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HS Basketball Coach suspened for winning a game 161-2

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Should have been fired, actually.

Everyone in girls basketball knows there are grand canyon sized gaps in talent between some teams. For this ass to keep pressing well after the lead grew to 50+ points is a blatant disregard of sports ethics. Wouldn't want him anywhere near my child.

I don't get it, what are they supposed to do? Is his team supposed to just stop playing the game? Pass the ball around without shooting?

It's not his fault there is no mercy rule. It's not his fault that the other team was complete and utter shit.


I was once on the losing end of a game like this. Our team consisted of almost all of the 20 boys that where in our class no matter how skilled they were. The other team has these giants wearing mouth guards and dunking the ball during warm-ups. We lost 100+ to 6 (I scored 1/3 of our teams points *proud face*). Still one of my favorite memories from playing basketball, it was hilarious.

I've been on the losing end of a bunch of games like this playing church-league in high school. My tiny-ass church team had like 7 guys, i have zero basketball talent and I was starting and some of the teams we went up against had all-state/region athletes in other sports (tennis, baseball, football). We once all cleared out just so we could watch one guy on the other team dunk, haha. I think the most we ever lost by was 50+ points. And that's church league. HS Athletics is obviously way more competitive.

16 and 17 year olds don't need sportsmanship lessons. They are near-adults already, just let 'em play. The winning team's coach even told them we are going to play a real half of basketball and then hold back. The losing team's coach crying about getting smashed even after the other team tried to hold back just shows me there's 1 poor sport here, and it's not the guy that got suspended.
Some people here acting like it's a fucking math equation.

He changed the input, what else could he do?

You never firebomb the other team to begin with.

Let them walk the ball up the court. Play soft defense. Swat them or steal if they give you an easy turnover.
Run the other players up the court to get conditioning but don't fastbreak with whoever got the ball. Pass it to the PG and dribble up at a controlled pace or push then stop.
Practice your set plays. Do some passes. Shoot a layup or practice your three pointer.

Repeat this and they easily win 75 to 10. The debacle is avoided and it ends without a headline.
Come on where talking about Football (Soccer) we all know how hurt the guy is, where not talking about life threatening injuries here. My point is there is some sportsmanship at play. Its not so black and white as just win.

It doesn't matter how hurt the guy is because the reason for stopping play is that the player being hurt takes precedence over the game itself. It's labeled sportsmanship but it's really just human empathy. That's entirely different than pitying someone who is out of their depth.


Should have been fired, actually.

Everyone in girls basketball knows there are grand canyon sized gaps in talent between some teams. For this ass to keep pressing well after the lead grew to 50+ points is a blatant disregard of sports ethics. Wouldn't want him anywhere near my child.

What is the coach supposed to do in that situation? He didn't even play his starters in the second half and his bench team was still scoring points. Is he supposed to tell his team to go out on the court and sit down and literally do nothing? At that point you have to question what the opposing team is even doing in that division of high school basketball if they are that outclassed.

Some people here acting like it's a fucking math equation.

He changed the input, what else could he do?

You never firebomb the other team to begin with.

Let them walk the ball up the court. Play soft defense. Swat them or steal if they give you an easy turnover.
Run the other players up the court to get conditioning but don't fastbreak with whoever got the ball. Pass it to the PG and dribble up at a controlled pace or push then stop.
Practice your set plays. Do some passes. Shoot a layup or practice your three pointer.

Repeat this and they easily win 75 to 10. The debacle is avoided and it ends without a headline.

I think making it deliberately obvious to the other team that you're intentionally giving up the ball to them is honestly more disrespectful because you're effectively telling your opponents that they need your help in order to even look good.


Unconfirmed Member
Some people here acting like it's a fucking math equation.

He changed the input, what else could he do?

You never firebomb the other team to begin with.

Let them walk the ball up the court. Play soft defense. Swat them or steal if they give you an easy turnover.
Run the other players up the court to get conditioning but don't fastbreak with whoever got the ball. Pass it to the PG and dribble up at a controlled pace or push then stop.
Practice your set plays. Do some passes. Shoot a layup or practice your three pointer.

Repeat this and they easily win 75 to 10. The debacle is avoided and it ends without a headline.

So, have the other team be the equivalent of test dummies? That sounds even more disrespectful to the other team.
What was an acceptable margin to win by in this case? I mean the losing team only scored 2 points... passing the ball around and purposefully not scoring would be more humiliating in my opinion.


If I walk onto a court and challenge an NBA player to a game of 1 on 1. I have no one to blame but myself when he stomps a mudhole in me.

I played against an NBA player 1-on-1. I got the ball first, I shot it right away, and made it. It was keep the ball on made basket rules, so I quickly shot it again and made it. We were playing to 11 by 1s and 2s. I lost 11-2.


What was an acceptable margin to win by in this case? I mean the losing team only scored 2 points... passing the ball around and purposefully not scoring would be more humiliating in my opinion.

The fact that the other team could only score 2 points makes me question if that school even belongs in the same conference/division as the winning team.

Neo C.

Jesus, the attitude in here (and frankly every time this topic is brought up) is so fucking douchey. No wonder American culture is so individualistic and shitty - you have people wholeheartedly arguing that teaching children to win is more important than the process of achievement.

It's sport. I would say European kids are even more competitive, and I got my fair share of ass kicking. The only time I would complain is when the winning team does some trash talking or plays dirty.


I played against an NBA player 1-on-1. I got the ball first, I shot it right away, and made it. It was keep the ball on made basket rules, so I quickly shot it again and made it. We were playing to 11 by 1s and 2s. I lost 11-2.

lol were you in the Scal competition they did a few years ago?


Jesus, the attitude in here (and frankly every time this topic is brought up) is so fucking douchey. No wonder American culture is so individualistic and shitty - you have people wholeheartedly arguing that teaching children to win is more important than the process of achievement.

The achievement is winning though. That's why they keep track of score, wins, and have championships. This isn't elementary school basketball where everyone gets a trophy for being able to put on a jersey.


It doesn't matter how hurt the guy is because the reason for stopping play is that the player being hurt takes precedence over the game itself. It's labeled sportsmanship but it's really just human empathy. That's entirely different than pitying someone who is out of their depth.

I have no issue with the game or giving them a shit kicking. I'm not American and I don't know basketball that well. I just know in Hockey running up the score like that could easily result in kids leaving in ambulances. So sometimes you have to be smart and show a little class. You don't want to make a mockery of either side, you don't blatantly take it easy and you don't rub their nose in it. I can not imagine you can show any class in a score like that but maybe you can.
Some people here acting like it's a fucking math equation.

He changed the input, what else could he do?

You never firebomb the other team to begin with.

Let them walk the ball up the court. Play soft defense. Swat them or steal if they give you an easy turnover.
Run the other players up the court to get conditioning but don't fastbreak with whoever got the ball. Pass it to the PG and dribble up at a controlled pace or push then stop.
Practice your set plays. Do some passes. Shoot a layup or practice your three pointer.

Repeat this and they easily win 75 to 10. The debacle is avoided and it ends without a headline.

That's still an embarrassment to the losing team getting smashed like that by an opponent who isn't even trying. If anything it's a bigger embarrassment.

Have you talked to a high schooler recently?

This statement actually works against you. Kids in high school may not be fully developed mentally but they are certainly developed enough to handle the emotional result of losing a basketball game.


Jesus, the attitude in here (and frankly every time this topic is brought up) is so fucking douchey. No wonder American culture is so individualistic and shitty - you have people wholeheartedly arguing that teaching children to win is more important than the process of achievement.

1v1 yahoo checkers right now


Most of them will have sex. Many of them will smoke and do drugs. All of them are a couple dozen months from being able to vote.

They can lose a fucking basketball game.

I'm not debating that, I'm just pointing out that, in many ways they are still children and we forget that. Adolescence encompasses the teenage years. I'd argue that the whole sense of self and emerging adulthood don't take hold until freshman year of college.


The winning team shouldve starred a taunting chant. Break their sprits then crush them. No mercy.
It's easy to joke around with that but if a team was up that many and then being that classless? Losing team's gonna deservedly put the hurt on someone. Return the sportsmanship.


I'm not debating that, I'm just pointing out that, in many ways they are still children and we forget that. Adolescence encompasses the teenage years. I'd argue that the whole sense of self and emerging adulthood don't take hold until freshman year of college.
/won't somebody please think of the children!/


Jesus, the attitude in here (and frankly every time this topic is brought up) is so fucking douchey. No wonder American culture is so individualistic and shitty - you have people wholeheartedly arguing that teaching children to win is more important than the process of achievement.

But isn't the win and being the best you can be the achievement?
I have no issue with the game or giving them a shit kicking. I'm not American and I don't know basketball that well. I just know in Hockey running up the score like that could easily result in kids leaving in ambulances. So sometimes you have to be smart and show a little class. You don't want to make a mockery of either side, you don't blatantly take it easy and you don't rub their nose in it. I can not imagine you can show any class in a score like that but maybe you can.

Basketball isn't as physical as Hockey but similar results could have happened, sure. However that's a problem with the losing team not knowing how to control their emotions and lose gracefully, not about the winning team not knowing to show the other guys pity properly.

Better opposition not showing you pity is a sign of respect for you as a competitor. It shows that they feel you can handle the pressure and maybe even use it to be better. However in a specific case like this, the teams are so far apart in skill that the game should've never been scheduled in the first place. And that blame lies squarely with the losing teams Coach for putting his players in that position to begin with.

D i Z

He's probably dealing with an incredibly limited number of kids to choose from, and beyond that it's not like he can choose what division his school is put into.

But the could go across the line and shake the other coaches hand and forfeit. Or come up with something, anything that would get his team more than 1 point per half.

I bet if we asked the students who played which ones were pissed at their own coach, it wouldn't be the team that had theirs suspended.
How does a team properly hold themselves back? Chuck it at the backboard and don't block the other team's shots?

I don't ever remember a race car in first place slowing down so that the second place car can catch up and so not to appear to be losing so much. I understand sportsmanship, I'm conflicted. Don't beat the dead horse, but if you lose big then you lose big. I don't think a coach is to blame for the other team not being up to the same standard, but then again it's respectful not to kick the competition while their down. Ugh, damn sports.


I don't get it, what are they supposed to do? Is his team supposed to just stop playing the game? Pass the ball around without shooting?

It's not his fault there is no mercy rule. It's not his fault that the other team was complete and utter shit.
It's really easy, no coach would need help figuring it out.

When playing a wildly overmatched girls hs opponent:
Q1 - Run your normal game plan
Q2 - Stop pressing. Play straight zone defense. Four corner offense.
Q3 - Play bench warmers.
Q3 - Repeat, with running clock.

If the "winning" coach could not figure this out, he should not be coaching.


How does a team properly hold themselves back? Chuck it at the backboard and don't block the other team's shots?

I don't ever remember a race car in first place slowing down so that the second place car can catch up and so not to appear to be losing so much. I understand sportsmanship, I'm conflicted. Don't beat the dead horse, but if you lose big then you lose big. I don't think a coach is to blame for the other team not being up to the same standard, but then again it's respectful not to kick the competition while their down. Ugh, damn sports.

In this situation kicking them while they're down would probably be leaving your starts in during the second half, which the coach didn't do. It seems like the coach did everything he could short of just telling his players to hand the opponents the ball (an act that honestly is even more disrespectful). Like I said before, this straight up seems like a case where these two teams shouldn't even be in the same division.


Southern California has a tendency to do this.

Long Beach Poly beat Compton 99-9 in football. Poly had their sophmore players in and they kept scoring. Again guys, 99 points in football.


Sounds like Chung (the losing coach) should be fired for getting blown the fuck out and proceeding to cry about it instead of taking his L with some dignity.

Unless you were cheated somehow, whining when losing isn't exactly the best message to send to your young team. They should vow to play better next time, that's all.
Un-suspend the coach, and next year move the under performing team down a tier. I cannot believe anyone feels sorry for the team that performed terribly. The starters should have stayed, well unless the winning coach wanted his bench players to get some much deserved game time too.
Southern California has a tendency to do this.

Long Beach Poly beat Compton 99-9 in football. Poly had their sophmore players in and they kept scoring. Again guys, 99 points in football.

That doesn't seem hard to believe. If you've got 250 pound high schoolers up against a team of skinny players, you can just run the ball every time and break every tackle.


"People shouldn't feel sorry for my team," Chung said. "They should feel sorry for his team, which isn't learning the game the right way."

Chung sounds like he needs to learn how to lose the right way.


yep. some schools are so bad they probably shouldn't even field a varsity team.

some people go so far as field another frosh team below jv. we did this at my school for tennis and they just practiced with jv and got the pe credits but didn't play matched. literally dudes trying out for the team that had never played tennis in their life.


That doesn't seem hard to believe. If you've got 250 pound high schoolers up against a team of skinny players, you can just run the ball every time and break every tackle.

The Compton coach didn't bitch about the loss, he took the L and went on with his team.

The Adder

I always love reading these threads because you can immediately tell who empathizes with and envisions themselves as the team getting their teeth kicked in, and who immediately envisions themselves trying to avoid stepping on the necks of the impossibly incompetent.

Having been on the losing side of this conundrum far more often than the winning, I much prefer a team to bury me than to ease up on me. The latter is no less embarassing and has the added negative of making anything I DO manage to accomplish against them meaningless.


If you're a backup who never gets much PT, and you're up by 100, and the shot clock is low, and the lane is open... I mean. You make the layup and shrug, right? It's basketball, you cannot not shoot at the basket. It's not like hockey where you can skate around in circles, or volley-ball where the score determines when the game ends.

If they started missing on purpose and letting the other team score, I would argue that was worse sportsmanship.
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