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I've been drinking 1 liter of diet cream soda per day

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There's a high correlation between watching QVC and being a middle aged housewife, but that doesn't mean I'll suddenly gain kids and become a stay at home spouse if I start watching it

There's a high correlation between buying those placebo weight loss pills at GMC and being overweight, that doesn't mean taking the pills will make me obese

There's a high correlation between marriage counseling and divorcing shortly after, that doesn't mean going to counseling will ruin a perfectly fine marriage

If it's impossible to show causality I guess there's no problem then! Phew what a load off the mind.
Just cut off soda altogether and find something else to drink. That's what I did and I have been really happy. I lost over 25 pounds in less than three months by cutting on calories and taking an hour long walk everyday.


If it's impossible to show causality I guess there's no problem then! Phew what a load off the mind.

Yeah maybe Fox News was right and those violent video games found in the mass murderer's room was the catalyst behind the event, fuck causation and Jack Thompson was right all along


Careful with your margarine intake if you're a Maine Newlywed

way more

Is there a more studied additive than aspartame in world history? Every study done since the first rat one where they injected 200x the daily use of the chemical directly into brains has not produced similar results.
I feel like I'm being very aggressively astroturfed by Pepsi right now

The Gravitational Pull of Pepsi™ is just too strong


Yeah maybe Fox News was right and those violent video games found in the mass murderer's room was the catalyst behind the event, fuck causation and Jack Thompson was right all along
99% of all murderer eat bread regularly. Bread makes you evil confirmed.
artificial sweetners mess with your brain because you think you ate sugar but you didn't, then your brain gets mad "you fooled me!!!! I want SUGAR!!!!""" then it pushes you to crave sweets


Didn't read the thread, but heavy diet soda drinker here. The only confirmed major negative impact is a slight increase in kidney failure when you get older. I gave up soda for a month after reading that, but then went back to it. I figure the chances they'll have a fix for kidney failure by the time I reach 60 are much greater than then increased risk diet soda carries. When you factor in quality of life diet soda wins hands down for me.

I remain open to further studies on gut bacteria. We'll see where that research goes.

Decreased Tooth enamel and kidney stones are other potential negative impacts, but both vary based on genetics and can be mitigated.
Low ph absolutely shreds your teeth over time

That's not what the "diet soda is unhealthy" people are claiming is the problem, though. In fact, they're just claiming a blanket "it's bad for you," which isn't very helpful at all.

So are we really going hard on debating the health benefits of soda here

I just want to make sure we are before I go dunk my head in a volcano

Just because there aren't "benefits" doesn't mean they're necessarily bad. But others have pointed that out already.

And for the correlation studies above, I'm going to guess that most likely, those who have switched to diet soda are doing it to offset other unhealthy behaviors or irresistible cravings, thus the correlation with bad health, but not necessarily caused by diet soda.
I'm almost fifty and have been drinking several cans of soda a day since I was about five (diet for the last 25 years).

Never had a kidney stone. Just had my bloodwork done (I get a physical annually) and as always my glucose levels were in the healthy range.

SMH at this thread. Coffee is a known carcinogen and people are freaking out about Aspartame despite decades of studies trying to show it as carcinogenic and failing.

Oh, check out A&W 10. Delicious creamy root beer with 10 calories a can. Fuck yes.

EDIT: My teeth are good. Yes, after drinking diet soda several times a day for 25 years.


Simply amazed at the diet soda defense force. Also amazed that people believe in the competency of our scientific research enough to ingest chemicals like aspartame. Don't forget, we used to say cigarettes totally doesn't cause cancer not too long ago
Aspartame has been researched and tested to death, mainly because of the claim that it gives you cancer and whatever. It's been pretty much shown to be safe through all of that.

Would I consume a large amount of it? No. I don't know how harmless it is in the quantities the OP and some others take it in.

Some people are quite adamant about the safety or dangers of consuming any foods. I'm just here to suggest that the OP's other lifestyle habits should be taken into consideration when giving any such advice, and that it's always a good idea to consume less processed foods and more real foods.


You made an assertion in there with nothing to back it up. If the non-water portions of diet soda are unhealthy as you claim...why?
Because as I said in the following paragraph, it's likely the OP also has bad lifestyle habits all round and drinking rivers of diet soda is part of a bigger problem. OP very likely lacks self control when it comes to diet.

You can argue all you want about correlation and causation but what it does show is that people who are addicted to soda are more likely to lead unhealthy lifestyles. Tackling the self control aspect can help them become healthier.

And as I said, it's always better to eat less processed foods. All you seem to be interested in is the whole "diet soda is completely safe, drink it by the gallon and fuck the haters" aspect. It's like you guys see the world in binary extremes and you gotta pick a side, with no room for moderation somewhere in the middle.


Your body is constantly replacing its cells. It uses the food you take in to do so. Do you really want the building blocks of your entire body to be junk food and artificial sweeteners? You keep this up and one day it will be too late. Drink water ffs. Wouldn't surprise me one bit if junk food makes you age faster too.

The Wall

And the dumb. I remember witnessing a kid asking for diet soda at McDonald's and his mother denying him because "it pokes holes in yer brain". So they got him regular soda. Probably not a shocker that the kid and his whole family were severely overweight.

Aspartame causing prion diseases? This is a new one to me.


I'm almost fifty and have been drinking several cans of soda a day since I was about five (diet for the last 25 years).

Never had a kidney stone. Just had my bloodwork done (I get a physical annually) and as always my glucose levels were in the healthy range.

SMH at this thread. Coffee is a known carcinogen and people are freaking out about Aspartame despite decades of studies trying to show it as carcinogenic and failing.

Oh, check out A&W 10. Delicious creamy root beer with 10 calories a can. Fuck yes.

EDIT: My teeth are good. Yes, after drinking diet soda several times a day for 25 years.

You do understand that you are using a sample size of one, right? The way to see if it makes a difference is to study lots of people at once, not just get a quote from one guy. There are also heavy smokers who have never had any perceived issues and they sound very similar to the post above.

I'm saying this as someone who understands that diet soda isn't that bad for you (teeth aside, and possibly giving you a stronger sweet tooth), but I base that belief on the mountain of evidence, not my personal experience.
Because as I said in the following paragraph, it's likely the OP also has bad lifestyle habits all round and drinking rivers of diet soda is part of a bigger problem. OP very likely lacks self control when it comes to diet.

You can argue all you want about correlation and causation but what it does show is that people who are addicted to soda are more likely to lead unhealthy lifestyles. Tackling the self control aspect can help them become healthier.

And as I said, it's always better to eat less processed foods. All you seem to be interested in is the whole "diet soda is completely safe, drink it by the gallon and fuck the haters" aspect. It's like you guys see the world in binary extremes and you gotta pick a side, with no room for moderation somewhere in the middle.

All I'm asking for is a reason why it is bad, which you've failed to give.

I'm sure that the drinking of diet soda is due to the existing unhealthy habits, not the other way around. Those bad habits should be fixed, but diet soda isn't the culprit. It is literally the avoidance of another bad habit, drinking regular soda.
All I'm asking for is a reason why it is bad, which you've failed to give.

I'm sure that the drinking of diet soda is due to the existing unhealthy habits, not the other way around. Those bad habits should be fixed, but diet soda isn't the culprit. It is literally the avoidance of another bad habit, drinking regular soda.

It's like switching to e-cigarettes from regular cigarettes, if you ask me. Both are not good for you.
But that study was done on saccharine, which is almost never used anymore. This Slate article points out the many flaws in these sweetness/reward processing studies.


Honestly the reason I'm so upset by this is that my mom was a diet soda addict for many years. She had weight problems chronically. We finally got her to kick the habit and the weight just fell off her without any other changes in her diet.

I refuse to believe that shit isn't bad for you.


Honestly the reason I'm so upset by this is that my mom was a diet soda addict for many years. She had weight problems chronically. We finally got her to kick the habit and the weight just fell off her without any other changes in her diet.

I refuse to believe that shit isn't bad for you.

my son was diagnosed with autism a few months after his vaccinations
we didn't vaccinate our next child and he's autism free
I refuse to believe that shit isnt bad for you
You do understand that you are using a sample size of one, right? The way to see if it makes a difference is to study lots of people at once, not just get a quote from one guy. There are also heavy smokers who have never had any perceived issues and they sound very similar to the post above.

I'm saying this as someone who understands that diet soda isn't that bad for you (teeth aside, and possibly giving you a stronger sweet tooth), but I base that belief on the mountain of evidence, not my personal experience.

I completely understand that. I'm all about metastudies, the furthest evidence from anecdote.

But several people in the thread have told OP that he WILL have long term problems with stuff like kidney stones and diabetes in the long term. And those absolutes are bunk and not backed by meta-analysis of peer reviewed studies. So those "facts", are not. If these so-called facts are true, I would have these problems.


my son was diagnosed with autism a few months after his vaccinations
we didn't vaccinate our next child and he's autism free
I refuse to believe that shit isnt bad for you

Presumably you and your wife were vaccinated and did not get autism, yes?


that's beside the point, what I see with my own two eyes>fancypants paid scientists and their 'data' 'proving' autism isn't related to vaccinations

92% of children here in Finland get all the vaccines and I don't think I've ever met an autistic person in my life. If what you say is true, you'd expect to see an autism epidemic. What I see with my own eyes > Your confirmation bias.


92% of children here in Finland get all the vaccines and I don't think I've ever met an autistic person in my life. If what you say is true, you'd expect to see an autism epidemic. What I see with my own eyes > Your confirmation bias.

Before this derails the thread, this argument was made in bad faith to point out another poster's argument about diet soda and his aunt losing weight after dropping it

-is what I WOULD say if I didn't know in my HEART and SEEN with my own two eyes that Vaccines gave my child autism

Study it out if you don't believe me, it's not my job to educate you


Before this derails the thread, this argument was made in bad faith to point out another poster's argument about diet soda and his aunt losing weight after dropping it

-is what I WOULD say if I didn't know in my HEART and SEEN with my own two eyes that Vaccines gave my child autism

Study it out if you don't believe me, it's not my job to educate you

It's not your job to educate me, but it is expected in normal discussion that you back up your arguments with reason and evidence. What you "know in your heart" isn't worth shit, especially when you're spreading a idea that kills children through preventable illnesses.
I would just like to say my final decision. I've read the thread and done thinking on this. I knew when i made the thread that the first page would be filled with mostly dismissive one liners with no thought or backing behind them....basically shit posts ala "It's bad for you." "No." "Diet soda is terrible for you, stop" and so forth. I'd like to thank the posters that provided real info and discussion, the people who use critical thinking and think outside the box. You're the ones who make Gaf a good forum. It got just a tad more heated than i anticipated making what i anticipated to be a fail thread but it turned out to be a good conversation.

I'm gonna stick with my diet cream soda which btw DOES NOT have caffeine in it so no worries about kidney stones. The only bad thing about it is tooth enamel but im careful drinking it now because i use a straw and always rinse my mouth with water right after. I'll continue to drink about a liter or 3/4 a liter per day for the rest of my life as long as i can find it. To the guy who asked, it's a store brand from a grocery chain.

While you haters are stuck drinking plain old boring tasteless water every day ill be drinking nectar from the gods without any downside at all. So fuck yeah, diet cream soda all day every day. Suck it!
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