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I've been drinking 1 liter of diet cream soda per day

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That's about three 2 liter bottles a week. This has aspartame in it of course. I need to know once and for all if this will kill me. I've done reading on it and the research is wishy washy....does anyone work in a science field or research that can write something that sounds smart so i can be at peace of mind?

One of the big anti-diet soda bullet points is that it's just as bad as regular soda! But then you read the article and it's about how the sweetness will affect your taste buds making you want to eat more food and sweets. BUT IF I DONT DO THAT, if i control myself and don't let my taste buds take over, then how could it be just as bad? a Soda can is 200-250 calories of high fructose corn syrup which is horrible sugar. There's no calories in diet soda. The only concern is if aspartame gives you cancer or other long term disease. I need to know if that's bs or real.


Soda in general is horrible for your health, regardless of the aspartame in diet stuff. I'd cut down your intake or get rid of it entirely.


Nobody here is going to know if it gives you cancer or not. Drink your diet soda as much as you want, just see your doctor and follow their advice.


It won't kill you.

But we not slowly ween yourself of having to sugary flavored drinks?

I have read no studies that show it's bad for you conclusively.

The cancer studies with aspartame are using mega doses on mice. The equivalent doses for humans are much more than a liter of diet coke per day.


There are a number of scientific papers on the link between artificial sweeteners and insulin response / resistance.

6 ltrs a week is a bad idea IMO.
IF aspartame does harm you there are still thousands of other things that will kill you before it even has a chance. You should still curb the habit though, if only for money savings.


The only people who say it's as bad as regular soda are people in the sugar industry.

Six liters is a lot, though. If nothing else the carbonation is not good for your stomach.
I dunno man, how do you feel? Try stopping drinking it for a few days and see if you feel better. I've noticed when I drink a lot of certain energy drinks, or Diet Irn Bru, I get this weird uneasy and shitty feeling that must be related to the caffeine and chemicals. So I quit drinking those so much. I still have em every once in a while, but like you I used to sit down for the night and throw them back.


All that matters is nutrients, hydration, calories, and control.

If you can control yourself, and don't deprive your nutrients by taking supplements, drink water, and watch the calories, then you are fine. A Calorie is a Calorie.

Hell, I lost 10 pounds with thick burgers and twinkies alone like a year ago, just to see if I could.


let me just pull out my science calculator.

"beep, boop, beep, boop"

according to my calculations, you should be fine. except for that cancer that aspertame causes you should be fine.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Aspartame has been well documented to give you cancer, but if you're going to drink it then you need an off-balance factor. An off-balance factor is something to help keep your corresponding weight factors in control. A low fat bagel or a cereal like Honey Nut Cheerios is probably the best way to start your morning. The latter can even lower cholesterol.

Also realize that any artificial sweetener is, at the very least, better than stevia which is just as bad as corn syrup. That aspect of it is not a problem. You'll likely want to stick with salads (go crazy with the dressing to make up for calories) since you won't get your daily metabolic rate from 0 calorie diet sodas.


"hello?" "this is vagina"
Aspartame is fine, it's one of the most rigorously tested chemicals in the world. People got spooked by it because they saw it on everything and cooked up a conspiracy.

But that doesn't mean you should be drinking a litre a day of ANYTHING that isn't water. Use some common sense here.
I dunno man, how do you feel? Try stopping drinking it for a few days and see if you feel better. I've noticed when I drink a lot of certain energy drinks, or Diet Irn Bru, I get this weird uneasy and shitty feeling that must be related to the caffeine and chemicals. So I quit drinking those so much. I still have em every once in a while, but like you I used to sit down for the night and throw them back.

Energy drinks are insanely bad for you, especially when used frequently. Caffeine withdrawal is no joke.
The only people who say it's as bad as regular soda are people in the sugar industry.

And the dumb. I remember witnessing a kid asking for diet soda at McDonald's and his mother denying him because "it pokes holes in yer brain". So they got him regular soda. Probably not a shocker that the kid and his whole family were severely overweight.
Kill you? Maybe not, but have fun with Diabetes.
See? this is the type of misinformation i'm referring to. How can something with no sugar content in it give you diabetes?

It's still not great for you, though
I need some evidence on this.

Any time people bring up diet soda is bad for you or just as bad as regular soda it's a one liner with no substance. I need evidence.

We've all read the click bait article headlines saying how it's just as bad! But have you read them? because the reasoning is that it makes your taste buds and brain want more sweets and to eat more in general. But if u can control that desire then what's the problem? If there is real scientific evidence on it being cancerous then ok.

I know about how it erodes teeth enamel but i drink it with a straw and rinse my mouth after most times.


All that matters is nutrients, hydration, calories, and control.

If you can control yourself, and don't deprive your nutrients by taking supplements, drink water, and watch the calories, then you are fine. A Calorie is a Calorie.

Hell, I lost 10 pounds with thick burgers and twinkies alone like a year ago, just to see if I could.

While I agree with you, but losing weight and general health aren't the same.


Aspartame has been well documented to give you cancer, but if you're going to drink it then you need an off-balance factor. An off-balance factor is something to help keep your corresponding weight factors in control. A low fat bagel or a cereal like Honey Nut Cheerios is probably the best way to start your morning. The latter can even lower cholesterol.

Also realize that any artificial sweetener is, at the very least, better than stevia which is just as bad as corn syrup. That aspect of it is not a problem. You'll likely want to stick with salads (go crazy with the dressing to make up for calories) since you won't get your daily metabolic rate from 0 calorie diet sodas.

No it hasnt. Not that I'm aware at least. Has aspartame given cancer to anything but mice? I'd love to see a study, then.
Be really, really careful of kidney stones bro. I used to drink a shit load of soda too (I fucking LOVE A&W diet cream soda, mixes really well with energy drinks too) and had a severe attack of gout in my early 30s. It was brutal. Both gout and kidney stones are linked to kidney malfunction.

I don't believe its specifically diet soda that causes failure, but instead you drinking less water due to drinking so much soda (or other things, other than water). Your kidneys can't process everything you throw at it and so prioritizes, and you can throw your system out of whack.

Many/most/some (?) people will probably have no problems, but over time you can fuck your system up badly by going overboard with anything. I haven't had KS (yet) but my uncle did and he was a huge diet coke guy. Reading anecdotal stories around the internet, a lot of people who have had kidney stones are also big soda drinkers, but then again a lot are not too. Don't know if any studies have been done to try and link the two.

After that I cut my soda habits hard, I still now mix one energy drink and 2 diet cream soda cans once a week or so, but what I absolutely make sure is I am drinking at least a gallon of water a day, every day - use a 64oz mug next to my PC, fill it twice a day. I'm a big guy (6'4") so thats appropriate for me, I think theres a calculation for how much water the average person should drink, its at least 8 cups (2L) although some have said 3L is better for males.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
You're fine.

The acidity and carbonation is probably going to mess up your stomach more than anything else based on personal diet soda addiction experience

Oh and if you're like me and have too much you'll get nauseous when you drink it and you'll start craving water. No biggie.

Moderation is probably the key though.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
have you had cream soda before? Finding a diet version of it was a holy grail for me and i finally found it. It tastes so good

You'll be fine. Diet cream soda is dope. If you haven't already had a reaction to aspartame you won't.
Thank you for the responses. My last post was written while they were made so it's been answered.
Aspartame has been well documented to give you cancer, but if you're going to drink it then you need an off-balance factor. An off-balance factor is something to help keep your corresponding weight factors in control. A low fat bagel or a cereal like Honey Nut Cheerios is probably the best way to start your morning. The latter can even lower cholesterol.

Also realize that any artificial sweetener is, at the very least, better than stevia which is just as bad as corn syrup. That aspect of it is not a problem. You'll likely want to stick with salads (go crazy with the dressing to make up for calories) since you won't get your daily metabolic rate from 0 calorie diet sodas.
Stevia is just as bad as corn syrup... Can someone back this up? I use it for my coffee every morning. That comment and your claim that aspartame is well documented to give you cancer have me skeptical about your entire post


Aspartame will make your penis fall off. If you're a woman it'll make you grow a penis. Then it will fall off.
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