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If Starfield Needs Another Delay Would You Be Ok With That?

Will you accept another Starfield Delay this year?

  • No, Xbox needs a Big 1st party release this year

    Votes: 55 15.7%
  • Yes, Give it as much time as it needs.

    Votes: 282 80.6%
  • Other (please specify)

    Votes: 13 3.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


I don't want another Cyberpunk comeback story, I want it to be excellent out of the gate. So yes, take your time, release it when it's done.


Gold Member
Since I usually wait several months to play all these broken at release games anyways what’s the difference if they delay it or me. I just want to play games in their optimal state.


I voted other because it's not even gonna be about our opinions.

Microsoft needs to stop the console blood loss, and that requires a big holiday game. The idea that this is a Todd Howard game means that the target audience will be far more receptive to the idea of the game finding its technical feet after launch.

So no, I don't think they will delay it barring an absurd crash rate or something.


Gold Member
Sure. If the game isn’t finished, delay it and finish it.

I think the only one who’d have a problem with that would be the one paying for the development. Hopefully MS doesn’t force it out the door if it’s incomplete.


Just release it already, let it shit the bed and put all your resources into finishing Elder Scrolls VI (And make sure it's good). I want to believe I'll be able to play a new TES this generation.
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Gold Member
of course, I'd be ok with that, how can anyone prefer getting an unfinished game too early beats me


Absolutely yes. They need to have a game that can have gamers relate to Xbox again. If to have that they need to have another dry year, then do it! Do not release Starfield if it isn't perfect and do not deliver it without a 60 fps mode or you will be yeeting Xbox even further away from the competition.
Starfield can be on 60-70 I'm gonna get it and play it. I loved Fallout & Elder Scrolls series soooo.... Bugs are expected lol. But to be real, the gameplay they showed is generic as fuck like wtf lol



Tag, you're it.
Yes, but at the same time it's Bethesda. Anyone expecting this game to launch on a good state is setting himself for disappointment.
And I don't think another delay would change that.
No question it should get all the time it needs. With Redfall, at least the core design was the biggest issue, so rushing that out is like pulling off a band-aid, but Starfield? There is too much pressure on the game now to release a turd.
How telling is it that at least 33 people voted for the game to be released even if its not ready? What kind of person actually would prefer a broken game early than a fully functioning game? I literally cannot comprehend the logic behind that.


Does it really matter? All of these games release broken, then they fix some of the most egregious bugs then leave the rest of it broken. There is a reason Todd Howard is a meme


I don’t think Xbox can take a delay. Starfield needs to be ready, it needs to be good and operate well on all platforms.


Gold Member
I don’t think Xbox can take a delay. Starfield needs to be ready, it needs to be good and operate well on all platforms.
I think putting it out in a great state is way more important than forcing it into their schedule.

Redfall isn’t doing them any favors and should probably have been delayed as well.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
What does "be OK with it"?

Of course I don't want an unfinished game released.

I don't care about the health of the Xbox business... and even if I did.. again, why would I want another unfinished game from them? lol


Gold Member
I just want it to score 11/10 to sell my PS5... not that I will buy a Series X tho... so take your time
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Even though I voted yes . Isnt It pretty much the same if they release its broken at launch and fix it half a year later, vs delaying half a year later .

The ealier you can even buy the game at half or 66% of its price ! Value! :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Edit : And moders had wooping half a year to make mod + fix(graphics and mechanic) of the game too .
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If they delay it, keep the new release date under wraps until you're 100% certain this game comes out the gate working and performing as intended.
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It can't launch a buggy mess like Redfall. They can't afford that, so much of Xbox is hanging on it. Better a delayed game than ruin the initial reception.


Hey, I'm vaguely interested in Starfield, but...
- It has a lot to prove
- It's coming barely WEEKS after Armored Core 6 and Baldur's Gate 3. Chances are I'll be busy for a while anyway.


I don't think it needs another delay but I'd be fine with it. The scope of the game is immense and something that will actually "feel" like it's taking advantage of the S and X.


Starfield needs more then a delay. Game looks outdated to the point you would think it’s a fallout mod.


Yes, without question.

If Starfield releases in a state similar to Redfall it will probably result in worse PR for Xbox than the announcement of Xbox One.


The issue with subscription services like game pass is that you have to constantly release new content for it or people will cancel the subscription and won't return any time soon. Also you have to spread out the content in a smart way. It's not as easy to delay the game when you have to give a good reason to the consumers to stay hooked to the Game Pass.
It’s not a game I’m interested in, so not invested in it, but given the state of recent releases I think they’d earn some goodwill if they said they needed more time. I’d definitely respect them.

I don’t think that’ll happen. It’ll have Bethesda jank and journos will overlook it.


If it's in the usual Bethesda state, then it will launch in September. If it's worse they should delay. Xbox will still have Forza this year so it's automatically better than 2022.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
No one needs a mediocre broken game. There is absolutely no incentive to launch if the game isn't ready.


If it gets delayed again... Yikes. I don't have confidence that it wouldnt be buggy at launch. It's all well and good to say take your time but Xbox needs something. Plus you can only get a game so ready before launch.
Few things make me feel as out of touch as the Starfield news. Like, in my head, it's a niche product that is nowhere near worth the time and effort being given to it. Is it just that it's an exclusive? I just don't get it.
How? You don’t get why a new IP from Bethesda who has made several of the most popular games ever made is getting hyped?


I can't think of a more important title for the Xbox brand right now. Historically, Bethesda games have launched pretty buggy, but still able to perform well enough to play through the game. I would have to think the Xbox division would be working really close with Bethesda to make things as smooth as possible; maybe even making it the least buggy title released. Regardless, this game has been hyped throughout the enthusiast and casual spaces and will sell well no matter the state.
We're getting to the point where anything short of a 95 MC, GOTY contender launch will be disappointing for the masses. MS need a moonshot and they need it bigly.
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