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Jeff Green's new band is called "Furtive Pygmy" [Black Dragon plays Dark Souls]


Jeff should start going 2h with the claymore. Relying a little much on the shield is getting him in a lot of trouble.

Sure it can be more difficult, but there's no better way to learn the importance and effectiveness of dodging than being forced to do it.


The Beastie Boys are the first hip hop group in years to have something to say
Yeah of course, but I can understand whenever that happens to me, I have no idea which way to roll.

I'd usually just roll backwards if it looked like one of those butt stomp style jumps, but yeah, for unknown attacks it's anyone's guess. I want to say Jeff's mistake was getting too close in the first place and attacking, but on another day the same tactic could work and he could land some hits.


Jeff should start going 2h with the claymore. Relying a little much on the shield is getting him in a lot of trouble.

Sure it can be more difficult, but there's no better way to learn the importance and effectiveness of dodging than being forced to do it.

Letting go of block at all the wrong times is what's getting him in trouble!


Also not strafing and backstabbing enough.

Let's all take a minute to recognize that Jeff is totally kicking ass in the last two streams. He definitely knows how to block and watch his stamina bar now and circle strafe. He has a basic approach and strategy down that is working well for him. He only tried that demon a few times. He'll get em next stream. I totally have faith in him now.


The Beastie Boys are the first hip hop group in years to have something to say
I think Jeff will get the basic tactics down pretty soon. During his fight with
, he did a lot better than previous encounters in terms of blocking and backing off and healing.

The advice I'd give Jeff is to only attack when you're 99% sure there's an opening for one. You can get lucky and start an attack on a shielded enemy, only for them to drop their shield at the last second to initiate their attack thereby letting your attack land, but usually they'll stay shielded and your attack will bounce off and momentarily stagger you, leaving you open and drained of a chunk of stamina. Try to goad them into an attack by getting close and backing off. Kicking is a quicker way of getting them to drop their guard, but can be difficult to pull off quickly, and doesn't give you a huge amount of time to get an attack in.

Also, backstabs, as people have said. A lot of enemies are very easy to circle and backstab - just hold your shield up, get close, and start rounding them. They'll eventually attack, rooting them in one position, allowing you to align yourself behind them and backstab them. Easier to do in one on one situations, obviously.


Let's all take a minute to recognize that Jeff is totally kicking ass in the last two streams. He definitely knows how to block and watch his stamina bar now and circle strafe. He has a basic approach and strategy down that is working well for him. He only tried that demon a few times. He'll get em next stream. I totally have faith in him now.

Me too.
When he's concentrated he's totally fine.


He also did fairly well on that second last titanite demon fight, I think he can kill it

I'm loving the stream, although the hardest thing to watch is him losing his sense of direction at a moment's notice.

Looking forward to moonlight butterfly next time out.


Really enjoying this stream Jeff! Though maybe think twice next time before summoning for the boss. You would have learned a lot fighting the gargoyles on your own, and it's just going to make it harder to fight bosses on your own in future. It would be kind of lame if every boss ended up being a cake walk where you just let your summons do the work. It's way more satisfying to see you improve your playing ability through practice.


Hey, Jeff, I like the Dark Souls intro. I think it's rad.


I've come to love the storytelling in Dark Souls, but I was cringing so hard the first time I saw that intro. I guess they needed some exposition because there's so little of it in the game proper, but a four minute super generic sounding info dump is maybe not the best idea. It's just so antithetical to the storytelling in the actual game, which is all about subtlety, mystery and unobtrusiveness


I've come to love the storytelling in Dark Souls, but I was cringing so hard the first time I saw that intro. I guess they needed some exposition because there's so little of it in the game proper, but a four minute super generic sounding info dump is maybe not the best idea. It's just so antithetical to the storytelling in the actual game, which is all about subtlety, mystery and unobtrusiveness

It totally DOES sound like generic nonsense. But the more you play the game and learn about the world and read item descriptions, the more the mythology actually all fits together in pretty cool ways. I don't blame him at all for mocking it at first, though.


Can't wait for the next installment. Jeff's stream inspired me to pick up the game, and I'm loving it. Someone invaded my game the other day and left me some incredible loot including a +5 demon spear which I'm trying not to rely on too heavily, but sure has helped in some tight spots.

Anyway, keep up the good work, Jeff. Enjoying the stream very much!


97.5: The Brodeo
Thanks everybody for all the tips etc! I have been reading them all. Definitely need to keep working on all the basics, and, yeah, I feel the same way a few of you do about me getting lost all the time---which is because I am not getting my OWN sense of direction but instead have been relying on chat to tell me "NO DON'T GO THERE" or whatever."

Still working on finding the optimal balance between playing and talking to chat---because obviously it's fun (and helpful) to interact with people - though I know how potentially annoying it could be for viewers who just want to watch the game in action. I'll figure it out as I keep going. Maybe. :)

TRYING to do a stream tonight, but it's a little iffy, TBH. Leaving early in the a.m. with the missus for the long Berkeley --> LA drive, and may not have time.

Oh, and huge thanks to GAFfer Polioliolio for helping me beat the gargoyles! :)


Not only did the stream convince me to get the game a couple weeks ago but I looked into a sodastream and got that too. I drink a lot of seltzer and this thing is awesome.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Well, there's another reason why this stream rules: even more people are getting into DkS! Enjoy this incredible game folks, it never stops giving.


Well, there's another reason why this stream rules: even more people are getting into DkS! Enjoy this incredible game folks, it never stops giving.

Jeff's stream has sold me on the game too. I've got a sizeable backlog of games at the moment but once I've whittled that down I'll be picking up DkS.




I always shoot that fucker with a bow lock on and use the rocks to block his lightning attacks with a bit of strafe rolling & shooting in between.

Also yeah, grab your dropped souls. Might not be much, but it's all points.



I always shoot that fucker with a bow locke on and use the rocks to block his lightning attacks with a bit of strafe rolling & shooting in between.

Also yeah, grab your dropped souls. Might not be much, but it's all points.

Titanite Demon is relatively easy if you stay between his left arm/leg and his tail.
Gotta watch out for the sudden jumps though.


For anyone whose interested in seeing some wild ass Dark Souls play, there was recently a new world record set.

All bosses killed and game beat in 1:24:20.

"Everybody knows that Noobus is a gay fag. ...That's why Noobus doesn't want the world record because if you have a world record you get all the girls."

Ugh. Fuck this guy and his world record.

Alright Green. You now have a nemesis. You are officially in training to beat this douche.


Low Poly Gynecologist
"Everybody knows that Noobus is a gay fag. ...That's why Noobus doesn't want the world record because if you have a world record you get all the girls."

Ugh. Fuck this guy and his world record.

Alright Green. You now have a nemesis. You are officially in training to beat this douche.

Yeah, when I was listening and got to that part I had an instant distaste. I did appreciate that immediately after he said "I'm kidding guys, if anyone says any stuff like that in the chat you'll get TO'd" or whatever he said.

It was definitely in poor taste.


Titanite Demon is relatively easy if you stay between his left arm/leg and his tail.
Gotta watch out for the sudden jumps though.

I'm not that great with the precise timing stuff generally (despite 200+ hours logged), so I tend to bow it up/pyromancer a lot. Ultimately you have to go with what works for you, and adapt when necessary. I did a fair bit of phantoming for people fighting Queen Kelloggs down in Blight town racking up humanity in between farming slimes and it was always the case that people who stubbornly refused to change up their approach tended to get wiped.
And watching Jeff is totally proving EpicNameBro's hypothesis that the Souls games are really frustrating to get into because the community can be so critical. I applaud Jeff for still giving it what he can despite any detractors.
Kind of harsh, is this about stream watchers dick waving, because threads like here on GAF are usually nothing but very helpful to new players.


Then they weren't stubborn enough :p

Nah, you need to be able to move fast against her to avoid the lava. Too many people roll in in heavy armour and get themselves trapped against the wall. Once that happens it's pretty much game over for them.


The Beastie Boys are the first hip hop group in years to have something to say
Kind of harsh, is this about stream watchers dick waving, because threads like here on GAF are usually nothing but very helpful to new players.

Yeah I'm not seeing any of these mythical detractors. Though I never watch the stream live, Jeff seems to be getting helpful advice there, and everything I've seen here has been helpful. Elsewhere, people generally seem stoked that Jeff is doing this at all.
Kind of harsh, is this about stream watchers dick waving, because threads like here on GAF are usually nothing but very helpful to new players.
That's a lot of that on the chat, unfortunately.

But by a lot, I mean maybe two people out of thirty.

All the backseat gamers in there, myself absolutely included, need to remember to just say "whatever you think is best, Jeff." Because he's doing a fantastic job and could do with someone pointing out a possible direction instead of shoving him towards one.
Yeah I'm not seeing any of these mythical detractors. Though I never watch the stream live, Jeff seems to be getting helpful advice there, and everything I've seen here has been helpful. Elsewhere, people generally seem stoked that Jeff is doing this at all.
I don't think I've really seen anyone like that on Jeff's stream, but they're an obnoxious bunch on more widely-known channels and even with other newbie Dark Souls runs. It gets tedious when for instance you see a wave of "KILL THIS GUY" when they reach a certain NPC almost every time, or have several viewers go out of their way to explain where a specific strong piece of equipment is located only for the streamer to (foolishly) listen and either end up being confused (since he has next to no context to work with) or hopelessly lost. Even when openly told that there's a "no spoilers" policy in place, so it's rather saddening to watch how some Dark Souls fans - who otherwise might mean well with their... intentions - consistently tarnish a beginner's first experience more often than not.

Though again, this fortunately hasn't been an issue with Jeff's stream nor this thread.
Oh Jeff, on Claymore...

The term claymore (/ˈkleɪmɔər/; from Scottish Gaelic claidheamh mòr, "great sword")[1] refers to the Scottish variant of the late medieval two-handed longsword. It is characterised as having a cross hilt of forward-sloping quillons with quatrefoil terminations. It was in use from the 15th to 17th centuries.​


Braveheart used a claymore

That means you missed the Artorias battle and that's a crime against humanity

What part does he start playing the DLC in? I actually never played the DLC because I got my copy stolen before it came out. I wonder if watching it would spoil the experience


Oh Jeff, on Claymore...

The term claymore (/ˈkleɪmɔər/; from Scottish Gaelic claidheamh mòr, "great sword")[1] refers to the Scottish variant of the late medieval two-handed longsword. It is characterised as having a cross hilt of forward-sloping quillons with quatrefoil terminations. It was in use from the 15th to 17th centuries.​


Braveheart used a claymore


Hey Jeff, you now have a new warcry thanks to Seventh Son.

Break out your best Scottish accent and

"Claidheamh Mor!"


Low Poly Gynecologist
What part does he start playing the DLC in? I actually never played the DLC because I got my copy stolen before it came out. I wonder if watching it would spoil the experience

If you do want to play it, I would play it before watching because it will spoil a lot of really awesome stuff.

It's definitely worth playing I feel.


97.5: The Brodeo
I will be practicing this warcry in LA this weekend with my extended family. Will make dealing with relatives easier.

Ongoing thanks for all the help, gang! And hey, I'm glad that the chat gets so invested--it's fun. If folks want to argue amongst themselves, and/or call me an idiot for any decisions I make, it's all good. I mean, I think it's be dumb for anyone to actually get MAD, because this is all just for fun, but the passion that players have for the game just shows how great it is, and how deep it can be if you invest the time.

Which is why it sucks that I am gonna be outta town for a few days NOT playing Dark Souls but instead "socializing" with family. Fortunately, I have Zelda to keep me company. :)

Y'all are awesome, so thanks for the views and the tips!


Low Poly Gynecologist
I will be practicing this warcry in LA this weekend with my extended family. Will make dealing with relatives easier.

Ongoing thanks for all the help, gang! And hey, I'm glad that the chat gets so invested--it's fun. If folks want to argue amongst themselves, and/or call me an idiot for any decisions I make, it's all good. I mean, I think it's be dumb for anyone to actually get MAD, because this is all just for fun, but the passion that players have for the game just shows how great it is, and how deep it can be if you invest the time.

Which is why it sucks that I am gonna be outta town for a few days NOT playing Dark Souls but instead "socializing" with family. Fortunately, I have Zelda to keep me company. :)

Y'all are awesome, so thanks for the views and the tips!

Don't worry, time away just gives you more opportunities to think about Dark Souls. I know when I was playing it was in my mind constantly during classes.


Neo Member
I'd really like to thank Jeff for streaming Dark Souls. It's the best.

There's a few basics about the game I'd like to point out if he reads this.

  • Endurance is the primary statistic you should be leveling. Don't ask chat. Every point in Endurance up to 40 points gives you more Stamina. Stamina is what allows you to attack, roll to avoid damage or block. It is the real currency of Dark Souls. If you block an attack, the damage is subtracted from your stamina before your health. Thus stamina is analagous to the recharging health in a modern FPS game.

    Everything else is secondary to getting your Endurance approaching 40 and thus your stamina approaching 160. A little Vitality is alright. Every other stat should be leveled according to need. Don't put a point in Strength, unless you are trying to meet the requirements of a particular weapon. You're better off reinforcing the weapon (+1, +2, etc.) then leveling up to increase damage.
  • Please drink your Estus. You need to feel like you can top yourself off in the middle of a battle. If your health is low, you should be planning your next drink. Every encounter is designed to have windows of opportunity. Mostly you should attack during them, but heal up if you're low on health. If you don't have an opportunity, roll back once or twice and make one.

    You always berate yourself for healing. (It's funny. I get it, but heal more too.) Sometimes you will be punished for trying to heal. Thems the breaks.
  • If you're fighting a big dude and he uses a sweeping attack, roll through it. Blocking is a kludge. Rolling is elegant and is 80% of the game.
  • There's a guy with a crossbow on the right outside the staircase leading into the church when you are coming from the bonfire by the blacksmith. He's the easiest guy to backstab in the entire game. You just have to walk behind him with your shield down and press attack. You'll figure out where to stand after a few tries. I'd recommend locking on. It will make that entire encounter a lot easier if you get him out of the way quickly.
  • The ent guys do a little "hallelujah gesture" with their hands raised before they do that grab attack that you hate. Look out for it.

I should note that these aren't intended as absolute truths. They're just some ideas to get you started.

Thank you Jeff Green for making us laugh at dying in Dark Souls...again.
Yeah something to point out about rolling, during a roll you are invincible. The roll gives you what is called 'i-frames' (invincibility frames), so when a big attack is about to connect, try rolling through it, you'll end up avoiding the hit and take no damage.
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