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Halo Xbox One "Legitimate", No Longer A Trilogy, Now A Saga

Do you really think that it's a good idea for Nintendo to reuse the same franchises over and over, decade after decade though? Sure, I'm not saying that Nintendo should just stop making Mario games, bur perhaps every once in a while, instead of making that year's 'Super Mario 3DS U Sunshine Funhappy Extravaganza', they could put some money into budgets for new IPs and bring in more fans.

What happens to Nintendo once everyone forgets who Mario is?

In my opinion, this is why new IP's are very important. It lets developers test the waters with creativity and gives them a chance to give us new experiences just incase the old ones are not fun anymore.

To me, mario and halo are still fun and enjoyable experiences. But some other milked franchises to me are not, like COD.


Where do people keep getting "yearly release?"

The main games will still most likely be 2-3 years apart.

This is my expectation as well. A two perhaps three year cadence, with an outsourced or non mainline game ( such as Halo CEA, the Halo mobile game) filling in the odd years.
"While we originally said trilogy, we've actually expanded this to more of a saga, so we don't want to limit the Reclaimer story within a trilogy."
"we realized you dolts really love this shit; so we're going to be making a metric fuckload of money."


is that a sonic avatar?



I love Sonic.


Btw I am much less Halo averse post-Xbox-180. I had totally written off the franchise, but as I was telling my old Halo friends yesterday when we were talking about it... I might not be able to ignore my curiosity toward the future of Halo now.


Unless it carries the numerical title ala the Final Fantasy franchise I know better to just stay away from all entries not sporting a coveted number.
Heroic, legendary

The knights were tough on Legendary until I realized that it's easier to kill them with an automatic weapon. I found this out during the last level.

They just have fast shield recharge and the ability to move around the battlefield quickly with the teleport, when you do choose to shoot at them, you have to do it quickly and get it over with. Definitely a bullet sponge when it comes to DMR rounds or BR rounds.


Unless it carries the numerical title ala the Final Fantasy franchise I know better to just stay away from all entries not sporting a coveted number.

The number isn't really indicative of anything. I loved ODST and didn't love H4. Don't judge a game by its marketing.


Makes me wonder if they realized that people weren't terribly impressed by the story/antagonists of Halo 4. And that the idea of dealing with them for the next two games in a trilogy wasn't exactly appealing.

Going in a new direction might be for the best. Personally, It's going to take a major effort to get me back for the next game.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Unless Halo ever comes back to PC, I'm done with it. Milked Halo titles will in no way persuade me to get an xbone.

*Sonic avatar*



I don't know what people are reading, but this 'news' just means that the story theme of Halo 4 is also present in other games and media.


Makes me wonder if they realized that people weren't terribly impressed by the story/antagonists of Halo 4. And that the idea of dealing with them for the next two games in a trilogy wasn't exactly appealing.

Going in a new direction might be for the best. Personally, It's going to take a major effort to get me back for the next game.

That's why they made a phone and PC game about Sarah Egghead Palmer.


Right guys
Yeah, I can't say I care for Halo too much anymore... I just can't muster up any interest. Though I was never a huge fan anyway, it was just something to play with friends. But they don't care about Halo after 4 anymore, so meh.

And I never cared for its story, that's for sure.


He touched the black heart of a mod
I liked (liked, not loved) the games up to and including Halo 3. But since then...


Microsoft's obsession with pushing Halo as the Xbox's posterchild is going to kill the franchise. You can already see it with the less enthusiastic feelings about the newer games, and how Bungie themselves left the series years back.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Um we said this verbatim about a year ago, since the story also spans Spartan Ops and other media.

But please, carry on.
Not sure if that was directed at me or the article or both but I was always under the impression it was a trilogy with some side games like Halo 1 - 3. So, this was news to me.

And I have no issue with it. I love the Halo franchise so the "milking" doesn't bother me in the least so long as we keep receiving quality games.

Holy shit, I just recently started watching this (on season 2 getting ready to watch episode 14, "Jacksonville") and I've become obsessed with it!

Two things to note here:
1) I only chose Frankie's face because he is the most recognizable
2) Finding a picture of him looking to the right was almost impossible
is that a sonic avatar?


You're right, Sonic come out very often. I love Sonic, and I love Halo. Although the only Sonic game I've bought in the past 5 years is Generations. The quality just isn't there most of the time.

I do think 343 is a capable studio, but no one can keep innovating when they have to meet a yearly development cycle. I hope that this isn't the route that will be taken because I would hate to see Halo go down that road.


Not really interested in Halo unless Halo 2 Anniversary comes out.

Who am I kidding, Halo will be one of the first titles I buy when I get an Xbox One next year.


For those not paying attention to Spartan Ops:
Requiem blew up, rip Bungie's last contribution to canon.

Yeah I wasn't trying to claim that the story isn't continuing through Spops, but tried to illustrate how... unfortunate it's utilization has been so far.











Wait what.

I no longer understand anything happening in the Halo universe, and I used to be fairly clued in.

Yeah, they kind of hit the worst of both worlds in Halo 4's narrative. Roughly, they increased the volume without really increasing the density. So there's all kinds of weird stuff telegraphed nowhere in the previous games happening, which could be okay except that next to none of it is explained. Oh and Master Chief becomes the chosen one. Here's hoping they do better next time around.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
I also have to add: the concept art trailer is what I wanted from halo 4

Like... Vast environments. Loneliness. Something kind of platform/puzzle/discovery mixed with brief periods of combat... Maybe that way they could have lead up to a huge climactic battle

In halo 4 chief lands on requiem and within a short period of time you are completely surrounded by humans and covenant and it's completely the opposite of what I expected

In Halo 4, chief is completely at the center of everything, the world is revolving around him instead of being what it was in H1-3, a single man trying to give humanity a chance

It just felt so wrong and felt suffocating because there was enemies around every corner


For those not paying attention to Spartan Ops:
Requiem blew up, rip Bungie's last contribution to canon.
I stopped following Spartan Ops because it was boring and the story was terrible. But ...... WHAT?! Really?

Well, glad I've stopped being a Halo fanboy or this would actually make me depressed.
Sounds like.

"we fucked up the story in halo 4 and no longer know where it's going."

Honestly, killing off cortana was their biggest mistake, she would've been the perfect enemy for MC to fight.

The story in halo 4 should've been that MC awoke Medicant Bias. Cortana's falls to her rampancy and in her last moments she attempts to destroy medicant bias but instead of mutually ensured destruction medicant offers cortana a way to save herself from rampancy by rewriting himself into cortana's personality, end of halo 4. Start of halo 5, medicant bias's imprint on cortana stops her rampancy, but armed with the knowledge of humanity and the flood, they start work three fold attack. 1 crippling the human covenant aliance, 2, attacking outlier colonies, 3, searching for their greatest threat, offensive bias. MC works to fight off the attack on human colonies and in doing so finds a dormant offensive bias, end of halo 5. Start of halo 6, MC and offensive bias begin a counter attack on cortana and medicant bias in hope they they don't re-activate the flood, meanwhile civil war is breaking out amoung human colonies from the attacks perputrated by cortana and MB under the guise of oni, and the human covenant aliance is shattering. From here the franchise creates off shoots End of halo 6. Cortana and MB armed with the forerunner army fight against MC and Offensive bias halo 7. MC prevails but destroys cortana, as a parting gift medicant bias sends out a beacon to didact, and halo 8 starts.

off shoot games:
odst's are deployed to deal with the human uprisings in the form of a "realistic" squad based shooter.
spartan 4's are deployed in attacks against the covenant as the rebel covenant search for relics. (halo wars 2?)
I actually wouldn't mind so much about all the problems with Halo 4 as a singleplayer game and as a narrative experience (although as it stands, Halo 4 holds the unique honour of being the only Halo game I finished once; every other title in the series I've burned through three or four times at a minimum), if the multiplayer game was still philosophically Halo, or showed a clear understanding of what differentiated Halo from other titles on the market. But in several key ways -- and uncountable minor ways -- it is and did not. And that reduced my need to play the franchise ever again significantly. It makes me really, really sad.

Halo 2 games played? 2,889.
Halo 3 games played? 3,386.
Halo: Reach games played? 1,915.


Halo 4 games played? 253. Last played in November.


And for any Microsoft/343 employees who are reading and writing me off as some boo-hoo, can't-adapt fanboy, consider that I was a major profit centre for this brand for over a decade. I bought all the games (often the limited edition versions!), preordered most of them, bought all the map packs, bought Halo Wars (!), and hyped the franchise ceaselessly to friends and strangers alike. Halo was a key part of why I bought an Xbox 360, and a key part of why I will not buy an Xbox One. I stopped playing Halo 4 after less than a month and haven't picked it up since. Something's wrong.


Frankie already cleared that up a bit. He's hiding from something/someone

The enemy in the trailer looks to be a machine. It can probably see the Chief using infrared. The cloak really doesn't serve any purpose other than to trick the audience at E3 until the reveal.


As someone whose bread and butter was Halo, I don't know that I can bring myself to care about Halo anymore. Or at least be hopeful about it. 343 seems like a bunch of nice people who work hard, but every step forward they've taken has been accompanied by two or three steps back. They bumped up visual fidelity, but introduced a lot of clutter and lost a lot of readability in combat. They eliminated the AR start matchmaking problem with loadouts, but introduced a host of others by not restricting and balancing well enough. Most recently, they rebalanced the sandbox (which was atrocious at launch), but made weapon and vehicle placement changes to the already-mediocre launch maps that somehow made many of them worse in the process (Gauss Hogs do not belong everywhere. Mantises do not belong everywhere. Those vehicle guns did not need a buff. Scorpions do not belong anywhere). They accelerated the traditional Halo DLC plan and had nine maps out six months after launch, but they didn't learn from the mistakes of the launch maps - these maps just don't work with the gametypes that the game shipped with. It's been a net improvement since the launch of the game, but only just barely. They're continually making decisions that I just can't understand. Next week, they're going to talk about how they're transitioning Team Objective, which was one of the core 4v4 playlists in past games (with gametypes that only work in 4v4 like Oddball and King of the Hill), and shoving 16 players in there...and this is after trying it out with 12 people which was a disaster. It's like they hear people (since there definitely was a push for Big Team Objective), but don't understand what they mean (because the objective gametypes in Halo 4 just don't support that many players - Big Team was CTF and Assault for a reason). I mean, Halo has a history of rough playlist management...but I think the way they've handled Halo 4 beats all of the previous records.

I just don't agree with a huge number of the core philosophies that they've brought to the table, and it would require 343 to vocally renounce them to bring me back on board fully. The things that were actually new about Halo 4 that 343 brought to the table I think are, by and large, abject failures. Their Global Ordnance system that they crowed about so hard pre-launch. Most of their new weapons. Almost every single alteration they made to the existing gametypes, not to mention the conspicuous and unexplained absence of fan favorites like Assault coming off of the gametype-packed Reach. The heavily structured, fundamentally flawed "pick your playstyle" perk and loadout system. The progression system. Dominion. The three new enemy classes. The changes they've made to existing enemy classes, both visually (in terms of player feedback) and in terms of behavior. Their uh..."cinematic" approach. Let's not even get started on Spartan Ops. That was the most blatant example of not understanding how to balance difficulty but keep it fair and fun that I've seen since Halo 2's Jackal Snipers.


The enemy in the trailer looks to be a machine. It can probably see the Chief using infrared. The cloak really doesn't serve any purpose other than to trick the audience at E3 until the reveal.

No one said who he's hiding from. The fact that the enemy shows up doesn't mean he's the one the chief is hiding from. He can even be hiding from the pope(I hope he ain't hidin' from the pope, that is one badass mofo).

We know nothing from the game yet. Only the trailer we saw and the fact that frankie said he's hiding. Not from who or from what.
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