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Halo Xbox One "Legitimate", No Longer A Trilogy, Now A Saga

I'm sorry, but I have no faith in 343 in producing a Halo game that the traditional fans will like. Halo 4's single player was simply meh and the multiplayer wasn't even halo any more: killstreaks and perks? :/

What's worse, they have indicated that many of their staff did not like the Halo formulae to begin with, and that they believe the changes they made were hugely beneficial.
They have also shown an indication to further gimp the Halo formulae in the future, using an image that I have since adopted as my avatar pic.
What kind of messed up weirdo still gives a flip about Halo?

Halo is the greatest hero of modern fiction, and he will save us all. Even you.

Why make such an obtuse, deliberately antagonistic post? Millions of people still care about Halo, at least enough to buy it, but you know that of course. Because you're just trolling. And, I answered my own question. Hooray.


Why make such an obtuse, deliberately antagonistic post? Millions of people still care about Halo, at least enough to buy it, but you know that of course. Because you're just trolling. And, I answered my own question. Hooray.

This happens in every single Halo thread in the gaming side. You should just get used to it.


Those of you who say Halo 4 was a good game; how often do you play it?
Never =[

I enjoyed the single-player because I still really like the Halo universe and the combat was fun, but it didn't stick with me like the original trilogy. Even Reach, while imperfect, had a longer multiplayer lifespan for me than Halo 4.

I'm still excited for more single-player Halo (though hopefully 5's story will be more interesting than 4's) but I do hope 343 can step their game up next time around. Something about Halo 4 just felt..off. I dunno. The plot didn't really excite me and some of the additions / changes to multiplayer dampened my enjoyment of it online.


Gui, you don't need to validate their opinions.

I just want to understand mang

Never =[

I enjoyed the single-player because I still really like the Halo universe and the combat was fun, but it didn't stick with me like the original trilogy. Even Reach, while imperfect, had a longer multiplayer lifespan for me than Halo 4.

I'm still excited for more single-player Halo (though hopefully 5's story will be more interesting than 4's) but I do hope 343 can step their game up next time around. Something about Halo 4 just felt..off. I dunno. The plot didn't really excite me and some of the additions / changes to multiplayer dampened my enjoyment of it online.

i played Halo 3 - 14 days
Halo Reach - 10 days
Halo 4 - 4 hours

So the people who enjoy Halo 4 have barely played it, eh?

I really enjoyed the first level. Had that old mysterious/sci-fi Halo feel.
But when you meet the rest of the humans it just goes downhill. Corridor shooter, Prometheans are bullet sponges, qte's even if not a whole lot of them. They replaced the Scarab with a..lifeless ship that evaporates instead of exploding into little pieces.
It was clearly not made for co-op which ruins the co-op experience.

And the MP is just a mess. Bad maps, bad gametypes and gametype settings.
Armor Abilities shouldn't exist(imo) and there's just too much randomness which goes completely against what makes Halo fun and competitive.

I understand what they wanted to do. They wanted to innovate, make it feel fresh and hectic. But the mix of horrible ideas and the lack of time to finish everything properly just made the final product suffer.


For a first attempt at making a Halo game, 343 did ok. Yea it had it's fair share of issues, namely, too linear, and questionable enemy types, but I can understand why they played it safe.

Hopefully now 343 have the experience of creating and shipping thier first game, they will learn as a studio and make a brilliant follow up.

Edit. Well technically they took some risks, instead of playing it safe. Still, they acknowledged mistakes were made, and I think they'll knock it out of the park for the sequel.


Huge Halo fan, and I believe that Halo 4 was the worst game in the entire franchise by a fairly large margin. The singleplayer was fractured, unfocused, and above all else unmemorable. The Prometheans were terrible enemies to fight, and the Covenant had become less fun to fight, for the little time that you did face off against them.

Multiplayer was an abomination. There's too much wrong with the game, and it's been said too many times. In fact, all the things fans were disgusted by when playing the game, we pointed out here pre-release. So I've got no sympathy for 343, they went against their fans and they didn't win.

At least they're trying to make amends now, but it's too little, too late. Halo 4 will go down in the franchise's history as a complete flop. Moreso than Reach, which was also a relative failure after Halo 3.
I hope after reclaimer trilogy maybe on next next gen hardware :).
They will jump into the past of the halo verse.
Ancient humans vs Forerunner vs Wicked version of the Flood.
Flood mutations should be more interesting then what we have not


Remedy's game looks interesting but its not a FPS, Insomniacs game looks horrible and I wouldn't really rate them AAA. Black Tusk, well not enough is known at this point about the game.

I'm more interested in 343 doing a AAA exclusive FPS that's not Halo. Start a new universe and expand on that.

343 was put together specifically for Halo. MS would have to hand the series off to a lesser team and hope 343 was lucky enough to create a new IP with the same amount of draw. While I agree it would be cool to see what they would come up with, I wouldn't want anyone else to work on the Halo series.
I hope after reclaimer trilogy maybe on next next gen hardware :).
They will jump into the past of the halo verse.
Ancient humans vs Forerunner vs Wicked version of the Flood.
Flood mutations should be more interesting then what we have not

Nothing is rulling out they go that way in a flashback/spin-off or a flashabck-Spartan Ops campaign.

Miles X

2013? Oh right, nothing.

If seeing more Halo games means ODST and Halo Wars type games that's a great thing, as long as the quality doesn't suffer for it people getting bent out of shape over this are doing so for the sake of it.

Kev Kev

Those of you who say Halo 4 was a good game; how often do you play it?

Before State of Decay came out I was playing it everyday (after taking an extended break from it). Halo is just one of those games that you can pick back up and have a blast at any time.

Explosions, crazy vehicular battles, large scale maps with jet packs and giant fucking laser guns... What's not to like? Just jump in a vehicle, ram-jam it down the enemies throat and try to create the biggest explosion possible = Fun! :)

I couldn't care less about thee competitive side of Halo so I have no argument against that. If the tryhards say it's bad then I shrug my shoulders, hop in a mongoose and try to get some mongoose mow downs.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
I wonder... Are each Halo games self contained or do they all link together? I'm suspecting the game might suffer forced story extensions (like the RE series and KH).


Those of you who say Halo 4 was a good game; how often do you play it?

Not nearly as much as I wanted to. I've got very little time to spend on video games but I managed to play through SP, SP Co-op and Spartan Ops + a bit of MP.

Heck, the last MP game I played a lot was MW2 back in 09.


I have yet to play a bad Halo game.

but halo4 made my interest in both story and MP drop.

still good mechanics and fun universe.


Obviously they're not going to end a massive, massive franchise that they owe their entire success to after three games for artistic reasons. I'm not sure if hardcore Halo fans really want frequent installments though. You'd think they'd prefer having one title for a couple of years so they can get the most out of it.
I'm a lot more excited for Destiny than for a new Halo. Which is a tragedy, because I loved the Halo art design up to and including Reach, and Destiny looks pretty generic.
But I have a lot more faith in Bungie than in 343i.
As long as they get 343 to sort their shit out and focus on making the next Halo an actual Halo I'm down. Make it good and I'll get an X1 no problem.

Until Reach, the Halo games managed a remarkably consistent quality level.


Before State of Decay came out I was playing it everyday (after taking an extended break from it). Halo is just one of those games that you can pick back up and have a blast at any time.

Explosions, crazy vehicular battles, large scale maps with jet packs and giant fucking laser guns... What's not to like? Just jump in a vehicle, ram-jam it down the enemies throat and try to create the biggest explosion possible = Fun! :)

I couldn't care less about thee competitive side of Halo so I have no argument against that. If the tryhards say it's bad then I shrug my shoulders, hop in a mongoose and try to get some mongoose mow downs.

You must be playing against idiots then because vehicular combat is almost non-existent considering anyone can spawn with a Plasma Pistol and 3 Plasma Grenades

Also jetpack is annoying and breaks all the maps, especially the movement flow. Alsoit'sforBK's


I prefer Reach over any other Halo game, but even I have to admit that Halo 4 is one hell of a game. People comparing Halo to Call Of Duty or Ass Creed are way off... Halo is still one of the best franchises out there.


Wait a second, there was another critically acclaimed saga in the recent years. What was it, oh, yes. It was the Twilight saga! :(

343, make the next Halo to be similar to the first one. Halo 1 had an atmosphere that wasn't replicated ever since. Pls 343, and than I will have no choice but to buy a Juan.
Wait a second, there was another critically acclaimed saga in the recent years. What was it, oh, yes. It was the Twilight saga! :(

343, make the next Halo to be similar to the first one. Halo 1 had an atmosphere that wasn't replicated ever since. Pls 343, and than I will have no choice but to buy a Juan.

Exactly what I said. PLEEAASE.


The day 343 realizes that OneShotKill weapons shouldn't be handed out like candy will be the day Halo has hope.

Oh, and when they start buffing vehicles again. Remember when they were relevant in Halo 2/3? After, it just became a game of tanks, and even those could be destroyed by a fucking sniper.


Heh... I think I played H4 more than the previous ones. That said, that's a silly measure, as games don't release in the vacuum. I'm really looking forward to seeing what 343i does with the new achievements, and video recording capabilities. I'm also hoping they bump the player count from 8v8 to at least 16v16.
Imagine an open world Halo 1, where you can literally go round the ring, that would f-cking blow my mind. (Of course with time of day and weather effects)

I don't know man. Maybe as a spin off (like ODST). Sounds like a really cool idea yes.

But for the main series I really wish they would go back to that original style and perfect it (though it is pretty much perfect already) before trying anything else too serious.

343 would be wise to consult Bungie a lot more often concerning halo and what makes good, balanced, and fun combat. They know a lot, and they are talented, but I really think that they could use some mentoring.


I don't know man. Maybe as a spin off (like ODST). Sounds like a really cool idea yes.

But for the main series I really wish they would go back to that original style and perfect it (though it is pretty much perfect already) before trying anything else too serious.

343 would be wise to consult Bungie a lot more often concerning halo and what makes good, balanced, and fun combat. They know a lot, and they are talented, but I really think that they could use some mentoring.

Yup, I agree. Even if it would be an open world game, the roaming should absolutely a plus, and the primary focus shuld still be put onto storytelling in a linear fashion. It's just that Halo 1 was always about damn huge levels (Death Island), and under an open world game I mean the amplification of that design.


You know why. If they just copy the game and change almost nothing, people will get tired and lost interest.

CoD has a campaign? People play CoD for the MP, I don't thing it's fair to compare it the way you did.

Well, yes :D Indeed. But there are people who love its campaign to be fair. Just like my brother, he didn't even touch MP.

Demon Ice

What people easily forget is that 343i choose to take this direction with Halo 4. They choose for infinity multiplayer, they choose for a non-traditional campaign and its story, they choose for SPOPS. Kevin Franklin and Frank O'Connor said that multiple times.

Sure for a "new" studio this feat can be seen as impressive. I see it as a bad job. They had the funding and support of Microsoft, they had 4 Years of dev time, they had 5 games to use as templates and examples, they had enough to make Halo 4 a true Halo game. But they dropped the ball and decided to make Halo your average generic shooter.

Absolutely. People love to make excuses for them but they had so much time and funding and luxuries that most developers just do not have. Halo 4 should have been a better Halo game. Period.


Of course there are people who play Cod for the campaign but there's no way you can compare the percentage of Cod campaign players to Halo campaign players

In past Halo games, when you’d be zoomed in and take a shot, you’d be taken out [of your zoom],” Ellis reminds us. “Now it’s not necessarily the case. As you’re taking shots [with the Stability mod], it allows you to keep your reticule more stable.” Yep, this one is almost straight out of Call of Duty. The Rogue Specialization is tailor-made for players who prefer to snipe their foes from afar.

this is why no one likes halo 4. copying a franchise that no one cared about until the 4th installment was released? copying a franchise that took people 5 years to acknowledge? c'mon 343, step your game up.
Of course there are people who play Cod for the campaign but there's no way you can compare the percentage of Cod campaign players to Halo campaign players

True, but that's partially because the CoD campaigns suck (sorry, I just can't get into them).

But like, I don't know about everyone else here, but I wasn't saying cookie cutter, I was just saying more games in the style of CE. For example, those really open levels (stupid scripted Halo 4), that humor (Halo 4 has humor, and the stuff with RvB is great, but not the same type. Not the same dark humor), or that level design -- like the asthetics. I loved that level where you walk through that cool forest (haven't seen design like that since. Not quite like it anyway) and then have the huge battle with a bunch of hunters and stuff and then rise up into the space ship that the hunters came from. Don't know what level that is but it was SOOO good. It felt so massive. Halo 4's linear levels make it feel so small, despite some of the huge environments. Also, Halo 4 (haven't played the entire thing, so I don't know) didn't seem to ever have as many enemies at once as CE.
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