why would I want to use the Xbox One for multiplats? If I get one, it will be for exclusives only.

I'm sure I'll get one down the line, and whenever I do, it will be with Halo Collection. It's just not certain any more that I'll buy into the Xbox One in November.

Depends where your friends are and if dlc comes first matters to you.
Im picking up Destiny on XBO instead of PS4 simply because of the online community. More chatter on XBO and more friends. Extra smokey smoke effect doesn't replace fun with friends for this guy.
This. Well, I mean, I don't care about the community since I always mute randoms, but friends for sure. All my friends either have an Xbox One or are getting one. A bump is resolution means nothing if I can't play with them. Plus, I'm already pretty heavily invested in the Xbox ecosystem anyway.

I plan on getting a PS4 though too, so I may just double dip for the hell of it. :p


Depends where your friends are and if dlc comes first matters to you.

No, it's more about the lack lustre performance of Xbox One multiplats. After the Alpha, I fully expect Destiny to consume my life. I want to play the best possible version of it.

I don't want to derail this thread with PS4/Xbox One stuff though.


But they kind of made na ecosystem for the Halo franchise on Xbox One so maybe we could have ODST and Reach has DLC... :eek:

It's amazing the amount of hate for both of these games upon release -moreso for Reach, and now everyone is desperate to have them.

It's called the Master Chief collection for a reason, so I don't think it's going to happen to be honest. I would love ODST in 1080p 60fps though, with Firefight.


It's amazing the amount of hate for both of these games upon release -moreso for Reach, and now everyone is desperate to have them.

It's called the Master Chief collection for a reason, so I don't think it's going to happen to be honest. I would love ODST in 1080p 60fps though, with Firefight.

I wouldn't be opposed to them releasing Reach and ODST on PC if they don't want to release the Master Chief Collection yet. :)


Junior Member
I'm really hyped for this, but there's some doubt in my mind about the 60 fps deal. I hope they can really deliver in that front, and not just give us some unlocked 40-50 fps, screen tearing mess such as Tintanfall. Really, really hope for it, but too many doubts.


I'm really hyped for this, but there's some doubt in my mind about the 60 fps deal. I hope they can really deliver in that front, and not just give us some unlocked 40-50 fps, screen tearing mess such as Tintanfall. Really, really hope for it, but too many doubts.
There is no reason why 1-4 can't run on locked 60fps on new hardware


Junior Member
There is no reason why 1-4 can't run on locked 60fps on new hardware

What remains to be seen is if the "new hardware" is up to the task. Up until now XBO hasn't precisely wowed anybody with its power.
And the precedent, Halo AE, was kind of a mess framerate wise, and was an original Xbox game running on the new hardware of its time.


Clothed, sober, cooperative


Clothed, sober, cooperative
What remains to be seen is if the "new hardware" is up to the task. Up until now XBO hasn't precisely wowed anybody with its power.
And the precedent, Halo AE, was kind of a mess framerate wise, and was an original Xbox game running on the new hardware of its time.

Why is new hardware in quotes? It's new hardware. And massively more powerful than the 360. Even the most loyal console warrior isn't disputing that objective fact.


What remains to be seen is if the "new hardware" is up to the task. Up until now XBO hasn't precisely wowed anybody with its power.
And the precedent, Halo AE, was kind of a mess framerate wise, and was an original Xbox game running on the new hardware of its time.
XBO isn't that weak though. Also Titanfall is poorly optimized on PC and XBO.

Then there is the extra power that devs have when not using the kinect now


Junior Member
Why is new hardware in quotes? It's new hardware. And massively more powerful than the 360. Even the most loyal console warrior isn't disputing that objective fact.

New hardware is in quotes because it's a relative term. A GPU designed in 2013 is newer hardware than what the XBO has inside. You coud also say that it's current hardware, or newer hardware than the 360 (as you say, nobody is disputing that), but simply stating new hardware is relative, thus my quotes.

Still, I'd like to hear confirmation on how stable these 60 fps will be. As I said, I wasn't impressed by Halo AE framerate (and I replayed it this weekend, so I know how it feels).
New hardware is in quotes because it's a relative term. A GPU designed in 2013 is newer hardware than what the XBO has inside. You coud also say that it's current hardware, or newer hardware than the 360 (as you say, nobody is disputing that), but simply stating new hardware is relative, thus my quotes.

Still, I'd like to hear confirmation on how stable these 60 fps will be. As I said, I wasn't impressed by Halo AE framerate (and I replayed it this weekend, so I know how it feels).

If we had to put in quotes every term we though was relative, we would end up with an absurd number of quotes. There's no need for them when people already know everything about the hardware. Of course it's new hardware when you compare it to consoles that were released almost nine years ago. I don't know if that was your original intention, but to me, that just looks like you are trying to downplay the Xbox One hardware.

I also think that the fact that they're not sure about 2 AE's resolution says quite a bit about their commitment to 60fps. I for one applaud 343i's decision to abandon the 30fps ship. I know Halo has never been a twitch shooter, but it will still benefit immensely from the framerate increase.
Will this be Day 1 Digital and will it have the Halo 5 Beta?

if it isn't it wont stop me from buying but it would definitely be a plus if i could cop this beast digitally.
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