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I've been drinking 1 liter of diet cream soda per day

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Of course it's bad for you, rofl. Don't listen to unhealthy gaffers who think they'll be "fine" as they chug down liters of crap and burgers every day.


Drinking NOTHING but dark cola is bad for you. Your kidneys need water and all that caffeine just keeps you dehydrated.

The sweetner? Don't know. Never been proven in Humans. But be nice to your kidneys. Right now you are fucking them up.


A litre a day? So....like....a pint glass at lunch time and one in the evening?

.....and this is apparently "extreme".


I generally have (over the day): 1/2 pint of orange juice at breakfast, anything from 1 pint to 4 pints of (unsweetened) tea (with tiny bit of Almond milk) over the day, 1 can of Coke Zero with lunch, and then a pint of sugar free Cloudy Lemonade with dinner (Or a Cider if it's a really bad day). Maybe followed by some more tea if I'm thirsty.

I wouldn't say a can at Lunch followed by a pint with dinner was "extreme" yet it's nearly as much as OP.


let me just pull out my science calculator.

"beep, boop, beep, boop"

according to my calculations, you should be fine. except for that cancer that aspertame causes you should be fine.

Did my master's thesis on this very subject- Aspartame does not cause cancer unless ingested in ridiculous proportions (as in, 100 cans/day).

However, there does seem to be mounting evidence that it affects gut flora, which *may* present an issue.


It's like 99% water so ultimately it's not going to directly kill you, but that amount of diet cream soda.....please seek taste help.


Black Canada Mafia
Did my master's thesis on this very subject- Aspartame does not cause cancer unless ingested in ridiculous proportions (as in, 100 cans/day).

However, there does seem to be mounting evidence that it affects gut flora, which *may* present an issue.
The only evidence of an artificial sweetener effecting gut flora I've seen is one study that tested saccharin.


Definitely not an STD, as I'm a pure.
That's gross. Water is your friend. Drink water 24/7 with Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You'll never want a soda again.
That's what I do 99% water, and the other 1 percent is lemonade once in a blue moon.


Drink water instead. It WON'T kill you and it's actually good for you. Throw that trash out and stop drinking soda of any kind.


I drank 1.5 litres of full-sugar soda a day from the ages of 11 to 21.

I can tell you from a decade of experience that Diet is better for your health (in terms of how you feel), specifically your weight. However it's worse for your teeth. Drinking Diet Sodas has cost me over 15k in dental fees, money I don't really have. I will lose all of my teeth to this addiction. I've already lost 3 and I'm only in my early 30s.

These days I have a Diet Coke/Ginger Ale/Dr. Pepper whatever for breakfast, one with lunch, two with dinner and one in bed. That's a solid reduction from what I used to be.

When I was around 25, I tried to quit sodas. I rid my house of them. I used to get up at 4am in the morning and drive half an hour to get them anyway. I knew if I didn't have one I wouldn't sleep or function the next day. I need a soda in me to get to sleep.

Hell of a drug, really. By contrast I've been smoking every so often for 15 years but have never gotten addicted at all, and take 3 month long breaks from it all the time without even realising.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Drinking NOTHING but dark cola is bad for you. Your kidneys need water and all that caffeine just keeps you dehydrated.

The sweetner? Don't know. Never been proven in Humans. But be nice to your kidneys. Right now you are fucking them up.

The number 1 ingredient in Soda is water. The majority of soda is water.


I drank 1.5 litres of full-sugar soda a day from the ages of 11 to 21.

I can tell you from a decade of experience that Diet is better for your health (in terms of how you feel), specifically your weight. However it's worse for your teeth. Drinking Diet Sodas has cost me over 15k in dental fees, money I don't really have. I will lose all of my teeth to this addiction. I've already lost 3 and I'm only in my early 30s.

These days I have a Diet Coke/Ginger Ale/Dr. Pepper whatever for breakfast, one with lunch, two with dinner and one in bed. That's a solid reduction from what I used to be.

When I was around 25, I tried to quit sodas. I rid my house of them. I used to get up at 4am in the morning and drive half an hour to get them anyway. I knew if I didn't have one I wouldn't sleep or function the next day. I need a soda in me to get to sleep.

Hell of a drug, really. By contrast I've been smoking every so often for 15 years but have never gotten addicted at all, and take 3 month long breaks from it all the time without even realising.

Holy shit...15k in dental work due to soda and you still continue to drink it.

Mind=Blown. This isn't crack we're talking about people. If you are trying to stop drinking soda, switch to flavored Sparkling Water. You will hate it at first, but it gets better and has the same feeling of soda being in your mouth.
I'll rectify this issue:

But in all seriousness, cut out the soda man, even "diet" soda is terrible for you. I cut out all soda years ago and I have zero regrets.
It took 1.5 pages for this.

Is GAF dying?


This is the biggest misconception surrounding diabetes. Sugar alone does not cause diabetes. Overeating and eating unhealthy crap all the time does.

Indeed and that's just type 2. I got type 1 at the age of 18 when I was a picture of health, eating well getting plenty of exercise. It's an autoimmune disease and it just happens. Yet the amount of people I have met that assume I must have brought it upon myself. It feels awesome to have an incurable illness that without daily injections will kill me and have people blame me for it.
I drank 1.5 litres of full-sugar soda a day from the ages of 11 to 21.

I can tell you from a decade of experience that Diet is better for your health (in terms of how you feel), specifically your weight. However it's worse for your teeth. Drinking Diet Sodas has cost me over 15k in dental fees, money I don't really have. I will lose all of my teeth to this addiction. I've already lost 3 and I'm only in my early 30s.

These days I have a Diet Coke/Ginger Ale/Dr. Pepper whatever for breakfast, one with lunch, two with dinner and one in bed. That's a solid reduction from what I used to be.

When I was around 25, I tried to quit sodas. I rid my house of them. I used to get up at 4am in the morning and drive half an hour to get them anyway. I knew if I didn't have one I wouldn't sleep or function the next day. I need a soda in me to get to sleep.

Hell of a drug, really. By contrast I've been smoking every so often for 15 years but have never gotten addicted at all, and take 3 month long breaks from it all the time without even realising.

This is seriously depressing. I wish you the best of luck man.

Indeed and that's just type 2. I got type 1 at the age of 18 when I was a picture of health, eating well getting plenty of exercise. It's an autoimmune disease and it just happens. Yet the amount of people I have met that assume I must have brought it upon myself. It feels awesome to have an incurable illness that without daily injections will kill me and have people blame me for it.

It's so, so dumb when people don't realize that Type 1 is not preventable but Type 2 generally is preventable. Do people really not understand the difference when you tell them you have Type 1?
I like to counter some anecdotes in here, by spewing out my own. I used to drink about one 20oz bottle of Diet Coke per day, and sometimes a bit more. I cut diet soda out of my diet for 2 or 3 years recently, and I noticed no change in how I felt or my health. Take that! My datum can beat up your datum!

No it hasn't, not in humans anyway. The study with mice involved an extreme amount of aspartame, when adjusted by mass it was way more than what a human could ingest in a day.

From what I remember, the dosage given to the rats was 1 gram per kilogram of body weight. A paper clip is about 1 gram. Google says a 12 ounce can of Diet Coke has .192 grams of aspartame. Let's say you have a 160lb male, which is about 72 kilograms. 5.2 12 ounce cans of DC has 1 gram of aspartame.

So a 160lb male would have to drink 375 12 ounce cans of Diet Coke, in a short period of time, to get the same dosage of aspartame that the rats received. That's 35 gallons.


Ive always wondered if tea was bad for you? I don't drink carbonated stuff very often, but I drink a lot of tea


Ive always wondered if tea was bad for you? I don't drink carbonated stuff very often, but I drink a lot of tea

Provided you aren't sweetening it, it should be just fine for you aside from your teeth. The acids in tea will slowly erode the enamel (not nearly as badly as coffee or soda if that's any consolation). Also I suppose you could end up getting too much caffeine if you drink a ton of black tea.

That said tea is tasty and you should drink it anyway. :)


Soda is awesome. It makes your bones all porous. This means you're more aerodynamic and cheaper to ship. Think about it.


It ain't gonna kill you but you run a higher risk of diabetes (which can kill you) and I guarantee you're ruining your teeth at least. I drink one bottle of Mexican Coke a week.
I personally drink more water than anything else but all these posts of "nothing but water you'll live longer and never miss anything with flavor again you are already dead have fun with diabetes and your nails are going to fall out" really irritate me. So many amateur nutritionists on gaf.


Ice cubes. I hadn't planned on no longer drinking diet sodas, but took to putting them into a glass with ice. First week was a bitch.

3 months later, give or take, I realized I had old soda in my fridge. I couldn't tell you when the shift happened. Now, it's water or wine.

And no, I don't suscribe to the "It's noon somewhere" mindset.


I like to counter some anecdotes in here, by spewing out my own. I used to drink about one 20oz bottle of Diet Coke per day, and sometimes a bit more. I cut diet soda out of my diet for 2 or 3 years recently, and I noticed no change in how I felt or my health. Take that! My datum can beat up your datum!

From what I remember, the dosage given to the rats was 1 gram per kilogram of body weight. A paper clip is about 1 gram. Google says a 12 ounce can of Diet Coke has .192 grams of aspartame. Let's say you have a 160lb male, which is about 72 kilograms. 5.2 12 ounce cans of DC has 1 gram of aspartame.

So a 160lb male would have to drink 375 12 ounce cans of Diet Coke, in a short period of time, to get the same dosage of aspartame that the rats received. That's 35 gallons.
Yep, you'll die of water toxicity waaay before the aspartame can do anything to you

Guys in a lab they gave chocolate to a dog and HE DIED

If chocolate isn't good enough for our pets, how can we give it to OUR CHILDREN!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

It ain't gonna kill you but you run a higher risk of diabetes (which can kill you) and I guarantee you're ruining your teeth at least. I drink one bottle of Mexican Coke a week.

Type II Diabetes is from too much actual sugar, not artificial sugars


Diet soda has been a long debated thing. The truth is no one is really sure. Pretty much all the studies done aren't clear and studies have produced various results.


Aspartame has actually NOT been found by the FDA to be carcinogenic. Its deemed safe.

That being said, what you are doing is certainly very very unhealthy.

"Aside from the effects in people with phenylketonuria, no health problems have been consistently linked to aspartame use. Research on artificial sweeteners, including aspartame, continues today." - Cancer.org


Just quit drinking soda.
I did it a few months ago, and I honestly didn't have a problem. I just swapped it for unsweetened tea. You still get the caffeine, but you dump the sugars.
Soda is seriously just garbage. Pure garbage.


The vast majority of people in this thread are wrong and don't know what they are talking about.

The amount you drink is fine.

Now your problem is, why should you listen to me, instead of everyone else?

I suggest you don't. Do your own research. And be aware of the amount of BS on the internet. Try to search for articles that cite all their sources.


This is the biggest misconception surrounding diabetes. Sugar alone does not cause diabetes. Overeating and eating unhealthy crap all the time does.

true this, at my heaviest all I drank was diet soda but ate so much trash I was pre diabetic.

Only water now.


I drink as much or more (or did), Decided to give it up for December and see how I feel on New Years and decide if I want to give it up completely depending on if I feel healthier.
Lol at the people acting like OP is going to get diabetes and his teeth are going to rot out of his face from 1 liter of DIET soda a day.

That's a little less than 3 cans worth of a 0 sugar drink. You'd be worse off drinking 2 glasses of orange juice.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
Diet soda has been a long debated thing. The truth is no one is really sure. Pretty much all the studies done aren't clear and studies have produced various results.
Meta studies actually have proven the saftey of artificial sweeteners.
Lol at the people acting like OP is going to get diabetes and his teeth are going to rot out of his face from 1 liter of DIET soda a day.

That's a little less than 3 cans worth of a 0 sugar drink. You're worse off drinking 2 glasses of orange juice.

People are probably more worried about the acid in the soda ruining the enamel of his teeth, not the sugar content.

way more

That Diet Soda sneaks on in without the calories but then your bodies natural detectors think it's sugar so it invites it into the sugar area. Think of a celebrity impersonator, they still get into the VIP area behind the velvet rope. Then your body gets confused and tells your fat cells to turn the fake sugar into fake fat.
People are probably more worried about the acid in the soda ruining the enamel of his teeth, not the sugar content.

Yeah, and most kind of fruit juices are about as/more acidic than diet soda.

A glass of orange juice with every meal is overall worse for you than a liter of diet soda a day.


Is propel a good alternative? I was going to try switching from soda to propel flavored water but I thought I read somewhere that's not even that good for you. :S

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
Is propel a good alternative? I was going to try switching from soda to propel flavored water but I thought I read somewhere that's not even that good for you. :S
I use those low cal flavor packets, but sparkling water could work.
Yeah, and most kind of fruit juices are about as/more acidic than diet soda.

A glass of orange juice with every meal is overall worse for you than a liter of diet soda a day.

You're correct, but most people in the thread aren't recommending that he needs to replace his diet soda intake with orange juice. Water is clearly the way to go.
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