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If Starfield Needs Another Delay Would You Be Ok With That?

Will you accept another Starfield Delay this year?

  • No, Xbox needs a Big 1st party release this year

    Votes: 55 15.7%
  • Yes, Give it as much time as it needs.

    Votes: 282 80.6%
  • Other (please specify)

    Votes: 13 3.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Given the state of Bethesda's most recent release, and the overall state of Xbox in general, would you be ok if Bethesda announced another delay for Starfield, stating that it will now release next year?

Or do you feel that Xbox absolutely cannot go yet another year without a major AAA 1st party release?
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March Climber

Gold Member
I only trust iD and the ZOS(the ESO team) to deliver something that's guaranteed to run smoothly on release, from Bethesda.
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Spencer just said they have got involved technically with Starfield far earlier than Redfall as it was at an earlier stage.
So apart from the usual bugs that come with a massive open world RPG I'm sure it will be technically sound.


Yes yes and yes, that's a game that deserves to be at its best. There are enough games this year.

Of course, it would be a small disaster for Xbox unless they got some other game to cover fall/winter.


Will not get delayed. Mark cerny forced double agent shill Spencer to release redfall. He will do the same with starfield to put the final nail in the coffin.


Gold Member
if i'm know i'm going to be playing the game whenever it finally does come out, how could i not be okay with it? i mean, what'll not being okay with it accomplish?...
Deliver the game when it's ready ! i think all the Xbox fans are tired of the empty promises, 2023 is being hell for Xbox so don't make things worse than they are. If is not ready then delay it even if is for 2024..


Honestly I don't think they can win either way.

If they delay, its gets pushed out of 2023. This had a 2022 release originally. People will be pissed.
If they don't delay and technical issues plague the game, people won't be shy to share their displeasure.


If you keep missing your deadlines you probably need more skilled staff. Sorry to say it's not always management's fault. Regardless, if the game isn't in good shape it should not be released.
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No, just release the game and let me install mods.

Times have proven that Delays mean jackshit and the further you delay your game the bigger chance it flops.


Spencer just said they have got involved technically with Starfield far earlier than Redfall as it was at an earlier stage.
So apart from the usual bugs that come with a massive open world RPG I'm sure it will be technically sound.
I clocked that in the interview but it doesn’t make sense.

How was Redfall further along than Starfield when Starfield has been in development since Fallout 4 wrapped?


Gold Member
I clocked that in the interview but it doesn’t make sense.

How was Redfall further along than Starfield when Starfield has been in development since Fallout 4 wrapped?
Probably a very long pre production or maybe they still helped the FO76 team. There's also the team that made TES mobile and TES card game.
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Gold Member
The last thing Xbox needs is another broken game. The second to last thing is another delay. Rock and a hard place.

As a consumer, I don't care how long it takes to be good, so long as it's worth my time in the end. Xbox management may have other ideas., obviously.

Honestly, I've been skeptical about Starfield from the beginning, and I've always hated that it's ahead of the Elder Scrolls in their rotation. Skyrim was forever ago. But they clearly believe in it bases on the time and manpower they've invested, so I'll give it a look.


World’s Biggest Weeb
I’m patient, there’s still plenty of good stuff to play this year. Much rather have a high quality release than a quick release.

Also not that I give a shit, but at this point it’d do more damage to Xbox if Starfield became a disappointment/joke than if it got delayed.


Sure but no matter how much delays it gets, it will still be broken at launch. Otherwise, it wouldn't be a Bethesda title :)


Gotta say yes, it's the only game im looking forward to, I don't want it coming out like Redfall, although after 8 years in development it shouldn't need it


Gold Member
Twice, technically, if you count that it got pushed from “first half of 2023” to September of 2023.

But if it needs another 6 months in the oven, so be it. It isn’t even an Xbox issue for me, I’m just sick and tired of getting broken ass games at launch with the “we’re sorry, we’ll patch it, promise” bullshit. It’s become far too commonplace.


Gold Member
With a game of this size, for a delay to have any meaningful impact, it would need to be in the realm of 6-12 months. That would make me a very sad panda because it is the last bastion of hope for me. And to be fair, they’ve already had that.


Yeah. I'll be busy with FF16/Zelda and then Armored Core anyway lol.
But titles these days in the AAA sphere are beginning to launch while unable to even put out a Day 1 Patch, so I don't expect much anymore.


No, my life would be over.

Seriously though, people who get mad at video game delays deserve buggy games.


I'm fine w a delay if it means it'll be good. But Halo Infinite already managed to do both of those at the same time. So, I think they can't afford to keep making those mistakes... Customer faith is getting low, and a lot of Xbots already moved onto other consoles after last gen


Yes, but I also have 0 interest in it in the first place (I've never liked a Bethesda game), so my opinion isn't worth much.
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Gold Member
I'll not even sure Xbox's current management understands how to give a project more time. It does not mean a blank check and some extra months. It means taking a critical look at where you are at and making some hard decisions around what should be prioritized and what should be shelved given the timeline.

If they make some management changes I think a delay would be good. If they keep the same bubbleheads in place then just release it.


Gold Member
As much as delays suck, they should always be welcomed if they mean that the product will be better and worth the wait on release.


Gold Member
I'm not sure what the heck is going on there...
But with things like what happen to Redfall...like they give it a delay and the game is still in that state. Not saying it wouldn't help but if it isn't about polishment, then what those delays are doing anyway?


Even if they think it's ready to go, they should delay it anyway to add an extra layer of polish to it. Xbox needs a killer app and Bethesda needs a win.


Gold Member
Spencer just said they have got involved technically with Starfield far earlier than Redfall as it was at an earlier stage.
So apart from the usual bugs that come with a massive open world RPG I'm sure it will be technically sound.
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