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Hideo Kojima left Konami/KojiPro on October 9th, non-compete ends in December

I need a thread full of "You're hiring him?" after he inevitably ends up somewhere.

Best of luck Kojima, hope you get to make something truly new.

reminds me of a poem i read recently on r/mgs:

Roses are red,

Violets are blue.

Boss, that's the target.

He's coming too?


I remember the last time a rockstar Japanese developer split with his publisher when his latest game was rushed out in an unfinished state. He took key members of their team, they founded their own studio, and after securing a contract with a major Western publisher, they promised to put out a brand new AAA title the likes of which the world had never seen before.

Seven years after he first went independent, this was the result.

I wonder how long until we find out his next move. It would be cool if he went silent until E3 then all of a sudden shows up on someones stage.


aka IMurRIVAL69
I remember the last time a rockstar Japanese developer split with his publisher when his latest game was rushed out in an unfinished state. He took key members of their team, they founded their own studio, and after securing a contract with a major Western publisher, they promised to put out a brand new AAA title the likes of which the world had never seen before.

Seven years after he first went independent, this was the result.


I love Itagaki and I'd take NGB over any MGS game but they're not really in the same league. Itagaki never had the kind of sales or budget Koji got.


1. They would give him a pretty large budget.

2. They would give him creative freedom, moreso than maybe any other major publisher other than Rockstar and Take-Two.

3. They would give him the time to make the game he wants.

4. He has the choice of working in Japan, Europe or America.

5. Sony has a large and varied selection of IP's he could choose to revive/iterate.

6. Sony Santa Monica, one of the most talented studios from a technical perspective, have a team dedicated to helping other studios.

7. Sony has a large movie branch, giving him the option of also working on a movie.

I could probably go on, but suffice it to say, I don't think any other major publisher has all of these benefits other than Sony. It's not a fanboy wish, honestly it makes the most sense. It would suck that other platforms wouldn't get the game, but I feel Sony would give him the best opportunity to make the best game that he wants to make and potentially other options like working on a movie.

Microsoft can give a pretty large budget. Microsoft gives creative freedom, and will even allow you to own the IP - even if it is footing the bill. Microsoft even has a history building a team/studio around a single entity.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
What's with the desperation of wanting Sony to hire him? I wouldnt want his games to be locked down to a single platform.
Why do so many people want him to go to Sony? Just fanboys?

Not only would it limit his games to one platform, but they are known to regularly lay off people from their 1st party teams. I can't recall too many games from Sony with the scope of MGS5 either (not that he may want to make such ambitious projects now though).

On one hand, going sony will probably guarantee him the money, freedom and time he is so keen on. For example, look at the time they were willing to give last guardian and it's troubled development.

But on the other hand, his next game should multi-plat so he can get the good sales and fame/fans. I remember when Mgs 4 came out, it sold around 4 million copies or something and had no nowhere the hype/enthusiasm generated on the internet that MGS V has. This would also mean he would probably get to keep IP rights, which i am sure he will want. But a third party publisher will not be willing to give him all that money and leisure to develop as he pleases. Most importantly, as a fan of his work, I think his genius and craziness needs to be accessed by as many people as possible.

Let's hope someone makes an exception and he can get find some middle ground.


Your move, Doc.

Oh god, I remember that thread. I wonder if it was archived. I also wonder what the theorists think of the mgs v ending.


Part of me wants to see him team up and start a Rockstar Japan JUST to see how heavily cinematic the final product would be.

I cant see Take Two take that chance with them already having the Houser Brothers and their long development cycle but man it would be crazy


I hope he creates a new independent studio myself. Would be interesting to see him forced to create something without an open ended budget.
I haven't read the whole thread. But is ther any news who else from Kojima Production is leaving Konami? I'm hoping Shinkawa also left to join whatever Kojima is doing next.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
I actually think Rockstar would be a good fit in a lot of ways, technology wise they have the stuff in place to let him create a game in the way he seems to be heading.

I just don't think they'd do it.
Hello! My name is Hideo Kojima. You may know me from my decades of work in the world of videogames! Well, now that I've struck out on my own, I can finally make the game I've always wanted to, free from corporate constraints! I've always wanted to make an open world tactical stealth espionage game, with a unique cast and mechanics you've never seen before. I call it...

Alloy Cog!

And here's where you come in!
I actually think Rockstar would be a good fit in a lot of ways, technology wise they have the stuff in place to let him create a game in the way he seems to be heading.

I just don't think they'd do it.

How much did they fund max payne 3 again? I remember something over $100 million or so.
Kojima wouldn't get nearly as big a budget if he were recruited by Sony and his games' sales were restricted to their ecosystem (realistically one platform). Dunno why people seem to think he'll get a license to go hog wild.
I hope he'll write something good for someone new. Maybe more grounded and less nonsensical. Do that and, if with Rockstar support, he'd probably put out something fantastic, especially if it were open-world (which I feel is MGSV's only merit).


I betting that kojima will go and make his own company and studio. Maybe like platinum games studio.

Dude, got the connections, the fame/status and probably the ideas to do it. Mabye not the funds yet, lol. But im sure he rather go for complete control than be in the mercy of some suits again.


even if he went to work for sony.....tbey wouldn't be able to announce it at PSX sadly as it happens before his contract can go.......possibly E3 next year with the re-envisioned PT.

unless his contract is dead on the 1st of december
even if he went to work for sony.....tbey wouldn't be able to announce it at PSX sadly as it happens before his contract can go.......possibly E3 next year with the re-envisioned PT.

unless his contract is dead on the 1st of december

Yeah, if one of the big publishers got him i think thats an announcement you save for E3.


Kojima wouldn't get nearly as big a budget if he were recruited by Sony and his games' sales were restricted to their ecosystem (realistically one platform). Dunno why people seem to think he'll get a license to go hog wild.

Last I heard MGSV made its budget back and some on its first day of release.
I remember the last time a rockstar Japanese developer split with his publisher when his latest game was rushed out in an unfinished state. He took key members of their team, they founded their own studio, and after securing a contract with a major Western publisher, they promised to put out a brand new AAA title the likes of which the world had never seen before.

Seven years after he first went independent, this was the result.

Thing is Kojima can release an unfinished game and still get a 93 MC so there's nothing to worry about :^)
heh jk mgsv is awesome


While I wouldn't mind if Sony picked him up, I'd prefer if it was a multiplat publisher who could throw an insane budget into his hands.
Hello! My name is Hideo Kojima. You may know me from my decades of work in the world of videogames! Well, now that I've struck out on my own, I can finally make the game I've always wanted to, free from corporate constraints! I've always wanted to make an open world tactical stealth espionage game, with a unique cast and mechanics you've never seen before. I call it...

Alloy Cog!

Is it weird that I read this in David Cage's voice?

And here's where you come in!

"Hellooo, ay am Daveed Cage, pleese play mah movee"

Did anybody notice that the newyorker article said Kojima said he can't "for now". I really hope he goes in detail when he opens up in a few months.

I cannot fuckin' wait to hear what he has to say. Hopefully he won't be all respectful salryman and not talk about it. I want the DIRTY DEETZ. WHOSE WIFE DID YOU BONE, KOJIMA.
I'm really looking forward to seeing what kind of game ideas Kojima has had stored up for years. I don't really know how feels Kojima about leaving Konami after three decades (and under these horrible circumstances), though I can guess, but I think it's really going to be a blessing in disguise for his career, artistic spirit, and most importantly his mental well-being. Hopefully.

As for where he should end up, I'm not sure. I guess that depends on the kind of games he wants to make. It'd be interesting to see him try some smaller-scope titles, but I suspect he still has huge aspirations, so Sony might be the best bet. He would also probably out-do Star Citizen in funding if he put up a Kickstarter.
Kojima wouldn't get nearly as big a budget if he were recruited by Sony and his games' sales were restricted to their ecosystem (realistically one platform). Dunno why people seem to think he'll get a license to go hog wild.

Being restricted to one platform lowers the game budget, as does not having to build a hugely scalable engine from scratch for it.

The only thing I think will certainly happen is that he'll found his own independent studio and look for a major publisher to fund him. That's because I don't think he'll want to work under the thumb of another corporation again, especially if he doesn't have the kind of freedom he had at Konami (it took him decades to work his way up to that point). It would give him the freedom he wants and for the publisher, it would also ensure that he was taking a lot of the risk (because if he goes way over budget, his studio will go bankrupt unless provided more funding).

The focus on Sony is a bit ridiculous but I do see them as one of the most likely options, because their takes on game development align really well with his (creativity, creative freedom, story focused games, new IPs, etc). Microsoft I see as one of the least likely, for a variety of reasons (including their position in the market and complete irrelevance in Japan).
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