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Hyrule Warriors (Zelda Musou) (Zelda Dynasty Warriors) announced


It seems pretty limited with the amount of playable characters they can use. Unless they start mixing up game characters and storylines, I'm not expecting a decent sized roster.

Besides Link, Zelda/Sheik, and Gannondorf, who else can they use?




*puts in Call of Duty*

lol. I like this post.


OMG. Why. WHY?!?!
Dynasty Warriors games are ass.
Should've been a Zelda-SotC crossover with an epic storyline and epic boss battles...but instead we get this button mashing junk.


Zelda + WoW

Zelda + Etrian Odyssey

Zelda + Romance of the Three Kingdoms
no scrape that last one, the game is to monotonous


Honestly after the Other M debacle Nintendo needs to be a bit more considerate with how their IP is used by 3rd parties.

I think they know this.. I mean this isn't called (ATM) The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Warriors...
And don't expect em to add LOZ to the title


If you avoided Links Awakening or Ocarina of Time simply because of the CD-i games you're an idiot.

Then it's their problem for being such dumbasses, not yours.
Woah there dude, no need to call people names. If you've been skeptical Sonic Colors was as good as people said it was when it came out you understand this thinking.
And this is ignoring so many things...

Dynasty Warriors 5 is one of the best selling games in Japan's history

Dynasty Warriors sells a shit ton in Japan

This is a big series in the east, just because the western market doesn't care about the warriors series doesn't mean it's fucking useless

Also, in fact, these games are actually
and actually do get challenging when you play on the harder difficulties.

I also doubt this is a "low budget game" sure it might not be triple A, but didn't one Piece Musou 2 have like over 400,000 preorders? this is a huge series in Japan like I said

but just keep ignoring the fact that people actually like these games. In fact, I betcha you played a little bit of 2 or 3 and read game informer and based your opinion on the series based off those reviews.

If they made a Zelda themed Lego game would you freakout? Those games are all essentially the same, but apparently, no one cares about those games being rehashes

What points of yours did I ignore?

This game won't cost much to produce
Yet it will be sold at full price, as opposed to a real game that someone spends a lot of time on
It will sell well because it has Zelda in it, not because of any improvements made

If Dynasty Warriors is your thing, that's cool man. Over here in the west, we have some repetitive games too, such as COD and Madden, and I am not a fan of them either.
It seems pretty limited with the amount of playable characters they can use. Unless they start mixing up game characters and storylines, I'm not expecting a decent sized roster.

Besides Link, Zelda/Sheik, and Gannondorf, who else can they use?

Depends on how fan servicey they want to get.

They could include whoever the hell they want really

Ruto, Impa Groose Girahim Midna, etx.

They could do anything.
It seems pretty limited with the amount of playable characters they can use. Unless they start mixing up game characters and storylines, I'm not expecting a decent sized roster.

Besides Link, Zelda/Sheik, and Gannondorf, who else can they use?


But, I kid. Still, look at the first Hokuto Musou. That only had so many characters, but the tradeoff was that each one had a really nice movepool and gimmick.

Then came Shin Hokuto Musou which added more characters, but made all the existing ones more shallow in usability.


Put in Oni Link and Four Swords Link and I'll totally be okay with this.

If you're gonna through in Deity Link and Four Swords Link, may as well throw in Young Link, Toon Link, Zora, Deku, Goron and Wolf Link, too.

Actually, Link has a pretty diverse set of things to be and do in that sense.
People acting like this will retroactively make all their games disappear, or that Koei working on a game will make Nintendo's work on the main series stop happening.

Y'all are silly-billies.


What points of yours did I ignore?

This game won't cost much to produce
Yet it will be sold at full price, as opposed to a real game that someone spends a lot of time on
It will sell well because it has Zelda in it, not because of any improvements made

If Dynasty Warriors is your thing, that's cool man. Over here in the west, we have some repetitive games too, such as COD and Madden, and I am not a fan of them either.


It seems pretty limited with the amount of playable characters they can use. Unless they start mixing up game characters and storylines, I'm not expecting a decent sized roster.

Besides Link, Zelda/Sheik, and Gannondorf, who else can they use?

. You know you want it.
Man, I hope to god that those enemy models are just placeholders until enemy designs for Zelda Wii U are finalized.

Skyward Sword enemy designs look just fine within the world itself but remove them from the art style and atmosphere and what are you left with but steaming, awful shits


Dynasty Warriors games are fun. I buy them once every few years. But the best part of them is the shit-ton of characters/weapon styles/storylines to playthrough.

Without those things....i don't know
People acting like this will retroactively make all their games disappear, or that Koei working on a game will make Nintendo's work on the main series stop happening.

Y'all are silly-billies.

Shush, let them get it out of their system.

Then they will get tired and go to sleep.


It seems pretty limited with the amount of playable characters they can use. Unless they start mixing up game characters and storylines, I'm not expecting a decent sized roster.

Besides Link, Zelda/Sheik, and Gannondorf, who else can they use?
Dynasty Warriors have people like Zhuge Liang firing laser in the battlefield and Diao Chan wooping asses, I don't it will be hard to fill a decent size roster with the likes of Tingle and supporting cast #3.


When the day comes that I buy a dirt cheap Wii U just to play the big Zelda and Mario game(s), this game might be on my radar.

Love Dynasty Warriors, and this looks like a nostalgia trip based on OoT's setting. This pairing is too bizarre not to be fun.


I'm really digging the scarf. Like, a lot. Blue is an excellent secondary colour for Link, too. WW Master Sword / Mirror Shield combo represent.

Gameplay-wise, who knows. It's still too early to tell. But honestly, even if it's almost exactly the same as any other ranom Musou game, I'll probably still enjoy it. I don't often buy them, so the formula doesn't feel stale to me. Just playing as a character I love is pretty good incentive to play a game - see Battride War. As long as we get a few more characters looking as badass as this new scarfed Link, I'm convinced.
It seems pretty limited with the amount of playable characters they can use. Unless they start mixing up game characters and storylines, I'm not expecting a decent sized roster.

Besides Link, Zelda/Sheik, and Gannondorf, who else can they use?

Midna please.

1. Link - average
2. Shiek -speed
3. Zelda -ranged


1) This is a spin-off

2) Nintendo is still working on Zelda U

What is the issue? If you don't like it, don't buy it. It will be as if it was never even announced, as Zelda U is still happening.


I don't trust Tecmo Koei, so it is hard to excited for this game esepcially when I'm not interested in Dynasty Warriors. I fear Hyrule Warriors will probably turn out to be a rental at best.

I expect the following:

+ Unique movesets and weapon variety
+ Zelda music (hey, they can't fuck this up too much ... right?)
+ Maybe Sheik as a playable alternative character ?
+/- Decent art direction with generally unimpressive visuals
+/- Solid but repetitive combat
- Dumb enemy AI
- Repetitive battle cries
- Potential lack of mission variety (could be wrong here)
- Potental framerate slowdown
- unpolished presentation


People are seriously excited for this? This looks like garbage. Bad graphics paired with monotonous gameplay? No thank you.

Just been a long time since I've gotten a Dynasty game. I remember they were fun to play multiplayer. Just go around and smash stuff. Nothing deep or unexpected but it's a fun game even if it is shallow, just like FPS games.


On further thought, I'll probably buy this game, especially if it goes on nostalgia overload and brings back lots of characters and monsters from previous Zelda games.


I'm a Sengoku Basara fanboy but I feel bad for you Koei fans, the musou games don't deserve this much hate. Stay strong, Jarate.
I think the graphics don't look that great because the stream wasn't in a very high quality. Considering that the game is probably unfinished, it doesn't look too bad.




I don't trust Tecmo Koei, so it is hard to excited for this gameesepcially when I'm not interested in Dynasty Warriors. I fear Hyrule Warriors will probably turn out to be a rental at best.

I expect the following:

+ Unique movesets and weapon variety
+ Zelda music (hey, they can't fuck this up too much ... right?)
+ Maybe Sheik as a playable alternative character ?
+/- Decent art direction with generally unimpressive visuals
+/- Solid but repetitive combat
- Dumb enemy AI
- Repetitive battle cries
- Potential lack of mission variety (could be wrong here)
- Potental framerate slowdown
- unpolished presentation

Lack of variety and missions is what worries me the most.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Ugh... this is like Other M all over again. Nintendo, please keep your main franchises in-house FFS.

But this isn't being promoted as the next "canonical" entry of the series and probably won't have a heavy plot-focus that ruins a pre-existing character beyond recognition.


Can't see shit because I'm at work. :(

Definitely intrigued though, I wonder what will happen with this game as a final product.
Looks to be the best Zelda game in the last ten years.
Dat TecmoKoei feel

If people would actually play musou games before just disregarding them and saying they are garbage, they might *gasp* actually have fun!

It's not ninety nine nights 2. You can't just press x x x x y y y y or you will be sucked


wanted to bring this up as its a good read for the lot of ya
(Note: Although I only specifically address Dynasty Warriors in this thread, I'm also talking about it's spin-offs Samurai Warriors and Warriors Orochi, as well as the Gundam series.)

As a huge Dynasty Warriors fan, it pains me to so often hear the series referred to as absolute garbage, the worst of the worst, etc. Now, don't get me wrong, I love the series. But I'll be the first to admit that it's not an AAA franchise, or an AA franchise, or even an A franchise. It's firmly rooted in the B-tier category of games. But it just absolutely baffles me when people treat the series the same way they treat licensed movie games and Gameloft shovelware. I mean, if the series were such garbage, why then does it have such a passionate fanbase not just in Japan, where it regularly tops sales charts, but all around the world? I often hear the complaint that the series is just rehash after rehash, but I strongly suspect that the people saying this are basing their stance off of the low scores most Western review outlets (with the exception of Jim Sterling from Destructoid) give the series, and haven't actually played a Warriors game since DW2 or DW3.

But the series HAS changed and evolved over time. Sure, it's still essentially the same sort of battlefield action game it always was, but then Call of Duty is still the same FPS it always was, Assassin's Creed is still the same open world action adventure game it always was, Street Fighter is still the same one on one fighting game it always was. But all of these series have changed and evolved over time. Just like Dynasty Warriors. From the perspective of a fan, the difference between Dynasty Warriors 2 and Dynasty Warriors 7 is the same as the difference between say, Tekken and Tekken 6.

So GAF, why do you dislike Dynasty Warriors so strongly? What's wrong with it, what makes it such a terrible franchise, and what would have to be done to get you to play it? Oh, and just to satisfy my curiosity, when was the last time you played one?
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