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Hideo Kojima left Konami/KojiPro on October 9th, non-compete ends in December




Even if MGSV was utter shit


I have a PS4, but I don't want Kojima to go to Sony. I just don't think they can give him the funds or the facilities he'll need to truly unleash what he's had bottled up all these years. He's a better fit for Microsoft.
I have a PS4, but I don't want Kojima to go to Sony. I just don't think they can give him the funds or the facilities he'll need to truly unleash what he's had bottled up all these years. He's a better fit for Microsoft.

You can't be serious....Kojima has wanted the freedom to create and express his artistic ambitions. You go to Sony or even Nintendo WAY before you go to Microsoft who will have him spewing out the same titles again and again ala Halo
Sony desperately needs a new franchise so getting Kojima would be big for them. I can see MS shelling out the bucks so they can make their first party efforts even stronger and sway people to the Xbone. Nintendo seems the most unlikely but he did make those Boktai games and the NX is coming. Who knows.

Surprised the non-compete is over so soon.


Neo Member
You can't be serious....Kojima has wanted the freedom to create and express his artistic ambitions. You go to Sony or even Nintendo WAY before you go to Microsoft who will have him spewing out the same titles again and again ala Halo

He's better of going better Game Productions like Rockstar or CD Projekt RED.

I would hope more on CD Projekt RED because of the unrated adult nudity availability going on.

Kojima Productions would be awesome in that.
I have a PS4, but I don't want Kojima to go to Sony. I just don't think they can give him the funds or the facilities he'll need to truly unleash what he's had bottled up all these years. He's a better fit for Microsoft.

If Sony can't give him those then MS doesn't either. You think MS corp will sink all their money to him?

You guys are delusional if you think anyone is gonna give him the money usually spends on his games

Assuming they hire him, they probably give him Unreal 4 license with decent team, no way they build a new engine for him


...and a "simple" demo made by KojiPro revived the Silent Hill franchise just like that.
It's very hard to believe that Konami wanted to get rid of Kojima.

Not to me it isn't. It assumes business executives in the industry are logical and are able to think long term, most are short term thinkers that believe in disposable talent and quick returns.
Sony could use the money they use to keep David Cage's bombs going to fund Kojima!
Two problems solved for the price of one!

Also, I think it's safe to assume Kojima moves the most units on sony platforms. So, factor in Sony makes more money as a publisher for their own console, and Kojima and team wouldn't have to spend any money porting, they actually prove to be a better fit than most anybody, even if you limited to just the financials.
I have a PS4, but I don't want Kojima to go to Sony. I just don't think they can give him the funds or the facilities he'll need to truly unleash what he's had bottled up all these years. He's a better fit for Microsoft.

They funded The Order, Killzone 2, TLOU, GT5 and The Last Guardian. All of these games have the potential to fall short of their expectations during their production so why then is Kojima exempted from this? I don't see Microsoft providing these funds aside for Halo/GeoW.

You guys are delusional if you think anyone is gonna give him the money usually spends on his games

The same could be said for most AAA games. Or did we forget how much Tomb Raider2013 and Bioshock: Infinite cost at that time?


He's a much better fit at Sony than MS or Nintendo.

The only reason a little dark part of me would like to see him go to MS is because this site would be an absolute riot.

That said my true hope is that he goes to a 3rd party so as many as possible can enjoy his work

My fear is that he leaves the industry completely and tries completely new ventures for awhile and when he comes back, his work isn't as good


You can't be serious....Kojima has wanted the freedom to create and express his artistic ambitions.

I am serious. Sony has been cutting corners wherever it can over the last few years, and scaling back on the studios it already owns rather than opening up new ones, and that's exactly what Kojima will want. Their half-hearted participation in Shenmue III tells me they won't be willing to splash out on another high-profile Japanese developer who doesn't still have his high-profile IP.

He may decide to go with a Japanese company over an American one, but it feels to me that the money will count for a lot, and Microsoft is simply in a better position to gamble on giving him more.
the MS of the early 360 days seem like they would have backed a money truck up to Kojima's house. They seemed to have changed strategies when it comes to these kinds of partnerships now though.


How would Kojima even work at Microsoft? Do they even have a Japanese studio? He always seemed to be more of a Sony guy since almost all MGS games were Sony exclusives.
Your move, Giant Bomb.

Hope he ends up on the Beastcast. They're my favorite!

Kickstarter PC/PS4 game incoming.

Kojima isn't a washed up developer with a nostalgia project. He can write his own ticket with any number of big money backers.

Another example - Young Clifford B went from making big budget spectacles like Gears of War to an F2P arena shooter.

Nexxon sure likes to have as many F2P shooter irons in the fire as possible.

I'd be shocked if Kojima won't be entertaining offers from just about everyone, including EA, Activision, WB, Ubisoft, Bethesda, Take Two, Square Enix, Bandai Namco, Capcom, Sony, Microsoft and a raft of Chinese and Korean F2P megacorps. And that's just the people that would offer to bankroll a new studio with him at the head. I don't seriously expect him to just join someone else's outfit.

In the balance between finances and creativity I'd think Sony, Take 2 and Bethesda would be the best outcome.

Activision and EA would manage to fuck it up somehow with shitty deals or bad practices. WB mostly works on their licenses, but I suppose they could make an original IP play with him. Most of the Japanese publishers are too conservative and/or dysfunctional to make a good home, it seems.

Maybe 2 years ago MS would have made a serious play, but Xbox One is in a ride it out phase right now. They are past the "we can save this thing" window of spending. Even if Phil Spencer wanted it, I don't see upper management willing to throw $100M down for something that won't bear fruit for 4 more years, long after they need it.
I really don't understand what your post means. The post you quoted is to prove that Sony can handle big budget game.

And that freedom to create what you want will be there. 3D platforms? Sure. Open world ARPG? Sure. Cinematic action adventure? Sure. Super creative project? Sure. Character action game? Sure. 3D open world puzzle driven project ( rime ), sure. 3D AI companion driven puzzler? Sure. Cinematic horror project? Sure.


If he keeps making games I hope he goes indie and does smaller projects he is such an interesting designer to only make a game every five years.


Neo Member
I wouldn't want Hideo Kojima involved in games to be only exclusive to console.
My post is a game from a Publisher that supports All platforms like MGSV TPP are on all platform released. Also Hideo Kojima creation are always goes around naughty, crude, dirty, nasty, etc. Just as was shown in MGSV TPP with his Quiet character. And i don't think Sony offer unrated content. The only one that make sense is CD Projekt RED or Bethesda perhaps.
I wouldn't want Hideo Kojima involved in games to be only exclusive to console.
My post is a game from a Publisher that supports All platforms like MGSV TPP are on all platform released. Also Hideo Kojima creation are always goes around naughty, crude, dirty, nasty, etc. Just as was shown in MGSV TPP with his Quiet character. And i don't think Sony offer unrated content. The only one that make sense is CD Projekt RED or Bethesda perhaps.

,,, Aren't there sex minigames in god of war? I don't think Sony's going to give him a lot of shit on the content ratings.
I am serious. Sony has been cutting corners wherever it can over the last few years, and scaling back on the studios it already owns rather than opening up new ones, and that's exactly what Kojima will want. Their half-hearted participation in Shenmue III tells me they won't be willing to splash out on another high-profile Japanese developer who doesn't still have his high-profile IP.

He may decide to go with a Japanese company over an American one, but it feels to me that the money will count for a lot, and Microsoft is simply in a better position to gamble on giving him more.

You'd think after announcing 3 huge games at E3, 1 big game at TGS and with two major conferences yet to come this year, all the "Sony's scaling down first party development" FUD would go away and yet here we are. Laughable.

Also, WTF at bringing up Shenmue 3 out of nowhere for no reason, as if it's even remotely relevant to this situation. That's a pretty incredible stretch to build that narrative.

If you want a relevant comparison, go take a look at WiLD, Michel Ancel's first game since leaving Ubisoft, funded and published by Sony. But that doesn't fit the narrative, so let's conveniently ignore that.

He's better of going better Game Productions like Rockstar or CD Projekt RED.

I would hope more on CD Projekt RED because of the unrated adult nudity availability going on.

Kojima Productions would be awesome in that.

Joke post? Neither of those make any sense at all. He's not going to move to bloody Poland and CD Projekt don't have the funds to build a studio in Japan. And he wouldn't fit at Rockstar, due to the way they're structured.
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