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HS Basketball Coach suspened for winning a game 161-2

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the point of professional sports is to win. The point of children's sports is to give them tools to cary into adulthood. It's no different than an educational class. You do it to learn.
The point of any sport that's in a league is to win. That's why they have records and standings. These kids have championship games just like any college or pro sports team, and some of them are using high school sports to cultivate their futures. Colleges go to high schools to recruit kids for their sports programs.

If you don't want to be in a game where the point is to win, don't get in a league. Go play a pick up game.


I think what some people are missing here is that sports is also meant to teach sportsmanship and nothing about that score is sporting.


Don't most high schools have a mercy rule in effect for games like this?
Yeah. After the third quarter if there's a forty point differentiation they're supposed to run down the clock. The only feasible way I see this whole situation occurring is the losing team simply saying no to mercy.
Source: CIF Instructor's Guide


I always love reading these threads because you can immediately tell who empathizes with and envisions themselves as the team getting their teeth kicked in, and who immediately envisions themselves trying to avoid stepping on the necks of the impossibly incompetent.

D i Z

I think what some people are missing here is that sports is also meant to teach sportsmanship and nothing about that score is sporting.

You know, the coach for the losing team could have been a sport and threw the towel in for his team. Took the L and left his kids with some dignity. But he didn't.

I always love reading these threads because you can immediately tell who empathizes with and envisions themselves as the team getting their teeth kicked in, and who immediately envisions themselves trying to avoid stepping on the necks of the impossibly incompetent.

It is pretty telling.
Considering the coach put in his worst players on the squad during the second half and still won 161-2, there's nothing more you can do. If he told his players to quit playing to allow the other team to score, the opposing team could have felt even more insulted. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Just play the game


Jesus, the attitude in here (and frankly every time this topic is brought up) is so fucking douchey. No wonder American culture is so individualistic and shitty - you have people wholeheartedly arguing that teaching children to win is more important than the process of achievement.


I think what some people are missing here is that sports is also meant to teach sportsmanship and nothing about that score is sporting.

well i still don't see how its the coaches fault. he subbed in his bench and the other team still got destroyed.

if coach chung thought something should have happened maybe he should have spoke to the refs and the other coach at halftime.

if i were one of the girls on the losing team i'd feel even more disrespected if the other team started messing around or just in general not playing any defense and letting me score. that's more offensive. i doubt they were jacking up three pointers to run up the score or showboating.


I think what some people are missing here is that sports is also meant to teach sportsmanship and nothing about that score is sporting.

They weren't pressing, they stopped shooting until the end of the shot clock, and they definitely held back. It's a poor lesson to teach a kid to hold himself/herself back for the sake of the other team. These kids presumably want to keep playing down the line, so they should really be getting all that they can out of the opportunity to play. If the players were mocking and showboating, then I'd have an issue, but if they're just playing their best, there's nothing wrong with that.


I was once on the losing end of a game like this. Our team consisted of almost all of the 20 boys that where in our class no matter how skilled they were. The other team has these giants wearing mouth guards and dunking the ball during warm-ups. We lost 100+ to 6 (I scored 1/3 of our teams points *proud face*). Still one of my favorite memories from playing basketball, it was hilarious.


Ugh. If you get stomped, you get stomped. That's how it works. Anything else is just patronising.

Must be weird to tell your team they're too good so you're taking them out of play.
GAF is heartless today.

I would want to play the game out as the losing team as well though.

...How in the hell does this happen? I mean no matter how bad they are someone at some point has to get a lucky layup or something. Jeez...


Come the fuck on guys, this isn't preschoolers were talking about here it's 15-18 year olds. They don't need the transparent coddling bs to know they're going to be okay and not have their feelings hurt.

They sucked and they lost. Use it as a motivator to build to better days or quit playing. When you're that old there's no playing down being that bad, either the coach is ass or the school doesn't facilitate proper athletics. Either way, suspending the other coach after he pulled the starters after the first half and they still only made a single shot is idiocy.
Jesus, the attitude in here (and frankly every time this topic is brought up) is so fucking douchey. No wonder American culture is so individualistic and shitty - you have people wholeheartedly arguing that teaching children to win is more important than the process of achievement.

Why single out Americans when there are Europeans in this very thread pointing out lopsided scores too that they didn't mind or where a part of.


They weren't pressing, they stopped shooting until the end of the shot clock, and they definitely held back. It's a poor lesson to teach a kid to hold himself/herself back for the sake of the other team. These kids presumably want to keep playing down the line, so they should really be getting all that they can out of the opportunity to play. If the players were mocking and showboating, then I'd have an issue, but if they're just playing their best, there's nothing wrong with that.

Yeah learn tact and the ability to give someone dignity is a terrible lesson.
I always love reading these threads because you can immediately tell who empathizes with and envisions themselves as the team getting their teeth kicked in, and who immediately envisions themselves trying to avoid stepping on the necks of the impossibly incompetent.
Nevermind, misread your post.


Jesus, the attitude in here (and frankly every time this topic is brought up) is so fucking douchey. No wonder American culture is so individualistic and shitty - you have people wholeheartedly arguing that teaching children to win is more important than the process of achievement.

or you chalk it up as a learning experience and you go back and try and improve. why would you be mad at the other team? i would be mad at myself both as a coach and player that someone would be able to do that to me. you act like the girls on the other team were taunting or talking trash or something lol


listen to the mad man
Well, the good news is that Galt's Gulch has a high school girl's basketball coach now. Talk about stopping the motor of the world.
the point of professional sports is to win. The point of children's sports is to give them tools to cary into adulthood. It's no different than an educational class. You do it to learn.

I feel like you're continually calling it "children's sports" to misrepresent what HS sports actually are once you reach a varsity level. Which for a good team, the possibility of getting into a good college without racking up a major debt.

If your team isn't good enough to play against an elite team, you shouldn't be scheduling them to play against them. This game took place before League play.. which, if I'm not mistaken, means these are games put together by the schools/coaches as preparation for the normal season. Sounds to me like Bloomington had no business scheduling against Arroyo Valley High in the first place.

And scapegoating the Coach for this is silly as well. The very next game the girls played, without their Coach, they won 80-19.

In the first game without their head coach, the Hawks beat Indian Springs High School 80-19 on Jan. 14. The Hawks were coached by Anderson's 19-year-old son Nicholas. Anderson spent some of his time off scouting a league opponent.

Source: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/...-basketball-coach-suspended-after-massive-win

His team is just much more talented than their opposition and asking them not to play to the best of their ability every game to avoid hurt feelings is doing them a disservice because, again, they're looking to build an impressive resume to get themselves into good colleges on scholarships.


love on your sleeve
I think what some people are missing here is that sports is also meant to teach sportsmanship and nothing about that score is sporting.

They straight up told Bloomington they would play hard for one half to practice for their upcoming schedule to which Bloomington's coach agreed that was fine. I don't see any problem with this at all. Coach Chung had the invite to say something during the game if he had a problem with what Arroyo was doing and he apparently stayed quiet.


Come the fuck on guys, this isn't preschoolers were talking about here it's 15-18 year olds. They don't need the transparent coddling bs to know they're going to be okay and not have their feelings hurt.

They sucked and they lost. Use it as a motivator to build to better days or quit playing. When you're that old there's no playing down being that bad, either the coach is ass or the school doesn't facilitate proper athletics. Either way, suspending the other coach after he pulled the starters after the first half and they still only made a single shot is idiocy.

Okay, but the full-court press was a dick move. As others have said the final score is only possible if they were scoring at an insane rate, especially given the lower time limit in high school games, meaning they were aggressively pursuing the ball and shooting fast for most of the game.

Once they were up by 40 points or so they could have eased back to their half of the court and ran the shotclock a bit every time. Clearly they did not do that.

So if they won, say, 90-2, already a ridiculous margin, especially for a high school game, maybe I'd be on the suspended coach's side. But 161-2 means they were going for it aggressively way, way, way past the point where it was no longer a game, which is just poor taste.

And poor sportsmanship.

D i Z

Jesus, the attitude in here (and frankly every time this topic is brought up) is so fucking douchey. No wonder American culture is so individualistic and shitty - you have people wholeheartedly arguing that teaching children to win is more important than the process of achievement.

Because competition in sports or any other field is an American fallacy? Get outta here with that nonsense. I've watch England and Germany tear each other apart on the football (soccer) field for national pride. The point of competition is to compete. If you're not doing that, then you are taking someone else's spot that really wants it.


Jesus, the attitude in here (and frankly every time this topic is brought up) is so fucking douchey. No wonder American culture is so individualistic and shitty - you have people wholeheartedly arguing that teaching children to win is more important than the process of achievement.

its not an achievement if the other people let you win. losing builds more character than a fake win or some kind of mercy thing. i think sports is a bad place to learn to be friendly to others in that its competition and where not everyone is psychically equal. i think if you cant play then bounce


The winning team should have spat at the losers just to prepare them for real life.

But seriously, it sounds like a problem with the situation that put those teams to play against each other. His team clearly was doing better than other teams and the losing team was already getting dominated by other teams. It's pointless to pit them against each other, no one comes out of that getting anything from the game.

its not an achievement if the other people let you win. losing builds more character than a fake win or some kind of mercy thing. i think sports is a bad place to learn to be friendly to others in that its competition and where not everyone is psychically equal. i think if you cant play then bounce

A mercy ruling isn't a win or even a draw for the team being dominated by any definition. It just ends a game that was over a long time ago.


To be honest this game shouldn't have even be played. It certainly should have been called at halftime. Neither team are learning any thing. You can't look at that film and instruct your players. There's nothing constructive to take out of the contest.

The lesson that some folks are leagues better than you at stuff was learned five minutes into the game.


If some people here would coach sports or dictate how sports should be played I fear for future athletes. Reggie Miller would have never been as good as he was if Cheryl was not beating his ass. Oh Cheryl look what they have done to Women's basketball.


What a joke. Coach deserves an apology from his weenie administration but probably won't get one. He even spoke to the other coach and warned him that his good squad was going to use this as a tune-up before real play started and even after calling off the dogs the other team could only score 1 freaking point on a foul shot.


Unconfirmed Member
Ridiculous, if they can't stand being humilated then don't even try to play sports.


I've watch England and Germany tear each other apart on the football (soccer) field for national pride. The point of competition is to compete. If you're not doing that, then you are taking someone else's spot that really wants it.

But when a player is hurt even in a national game, there is nothing in the rules that says you should put the ball out of play, but teams still do it. It about sportsmanship. They could go on for the win and take advantage but even in the World Cup they still kick the ball out.


Man, a lot has to go wrong to be up by 100 in one half, then still outscore them by 60+ with the backups. From the winner's perspective sure they shouldn't have to let up and keep winning. Although from the loser's perspective next time they drive the lane up by 100-some that guy's getting sent back to the bench with an icepack. Real world lessons for both sides then lol.


To be honest this game shouldn't have even be played. It certainly should have been called at halftime. Neither team are learning any thing. You can't look at that film and instruct your players. There's nothing constructive to take out of the contest.

The lesson that some folks are leagues better than you at stuff was learned five minutes into the game.
Actually, I think the extent of the debate right here on this thread is a testament to the amount of things to be learned from this.

I very sure there's more to it than the fact that some people are better.
But when a player is hurt even in a national game, there is nothing in the rules that says you should put the ball out of play, but teams still do it. It about sportsmanship. They could go on for the win and take advantage but even in the World Cup they still kick the ball out.

So you're equating greater skill to the opposing team being hurt? Stopping play for a hurt player is done out of consideration for another human being being injured. Stopping play because the opponent, who is 100% healthy just can't keep up with you is nothing more than pity and people don't tend to enjoy being pitied.


Because competition in sports or any other field is an American fallacy. Get outta here with that nonsense. I've watch England and Germany tear each other apart on the football (soccer) field for national pride. The point of competition is to compete. If you're not doing that, then you are taking someone else's spot that really wants it.

This team wasn't competing. The game wasn't competitive. I could go down to the park and play 3rd graders in basketball all day, but that doesn't mean it's a fair or worthwhile. Beating a team by 100 doesn't do anyone any good.
But when a player is hurt even in a national game, there is nothing in the rules that says you should put the ball out of play, but teams still do it. It about sportsmanship. They could go on for the win and take advantage but even in the World Cup they still kick the ball out.

You can't compare a player being hurt to losing heavily


Unconfirmed Member
I think what some people are missing here is that sports is also meant to teach sportsmanship and nothing about that score is sporting.

what a joke
sports are meant to be won, if they want to teach kids sportsmanship then do it in class

D i Z

But when a player is hurt even in a national game, there is nothing in the rules that says you should put the ball out of play, but teams still do it. It about sportsmanship. They could go on for the win and take advantage but even in the World Cup they still kick the ball out.

Who was hurt or unable to compete in this situation? This is about bad coaching, and not on the part of the one that got suspended. And nope. In the World cup, more often than not, that kind of play doesn't exist and we all know it.

This team wasn't competing. The game wasn't competitive. I could go down to the park and play 3rd graders in basketball all day, but that doesn't mean it's a fair or worthwhile. Beating a team by 100 doesn't do anyone any good.

Obviously. So why did their coach not do something about it? My point is that we shouldn't be knocking those that showed up to do what they were supposed to. Why did the other team NOT show up?


So you're equating greater skill to the opposing team being hurt? Stopping play for a hurt player is done out of consideration for another human being being injured. Stopping play because the opponent, who is 100% healthy just can't keep up with you is nothing more than pity and people don't tend to enjoy being pitied.

Come on where talking about Football (Soccer) we all know how hurt the guy is, where not talking about life threatening injuries here. My point is there is some sportsmanship at play. Its not so black and white as just win.
It happens in the world of finance too. Heaven forbid you're successful - people will call it a monopoly and try to bring you down.



Yeah learn tact and the ability to give someone dignity is a terrible lesson.

So you would rather them make a mockery of the situation and throw the ball in, stand there for a bit, and then hand it over to the other team so that they can get some easy points? You don't think that would look even worse?


Actually, I think the extent of the debate right here on this thread is a testament to the amount of things to be learned from this.

I very sure there's more to it than the fact that some people are better.

The gist of this thread is that you play to compete, even if you are getting mollywhopped. And if you feel ashamed too damn bad you weenie, get good.

I don't think the suspension is warranted, but games like this have no competitive value, and even less instructive value at a level where instruction is most necessary.
This team wasn't competing. The game wasn't competitive. I could go down to the park and play 3rd graders in basketball all day, but that doesn't mean it's a fair or worthwhile. Beating a team by 100 doesn't do anyone any good.

Terrible comparison. These girls are the same age range and should be learning the same tennants. The difference is in talent and teamwork. In this case, the Bloomington team shouldn't have scheduled against Arroyo if they knew they were outclassed before hand.

If I walk onto a court and challenge an NBA player to a game of 1 on 1. I have no one to blame but myself when he stomps a mudhole in me.


Should have been fired, actually.

Everyone in girls basketball knows there are grand canyon sized gaps in talent between some teams. For this ass to keep pressing well after the lead grew to 50+ points is a blatant disregard of sports ethics. Wouldn't want him anywhere near my child.
I dunno, seems more like sour grapes from the loser's side than anything else, since the winning coach took his foot off the pedal in the second half.
Jesus, the attitude in here (and frankly every time this topic is brought up) is so fucking douchey. No wonder American culture is so individualistic and shitty - you have people wholeheartedly arguing that teaching children to win is more important than the process of achievement.

why are you calling them children?
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