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Halo Xbox One "Legitimate", No Longer A Trilogy, Now A Saga

I'll happily call the game terrible. It killed my interest in the franchise for the foreseeable future. As someone who bought the OG Xbox and Xbox 360 purely for Halo I'm quite sad about Halo's current state. Both in the campaign and multiplayer 343 has made some major design choices which just don't resonate with me at all. I've made several long posts talking about my complaints regarding multiplayer, but this time I'll focus on the campaign:

I agree with this post so much. I really cared about the Halo franchise but after all the problems that Halo 4 had, detailed in Overdoziz's post, I've lost a considerable amount of interest in Halo. I'm taking a wait and see approach with the next Halo game.


No one said who he's hiding for. The fact that the enemy shows up doesn't mean he's the one the chief is hiding from. He can even be hiding from the pope.

We know nothing from the game yet. Only the trailer we saw and the fact that frankie said he's hiding. Not from who or from what.

Okay. I doubt there's a good explanation for it. But you think whatever you want.


Will they explain why a robot man with a visor needed a cloak in the desert?
Burlap cloaks/scarves/capes are THE must-have accessory of the season for every style-savvy faceless space robot bro. Destiny does it, TitanFall does it, Halo sure as hell is going to do it. Don't you know a thing about robot fashion? Sheesh!
No one said who he's hiding from. The fact that the enemy shows up doesn't mean he's the one the chief is hiding from. He can even be hiding from the pope(I hope he ain't hidin' from the pope, that is one badass mofo).

We know nothing from the game yet. Only the trailer we saw and the fact that frankie said he's hiding. Not from who or from what.

Surely you mean

I agree with this post so much. I really cared about the Halo franchise but after all the problems that Halo 4 had, detailed in Overdoziz's post, I've lost a considerable amount of interest in Halo. I'm taking a wait and see approach with the next Halo game.

Yea Halo will determine if i get an xbox one. I need to see if the issues get address with both the campaign and multiplayer.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
I actually wouldn't mind so much about all the problems with Halo 4 as a singleplayer game and as a narrative experience (although as it stands, Halo 4 holds the unique honour of being the only Halo game I finished once; every other title in the series I've burned through three or four times at a minimum), if the multiplayer game was still philosophically Halo, or showed a clear understanding of what differentiated Halo from other titles on the market. But in several key ways -- and uncountable minor ways -- it is and did not. And that reduced my need to play the franchise ever again significantly. It makes me really, really sad.

Halo 2 games played? 2,889.
Halo 3 games played? 3,386.
Halo: Reach games played? 1,915.


Halo 4 games played? 253. Last played in November.

I'm roughly the same but i stopped at reach, fucking AAs ruined a great gameplay core

Global ordnance and random everything as well as the elimination of a proper party system and all the best game types (FUCKING 1FLAG) just turned me way off. They need to just sit down, throw away halo 3/4/reach shit, take everything from halo 2 then ask "how can we improve off of this?" Because that game was perfect (until they fucked up melees)
Halo: CE was an amazing game....great enough for me to try every installment after. Sadly, each one dissapoints. After Reach, I'd given up. I was tired of CG trailers promising more story, character, emotion, only to unbox and play the same shit (albeit not completely unfun) over and over again. Now for my crazy statement....Halo 4 delivered in a way Halo 2, 3, Reach, Wars and ODST failed and I'm damn excited for any new entries.


Relistening to ODST's soundtrack for nostalgia's sake. Gatdamn, I think this was Marty's second best easily (with the original in first, of course).
I'll give you the reason there aren't any Scarabs in Halo 4 and Reach: Jetpacks. With armor abilities, a Scarab will have to be much more agile.

It would be way too easy to take them down.

I do agree that they need to open up the levels a bit more.

Then the solution is simple: kill the jetpack.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
The enemy in the trailer looks to be a machine. It can probably see the Chief using infrared. The cloak really doesn't serve any purpose other than to trick the audience at E3 until the reveal.
The best guess from book lore and all is the machine rising from the sand shown in the trailer is what is called a Forerunner War Sphinx. If that's the case, then they are piloted vehicles meaning someone is driving that thing, most likely a Forerunner.


This particular quote doesn't really mean much, but I'm almost positive Halo will be an annual franchise next gen. How many developers contributed to Halo 4? Wouldn't be surprised to see them get their own game.

I wouldn't call Halo 4 terrible, but the vast departure from previous entries (i.e borrowing major mechanics from other shooters that simply do not work in Halo) without adding anything unique makes it a game that I can't describe as great.

I feel the same way. And I'll add that Halo 4 is a good game but a bad Halo game, IMO.
Then the solution is simple: kill the jetpack.

Let's wind the clocks back a year.
Us Halo fans wouldn't dare play a Halo game with jetpack.
I mean, what happened? Did our balls drop off?
Fans like us.. Look listen.
I know why we choose to not play Halo 4 in playlists other than Throwdown.
I know why we're afraid to go back to Reach.
The jetpack.
See the jetpack has ruined Halo gameplay, unfortunately.
The super jumps were just the beginning.
And as for PanicFreak's so called plan... the jetpack has no limitations.
It will evolve and lift Spartans higher.
I know terrible gameplay mechanics when I see them.

What do I propose?
It is simple. We kill the jetpack.

If we don't deal with this now, soon 343 Industries won't be able to get a nickel for Halo.


Let's wind the clocks back a year.
Us Halo fans wouldn't dare play a Halo game with jetpack.
I mean, what happened? Did our balls drop off?
Fans like us.. Look listen.
I know why we choose to not play Halo 4 in playlists other than Throwdown.
I know why we're afraid to go back to Reach.
The jetpack.
See the jetpack has ruined Halo gameplay, unfortunately.
The super jumps were just the beginning.
And as for PanicFreak's so called plan... the jetpack has no limitations.
It will evolve and lift Spartans higher.
I know terrible gameplay mechanics when I see them.

What do I propose?
It is simple. We kill the jetpack.

If we don't deal with this now, soon 343 Industries won't be able to get a nickel for Halo.
h4's mp isn't the greatest but I do have fun with it sometimes. That being said, the jetpack does need to go. It really does throw off the sandbox and the flow. I just don't know how they'd work it into the fiction that they all of a sudden don't have them.


I don't know what people are reading, but this 'news' just means that the story theme of Halo 4 is also present in other games and media.

So instead of taking the story to new worlds with new species and plot devices they're going to stick with that guy from the big round thing (I legitimately forgot his name), the Forerruner enemy race (forgot that too), and bringing back Cortana, right?

How totally boring. Zzzzzz...


So much hate... I loved Halo 4. It's not perfect by any means, but it's a great addition to the saga. Biggest complaints I have are that the forerunner weapons really lacked variety; they just mimicked the already existing weapon archetypes. In addition, it needed bigger and more grandiose set pieces. But if there's a complaint they need to address is to correct the mess they did with fracturing the story with the terminals. They were absolutely necessary to understanding the story and needed to be integrated to the core game. All those things said, I'm really looking forward to the new Halo next year. 343i should feel confident enough now to make significant innovations to the game, now that they've proven they have the goods.


Let's wind the clocks back a year.
Us Halo fans wouldn't dare play a Halo game with jetpack.
I mean, what happened? Did our balls drop off?
Fans like us.. Look listen.
I know why we choose to not play Halo 4 in playlists other than Throwdown.
I know why we're afraid to go back to Reach.
The jetpack.
See the jetpack has ruined Halo gameplay, unfortunately.
The super jumps were just the beginning.
And as for PanicFreak's so called plan... the jetpack has no limitations.
It will evolve and lift Spartans higher.
I know terrible gameplay mechanics when I see them.

What do I propose?
It is simple. We kill the jetpack.

If we don't deal with this now, soon 343 Industries won't be able to get a nickel for Halo.

As someone whose bread and butter was Halo, I don't know that I can bring myself to care about Halo anymore. Or at least be hopeful about it. 343 seems like a bunch of nice people who work hard, but every step forward they've taken has been accompanied by two or three steps back. They bumped up visual fidelity, but introduced a lot of clutter and lost a lot of readability in combat. They eliminated the AR start matchmaking problem with loadouts, but introduced a host of others by not restricting and balancing well enough. Most recently, they rebalanced the sandbox (which was atrocious at launch), but made weapon and vehicle placement changes to the already-mediocre launch maps that somehow made many of them worse in the process (Gauss Hogs do not belong everywhere. Mantises do not belong everywhere. Those vehicle guns did not need a buff. Scorpions do not belong anywhere). They accelerated the traditional Halo DLC plan and had nine maps out six months after launch, but they didn't learn from the mistakes of the launch maps - these maps just don't work with the gametypes that the game shipped with. It's been a net improvement since the launch of the game, but only just barely. They're continually making decisions that I just can't understand. Next week, they're going to talk about how they're transitioning Team Objective, which was one of the core 4v4 playlists in past games (with gametypes that only work in 4v4 like Oddball and King of the Hill), and shoving 16 players in there...and this is after trying it out with 12 people which was a disaster. It's like they hear people (since there definitely was a push for Big Team Objective), but don't understand what they mean (because the objective gametypes in Halo 4 just don't support that many players - Big Team was CTF and Assault for a reason). I mean, Halo has a history of rough playlist management...but I think the way they've handled Halo 4 beats all of the previous records.

I just don't agree with a huge number of the core philosophies that they've brought to the table, and it would require 343 to vocally renounce them to bring me back on board fully. The things that were actually new about Halo 4 that 343 brought to the table I think are, by and large, abject failures. Their Global Ordnance system that they crowed about so hard pre-launch. Most of their new weapons. Almost every single alteration they made to the existing gametypes, not to mention the conspicuous and unexplained absence of fan favorites like Assault coming off of the gametype-packed Reach. The heavily structured, fundamentally flawed "pick your playstyle" perk and loadout system. The progression system. Dominion. The three new enemy classes. The changes they've made to existing enemy classes, both visually (in terms of player feedback) and in terms of behavior. Their uh..."cinematic" approach. Let's not even get started on Spartan Ops. That was the most blatant example of not understanding how to balance difficulty but keep it fair and fun that I've seen since Halo 2's Jackal Snipers.
What's wrong with Halo 4?

the easiest answer to that question is listening to the OST of the first three and then 4.

If I told you the Halo 4 OST was actually Transformer 4, you would have no way of knowing whether I lied or told the truth. That's how generic it is. Which, as it happens, is the entirety of Halo 4. It's shit, and they know it.

Huh, I only read that Spartan Ops thing after typing that. They really DO know it then.

That said, I suspect dropping 'trilogy' demands is probably a good thing going forward.
(also, I maintain that Halo 3 introducing the 'human master race' plot device is what ruined everything in the first place. As it did with Assassin's Creed, and every other plot that had to deal with shittiest of shitty plot devices. meet me somewhere if you disagree)


You people talking about killing jetpacks make me sick. Shame. SHAME.

Jetpacks do suck, though.

So do loadouts and everything that came after Halo 3.

Halo 3 MP was perfection.

It pains me that they have the answers right in front of them and they still don't know how to make a good Halo game.
Everyone realises that on average there's been one Halo game per year since 2007 don't they? Maybe there won't be one this year (I feel it would have been announced already), but next year there will be Halo 5, and they've got to squeeze Halo 2 Anniversary in there somewhere too. I like the series for the most part (as someone with little interest in multiplayer, I've found Halo campaigns on the whole have some of the strongest features in the genre. However, I wasn't over-enamoured with Halo 4 and the prospect of more doesn't really do anything for me. This is a franchise which could do with 3 years between instalments, and have each be a major event.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
So Master Chief is the new Jack Bauer in that he's going to constantly have a string of bad days eh?
Except not all Halo games will feature the Chief.

Halo is a science fiction that takes place in an entire galaxy and even expands beyond that - other galaxies, small mentions of other dimensions, past events - so it's ripe for all sorts of scenarios. People don't scoff at how much Star Wars or Star Trek is "milked" so why pick on the Star Wars of video gaming, Halo? Things like the Precursors, for example, aren't going to just be easily shown in two more games anyhow. At least telling us Halo will go beyond just being a trilogy is honest.

My only hope is that the team makes more coherent games. You shouldn't have to refer to novels and Halopedia to connect the dots and that was a problem with Halo 4. Do that and promise bring out quality sequels and they got my monies.


Everyone realises that on average there's been one Halo game per year since 2007 don't they? Maybe there won't be one this year (I feel it would have been announced already), but next year there will be Halo 5, and they've got to squeeze Halo 2 Anniversary in there somewhere too. I like the series for the most part (as someone with little interest in multiplayer, I've found Halo campaigns on the whole have some of the strongest features in the genre. However, I wasn't over-enamoured with Halo 4 and the prospect of more doesn't really do anything for me. This is a franchise which could do with 3 years between instalments, and have each be a major event.
Halo Spartan Assault releases this year.
kinda glad i'm going ps4 only new gen. cause halo is a weakness, like it or not is irrelevant. i buy them and play them. i think it'll be good to cut myself off from the direction it is in now.


kinda glad i'm going ps4 only new gen. cause halo is a weakness, like it or not is irrelevant. i buy them and play them. i think it'll be good to cut myself off from the direction it is in now.

You'll get it, you'll play it and you'll hate yourself.


Jetpacks were a breath of fresh air, there were a couple maps made for the things too. Lotta fond memories.

No, no, no, no.


I can't stress this enough. No.

Did you play Halo 3?

Did you play Halo 2?

Breath of fresh air?

More like a mouthful of ass water.

"Open up wide, Halo fans." That's what it really was.
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