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If Starfield Needs Another Delay Would You Be Ok With That?

Will you accept another Starfield Delay this year?

  • No, Xbox needs a Big 1st party release this year

    Votes: 55 15.7%
  • Yes, Give it as much time as it needs.

    Votes: 282 80.6%
  • Other (please specify)

    Votes: 13 3.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Only a fucking moron would want an unfinished game released only because "Xbox needs a first party game this year".
Unless that moron thinks the shit show would be more fun than the game.

Jack Nicholson Yes GIF


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights

The negative PR from a delay is waaaay better then the negative PR from another Redfall type launch.


No, despite it freeing me from having to use this avatar.
I want to see some cool memes more. + if it does poorly i can get it on a big sale by the time theres enough mods and its fixed. Double win for me.
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There's no reason they shouldn't hire as many people as they need to get it out and get it out in a sparkling state. They owe their fans, Even if it loses money for them. They can't always operate from an investment point of view where dollars and cents are the goal or trying to corner a market in 20 years is. If it requires a 6 month delay they need to triple the amount of people working on it and just get it done. They have an unlimited amount of $$$$
Xbox needs a W.

A rushed L is way worse than a delayed W for arguably their biggest exclusive in all of XGS

Not knowing how long the next exclusives will take to release, with Starfield being so close even a 6-12 month delay if necessary should be done if it's in a really bad state
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Id be salty, and laugh at microsoft even more, but they cant have another red fall, if the game needs to be pushed then do it, but they better pray that they have something else to fill that void


Yes, delay it.

Bonus answer: I bet it gets delayed again, out of 2023.
Ive been feeling that way to. The last time they showed it they wouldnt show anything other than quick glimpses of off screen footage. Not a good sign that your game is in great shape. Id bet it comes out february or march of next year
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Not confident in the slightest in StarField making it out in one piece.

I'm expecting a million pieces. Disaster launch incoming. Can't let Redfall slip through your fingers and expect StarField to come out ok.

Xbox top execs need to be dumped and I'm actually blown away by the fact that MS still can't get the Xbox division firing on all cylinders.


I seriously hope they delay it. Or we have to hope the rumours about the state it’s in are untrue. Give it another year in the over. I don’t want yet another half broken game, there’s plenty of stuff out this year, we can wait.


Gold Member
No, because I have to keep this stupid avatar until the game releases due to losing the avatar bet.

release it broken Xbox, its not like where not expecting a half finished train wreck at this point.
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One of the green rats
I really could care less about Starfield myself. Id rather have the next ES game. But if it isnt ready dont rush it out.


While I am not hyped for starfield at all. I always appreciate any game that is good quality. I imagine I will eventually play it and would like to play a non buggy mess whenever I do get around to it.
If Starfield is delayed I don’t have to choose between it and Armored Core 6; so I’d be cool with that. But if it comes out this year still and doesn’t have major problems then that’s cool too. Win-win for me.
Hmm launch in 2024 then patches to get it up to snuff for 6 months so probably 2025 until it's in great shape?....nah no deal


Delay or no delay, I still expect Starfield to launch with its fair share of bugs and technical issues.

I can't recall the last time a Bethesda title launched without any notable technical issues.
There has never been one. Starfield will be no different. Keep your bar fairly low...anything above that bar is a bonus. 😄

Jinzo Prime

There's no reason they shouldn't hire as many people as they need to get it out and get it out in a sparkling state. They owe their fans, Even if it loses money for them. They can't always operate from an investment point of view where dollars and cents are the goal or trying to corner a market in 20 years is. If it requires a 6 month delay they need to triple the amount of people working on it and just get it done. They have an unlimited amount of $$$$
Amen, pull out all the stops for Starfield, get ID Software to tweak the gun handling, have Obsidian edit the story, get Plaground to go over the graphics. DO EVERYTHING for Starfield, you need a W.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Everything for the Xbox brand rides on this game. If it launches without 60fps locked it’ll be a bloodbath.


Gold Member
At this point I’m past caring. So many other games and more coming this year, 2023 already stacked… Diablo 4, Street Fighter 6, FF16, realistically won’t even have time for starfield, it’s no longer on my radar at all.


The nicest person on this forum
That depends what shape the game is, Cyberpunk 2077 got delayed multiple times and still released completely broken.


Gold Member
Delay everything that is clearly not ready. Cancel projects that are obvious shit shows. Hire talent and do everything to keep it. Focus on future generations. Accept that this one is lost and make quality games your top priority. Line up your pipeline to release big, impactful games. Go where the talent is. Don't chase IP, chase people. Nurture relationships with newer companies and deepen those with older ones. Drop your Day 1 GamePass strategy and use that only for games that otherwise wouldn't get exposure. You're making it too easy for third-parties to be pulled away from you. Get a management team that knows how to identify issues and solve them. Not just cheerlead from the sidelines.


Few things make me feel as out of touch as the Starfield news. Like, in my head, it's a niche product that is nowhere near worth the time and effort being given to it. Is it just that it's an exclusive? I just don't get it.
Delaying a Todd Howard game won't magically make it less buggy or unstable. I mean, they are selling the Skyrim Anniversary Edition 10 years later with the exact same bugs it had at release. No one cares about bugs at Todd Howard Game Studios and never will. Just ship it and be done with it and get to working TES6.


Writes a lot, says very little
I want it day 1, but I can wait till they are finished with it.

So many massive games coming this year, it means nothing to me if they skip this year, so long as they have a working, functional game with minimal bugs


Few things make me feel as out of touch as the Starfield news. Like, in my head, it's a niche product that is nowhere near worth the time and effort being given to it. Is it just that it's an exclusive? I just don't get it.
Not my cup of tea either but their games have a huge following. Its definitely not niche. I guess it's possible they are going to be judged differently after Elden Ring was such a huge success if people aren't familiar with their games.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Pretty sure they have no option but to push it out the door on the set date for business reasons.

Also, to be honest, I doubt Bethesda are capable of releasing anything of the scale and complexity of this game slick and bug-free day#1. Historically they just aren't good at it.


ידע זה כוח
It doesn't matter anymore. What's life? Why breath?

The market will never change, might as well release it tomorrow and let someone close the door on their way out.


Nah just put it out.

Let's be real, it's a bethesda game. It'll be a busted piece of shit at launch regardless. The modders can fix it way faster than Bethesda can. Real question is will the underlying game be worth fixing.


Gold Member
Few things make me feel as out of touch as the Starfield news. Like, in my head, it's a niche product that is nowhere near worth the time and effort being given to it. Is it just that it's an exclusive? I just don't get it.

The Elder Scrolls franchise grew in popularity over the years since the third game was put on the original Xbox. Oblivion was a big deal during the early 360 and PS3 days. Skyrim was a huge hit. The Fallout series also exploded in popularity after they got ahold of the IP and put out Fallout 3. Fallout 4 was a bit divisive but generally received well.

So Bethesda has a legacy of highly regarded RPGs. Many people look to that and ignore their recent offerings. Fallout 76 and Elder Scrolls Blades. Both of which were total shitshows. And, yes, there is a significant amount of hype being generated by list warriors and not just actual Bethesda fans.

There is some concern that, as even some Xbox and Bethesda fans here have pointed out, Bethesda may be behind the times and other companies have surpassed them. Both in the areas they lacked, easily, but also possibly the areas they excelled in years ago. That being said, there is a lot riding on this game. Not simply for Xbox, but for Bethesda. They have a fantastic legacy that is marred by lackluster recent offerings. So there is a lot of excitement, from two large fanbases, mixed with a bit of nervous hope that they deliver.

And, of course, the jackholes who want the game to fail for fanboyish reasons.
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Won't be touching it for a while with D4 out anyway. Delay it even if you think it's ready cause it isn't. Fix the bugs first lol


THE Prey 2 fanatic
I only buy games on sale, so for me every game was delayed. It's to my benefit if they extend that delay so I can get an improved game.
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