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Hyrule Warriors (Zelda Musou) (Zelda Dynasty Warriors) announced

As someone who hasn't owned a (non-handheld) Nintendo console since GameCube AND has recently played his first Dynasty Warriors game, WiiU is now officially on my radar. A price drop and this game (and others, obviously) moves Nintendo close to getting me to buy one.

So, mission accomplished. Well done, Nintendo.


Neo Member
I have never played a Dynasty Warriors game before, but the gameplay in the trailer looks great. I hope the game turns out good.


It seems pretty limited with the amount of playable characters they can use. Unless they start mixing up game characters and storylines, I'm not expecting a decent sized roster.

Besides Link, Zelda/Sheik, and Gannondorf, who else can they use?


(Just kidding of course, but I just had to.)


In addition just want to add that anyone who whines we dont have enough beat em up is blind to how good hack n slash got as its spiritual successor and anyone who pulls the whole parroting of how Sengoku Basara is okay to enjoy but not a Musou game is just trying to go with the whatever opinion others tell him are cool.

I don't really know what you're saying here, Dynasty Warriors gets more hate than Sengoku Basara because Dynasty Warriors is relatively well known in the west.


Nätso;94017790 said:
I'm saying that you're defending HyruleWarriors; a game that you can't possibly know much about outside of what's been shown today.

If I say that I disliked Dynasty Warriors X# based off of gameplay videos that I've seen online, then my opinion of that particular game, is just as valid as your opinion of Hyrule Warriors.

And if people were shitting on a niche title that I happened to like, I wouldn't give a shit. I like what I like, just like you like what you like. The problem comes with confrontation.

You're not going to change someone's mind through name calling.

So, if they made a crossover game for let's just say Mario and Devil May Cry

The game is obviously inspired by Devil May Cry, and the combat is heavily inspired

Ive never played a Devil May Cry game, ive only watched gameplay videos online and decided that I hate this game because it's "too repetitive"

who has a better knowledge of what the game may be, the person who's put hundreds of hours of Devil May Cry, or me who has only seen a few youtube videos!

I'll let you decide


Watched. So his argument boiled down to "yeah, it's shallow and kinda shit, but so were the 2D beat-em-ups and I like it because it's campy"? I agree that the 2D ones were awful.

What? No, he's saying that despite the overall simplicity of the game's mechanics, there's a lot of depth behind it, so much so that he can't even list all of them out. See: Mario. Simple controls, amazing depth.

But yeah, you can twist his words or whatever.
It looks really lazy and uninspired graphically, art style is pretty bland too. Nintendo should make Tecmo try harder than this. Zelda deserves better.

The game could be fun, but it shouldn't look this low budget.

The art style is great, I could imagine it for Zelda U, but of course with much better textures, Anti Aliasing&AF, more details and next gen lighting effects.


Why are so many people hating on this game? LoZ Musou? This game will sell systems in Japan I just hope it gets Localized. While the gameplay IS shallow and repetitive it is quite a bit fun too. One Piece Pirate Warriors 1+2 and Fist of the North Star 1+2 were fun games.

It would be exciting if they gave us different Links from different timelines. I wonder how story mode is going to be handled.

If you don't like Musou games just don't play them. No need to complain though we do have Link's Crossbow Training and the CDi games. This game will at the very least be better than those games. Japan likes them and they seem to do well over here as will since they keep getting localized.


Im going to grow up and be just like you!

The next time they announce a crossover I dont agree with, im going tongo into the the thread shit on the game with absolutely 0 knowledge of it. Im gonna be just like you!

Acting childish, valid strategy.


I think the graphics don't look that great because the stream wasn't in a very high quality. Considering that the game is probably unfinished, it doesn't look too bad.


I know that sword!
I wonder if they will try to make the story like a zelda game (even if it's not canon) or it will be just a non-story spinoff.

Pretty much. Awakening is the perfect game to use as a base for a musou fe with all the cards and outrealms and stuff


So, if they made a crossover game for let's just say Mario and Devil May Cry

The game is obviously inspired by Devil May Cry, and the combat is heavily inspired

Ive never played a Devil May Cry game, ive only watched gameplay videos online and decided that I hate this game because it's "too repetitive"

who has a better knowledge of what the game may be, the person who's put hundreds of hours of Devil May Cry, or me who has only seen a few youtube videos!

I'll let you decide

They both can have valid opinions?

I saw the trailer, and I don't like those style of games, so I'm not interested. Also, I think it looks awful, like most of the Dynasty Warriors games.
Meh, not my thing, may help sales in Japan. Will do nothing for sales in the US. And still milking the same IPs. And it really looks like an upscaled Wii game, hell I've seen upscaled Wii games that looked better than this.


wanted to bring this up as its a good read for the lot of ya

I guess I can quickly reply those two last questions even if you aren't the one who wrote it:

While I don't hate the franchise, I do find it rather dull and extremely repetitive. First one I played Dynasty Warriors 4 on the PS2 and while I enjoyed it to begin with, I stopped after playing for some hours because it felt like it was too repetitive.

I recently played Orochi Warriors 2 Ultimate (which is one of the newest releases as far as I know) and... it kinda felt like the same thing. I played until I unlocked Sophitia (as stupid as it sounds, that was the reason I bought the game), and I stopped shortly after that.

Considering the insane amount of games in this franchise (and related series: Gundam, One Piece, Battlestorm, Orochi, Samurai, and there's probably more), I am really surprised they're not doing much different in the various releases.

I think Assassin's Creed is an extremely poor series to compare to because they are actually doing fairly big changes between games. AC: Revelations was the only game which felt like a rehash of the previous game, but even that had some new ideas (bomb crafting and tower defense). The newest AC is the biggest change in the series yet.

I will say I was impressed by the character roster in Orochi Warriors 2 Ultimate. I was unlocking 3-5 new characters per mission, and even though I played for many hours (I wouldn't have played for that long if I knew unlocking Sophitia would be so much work) I didn't even get close to unlocking half of the roster.

Boss Man

This did not look good to me at all... Like on the level of a PC mod for Dynasty Warriors someone on Steam made.

Wear those IPs out Nintendo...
True, true.

I'm sure they can throw in some Goran, Zora, Gerudo, and Deku characters. If this is gonna be a greatest hits of sorts, much like FOTNS, One Piece, and Gundam musou were -- then I think characters like Ghirahim, Skull-Kid, Dark Link, and Impa would be great.

Not sure how involved Nintendo is, but the Zelda Universe has tons of possibilities so I wouldn't be opposed to introducing new characters that may, or may not, be involved in future titles. I assume Nintendo is involved in whatever plot there is and therefore would be involved with what characters are included.

Oh and can I add Groose (Skyward Sword), Midna (Twilight Princess), and Tetra as playable characters :)


My only issue with Mousu games is the brain dead AI...

I love the scale of the battlefield. I love the big attacks and spectacle. I love the massive amount of characters. I love the mass amount of enemy numbers on screen.

But it all becomes pointless when they all start bouncing around not doing shit.... Its like its a dance battle circle and they're waiting for me to bust a move...

Really kills my vibes with the game.

Please tell me there are newer mousu games that have heavily more aggressive AI...

IMO without a challenge, a game could be pointless.


I think this game could be fun or it could be totally awful, but neither result is entirely dependent on the history of the two series it mashes together.

There have been good DW games and bad DW games. Until we find out where this one puts it's focus and aren't going off a single trailer without a final name, it's pretty impossible to say.

This. I'm prepared for this to go either way and it really could. However for some weird reason I'm hopeful about this game and looking forward to it. I don't know if it's because I've been down on Nintendo lately and this is something "new" and unexpected or genuinely interested in a Dynasty Warriors game with this coat of paint or something else. For the time being I'm willing to allow the feeling to stay and not really question it or fight it back.


I wouldn't mind if Nintendo used this design of Link in their upcoming Wii U game if he's an adult.

What a crossover. Sad to see that we are getting this instead of a proper Zelda game.

Would you rather nothing? It's not like if this game didn't exist, developing for Zelda on the Wii U would be faster. It's by Tecmo Koei, so rest assured Nintendo is hard at work.


This game won't cost much to produce. Yet it will be sold at full price, as opposed to a real game that someone spends a lot of time on.

Your implied desire is a very dangerous thing. A game's price should not be determined based on its production costs. If that were the case, big-budget titles wouldn't be anywhere near as "cheap" as they are now.

That said, there is no way anyone can know what this game is going to look like in the end (we only know its working title and that it's supposed to release in 2014, which might very well put another 8-12 months between now and its release date), or what its production entails. Whether you like the franchise or not, or whether or not you think this game looks good is one thing, but you shouldn't dismiss it based solely on its production values.


Yes, and people judging a piece of media based on absolutely no knowledge is the basis of being an adult!

You realize you don't have to end every sentence with an exclamation point?

Why are you so invested in this game that you're taking mild criticism as some sort of personal insult?

lo zaffo

indeed, I'm not against Zelda Musou per-sé, how could am I?! I've not played this one neither previous ones to judge them ex-ante. The point is: Wii U 2014 games should not look like this, they should look much better.

And I'll love to play with midna, Zant, Sensei Ken (WindWaker), Ghirahim, etc.

Tiu Neo

Ok we are approaching seriously awesome potential.
How about SMT vs Nintendo worlds. Demons invade the regions of Nintendo characters and all them team up to fight off the hordes from their different worlds?

That could be cool, but maybe too much for a first game. Of course, they could use a hook with the FE crossover to justify that... hmmm...

But I'm not sure if some Nintendo properties would go well with SMT demons.


My only issue with Mousu games is the brain dead AI...

I love the scale of the battlefield. I love the big attacks and spectacle. I love the massive amount of characters. I love the mass amount of enemy numbers on screen.

But it all becomes pointless when they all start bouncing around not doing shit.... Its like its a dance battle circle and they're waiting for me to bust a move...

Really kills my vibes with the game.

Please tell me there are newer mousu games that have heavily more aggressive AI...

IMO without a challenge, a game could be pointless.

more aggressive on the higher difficulties, to the point where you need to get the right stats on weapons so you dont "Die like a dog" or get juggled in the air instantly.


My only issue with Mousu games is the brain dead AI...

I love the scale of the battlefield. I love the big attacks and spectacle. I love the massive amount of characters. I love the mass amount of enemy numbers on screen.

But it all becomes pointless when they all start bouncing around not doing shit.... Its like its a dance battle circle and they're waiting for me to bust a move...

Really kills my vibes with the game.

Please tell me there are newer mousu games that have heavily more aggressive AI...

IMO without a challenge, a game could be pointless.


Here is what you need to know about Musou games:

1) Always play on a fairly high difficulty. The game is on baby mode for like the first three difficulties. Enemies barely attack, they all stand in circles and send one guy at you at a time like a dance battle, and there's never any pressure between two choices or how fast you can get somewhere with that level of AI.

2) Every trailer is always on an easy difficulty. It's impossible to get a feel for the AI without actually playing it or seeing the game LPed on Youtube. Everyone just gathers around Link here because it's probably on easy,

3) They are ultimately high-score games. Yeah, I suppose you can just put it on easy and press the attack button three times, but you're going to get a shitty score by doing so. By making the most efficient route, using combos and area attacks, and fighting smartly, you maximize your score. It's okay to still not like that genre, but recognize the genre for what it is before you dislike it.

Also, I havent played a musou game since the ps2 games, but the harder difficulties enemies were pretty though, and would gang up and combo you to dead (and I'm talking about grunts, not bosses). I think with the increased difficulty, there was extra damage/hitstun for enemies so they could chain attacks pretty well and since they were more agresive you really needed to be carefull to not get comboed to dead.


They both can have valid opinions?

I saw the trailer, and I don't like those style of games, so I'm not interested. Also, I think it looks awful, like most of the Dynasty Warriors games.

Actually, you can say you don't personally like the game, but you can't say it's "awful" because you have literally no experience with the game

If I was to listen to Bound by Kanye, would that give me a good reason to despise his music and call it awful?


I keep rewatching it, and it looks totally awesome. There are hearts in the field to collect, grass to cut, treasure chests, multiple weapons (two shields are shown), bombs (multiple items I'm sure), and the fire staff. They have the same lock on and dodge system, and bosses.

I really like that they have other hylian soldiers out there too. I hope they actually develop some story for this game, because it could be a really neat time period. We know of at least one massive war in the timeline, but we've never actually seen one happen in game.

This is really no different from Link in Soul Calibur 2. His moves look pretty damn slick here, and that blue scarf and chain mail are awesome.

This dilutes absolutely nothing. And Musou games sell very well in Japan.


They both can have valid opinions?

I saw the trailer, and I don't like those style of games, so I'm not interested. Also, I think it looks awful, like most of the Dynasty Warriors games.
So don't buy it. Just because you're not interested in those style of games doesn't mean it's shit or that it'll ruin brands.

There's a pretty big musou fanbase, you know.


Yes, and people judging a piece of media based on absolutely no knowledge is the basis of being an adult!

But that's why the media was created and released to the public in the first place...

You don't make an announcement trailer with gameplay unless you're trying to build interest in the title.

If the gameplay trailer fails to do that, then that's not a good sign.

So, if they made a crossover game for let's just say Mario and Devil May Cry

The game is obviously inspired by Devil May Cry, and the combat is heavily inspired

Ive never played a Devil May Cry game, ive only watched gameplay videos online and decided that I hate this game because it's "too repetitive"

who has a better knowledge of what the game may be, the person who's put hundreds of hours of Devil May Cry, or me who has only seen a few youtube videos!

I'll let you decide

I wouldn't care, quite frankly. Your opinion holds no value to me.


Actually, you can say you don't personally like the game, but you can't say it's "awful" because you have literally no experience with the game

If I was to listen to Bound by Kanye, would that give me a good reason to despise his music and call it awful?

Yeah man, you can definitely have that opinion. Everyone can critique a piece of media regardless of what sort of background they have.
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