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I think my apartment may be haunted.

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I get that there is no solid evidence that can prove the existence of an afterlife, God, ghosts etc. but based of my own experiences and the experiences of others, I am open to the idea. I'm not trying to convince a grand juror, I'm just voicing my opinion.
Believing != open to the idea. If you believe in that one explanation, you're actually discarding all others, which is why it's closed-minded to do so.

Yes there is no solid evidence but there is also no strong effort to find evidence.
There is plenty of economic incentive to prove paranormal activity. There's tons of shows and media attention to the most trivial of things that are construed as paranormal.

People like me, close-minded loons, are able to consider that such a thing might exist and that modern science just may not be advanced enough to be able to properly explain it. It's completely understandable that you may find this kind of stuff not worth discussing, that's fine, but there are lots of intelligent people that do.
I don't get why you think people who disagree with your explanation would not consider such a thing. It's just not a probable explanation at all, given the evidence.

It's easy to dismiss these countless claims of supposed interaction with the supernatural as typical human delusion, sure, but for people who have experienced the same kind of unexplainable phenomena, we find some of these accounts worth considering.
But you're giving an explanation. You really should trust your own instinctive mind less, and trust in your rationality. If these ghosts were real then there would have been documented evidence. If your eye would be able to see them, so would a camera. And so far, there hasn't been a single shred of undeniable evidence, let alone actual reproducible evidence. You can believe all you want, but don't call people who don't take your explanation as truth without evidence as closed-minded, since it's anything but. You're taking a de facto stance that there is only one viable explanation and therefore people who dismiss that explanation are simply refusing to believe, whereas the reality is that there are plenty of way more reasonable explanations that you are dismissing in the process.

And for the record, I never accused anyone here in the community to be close-minded in a general sense - I am far from qualified to ever make such a statement - but I did mean to suggest that the vocal majority of posters here are quite dismissive of the subject, and I stand by that.
And why would one not be? There are so many charlatans and gullible/impressionable people out there that I think it's only fair. Falsifiable/testable hypotheses are necessary, without it you have nothing more than hot air. Like in your paragraph previous, stating there are examples, do you really have any that are indisputable? Do you have any that are reproducible?

Anyways, I hope I was able to express my view on the matter clearly. I understand that I'm treading on thin ice as it is, as not being able to back up claims with strong evidence is a bannable offense, as is derailing a thread. Assuming I'm not already banned, if anyone would like to continue the conversation, I'd be happy to do so over PMs.
You're been amicable so far in my opinion, don't see why you would be on thin ice? Believing in such things is okay of course, you should just be open to criticism and discussion I'd say, which you have been. And it seems on topic as well, since ghosts are in the thread title.
Its a detection of energy and as humans we have energy. Energy can't be created nor destroyed so why isn't it possible when humans die so of that energy is left on the earth and can be detected by instruments that are used to measure such things?

Made me think... HOWEVER, considering that energy DOES dissipate under various conditions (it's all still relative, just spread out and "lesser", kinda like shooting radio waves into space), isn't it more likely that EMF readings are being generated by something else around the device? Since there wouldn't be a source generating electromagnet impulse or heat, and just having the residual "ghost/spirit/soul/EM" stick to the exact spot someone died for more than minutes seems highly unlikely.

Ugh, my dead head

Also, what if the intruder just assumes OP's identity now that they've won? Welcome to GAF! ^^


Its a detection of energy and as humans we have energy. Energy can't be created nor destroyed so why isn't it possible when humans die so of that energy is left on the earth and can be detected by instruments that are used to measure such things?
What energy that humans have are you talking about here?


Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? If there's intruders, why would they splat some ketchup on a wall? How do you explain the smell of the dead animal when he can't find anything in his apartment?

Why would his landlord even enter his apartment? And if so, what motivations leads to him/her doing what happened?
You sound extremely ignorant. Humans are know to interact with ketchup/tomato sauce. Landlords have been known to enter their tenant apartments without permission. Dead animal smells have been known to come from places which are not directly accessable to humans.

But go on, how do ghosts explain ketchup on the wall? Are ghosts simply capable of anything like materializing ketchup in a splatter pattern on the wall? Or did the ghost carry a ketchup bottle over to the wall, opened it, splatter some on the wall for some reason and then put it back where it got it from? I would like to see you come up with a scenario that does not sound completely ridiculous.
But go on, how do ghosts explain ketchup on the wall? Are ghosts simply capable of anything like materializing ketchup in a splatter pattern on the wall? Or did the ghost carry a ketchup bottle over to the wall, opened it, splatter some on the wall for some reason and then put it back where it got it from? I would like to see you come up with a scenario that does not sound completely ridiculous.

Dunno about ghosts, as I've never ran into one, but shadow people are more than capable of dimensional travel. Second one seems likely; they ran out of shadow k so they reached over into OP's world and borrowed his. The splatter is just byproduct of matter transporting itself through space.


And if the shadow just happens to have their computer set up where OP does, they might be overlapping hence the weird tech stuff. Or he just has Windows.


Refer to what msv posted last page :

Just saying "I'm open minded!" is meaningless and pretty absurd. You believe in literally anything? No matter what? Should I? Should we all?

Believing ghosts are a possible explanation for this dude having ketchup on the wall does not make you open minded. It makes you ignorant and kinda silly.

No, i don't believe in literally anything. I look at the most logical explanations first, but if the situation is simply bizarre, such as in this case where nobody else has access to the apartment, and there's a mysterious smell - weird ketchup prints over a wall, etc. I can start to consider that something outside the scope of human knowledge is at work.

I think it's far more meaningless and absurd to write everything off as "Lol you're being stupid, it's obviously explainable by X or X or X!" It's such a simple cop-out to belittle others and their experiences. These sorts of phenomenon are typically very personal and unless you're in the same situation as OP, you can't really understand.

You sound extremely ignorant. Humans are know to interact with ketchup/tomato sauce. Landlords have been known to enter their tenant apartments without permission. Dead animal smells have been known to come from places which are not directly accessable to humans.

But go on, how do ghosts explain ketchup on the wall? Are ghosts simply capable of anything like materializing ketchup in a splatter pattern on the wall? Or did the ghost carry a ketchup bottle over to the wall, opened it, splatter some on the wall for some reason and then put it back where it got it from? I would like to see you come up with a scenario that does not sound completely ridiculous.

I'm simply asking the most obvious questions to all the reactionary posters saying "Lol you dumbass there's no such thing as X, it's definitely someone coming into your house!" How does that make me ignorant, wise guy?

And how the hell would I possibly know what or how this phenomenon is happening? What, you think I have access to some kind of metaphysical knowledge of every phenomenon that can originate in reality?


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
No, i don't believe in literally anything. I look at the most logical explanations first, but if the situation is simply bizarre, such as in this case where nobody else has access to the apartment, and there's a mysterious smell - weird ketchup prints over a wall, etc. I can start to consider that something outside the scope of human knowledge is at work.

I think it's far more meaningless and absurd to write everything off as "Lol you're being stupid, it's obviously explainable by X or X or X!" These sorts of phenomenon are typically very personal and unless you're in the same situation as OP, you can't really understand.

That's insane, sorry


Someone's been cooking there, was making tomato sauce in a pan, left it on too long and it started boiling which explains the splatter. Cleaned the floor but forgot about the wall. Whatever else he was cooking smells really bad explaining the smell.


Dunno about ghosts, as I've never ran into one, but shadow people are more than capable of dimensional travel. Second one seems likely; they ran out of shadow k so they reached over into OP's world and borrowed his. The splatter is just byproduct of matter transporting itself through space.


And if the shadow just happens to have their computer set up where OP does, they might be overlapping hence the weird tech stuff. Or he just has Windows.
I thought shadow people hated ketchup? It is probably a couple of tomatoerians from the HeinZ system who had sex up against the OPs wall.


No, i don't believe in literally anything. I look at the most logical explanations first, but if the situation is simply bizarre, such as in this case where nobody else has access to the apartment, and there's a mysterious smell - weird ketchup prints over a wall, etc. I can start to consider that something outside the scope of human knowledge is at work.

I think it's far more meaningless and absurd to write everything off as "Lol you're being stupid, it's obviously explainable by X or X or X!" It's such a simple cop-out to belittle others and their experiences. These sorts of phenomenon are typically very personal and unless you're in the same situation as OP, you can't really understand.

I'm simply asking the most obvious questions to all the reactionary posters saying "Lol you dumbass there's no such thing as X, it's definitely someone coming into your house!" How does that make me ignorant, wise guy?

And how the hell would I possibly know what or how this phenomenon is happening? What, you think I have access to some kind of metaphysical knowledge of every phenomenon that can originate in reality?
If the solution goes beyond the natural, it's gonna be labeled as stupid. It's not like you're proposing some undiscovered science. You're suggesting ghosts, which don't exist. You can't blame people for jumping to conclusions. PEACE.


No, i don't believe in literally anything. I look at the most logical explanations first, but if the situation is simply bizarre, such as in this case where nobody else has access to the apartment, and there's a mysterious smell - weird ketchup prints over a wall, etc. I can start to consider that something outside the scope of human knowledge is at work.

I think it's far more meaningless and absurd to write everything off as "Lol you're being stupid, it's obviously explainable by X or X or X!" It's such a simple cop-out to belittle others and their experiences. These sorts of phenomenon are typically very personal and unless you're in the same situation as OP, you can't really understand.
So look here, you are claiming other people are writing everything off whilst they are only dismissing the one explanation without evidence. Then other people bring explanations X, X, or X all of which have a basis in reproducible evidence, but you write all of those of.

Sorry but you're the only one writing everything off here.


If the solution goes beyond the natural, it's gonna be labeled as stupid. It's not like you're proposing some undiscovered science. You're suggesting ghosts, which don't exist. You can't blame people for jumping to conclusions. PEACE.

I'm not suggesting some typical, run of the mill Ghost explanation. Please show where I said that. PEACE.

So look here, you are claiming other people are writing everything off whilst they are only dismissing the one explanation without evidence. Then other people bring explanations X, X, or X all of which have a basis in reproducible evidence, but you write all of those of.

Sorry but you're the only one writing everything off here.

I'm not trying to write everything off, it's certainly possible that someone came into his house. But under what basis would someone come into his house to put some ketchup prints all over the wall? Why was his apartment so cheap compared to all the surrounding properties? I simply think it's too easy to write it off as someone coming into his house to mess with him.


Totally wronger about Nintendo's business decisions.
Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? If there's intruders, why would they splat some ketchup on a wall? How do you explain the smell of the dead animal when he can't find anything in his apartment?

Why would his landlord even enter his apartment? And if so, what motivations leads to him/her doing what happened?

So many people in this thread are so utterly immersed into their world view that there is nothing in life that cannot be explained. This is why most people tend to hide their stories of unexplained phenomenon, because they fear that people will think they're crazy.

"I don't know what caused X, therefore ghosts caused X."

This is the ridiculous point of view. Looking for a natural explanation is rational.


They might, and might like to eat ketchup. Peace.

I'm not suggesting some typical, run of the mill Ghost explanation. Please show where I said that. PEACE.
There's nothing run of the mill about ghosts. They don't exist. There's no might about it. The whole concept of spirits and ghosts is pure malarkey. Clearly the OP is just having a laugh, because no one should believe this stuff, or admit to sane people that they do. PEACE.
I thought shadow people hated ketchup? It is probably a couple of tomatoerians from the HeinZ system who had sex up against the OPs wall.

First I've heard, but I would like to think some don't like foods just like some not shadow people don't like foods. I mean, there's gotta be one that enjoys some good old katsup.


I'm not trying to write everything off, it's certainly possible that someone came into his house. But under what basis would someone come into his house to put some ketchup prints all over the wall? Why was his apartment so cheap compared to all the surrounding properties? I simply think it's too easy to write it off as someone coming into his house to mess with him.
Well, people can be crazy, and can do extremely weird things, that is certainly verifiable. I don't know why you would be skeptical of a human being trespassing into an apartment and doing things beside robbing, there's been plenty of cases of such things. It's also physically possible. That explanation has evidence for it in both humans' ability to do weird and fucked up things and it simply being possible according to the laws of physics. Now, your otherworldly possibilities, whatever they might be, would have neither. Otherwise you'd be able to provide an actual potential explanation.


I'm simply asking the most obvious questions to all the reactionary posters saying "Lol you dumbass there's no such thing as X, it's definitely someone coming into your house!" How does that make me ignorant, wise guy?

And how the hell would I possibly know what or how this phenomenon is happening? What, you think I have access to some kind of metaphysical knowledge of every phenomenon that can originate in reality?
Well you asked some questions that seem to stem from profound ignorance. Like a dead smell in the house but the OP can not find anything? How is this a baffling mystery? Rodents (or other so called pests) get into places you cannot easily see or even easily access. You see, most "pests" are much smaller than humans. Also you seem to be ignorant of the fact that people enter other peoples houses without permission and for a near infinite number of reasons, including landlords.

You claim you look at the most logical explanation first. Yet you somehow missed these logical explanations. That to me seems to indicate an alarming lack of common sense. It is not hard to imagine then that there are other people like you who get stumped by a bad smell of which they cannot directly observe the source. For some reason they stop there and go "AHA supernatural!" And thus a ghost story is born.


Well you asked some questions that seem to stem from profound ignorance. Like a dead smell in the house but the OP can not find anything? How is this a baffling mystery? Rodents (or other so called pests) get into places you cannot easily see or even easily access. You see, most "pests" are much smaller than humans. Also you seem to be ignorant of the fact that people enter other peoples houses without permission and for a near infinite number of reasons, including landlords.

You claim you look at the most logical explanation first. Yet you somehow missed these logical explanations. That to me seems to indicate an alarming lack of common sense. It is not hard to imagine then that there are other people like you who get stumped by a bad smell of which they cannot directly observe the source. For some reason they stop there and go "AHA supernatural!" And thus a ghost story is born.

Yeah, when you take them one by one, sure they can be explained (whether or not the explanations are true is another story) - but they're all occuring in the same time frame - which to me is a little fishy. As well as the fact that his property is considerably cheaper than the surrounding ones. That is not ignorant.

And I literally don't understand the point of your second paragraph. If I smelled something foul I would of course try to find the source of the smell... there is nothing inherently supernatural about a bad smell.
I'm not trying to write everything off, it's certainly possible that someone came into his house. But under what basis would someone come into his house to put some ketchup prints all over the wall? Why was his apartment so cheap compared to all the surrounding properties? I simply think it's too easy to write it off as someone coming into his house to mess with him.

Maybe his landlord just wants a place to chill and watch TV during the day? Eat some french fries, accidentally shake the ketchup bottle when the lids off?



God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
Yeah, when you take them one by one, sure they can be explained (whether or not the explanations are true is another story) - but they're all occuring in the same time frame - which to me is a little fishy. As well as the fact that his property is considerably cheaper than the surrounding ones. That is not ignorant.

And I literally don't understand the point of your second paragraph. If I smelled something foul I would of course try to find the source of the smell... there is nothing inherently supernatural about a bad smell.

The jump from "a little fishy" to saying it could be the supernatural/something that has never ever ever ever ever been documented is such an enormous leap that it makes me hope you are just joking.

It's also dangerous.

People have given possible explanations. Explanations based on the real world, not your fantasy life. But you are discounting them because it feels fishy. Okay.

ANYTHING based in the natural is more plausible than this ridiculous ghost idea. A homeless man jumping out of an airplane and parachuting into this persons window while covered in ketchup from a local hot dog eating contest is a better explanation that ghosts.


No, taking a view based in reality instead of jumping to the absurd is not the ridiculous sounding point of view, sorry mate.

You have no idea what you are talking about, you are massively misunderstanding the energy can't be created or destroyed thing. Go reread those highschool science books.
There is no god btw

The Beard

Hmmm ..... OP never uses the kitchen. I presume he eats out a LOT. He brought home some fries. Dropped a ketchup pack on the ground. He unkowingly stepped on it. Later he found the empty pack on the ground and figured he dropped it on the way to the trash can. Didn't notice the collateral damage until he got home from work the next day.

Boom, Ghost.


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
Still alive. Camera should be here in next few hours. Best place to set livestream?

Get a good angle of the fridge or any entrances you think someone could use, that seems like the place to start.


Its a detection of energy and as humans we have energy. Energy can't be created nor destroyed so why isn't it possible when humans die so of that energy is left on the earth and can be detected by instruments that are used to measure such things?

Poe's Law here for me.


I have seen most episodes of Ghost Hunters, Paranormal State, and other related shows. What kind of camera setup will you have for this, Gizu?


Yeah, when you take them one by one, sure they can be explained (whether or not the explanations are true is another story) - but they're all occuring in the same time frame - which to me is a little fishy. As well as the fact that his property is considerably cheaper than the surrounding ones. That is not ignorant.

And I literally don't understand the point of your second paragraph. If I smelled something foul I would of course try to find the source of the smell... there is nothing inherently supernatural about a bad smell.
You think they are connected just because the OP mentioned them in the same story? You were so close to a realization *yeah when you take them one by one", but you turn away from it. Yes, likely these are all separate events. It is possible that the smell was there before but the OP didn't think much of it. But only now focussed on it because of the other circumstances, perhaps the smell comes and goes. It could be a coincidence. As they do tend to happen.
If you want to examine a set of occurrences logically you absolutely have to take them one by one until an actual link between them is established. It is extremely silly to think that occurrences are linked only because they happened within a completely arbitrary time frame.

We have a joke in my country that illustrates this: "what is red and round and if I throw it against the wall, a phone in the house next door starts ringing?"
it's a "pure coincidence"

You said something to the effect that "the OP can't find the source" and that this constitutes a mystery did you not? Just because the OP can't find a source of the smell does not mean the source of the smell is inherently unfindable or at all mysterious.

I hope you're not in any line of work that requires you to examine and solve problems.
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