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I think my apartment may be haunted.

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This thread has Ghosts AND an Amazon commercial? Sounds like corporate synergy is already at work to promote next year's Ghostbusters reboot....


There's no such thing as ghosts. Even if there were, they shouldn't know anything about computers.

Yes, because clearly no one has died since the dawn of the computer age...

OP and whoever else might feel their house/apartment is haunted, for future reference, when asking whether your house is haunted or not, you might do well to specify that you're only looking for answers from people who believe in or are open to the possibility of ghosts. As someone who is open to their existence, I found the first page or so of "Your house is not haunted because ghosts aren't real" responses cringeworthy.


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
Because clearly no one has died since the dawn of the computer age...

OP, for future reference, when asking GAF about whether your house is haunted or not, you might do well to specify that you're only looking for answers from people who believe in or are open to the possibility of ghosts. As someone who is open to their existence, I found the first page or so of "Your house is not haunted because ghosts aren't real" responses cringeworthy.
Ghosts aren't real and frankly it's dangerous as hell to entertain it in this thread. There is a real possibility some dude is breaking in or living in his walls, he should absolutely not be wasting time on this ghost bullshit.


Yes, because clearly no one has died since the dawn of the computer age...

OP and whoever else might feel their house/apartment is haunted, for future reference, when asking whether your house is haunted or not, you might do well to specify that you're only looking for answers from people who believe in or are open to the possibility of ghosts. As someone who is open to their existence, I found the first page or so of "Your house is not haunted because ghosts aren't real" responses cringeworthy.

I only skimmed the first page, but they are the most reasonable posts.

There's no good reason to believe in the supernatural, so people cut through the bullshit straight away and get to the truth of the matter - someone has been in his place and done some stuff. If OP's not messing with us, then this could be quite serious.
Yes, because clearly no one has died since the dawn of the computer age...

OP and whoever else might feel their house/apartment is haunted, for future reference, when asking whether your house is haunted or not, you might do well to specify that you're only looking for answers from people who believe in or are open to the possibility of ghosts. As someone who is open to their existence, I found the first page or so of "Your house is not haunted because ghosts aren't real" responses cringeworthy.

"When seeking advice or guidance, only ask people who you are sure will tell you what you want to hear"


Ghosts aren't real and frankly it's dangerous as hell to entertain it in this thread. There is a real possibility some dude is breaking in or living in his walls, he should absolutely not be wasting time on this ghost bullshit.

There's no way to disprove the supernatural as there are countless examples of situations that cannot be rationally explained other than it was supernatural.

With that said though, it should only be further considered when and only when all other explanations have turned up negative. The situation in this case sounds like a real person is behind it.


Sage? You amateur, he clearly needs to form a salt circle around it.

Too strong of a deterrence imo

If the ghost approaches the camera, make sure to take a screenshot to seal it within an image file. However, it has to be a lossless format such as PNG, or TIFF, or the spirit may escape. If you want to be extra cautious, quarantine the file using your favorite AV software (VoodooShield works especially well!).
OP, when do you think the stream and stuff will be up? About to go to sleep and just wondering what i should set the clock at. Id gladly miss a few hours of sleep for this.


For you.
Yes, because clearly no one has died since the dawn of the computer age...

OP and whoever else might feel their house/apartment is haunted, for future reference, when asking whether your house is haunted or not, you might do well to specify that you're only looking for answers from people who believe in or are open to the possibility of ghosts. As someone who is open to their existence, I found the first page or so of "Your house is not haunted because ghosts aren't real" responses cringeworthy.

Ghosts don't exist and entertaining that tought and giving advice on the basis of ghosts existing is fucking idiotic.


Could OP sue and get rich if he records his landlord or other renters?

And people who believe in ghosts... Why? The same paranormal events that make you believe in them may as well have been caused by God or parallel universes. Why choose ghosts out of all the non-scientific theories? Probably not gonna get an answer from anyone, says enough.


OP should go to the local library and look for old newspapers. Maybe his apartment has a history of murderers. Or maybe it was built over a cemetery os something.


I've figured it out. The OP never explained what website his computer went to. What if it was NeoGAF for ghosts and the ghost went there to post a thread saying that he/she thinks their apartment has a human in it that's splattering ketchup on the walls?


Could OP sue and get rich if he records his landlord or other renters?

No. But it is trespassing and a breach of contract. I wouldn't expect anything other than a clean break and some reparation if more shit gets messed with.


Subscribed. Looking forward to seeing definitive proof of the existence of ghosts when I wake up tomorrow.

lol "haunted"


Paranormal activity: The thread

Yeah except in Paranormal activity they make the setup look easy. I got the camera on and working but can't figure out the livestream part. Tried Ustream but my IPad Camera is not compatible.

How do all these ppl stream so effortlessly from an IP Cam?


OP, when do you think the stream and stuff will be up? About to go to sleep and just wondering what i should set the clock at. Id gladly miss a few hours of sleep for this.

Its almost 9pm here and if I do manage to get the stream working won't put it up until about 3am or 4am EST
Your eureka moment will happen when you understand that your anecdotal evidence accounts for absolutely nothing no matter how much weight you put on it.

What happens when you or someone you trust has an anecdote of their own that you can't explain? What then?

An estimated 107 billion people have died. We would literally be inundated with ghosts at this point. Like your property would have about 6 ghosts.

Ghosts are believed to spirits that, for whatever reason, have not moved on to the 'afterlife'. How common of a belief is this? Name me one paranormal investigator /medium/spiritualist who doesn't claim that ghosts haven't "moved on to the other side". Seriously, where the hell did you hear that everyone who dies becomes a ghost? You could not be more ignorant of this subject.

"When seeking advice or guidance, only ask people who you are sure will tell you what you want to hear"

Yup, that explains why nearly every other episode of Ghost Hunters ends with them telling the homeowners that their house isn't haunted.

There's 7 billion people out there, billions of them able to record any paranormal activity, yet there is no absolute evidence. .

People capture freaky shit on their cameras all the time, and the videos that end up online that aren't obviously fake are decried as video glitches and/or tampering and nothing more. Same with audio evidence. There isn't a single EVP in the world you wouldn't immediately dismiss as 1) radio interference or 2) the recording having been tampered with. And of course you won't waste even an hour of your day looking into the supposed evidence yourself, so of course you can smugly claim there is absolutely none.

And never mind all the anecdotes. I suppose even if a member of your family witnessed some godawful, frightening figure looming over their bed at night (and then disappearing) you'd say it was a night terror (even if that doesn't sound like one) or a nightmare (even if they could prove they were awake at the time). You'd test each possible explanation and whittle down your way down the list till you reach "unknown", at which you pointed you'd be left with two options: Either continue to dismiss all 'anecdotal evidence' of paranormal activity and pretend none of this happened to said family member, or accept that maybe something has occurred that is beyond the purview of science.

Eum, I'm with you on ghosts existing, even if I'm not positive on them being dead people from the past as there are plenty of other possibilities.
But that being said, Ghost Hunters is pure bullshit, just like any of those shows like Finding Bigfoot and the like.
Those only exist to draw in gullible people, even if some or even most of the guys you see in those programs fully believe in the phenomenon.

Except in the 10 years they've been on the air it's never been proved that they're fake (and I've been as suspicious as anyone of some of their 'evidence'). IIRC, it was shown that one of the early episodes contained edited FLIR footage (the time stamp skipped a few numbers or something like that), and one of the former TAPS members when asked whether or not she witnessed any evidence faking said no, though she occasionally suspected it. But other than that, I don't think it's ever been shown one way or another that the video and audio 'evidence' they present is fake.
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