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I found a vagina in Watch Dogs 2 and Sony suspended me (Update: Ban lifted)


You think a 4 week ban from all online services is justified for posting a pic of an in-game vagina? Give me a break.

Delete the pic, warn the user, done.

Yeah, because I don't believe the punishment they handed out is that severe. And frankly if you're an adult you should know better. I also somehow doubt if Sony's moderation team reaches an infringing account they bother with only a warning.


Sony just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Japanese culture (I'm an expert), but vaginas are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by being a dick. If you screw vaginas in Japan, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the japanese public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase Watch Dogs 2 for either system, nor will they purchase any of Sony's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Sony has alienated an entire market with this move.

Sony, publicly apologize and cancel the ban or you can kiss your business goodbye.

Huge, pixelated, blurry parts.


I thought the funniest part of this thread would be the pic of it in game, but it ended up being how many people had no idea crotchless panties existed.


That doesn't make it okay.

And what's wrong with seeing a vagina? Answers will vary depending on who you ask, and context is also important: in this situation, the image is of a prostitute with her legs spread open. You really don't think people should/would care about an underage kid seeing that?

It's not about it "traumatizing" anyone, don't be ridiculous. There's a lot more to this.

It's not a matter of it being okay or not okay. It's simply irrelevant. You're worrying about kids that don't really care about these things. A kid will probably see the screenshot that OP shared, he'll probably laugh, and move on.

Meanwhile, these same kids play violent games on a daily basis. They murder and dismember NPCs in so many creative ways in plenty of other games and upload them to the internet. Steam is a wonderful place to see a good amount of these screenshots.

So, it's not about kids. Kids don't give a damn.
It's just the easiest excuse to be against this ridiculous issue that shouldn't be an issue in the first place.


Trucker Sexologist
Kind of disappointed that the "solution" was to censor the game. There should be a way to label content as mature and OP shouldn't have been banned.
I thought the funniest part of this thread would be the pic of it in game, but it ended up being how many people had no idea crotchless panties existed.

You're on a videogame forum. The only panties most of us have seen are on our anime girlfriends.

Only a little serious.
Yeah, because I don't believe the punishment they handed out is that severe. And frankly if you're an adult you should know better. I also somehow doubt if Sony's moderation team reaches an infringing account they bother with only a warning.

The punishment is ridiculous. That's not even worth discussing


This suspension is bullshit. If Sony doesn't like the content in the game, then perhaps it shouldn't have let it pass certification. It put a sharing button on its bloody controller!

For avoidance of doubt: I do find it utterly absurd that ultraviolence in games is not just OK, but encouraged, whereas showing the naked human body, or - even worse - actual sex - is outrageous and taboo.

Such a strange priority.


Oh come the fuck on. He took a screenshot while playing a game. He used the screenshot functionality built into the console by Sony, shared it on the friend services built into the console by Sony, while playing a game approved and certified by Sony.

And in none of those instances that you're describing is the user stopping to think. He can upload the picture without sharing, for one. That's also built into the system.

We all have the freedom post genitals and porn on neogaf. So why don't we? Because it's against the rules, and it's also not a decent thing to do. Same thing applies to PSN.

Not knowing the rules or TOS of PSN is not really a defense.
Yeah, because I don't believe the punishment they handed out is that severe. And frankly if you're an adult you should know better. I also somehow doubt if Sony's moderation team reaches an infringing account they bother with only a warning.

What? How the hell can anyone think Sony handled this well? The fact that they suck at moderation isn't the fault of the OP.

Ubisoft should not be apologizing or censoring their game. They are not in the wrong here, Sony is.

100% the truth.


This is insane. It's an M/18+ rated game. Of course there's content in the game that's not suited for kids, hence the rating. I'm amazed that Sony is banning you for simply sharing content in such a game through their system. If they didn't want that to happen they should've built the system with flags in mind. Auto flag content as mature when it originates from a M/18+ rated game.

The fact that they are punishing you, and even doubling down on it, for this is simply insane.


This suspension is bullshit. If Sony doesn't like the content in the game, then perhaps it shouldn't have let it pass certification. It put a sharing button on its bloody controller!

For avoidance of doubt: I do find it utterly absurd that ultraviolence in games is not just OK, but encouraged, whereas showing the naked human body, or - even worse - actual sex - is outrageous and taboo.

Such a strange priority.

Meanwhile, Mortal Kombat uploads of people viciously mutilating each other is completely okay as long as week keep those bodies covered.


And in none of those instances that you're describing is the user stopping to think. He can upload the picture without sharing, for one. That's also built into the system.

We all have the freedom post genitals and porn on neogaf. So why don't we? Because it's against the rules, and it's also not a decent thing to do. Same thing applies to PSN.

Not knowing the rules or TOS of PSN is not really a defense.

The friends list on console is entirely opt-in. If you don't like that your friends are posting screenshots of a game, you can unfriend them. If someone harasses you and says something derogatory, fine, get the banned, but what you are proposing is some anti-consumer defense force shit. This guy lost PSN access for playing a fucking game he paid for and pushing a god damn button on his controller. Nothing more.

Also, what's the damn cut off? Why are videos of murdering in game okay? Why is the recording of all other M-rated game content okay?
Kids will see it anyway. And it's your responibility as a parent to supervise your kids' online activities, not Sony's

This is branching out into so many different new discussions. I agree with most things there. I also think Sony should have more restrictions in place if they're going to ban accounts for using their service. If you're getting banned for sharing an image, it means that the shared image is not seen by the company as okay to be shared.

And I still don't think "they'll see it anyway" is a valid argument for so many different reasons. If I have kids my mindset isn't going to be hey little Tommy, here's some porn, you're probably gonna see it anyway at some point! That's not how it works.


This is insane. It's an M/18+ rated game. Of course there's content in the game that's not suited for kids, hence the rating. I'm amazed that Sony is banning you for simply sharing content in such a game through their system. If they didn't want that to happen they should've built the system with flags in mind. Auto flag content as mature when originates from a M/18+ rated game.

The fact that they are punishing you, and even doubling down on it, for this is simply insane.
Even adults aren't ready for low-poly genitalia!


Wow I'm really disappointed in Sony, the one week ban alone I thought was silly and unnecessary, but the spiteful extension just because of complaining about the week ban on Neogaf? That's fucked up...

EDIT: Wait Ubisoft is gonna edit the vagina out now? Wow this is something else lol

I got an email 30 minutes ago telling me that my ban is now 1 month because of a violation today. Bare in mind that I was banned yesterday and have not been able to make any new uploads since the ban and the only thing I'd uploaded in months was the single image this thread is about.

I'm really disappointed right now.

Okay, this is fucking bullshit. How the fuck can Sony ban you a second time when you haven't even been able to use your account on their network. This HAS to be them retaliating against your thread. I can't think of anything else it may be. Why isn't Sony being hit harder for this? How come news sites aren't picking this up. It's fucking bullshit, anti consumer bullshit


I don't think this is appropriate for kids either. And yes, adults decide what their kids are allowed to see.

Like someone else said, kids will see it anyway. They will have watched porn and masturbated to sleep thousands of times by the age of 10 even if parents turn Safe Search on. People seem to be worried about virtual vaginas but are okay with these same children playing games where they can decapitate grandmas...

With things like this, I can't help but think about Helen Lovejoy and her popular "Will someone please think of the children?" dialogue line in The Simpsons. Let's think about the children! But in reality, it's more about the fact that (adult) people still feel disgusted with the depiction of the human body in videogames.

A bit sad that nudity is still taboo.


Okay, this is fucking bullshit. How the fuck can Sony ban you a second time when you haven't even been able to use your account on their network. This HAS to be them retaliating against your thread. I can't think of anything else it may be. Why isn't Sony being hit harder for this? How come news sites aren't picking this up. It's fucking bullshit, anti consumer bullshit
Kotaku is reporting it.

Edit: and Eurogamer.


Like someone else said, kids will see it anyway. They will have watched porn and masturbated to sleep thousands of times by the age of 10 even if parents turn Safe Search on. People seem to be worried about virtual vaginas but are okay with these same children playing games where they can decapitate grandmas...

With things like this, I can't help but think about Helen Lovejoy and her popular "Will someone please think of the children?" dialogue line in The Simpsons. Let's think about the children! But in reality, it's more about the fact that (adult) people still feel disgusted with the depiction of the human body in videogames.

A bit sad that nudity is still taboo.
Weak argument, Some people still care about what their children consume and don't want them seeing that stuff in any context.

Hence the reason for rating the game 'M' in the first place.

Okay, this is fucking bullshit. How the fuck can Sony ban you a second time when you haven't even been able to use your account on their network. This HAS to be them retaliating against your thread. I can't think of anything else it may be. Why isn't Sony being hit harder for this? How come news sites aren't picking this up. It's fucking bullshit, anti consumer bullshit
It looks like Patrick is trying to get through to Sony PR:



so is this now called pussygate. game news media is now on the case. lmao

this is so absurd all around. it sucks they have to patch out shit like this i dont understand why genitalia is normalized at this point it exists we all have it but by damn dont let us know it exists on everyone! lol


The friends list on console is entirely opt-in. If you don't like that your friends are posting screenshots of a game, you can unfriend them. If someone harasses you and says something derogatory, fine, get the banned, but what you are proposing is some anti-consumer defense force shit. This guy lost PSN access for playing a fucking game he paid for and pushing a god damn button on his controller. Nothing more.

So it's unreasonable for you to think someone wouldn't like looking at pictures from their friends until they didn't? I bet the people who reported him did unfriend him. It doesn't have to be either or; the report function exists for a reason. And you certainly can't control how people are going to use the report function, or what they get offended by. But if I uploaded a picture of digital genitals to PSN or NeoGaf, I'd expect at the very least to get reported. So at that point you're rolling the dice on moderation.

So someone reported, and then Sony's moderation team made a decision off that. So really what we're arguing is, does Sony have final say in what gets shared on PSN or do you and I? What do you think the answer is to that question?


This is really pathetic on Sony's part. I was considering buying a PS4 Pro but I'm certainly not giving them any of my money now.
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