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Honestly, what does Microsoft need to do with Scorpio to solidify your purchase?


Release it and I'm there :D. I buy every console though, so I'm in the minority I'm sure. I even have a pretty beefy PC, and I still want Scorpio. Ease of use, plus my friends will still play on Xbox. Really hope we get some cool info Thursday.

Sony just released Horizon, Nintendo just released Zelda... and Microsoft?, what is their next big exclusive release?

They released Halo Wars 2 in February. As for future exclusives, we don't know the release dates yet. Come back after E3 and ask. :)


Some exclusives... with switch just out and PS4 going nowhere soon... there's going to be just as much software plurality in the marketpace...


Release it and I'm there :D. I buy every console though, so I'm in the minority I'm sure. I even have a pretty beefy PC, and I still want Scorpio. Ease of use, plus my friends will still play on Xbox. Really hope we get some cool info Thursday.

They released Halo Wars 2 in February. As for future exclusives, we don't know the release dates yet. Come back after E3 and ask. :)

Halo is big (not as big as it used to be) but Halo Wars?, i don't think so. Gears was their last big AAA exclusive right? (even though it didn't set the charts on fire)... can we even call them exclusives if they're on PC as well?


There are so many posts in this thread (including mine) about people opting-out of a Scorpio purchase solely because 1st party titles have a PC release. Makes you wonder if MS is getting an equal benefit from releasing on PC. It's definitely pro-consumer and I welcome it, but I'm still shocked they are making that an official strategy because it seems like a net negative for their business model.


Stop bringing their few exclusives on PC. I have an Xbox one but it barely get used, now that their IP are also available on PC I have no use for one.

Lost Odyssey 2 and I'm in day one though.


Almost forgot

Daytona USA 2 remake with modern graphics, native 4K.


one can dream :D
Legit q to people saying "Don't need it, games are on PC" - are you buying those titles on pc or is it just a case of "I know I could if I really wanted to"? Interested in the psychology of it.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Man some people really put too much weight into this "i need exclusives111!!" thing. They have exclusives.
If you dont like them, 3rd party has a lot more stuff coming for you probably.

Dont get the issue anymore and it gets pretty annoying.
Just like how some ppl aren't swayed by Nintendo exclusives enough to get their consoles.

It's called preference....

Especially when Sony and MS consoles have basically identical multiplatform libraries. Right now the XBO is an exclusive only console for me.

Last gen it was PS3.

When did preferences become annoying?
There are so many posts in this thread (including mine) about people opting-out of a Scorpio purchase solely because 1st party titles have a PC release. Makes you wonder if MS is getting an equal benefit from releasing on PC. It's definitely pro-consumer and I welcome it, but I'm still shocked they are making that an official strategy because it seems like a net negative for their business model.

People say that, but many haven't had the displeasure of using the Windows Store. I doubt MS is getting any significant business from their first party titles on PC.
I dont know if there really is anything. They would need some really killer games, but even then I would doubt it because the price will probably be too much.


with the announcement of play anywhere, ms pretty much solidified my decision to NOT purchase the scorpio or any of their future consoles as long as play anywhere exists. UNLESS scorpio has exclusives that i must play. a scorpio exclusive forza or halo would probably be all that it takes.


There are so many posts in this thread (including mine) about people opting-out of a Scorpio purchase solely because 1st party titles have a PC release. Makes you wonder if MS is getting an equal benefit from releasing on PC. It's definitely pro-consumer and I welcome it, but I'm still shocked they are making that an official strategy because it seems like a net negative for their business model.
it's pretty simple. someone buying a game on the windows store is just as beneficial to Microsoft as someone buying an Xbox One game. They don't make much on hardware. It's all about getting someone into their ecosystem


They would have to do the unexpected for me to buy. I've got a nice PC build and there is little reason for me to buy one. With that said, I've always preferred Xbox Live and the Xbox controllers to their PlayStation counterparts. Give me an Xbox One at $399 or less with true 4K games and the Elite controller bundled in. There are some games I would play the hell out of on Xbox instead of my Pc (such as COD). Not really related but I would love to see the return of Live game shows like 1 vs 100. Those were good times.


Really, it's not about the machine, or even games, per se. They need to come out and tell me about what they are doing to build a broad array of studios and support a wide gamut of creative visions.

Even if Sony doesn't have a title I want at a given moment, I know their massive 1st party network will provide something amazing just around the corner.

Microsoft needs to create that confidence on gamers, too.


On a more serious note, I've given up any hope for Microsoft's PC efforts considering how UWP is a complete dumpster fire. So I'd rather support their console efforts and play Microsoft Studios published games that way. It also helps that it has a UHD player and BC.


Unlikely that they can. MS failed to sell me on XBO, and Scorpio is just a more powerful version.

I'm looking for a much more diverse library, with more SP games, than XBO can provide.
Let it run a full version of windows. If the next Xbox can run games puchased from Steam then I may consider it. Seems unlikely though.
If they're still gonna put all their escclusives on Win10, then nothing. I'll never buy this hypothetical device because I have a PC, and Microsoft has largely failed to secure decent exclusives.


Only 2 ways Microsoft could solidify a Scorpio purchase from me:
If they make it run actual Windows, and I can have a fairly portable machine that plays all my Steam titles at decent settings for its price.
Or they retract Xbox Play Anywhere, and come out with an incredible line-up of must-have exclusives that force me into a purchase.

Neither way seems remotely likely to happen, so I'm just gonna continue to play Microsoft games on my PC, and let others enjoy Scorpio. If the rumors are true, at least Scorpio seems like a more meaningful upgrade than PS4 Pro...on top of supporting 4k blu-ray.
Man some people really put too much weight into this "i need exclusives111!!" thing. They have exclusives.

They're the same old exclusives, I liked Halo, I finished 1-4+reach, I liked gears, I finished 1-3.

But I'm over those franchises, have absolutely 0 interest in playing more halo or gears anymore. They need to change it up, more stuff like sunset overdrive. Because that's the only game that gives my any interest in an xbone and it's not remotely enough.

Or atleast radically mix it up with those franchises like nintendo do all the time and just did with zelda or how sony seem to be doing with God of War (another franchise that I was completely over until they weren't changed it.)
They're the same old exclusives, I liked Halo, I finished 1-4+reach, I liked gears, I finished 1-3.

But I'm over those franchises, have absolutely 0 interest in playing more halo or gears anymore. They need to change it up, more stuff like sunset overdrive. Because that's the only game that gives my any interest in an xbone and it's not remotely enough.

Love sunset, really fun game
At this point I dont know. I gave their system a shot, I really did, but I haven't really found much use for my One aside from the occasional 4k movie. I think they should release more compelling and exclusive software before I end up selling the damn thing. Asking me to go Scorpio is too much of an ask without the games to back it up.


If all 1st party games are still going to PC, then I have no reason to own one

This tbh.

Even if it was console exclusive, unless it's some great new IP that blows me away that's exclusive ONLY to Scorpio I'd still probably just get it on my original X1.


Simple, have games I want to play on it that I can't play anywhere else. Halo, Gears, and Forza do not interest me.


If they somehow got a new Bioshock to appear on XB1 being Scorpio enhanced as a console exclusive.

I'd be all over that.
They're the same old exclusives, I liked Halo, I finished 1-4+reach, I liked gears, I finished 1-3.

But I'm over those franchises, have absolutely 0 interest in playing more halo or gears anymore. They need to change it up, more stuff like sunset overdrive. Because that's the only game that gives my any interest in an xbone and it's not remotely enough.

Or atleast radically mix it up with those franchises like nintendo do all the time and just did with zelda or how sony seem to be doing with God of War (another franchise that I was completely over until they weren't changed it.)

For real. When I finished Sunset Overdrive was the last time I even had my XBO plugged in. It's been in its box ever since.
I already have a PC with a 1070, so there's probably nothing they can do short of going back on their plan to bring everything to PC. Even then, Microsoft's exclusives don't really boil my potato. Back towards the beginning of this generation I was actually planning to buy an XB1 when games like Quantum Break, Scalebound and Crackdown 3 came out, but QB came to PC (and I didn't like it), Scalebound was cancelled, and they've still yet to really show anything from Crackdown 3 after all these years (and it'll come to PC anyway).


listen to the mad man
Well right now Scorpio has no release date, no price point, no software, no final specs, and no retail deals, and while Microsoft has a handful of announced titles like Crackdown 3, Sea of Thieves, and State of Decay 2 (and a few downloadables like Phantom Dust), it's unclear whether any of them will be Scorpio-enhanced, what those enhancements will be, when they will be released, etc.


There are so many posts in this thread (including mine) about people opting-out of a Scorpio purchase solely because 1st party titles have a PC release. Makes you wonder if MS is getting an equal benefit from releasing on PC. It's definitely pro-consumer and I welcome it, but I'm still shocked they are making that an official strategy because it seems like a net negative for their business model.

Good exclusives and solid UHD Blu-ray support are what I'll be looking for. I HOPE for good third party support so that it can appease a large base of consumers and sustain as a healthy platform, but I'll still likely be looking for that among PC and PlayStation platforms personally. I don't need those exclusives to come out right at launch -- just knowing that there are 3 or 4 that I definitely want to try out eventually would be enough.

It's scheduled to come out in a similar timeframe as when I plan to buy my first 4K+HDR TV, so hoping it can serve as my UHD Blu-Ray player when it drops. I know the Xbox One S can already do that, and I previously owned an Xbox One S, but I'm hoping the Scorpio has enough on offer to justify going with it over an XB1S since I'll be needing a UHD Blu-Ray player around the time of its launch.


Man some people really put too much weight into this "i need exclusives111!!" thing. They have exclusives.
If you dont like them, 3rd party has a lot more stuff coming for you probably.

Dont get the issue anymore and it gets pretty annoying.

Because Sony has had some glaring unique titles in the last 4 months, all being critically acclaimed. People want more games like sunset overdrive, and less of forza and Halo.

I'll be picking up a Scorpio regardless. BC, 4k drive player, 3rd party home now. But I want unique experiences too. Persona, Nier, gravity rush, last guardian and kingdom hearts. All in the last 5 months. Xbox just got Halo wars.


An apology for the DRM they planned on forcing everyone to have, a box of chocolates and a new Conker's Bad Fur Day game*.

*Must be actual game and not be terrible.


Lost Odyssey 2
Resident Evil 8 exclusive
Snatcher 2
Bayonetta x DMC
Sega/Namco/Capcom arcade compilations

Otherwise I don't think there's anything they could do to tempt me. They've said that it won't have exclusives, and 4K doesn't interest me in the slightest. I'll stick with my XB1.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
An apology for the DRM they planned on forcing everyone to have, a box of chocolates and a new Conker's Bad Fur Day game*.

*Must be actual game and not be terrible.

Why should they apologise for something they never made you do?
Build out a stronger first party studio lineup than Sony. So far this is the area they are really lacking and was the reason i sold my xbo.
MS can go ahead and run back to Xbox if they want. PC gamers literally do not care.

Speak for your dang self please.


Do I dislike UWP? Yes. Do I mind their first party being on it if they can get them working smoothly? No. Do I hope that they will open up and put their stuff on Steam? Yes. Do I think they have some kinks to work out with some of their PC versions? Yes.

But none of that means that I think they should give up trying to get it right. What on earth?
Nothing for me. I'm content with a PC, PS4 and eventually Switch. I've gotten tired of their first party output, so unless that changes and they take some risks ala Sony with Horizon Zero Dawn, I'm not too interested.


it's pretty simple. someone buying a game on the windows store is just as beneficial to Microsoft as someone buying an Xbox One game. They don't make much on hardware. It's all about getting someone into their ecosystem

Right, but I'm questioning if just getting someone in their PC ecosystem equates. They lose market share in the console hardware market, which people clearly pick up on. Plus the Windows store isn't designed for 50gb games, so it's a bad user experience for PC players.

Despite the fact I prefer it because I don't need to buy an X1, I wonder if it's hurting them more than it's helping.


Lots of great exclusives from first parties.
This. At this point I have basically no reason to upgrade my Xbox One as I hardly even play it now. Their exclusives aren't all that appealing to me. Much prefer Sony's.

Or possibly if the system was leaps and bounds more powerful than a pro, which I already have.
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