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Halo: Master Chief Collection Master Thread | This is it, baby. Hold me.

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Halo 2 permanently fucked the Halo storyline. It turned to Covenant from a mysterious and imposing alien menace into stoopid shallow religious nuts talking English. Lame as hell.
Hell no, it made them far more interesting. Don't blame Halo 2 for the problems Halo 3 had with them. On its own, Halo 2 was excellent (minus the cliffhanger of course).

The Flood ended up being more interesting, too, with the Gravemind.
Hell no, it made them far more interesting. Don't blame Halo 2 for the problems Halo 3 had with them. On its own, Halo 2 was excellent (minus the cliffhanger of course).

The Flood ended up being more interesting, too, with the Gravemind.

Nah, I didn't like the change of tone from Halo CE at all. I want my aliens to be alien. They were way too human in Halo 2 onwards with a pretty lazy and boring motivation.

The Arbiter was pretty decent though, I'll give you that.
Halo 2 permanently fucked the Halo storyline. It turned to Covenant from a mysterious and imposing alien menace into stoopid shallow religious nuts talking English. Lame as hell.

It changed the Covenant from random space aliens that you shoot because reasons to a fleshed out entity.
the reason it's unfinished is because MS forced the release date.

The reason it's unfinished is because of the widely known problems in production. Due to poor management, after the (awesome) E3 2003 demo, Bungie had to scrap pretty much all their work up to that point. Their campaign was an incoherent mess. The engine had to be scaled back because of limitations with the Xbox hardware.

Every time Frankie gave the illusion in his weekly updates that things were going well, it was basically panic mode behind the scenes, with Bungie being in crunch mode for a year just to get the game shipped.

That's (one reason) why so many features like Saved Films and online co-op were initially in there, but got cut before release. It's why the multiplayer balance was terrible at launch (requiring a huge rebalancing of grenades/melee damage to make them more potent). That's why there's a massive cliffhanger ending.

Yes, MS did put a lot of pressure on Bungie behind the scenes to get the game finished by Fall 2004, but it's hardly like they did not have the time in the first place. Bungie had 3 years, and threw away 2 of them. Meanwhile MS wanted that killer app that they'd been paying for (and got, despite the problems).

In some ways, the very notion of H2A is insulting to Bungie. They know they fucked up badly with H2, and H2A is parading it around (or the campaign at least) as a massive success. There was no dispute with CE, which had a very highly regarded campaign and multiplayer mode, and is widely credited with making the Xbox viable.

H2 MP's legacy is undeniable. While there are flaws in it and I seem to recall Bungie were unhappy with certain aspects of it (judging by Chris Butcher's comments a few years ago where he stated that he couldn't play the game because it was so far below his standards), it's one of the best multiplayer modes in the series and deserves celebration, for similar reasons to CEA. If 343i take various comments to heart and fix the things that let it down, it will definitely be well-received and could easily revitalise the franchise after the disaster of H4's MP.
The books also flesh out the Covenant far beyond what the games do. Contact Harvest was super interesting for what it brought to the table with the Covenant.

Also them speaking English was more of a convenience for the player. The way I see it they aren't speaking English when it is just Covie to Covie, but they are speaking English when it is Covie to Human.
Also Halo Wars established (albeit years after the release of halo 2) that the Covenant has been teaching "All military strike teams" the "Unclean Language"(English) since the early days of the war for strategic purposes.


Halo 2's campaign is the worst. I hated playing as The Arbiter. I want to play as Solid Snake, not Raiden, Capcpom!

I remember this being the main point of contention on the Bnet forums when it came out, but I never really understood it. The Arbiter offered much more of a narrative than the Chief and it allowed us a window into an entirely new part of the story. Not to mention he had active camo, which although shit on Legendary, still made him better than Chief to play...

Nah, I didn't like the change of tone from Halo CE at all. I want my aliens to be alien. They were way too human in Halo 2 onwards with a pretty lazy and boring motivation.

The Arbiter was pretty decent though, I'll give you that.

Well they established parts of what was expounded on in Halo 2 in Halo CE, so the 'laziness' would have begun there. In my opinion it would have been much lazier to leave the Covenant as space nazis that nobody cared about so you could feel fine in slaughtering them; this way at least they have some personality and it shapes the dynamic between the species more interestingly than simply 'good vs evil'.


It changed the Covenant from random space aliens that you shoot because reasons to a fleshed out entity.

I found it current. First Halo came out in 2001, and the entire series has an element of a thinly veiled
no, it's not even subtle
analogy to Middle Eastern relations.

You could really make parallels to any religious extremist, I don't necessarily think of the Middle East when I think of the Covenant. I don't think it's always necessary to politicise every piece of pop culture we see, and I doubt Bungie were trying to make any sort of statement on world events.

I think the level Gravemind really solidified my love of Halo 2. It's the best level across the series in my opinion. The vast variety of enemies, the infighting factions -which was something I loved in Doom and have missed since then- the music throughout the level, including BB, and my favourite part of all, Truth talking over the intercom. That's why it was such a major blow when they changed his voice, because Truth's voice over the intercom in that level was one of my favourite parts of the game.
I think the level Gravemind really solidified my love of Halo 2. It's the best level across the series in my opinion. The vast variety of enemies, the infighting factions -which was something I loved in Doom and have missed since then- the music throughout the level, including BB, and my favourite part of all, Truth talking over the intercom. That's why it was such a major blow when they changed his voice, because Truth's voice over the intercom in that level was one of my favourite parts of the game.

While I would have like them to keep the original Truth voice I do think the actor in 3 did an amazing job making Truth sound like a crazy old religious zealot who has come to believe his own lies.


It changed the Covenant from random space aliens that you shoot because reasons to a fleshed out entity.
And then Halo 3 switched everything back to random space aliens that you shoot. Woo!

Notwoo. Having the curtain tossed back across the stage, like H2's excellent story wasn't a thing irritated me endlessly.
And then Halo 3 switched everything back to random space aliens that you shoot. Woo!

Notwoo. Having the curtain tossed back across the stage, like H2's excellent story wasn't a thing irritated me endlessly.

Not really, it was a continuation of the politics in Halo 2 and saw the "resolution" of the civil war started in Halo 2.


Not really, it was a continuation of the politics in Halo 2 and saw the "resolution" of the civil war started in Halo 2.
Continuation being politics being frozen utterly, no more looks behind the curtain, and a return to the Covenant as a monolithic entity (minus the Elites). Yes really.
I found it current. First Halo came out in 2001, and the entire series has an element of a thinly veiled
no, it's not even subtle
analogy to Middle Eastern relations.

I'm... I'm not sure how one could draw any parallel there, outside religion being involved in some way. If anything, the Crusades would be closer, and not by much.
Hell no, it made them far more interesting. Don't blame Halo 2 for the problems Halo 3 had with them. On its own, Halo 2 was excellent (minus the cliffhanger of course).

The Flood ended up being more interesting, too, with the Gravemind.

Totally agree. As soon as H2 was announced, I wished that we'd be able to see things from a Covenant point of view. Majority may disagree, but, abrupt ending aside, H2 delivered on all accounts for me.
You could really make parallels to any religious extremist, I don't necessarily think of the Middle East when I think of the Covenant. I don't think it's always necessary to politicise every piece of pop culture we see, and I doubt Bungie were trying to make any sort of statement on world events.

True, I'm probably just letting the reader's tone choice in the Kilo-Five audio books shape my perception (he chooses, or was told to, use a Middle Eastern voice for the Elites)


True, I'm probably just letting the reader's tone choice in the Kilo-Five audio books shape my perception (he chooses, or was told to, use a Middle Eastern voice for the Elites)
For real? I mean, not what I had in mind, but interesting nonetheless.

What else am I missing out on by not jumping onboard the audiobook boat?
For real? I mean, not what I had in mind, but interesting nonetheless.

What else am I missing out on by not jumping onboard the audiobook boat?

Serin Osman has an Australian accent, probably based on the fact that ONI HQ is in Sydney. Again, I don't know if it was his preference or if he was asked to, but in the Halo 4 Spartan Ops cutscene with Serin she sounds "normal" (from an American standard). Black Box (BB) has a slight British accent as well.

I just do the audiobooks when I'm at work, so I can keep up. They're pretty well done.


Halo 4. It took 2 companies, and 11 years for multiplayer Halo to reach perfection, but we finally got it.
Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not but if you're not HaloGAF would have your head for this lol.

Edit: looking forward to two and three honestly. Shame Reach isn't in there, it would look glorious at 1080p/60fps.


Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not but if you're not HaloGAF would have your head for this lol.

Edit: looking forward to two and three honestly. Shame Reach isn't in there, it would look glorious at 1080p/60fps.

Been seeing so much love for Reach lately, I'm astounded. The Bnet/Waypoint/Gaf forums when Reach were out were nothing but negativity, and now all of a sudden it's beloved.


Been seeing so much love for Reach lately, I'm astounded. The Bnet/Waypoint/Gaf forums when Reach were out were nothing but negativity, and now all of a sudden it's beloved.
I loved the campaign personally but I can see the hate for the MP with the bloom, armor lock and what not.


Been seeing so much love for Reach lately, I'm astounded. The Bnet/Waypoint/Gaf forums when Reach were out were nothing but negativity, and now all of a sudden it's beloved.
As a mainly BTB player, I had a lot of enjoyment with Reach. Invasion was great also (they really left it out of 4? One of Reach's best additions).
Been seeing so much love for Reach lately, I'm astounded. The Bnet/Waypoint/Gaf forums when Reach were out were nothing but negativity, and now all of a sudden it's beloved.

This always happens when the latest game comes out. When Halo 5 comes out, there will be the initial wave of "Halo 5 is...different, but great!" then a couple months down the line the new game rose tinted goggles will fall off, and then they'll say "THIS GAME IS AWFUL" and start praising Halo 4.
I just got an Xbox One a few days ago for this (nostalgia hype!) and picked up the Microsoft headset to go along with it. Since the headset will be playing both the game audio and the chat does anyone have any theories as to how the proximity chat would be distinguished from the team chat?

The only thing I can think of would be an extra sound on the team chat like a radio click, but I can't recall if Halo 2 had that.

Halo 2,did indeed have the radio click. I've asked Frankie about proximity chat, he says they're currently unsure if its returning
Halo 2,did indeed have the radio click. I've asked Frankie about proximity chat, he says they're currently unsure if its returning

I hope proximity returns, it made objective games unbelievably good.


Even if proxy chat still worked, party chat has already killed it :/

Halo 3 was a good example, since party chat showed up around halfway into it's run. Social chatter -> silent games within months.
Was it ever explained why proximity wasn't in Halo 4 at all? It was always hilarious out br'ing someone and hearing that "AW" of some kind like they were about to make up some excuse or call me cheap but the voice always cuts out 0.5 seconds into their sentence XD It was always so funny.


Was it ever explained why proximity wasn't in Halo 4 at all? It was always hilarious out br'ing someone and hearing that "AW" of some kind like they were about to make up some excuse or call me cheap but the voice always cuts out 0.5 seconds into their sentence XD It was always so funny.

Voice chat takes up bandwidth, especially when other people can hear it. I'm assuming they assumed everyone was in parties anyway, so they made it so you can only hear your team. Part of the reason Push To Talk existed in Halo 3 was due to bandwidth concerns

There was also a bug/feature where if you enabled party chat in Halo 3 and Reach, you could still hear the other team's proxy chat while they couldn't hear you talking, which gave you a tactical advantage. Maybe they made that change to equalize that?


I miss in-game chat :(

Would be nice if we could just push a button on the DPAD to switch in and out while playing. Or have it so you can have the option to join voice chat only people
As a mainly BTB player, I had a lot of enjoyment with Reach. Invasion was great also (they really left it out of 4? One of Reach's best additions).

Reach has the worst BTB of any Halo game IMO; the maps are terrible, the vehicles get destroyed easily by bullets, they removed the Chopper, etc. etc.

Halo 4 includes some questionable decisions (ie: PP's in loadouts), but Heavies and restricted loadouts in BTB playlists played much better than Reach.
Reach has the worst BTB of any Halo game IMO; the maps are terrible, the vehicles get destroyed easily by bullets, they removed the Chopper, etc. etc.

Halo 4 includes some questionable decisions (ie: PP's in loadouts), but Heavies and restricted loadouts in BTB playlists played much better than Reach.

I always felt like the vehicles were weak in Reach, which was probably my issue with BTB as well.

I'm looking forward to the return of BTB on Sandtrap in Halo 3 more than anything else.


I always felt like the vehicles were weak in Reach, which was probably my issue with BTB as well.

I'm looking forward to the return of BTB on Sandtrap in Halo 3 more than anything else.

On dedicated servers...I am still in shock about how cool that is going to be. I can't wait!!


Been seeing so much love for Reach lately, I'm astounded. The Bnet/Waypoint/Gaf forums when Reach were out were nothing but negativity, and now all of a sudden it's beloved.

I liked it. the armor abilities messed up the game imo (armor lock ugh).
Totally agree that the Reach vehicles took away from the glroy that is BTB.

I love BTB/Vehciles again in 4 minus one thing: Everyone being able to start with plasma grenades and pistols.

You can still go on great runs with the warthog, but it can feel like a sticky grenade minefield at times.Lol
Even if proxy chat still worked, party chat has already killed it :/

Halo 3 was a good example, since party chat showed up around halfway into it's run. Social chatter -> silent games within months.

So right mate, they should auto suspend party chat during the actual game and auto-rejoin when searching again :)

It's hard to get away from, our parties use it to arrange games or play other games until a spot for 8 in BTB opens up etc.

I hate to add to the issue but it seems weird you can't chat between X1 and 360 friends either.


I will say that I absolutely loved reach. I understand some of the complaints (armor lock) but I loved the addition of reticule bloom and elites differing from spartans in multiplayer.


Reach has the worst BTB of any Halo game IMO; the maps are terrible, the vehicles get destroyed easily by bullets, they removed the Chopper, etc. etc.

Halo 4 includes some questionable decisions (ie: PP's in loadouts), but Heavies and restricted loadouts in BTB playlists played much better than Reach.
Heavies has been garbage in every iteration. Reach's BTB when they added in Assault and made the entire voting setup primarily flag and bomb is when it was fairly decent to play. Certainly no Halo 2 caliber maps but Halo 4 lacked in that department as well. So did Halo 3 for me.

They turned Team Objective into CTF Slayer (actually had nine CTF variants in there at the latest update, I believe) and basically made all Assault and basic 2 flag games a rarity.


Halo 2 Anniversary Demo is playable at RTX next week

Back again at RTX, we're elated to have 343 Industries join us to make the event AWESOME!
This means that Halo: The Master Chief Collection will be featured for consumers! Not only that, fans will have their first ever opportunity to try out the Halo 2: Anniversary gameplay demo. You'll be able to find 343 Industries on the exhibition floor at booth #707, as well as at their panel at 12 PM CT in the Main Theater!


Objectives in general went downhill after Halo 2.
I mean...sure, yes. That is an accurate statement.

However, Reach's gametype suite was actually a pretty serious step up from Halo 3 - reintroduction of a good (non-instant arm) Assault variant, 3 Plots returned, strong potential in Stockpile (never realized) - and as of June-ish of 2011, Team Objective was a really strong playlist. It wasn't Halo 2 Skirmish, but it was good. Assault and CTF were weighted highly, and most of the crap had been removed at that point. Then, with the July update, quality took a nosedive as Flag Slayer and Speedflag were introduced. I mean...the playlist is called Team Objective and once they introduced the "Flag Always in Top Slot" rule, the gametype that dominated the voting lobby literally had Slayer in the title. Since Slot 1 was always CTF, Slot 2 was always KOTH or Oddball, and Slot 3 was Whatever Crap We Have Left Laying Around, you could end up with full voting round of 2 Flag Slayer + Hot Potato + Headhunter. Once they upped the player count to 5v5 depite there being obvious issues at that player count with map size + spawns + grenade spam directed toward objective point, they lost me. There's only so much one man can endure!

With that, they had more or less broken what I thought was easily the best playlist in the game. Their handling of both that and Big Team (which was also in a really good, objective-centric place before they introduced heavies at practically 100% weighting and forced developer maps into the top voting slots) was just absolutely atrocious, to the point where I just don't know if they understand what people like about those playlists. Slayer is different - it's just kind of whatever, you can't really screw it up too much because at the end of the day it's just deathmatch. Halo 4 basically confirmed that for me - the worst objective gametype suite in the series and the most pathetic Big Team offering to boot (I know you like Halo 4 Heavies, but at the end of the day it is still Slayer, and Big Team Slayer is a snoozefest).

I don't have a point, I just wanted to stick up for what Reach Objective should have (could have) been before it was taken out back.


Even if proxy chat still worked, party chat has already killed it :/

Halo 3 was a good example, since party chat showed up around halfway into it's run. Social chatter -> silent games within months.
Consoles need some sort of PPT button that broadcasts the chat to the people in the game even when you're in a party. Everyone on PC (Dota, csgo, etc) is on Mumble with their mates yet there's a ton of ingame chatter because people just press a button to talk about specific things to the randoms in the game .
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