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HS Basketball Coach suspened for winning a game 161-2

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Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
I remember in 8th grade we were beating a team 52-0 at half and the coach didn't give a fuck. Kept the starters in the whole game and we won like 90-4


I've been on both ends of this. We once won 24-2 in baseball against the 2nd best team in the league. We also lost 16-0 to the 5th best team in the league. Never once when we were getting blown out did I want the other team to start throwing bp pitches to us and not pay to their full abilities on defense. That's far more insulting to the losing team then just going straight up with your backups.


Un-suspend the coach, and next year move the under performing team down a tier. I cannot believe anyone feels sorry for the team that performed terribly. The starters should have stayed, well unless the winning coach wanted his bench players to get some much deserved game time too.
Come on if the starters stayed after that kind of half the coach would be endangering his players. Losing team deserves some retribution outside the rules if that's allowed to continue.

A lot of people in this thread ok with the winning team not going out of their way to apply sportsmanship in such a beatdown. Sure they don't have to let up, but if they don't show sportsmanship then the other team will teach them what happens when it's not applied. Real world lessons would go both ways here.

Although for all we know they could've been dribbling out the clock and taking long jumpers while tokenly contesting shots and they truly just were that bad. 2 points with no FG's... that's pretty hard to manage even for the most incompetent.


Junior Member
Winning team be like


(Kuroko no Basket)


Having been on the losing side of this conundrum far more often than the winning, I much prefer a team to bury me than to ease up on me. The latter is no less embarassing and has the added negative of making anything I DO manage to accomplish against them meaningless.

Good man. While I was never on the end of a beating like this, I've been on a few 0-for-season teams. I'd have been seriously offended if another team started patronizing me and treating me like some Make-A-Wish kid, giving me easy turnovers and uncontested layups.


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
Ridiculous, even in grade school a blowout like that would have just pissed me off. If they can't take getting their asses handed to them at the high school level, that's sad as hell.
The final score is irrelevant in my opinion. What matters is how the score was achieved. It sounds like he ran a hard full-court press throughout the entire first half, ending it with a 103 point lead. That's just shitty. You stop pressing when you've won the game, which his team probably did within the first quarter. You don't have to coddle the other team just because your team is more skilled, but it's unethical to walk all over them. Keep playing the game, but soften up on defense. If they turn the ball over, capitalize on it, but don't attempt to create turnovers. Stop pressing, give their offense some room to breathe. Slow down and run a play for a few seconds before scoring, give their defense a chance to set up. You will humiliate a team by obliterating them and you'll humiliate them all the same by coddling, but a skilled coach can direct his players to ease up a bit without making it painful for the other team.


The final score is irrelevant in my opinion. What matters is how the score was achieved. It sounds like he ran a hard full-court press throughout the entire first half, ending it with a 103 point lead. That's just shitty. You stop pressing when you've won the game, which his team probably did within the first quarter. You don't have to coddle the other team just because your team is more skilled, but it's unethical to walk all over them. Keep playing the game, but soften up on defense. If they turn the ball over, capitalize on it, but don't attempt to create turnovers. Stop pressing, give their offense some room to breathe. Slow down and run a play for a few seconds before scoring, give their defense a chance to set up. You will humiliate a team by obliterating them and you'll humiliate them all the same by coddling, but a skilled coach can direct his players to ease up a bit without making it painful for the other team.
Totally. If the losing team wouldn't accept mercy, then Bloomington, for all their apprarent skill should have toned it down and they probably could have done it compentently enough to make it subtle, that way they didn't completely humilitate the other team both ways.


The final score is irrelevant in my opinion. What matters is how the score was achieved. It sounds like he ran a hard full-court press throughout the entire first half, ending it with a 103 point lead. That's just shitty. You stop pressing when you've won the game, which his team probably did within the first quarter. You don't have to coddle the other team just because your team is more skilled, but it's unethical to walk all over them. Keep playing the game, but soften up on defense. If they turn the ball over, capitalize on it, but don't attempt to create turnovers. Stop pressing, give their offense some room to breathe. Slow down and run a play for a few seconds before scoring, give their defense a chance to set up. You will humiliate a team by obliterating them and you'll humiliate them all the same by coddling, but a skilled coach can direct his players to ease up a bit without making it painful for the other team.

Not playing to your full potential is absolutely coddling the other team and making a mockery of the game for both the winning and losing side -- Nothing is gained from that and any accomplishments made by the losing team are entirely undermined.

If simply playing the game the way it was meant to be played is an ethics violation then the fundamental rules of these HS games needs to be changed.
Good lord, Mr. Chung is a loser.

Seriously. If the right way to learn to play is to get walloped by 100+ points then sure comment away Mr Chung.

The opposing coach even sat the starters in the second half. LOL.

It's not like they're suspending him for any good reason. They're trying to protect the girls feelings and probably more aptly appease the upset parents.

If you don't like losing by so much maybe work harder at being better?

The final score is irrelevant in my opinion. What matters is how the score was achieved. It sounds like he ran a hard full-court press throughout the entire first half, ending it with a 103 point lead. That's just shitty. You stop pressing when you've won the game, which his team probably did within the first quarter. You don't have to coddle the other team just because your team is more skilled, but it's unethical to walk all over them. Keep playing the game, but soften up on defense. If they turn the ball over, capitalize on it, but don't attempt to create turnovers. Stop pressing, give their offense some room to breathe. Slow down and run a play for a few seconds before scoring, give their defense a chance to set up. You will humiliate a team by obliterating them and you'll humiliate them all the same by coddling, but a skilled coach can direct his players to ease up a bit without making it painful for the other team.

He took his starters out and they still ran the press because that's the way he coached them to play. What score would have been better to you? An 80-10 drubbing instead with half the players sitting on the floor refusing to play. Give me a break.
Some days I just don't get GAF. These "children" are highschool students. If you don't know how to play the game, get your ass off the court. I'm not surprised this story came from California though. You guys seem to be pretty big on the "everybody's a winner" culture over there. I have very little sympathy for the losing team, except to say their coach should have called the game.


I know I'm in the minority, but I agree with the suspension. Children's sports should be focused on teamwork and positive sum competition at all times.

I don't think you can call a Varsity High School Basketball team a "children's sport". I would guess a lot of these girls are being scouted for college teams if they are this good. Pulling them and not showing their true skills because the other team sucks is not doing them any favors.


Kids should prolly rethink playing basketball if their that bad. No mercy from me. I say run it up to 200 if you can.
I knew there would be some people in here who felt the coach's suspension was justified, lol.

If you enter a competition and get your ass handed to you, thems the breaks. Learn from it, and figure out a different strategy.

But then some people believe in no scores in sports and giving the losing team trophies too.
Play hard and do your best..

Unless it might hurt the other team's feelings...Great message.

Don't play a competitive sport unless you are prepared to lose. Losing coach is a big-time chump..No wonder under his guidance they were losers...At the HS level competition is competition as scholarships could be on the line..Not a big shock though at the stupid ruling coming from CA..Only good stuff out there are candy cabs and dispensaries.


These definitely weren't children. Teenagers playing Varsity is closer to adult than anything.

The Bloomington coach shouldn't have accepted the match (since it seems it was out of league play?) if the team was that good and they were concerned with getting beat like that. But it's probably less the coach and more the parents that complained after hearing the score.
Come on if the starters stayed after that kind of half the coach would be endangering his players. Losing team deserves some retribution outside the rules if that's allowed to continue.

A lot of people in this thread ok with the winning team not going out of their way to apply sportsmanship in such a beatdown. Sure they don't have to let up, but if they don't show sportsmanship then the other team will teach them what happens when it's not applied. Real world lessons would go both ways here.

Although for all we know they could've been dribbling out the clock and taking long jumpers while tokenly contesting shots and they truly just were that bad. 2 points with no FG's... that's pretty hard to manage even for the most incompetent.

So your argument here is that two wrongs make a right?

These definitely weren't children. Teenagers playing Varsity is closer to adult than anything.

The Bloomington coach shouldn't have accepted the match (since it seems it was out of league play?) if the team was that good and they were concerned with getting beat like that. But it's probably less the coach and more the parents that complained after hearing the score.

It's definitely the coach of the losing team. The parents may have had a hand in it as well but that coach clearly doesn't know how to match his team appropriately nor does he know how to accept a lose gracefully after being outmatched.

Chung still wasn't pleased with the lack of sportsmanship, though. He made his feeling crystal clear in a report from Pete Marshall of The San Bernardino County Sun.

"People shouldn't feel sorry for my team. They should feel sorry for his team, which isn't learning the game the right way," he said.

He also questioned Anderson's approach.

"I've known him for about seven years... He's a great X's and O's coach. Ethically? Not so much," he said. "He knows what he did was wrong."

Demon Ice

"People shouldn't feel sorry for my team," Chung said. "They should feel sorry for his team, which isn't learning the game the right way."

Got some bad news for you, coach...the other team knows the game just fine.


So your argument here is that two wrongs make a right?

It's definitely the coach of the losing team. The parents may have had a hand in it as well but that coach clearly doesn't know how to match his team appropriately nor does he know how to accept a lose gracefully after being outmatched.

I was referring to the suspension in that instance.


Sports are weird. People complain about running up the score but putting 3rd stringers against the other team's first stringers is accepted, even though it's also something of an insult.

Reminds of how I think there's a rugby(?) team out there that's so good, it's considered a solid effort if you even get a couple of scores on them while they obliterate your team.

In College Football games like this against mismatched teams are considered by the visiting team as a chance to get used to playing in front of bigger, louder crowds and giving everyone play time against better opposition so they can take what they learn back to their own league.

I guess it's a bit longer to wait for the game to end in basketball in such a situation though. You can play legit to the end in football, you just start running instead of passing to burn the clock away.
Women's basketball can be a struggle for particiaption. It is entirely possible for varsity players to be virtual neophytes to the game.

A huge imbalance between teams like this makes it hard to learn the game. The winning team is not being challenged and probably would learn more from scrimmaging itself while the losing team cannot get a chance to apply what they are being taught.

A friend of mine was a women's intramural basketball coach/ref. The majority of games would be 20+ scores. There was a game which was over at half where one of the losing team's players was clearly new to the game. She would travel everytime she got the ball and it was called until the game was obviously out of reach. The coach of the winning team kept ragging on my friend to call the travel after this point.

At a timeout my friend went over to the coach and told him that if he called every travel she committed she would simply quit playing the game. Common sense prevailed. I guess my point is people play sports for different reasons and it may be helpful to keep that in mind. Hopefully in the future both teams can have better suited opponents.


Women's basketball can be a struggle for particiaption. It is entirely possible for varsity players to be virtual neophytes to the game.

A huge imbalance between teams like this makes it hard to learn the game. The winning team is not being challenged and probably would learn more from scrimmaging itself while the losing team cannot get a chance to apply what they are being taught.

A friend of mine was a women's intramural basketball coach/ref. The majority of games would be 20+ scores. There was a game which was over at half where one of the losing team's players was clearly new to the game. She would travel everytime she got the ball and it was called until the game was obviously out of reach. The coach of the winning team kept ragging on my friend to call the travel after this point.

At a timeout my friend went over to the coach and told him that if he called every travel she committed she would simply quit playing the game. Common sense prevailed. I guess my point is people play sports for different reasons and it may be helpful to keep that in mind. Hopefully in the future both teams can have better suited opponents.

Isn't that the point - especially if you're in a sport at a high school level? I can understand not making all the right calls on a team of kids (5 - 10), but these are teenagers that are most likely playing because they enjoy the sport and take pride in their abilities. They absolutely should be called on the things they're doing wrong to prevent mistakes in the future.
The Bloomington Coach should have thrown in the towel at half time, jesus fuck. When i was in highschool the Compton JV football coach threw in the Towel at half time when we were leading 42 -0,
Isn't that the point - especially if you're in a sport at a high school level? I can understand not making all the right calls on a team of kids (5 - 10), but these are teenagers that are most likely playing because they enjoy the sport and take pride in their abilities. They absolutely should be called on the things they're doing wrong to prevent mistakes in the future.

Making someone quit the game does not seem like a good goal for a sport. I was not advocating for the high school teams to have special expections to the rules. The example I used was a women's league which was always hungry for more participants. With that being said it is not uncommon for HS programs to need to recruit players who have never played before.

The real problem here is two radically disparate teams in seperate leagues being scheduled like this.
My soccer team was always the best in the league, and as a way to not humiliate the other team we put restrictions on ourselves as an added challenge. Like so many passes before a shot, only shooting from the 18, if inside the 18 you can only score with a header, etc. Neither team is going to learn anything from a total domination, might as well try to make a learning experience. I think it was right to suspend the coach. Taking HS ball that seriously and not showing compassion to a struggling team is exactly what's wrong with sports culture in America.


Making someone quit the game does not seem like a good goal for a sport. I was not advocating for the high school teams to have special expections to the rules. The example I used was a women's league which was always hungry for more participants. With that being said it is not uncommon for HS programs to need to recruit players who have never played before.

The real problem here is two radically disparate teams in seperate leagues being scheduled like this.

If someone is moving their feet illegally, they should be blown down for it. What if this was soccer and every time a ball entered the box near a player and they "instinctively" put their hands up? Would you not call that either? If they're six year olds running around, okay, but if they're playing at an organised level in an intramural? If I was on the opposing team and a player was allowed to "cheat" just because they weren't very good I'd be pissed. Maybe the opposing player is trying to get a scholarship.

Hey, math is hard, we should let the kids that don't study open their books on tests to encourage them to take math classes.
If someone is moving their feet illegally, they should be blown down for it. What if this was soccer and every time a ball entered the box near a player and they "instinctively" put their hands up? Would you not call that either? If they're six year olds running around, okay, but if they're playing at an organised level in an intramural? If I was on the opposing team and a player was allowed to "cheat" just because they weren't very good I'd be pissed. Maybe the opposing player is trying to get a scholarship.

Hey, math is hard, we should let the kids that don't study open their books on tests to encourage them to take math classes.

Once again, my example was from women's intramurals. As in grown women. It is hard to win games when a league folds because you cannot recruit and retain new players.

My point was that not everyone is playing for *** and scholarships even at the high school level and it could be helpful not to get caught in that assumption when discussing this.

*** EDIT - I had winning here and it was a poor, incorrect, and patronizing choice.


Once again, my example was from women's intramurals. As in grown women. It is hard to win games when a league folds because you cannot recruit and retain new players.

My point was that not everyone is playing for winning and scholarships even at the high school level and it could be helpful not to get caught in that assumption when discussing this.

So we're just assuming that when girls play sports it's all about feelings and we shouldn't expect them to know what traveling is? Excuse me for assuming grown women should be competent athletes in their own right.
You'll have trouble convincing everyone here that a wrong was commited in the first place. Sportsmanship and respect will be returned in kind in competitive sports. Or the lack thereof.

I agree with them. What I'm pointing out is that the logic that you are employing is that you feel the winning coach/team were wrong and that because they were wrong, the losing team would be justified in taking physical action in retribution.

Responding to a loss, no matter how bad, by trying to hurt your opponents is not only wrong, and not only a bigger wrong, it's one of the worst things that a player or team can do. It's the epitome of poor sportsmanship and a pretty good sign of a poor attitude in general.
Once again, my example was from women's intramurals. As in grown women. It is hard to win games when a league folds because you cannot recruit and retain new players.

My point was that not everyone is playing for winning and scholarships even at the high school level and it could be helpful not to get caught in that assumption when discussing this.

This is why High School and College sports have Divisions and Leagues. To put teams of like skill level against each other.

However this was, for all intents and purposes, an exhibition game. These are typically games that are setup and agreed upon between Coaches/Schools to be tune up matches in preparation for the upcoming season. So just as your friend took utilized his position as Ref to try to help facilitate a positive environment for the fledgling player... The Coach of the less skilled team here is responsible for setting up games that will be beneficial for his teams development. He's the one working with these girls day in and day out. He knows their skill level and should schedule the appropriate preseason opponents for them.

Instead, he chose to schedule them against an incredibly strong team and expected the other team to create an environment that was beneficial for his team. Which is ridiculous.


I agree with them. What I'm pointing out is that the logic that you are employing is that you feel the winning coach/team were wrong and that because they were wrong, the losing team would be justified in taking physical action in retribution.

Responding to a loss, no matter how bad, by trying to hurt your opponents is not only wrong, and not only a bigger wrong, it's one of the worst things that a player or team can do. It's the epitome of poor sportsmanship and a pretty good sign of a poor attitude in general.
I wouldnt see it as a bigger wrong if the team was a very poor winner when running up the score. Driving the lane, full court press when up by a hundred... one team has all the power in the world and if they show poor sportsmanship while doing it then the opposing team has no other option if being disrespected by the opposing team.

Hard fouls, bean ball, late hits... they're a trope for a reason. They keep the poor sports in check if they disrespect the game.
Once again, my example was from women's intramurals. As in grown women. It is hard to win games when a league folds because you cannot recruit and retain new players.

My point was that not everyone is playing for winning and scholarships even at the high school level and it could be helpful not to get caught in that assumption when discussing this.

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