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Jeff Green's new band is called "Furtive Pygmy" [Black Dragon plays Dark Souls]


The bad news? The next boss is also very, very tough for a new player. If weak-willed newbies didn't give up at the gargoyles, they probably give up at this bastard. But if you can get past him, then it'll be smooth sailing for a while.
Not yet. Next up:
Moonlight Butterfly


Jeff, your +5 Claymore will last you a while so try to upgrade your shield a bit. It makes a huge difference for blocking powerful attacks like those from the big demon in the basement. Remember that you can keep your shield up when you dodge so you have a chance to block if you mistime the dodge. Also, I recommend reading item descriptions, especially the ones for keys, they can give you hints about where to go. Finally, you should look around Firelink a bit and talk to the NPCs.

Keep practicing dodging and maybe give backstabs a go (the enemies in the forest can't be backstabbed though, just a heads up).
ps. congrats on getting past the gargoyles. In my opinion they're one of the top three hardest bosses in the game, so you just got over a huge wall. A lot of new players quit at this point. The bad news? The next boss is also very, very tough for a new player. If weak-willed newbies didn't give up at the gargoyles, they probably give up at this bastard. But if you can get past him, then it'll be smooth sailing for a while.
Since the game's progression eludes my right now, what is considered the next boss, usually? The
Capra Demon
? That was definitely the easiest boss for me as a light and fast player. It might have been even easier than the
Moonlight Butterfly
for me, although I guess the
Gaping Dragon
was the easiest overall. I remember hearing others struggle with it and had the complete opposite experience. (Although I died immediately my first try, and then beat it the next.)

So I don't know if that's just a build thing, or something about it that jived with me or whatever. The gargoyles gave me a lot more trouble. Dealing with just one of them was okay, but it was when the second one came in that I got overwhelmed. I eventually got myself some firebombs to make it easier. I guess I loved my bandit's knife a bit too much, too, and had that backstab damage as a "crutch" throughout the game. So who knows what will happen.
Gravy Whitta ‏@garywhitta

Using Xbox One to watch @Greenspeak play Dark Souls - DON'T TELL ME THIS ISN'T THE FUTURE.



Gravy Whitta ‏@garywhitta

Using Xbox One to watch @Greenspeak play Dark Souls - DON'T TELL ME THIS ISN'T THE FUTURE.


Oh yeah, well I was browsing Neogaf while watching Jeff stream on my PC at the same time.

I own a PC. I have been living in the future for decades.


Gravy Whitta ‏@garywhitta

Using Xbox One to watch @Greenspeak play Dark Souls - DON'T TELL ME THIS ISN'T THE FUTURE.


I watch Twitch streams on my 360. Actually streaming to twitch directly from a console is the future, for Xbone owners like Gary.

For PS4 owners it's the present.
I had my doubts. Thinking back to the old Undeadburg streams with Jeff trying to fight the Taurus Demon, I couldn't imagine him ever making it as far as he did.

That old Jeff has died, and he has been gloriously reborn. Something seems to have *clicked* for him in the last couple streams.

He's been blocking, managing stamina, his attack timing has improved, and I never thought he'd successful start rolling, but he has. I haven't had those 'aha!' moments for myself since first playing Demon's Souls, so it's cool to see a new player picking up the mechanics of the game.

As for tips and advice, I would second the suggestion to upgrade armor, if just to +1 or 2 even.

Souls come and go so it's definitely better to put them into something when you have them. Now that you've improved your weapon, Jeff, there's no good reason not to do the same to your armor, using Titanite Shards, and even your shield to increase stability. You may have to kill a few trees real quick, but it's worth it.

Using Titanite Shards to upgrade a weapon to +5 is fine, or to upgrade some armor or shield to +3, BUT watch out for upgrades that use Large Titanite Shards. These are a rarer item you can't simply purchase in the early game, so you should spend them more wisely on weapons or armor you feel particularly attached to.

The small upgrades cost nothing but souls, really, so you need not worry about it. Upgrade what you have. Again, just don't use the Large Shards without more serious consideration (and you may only have 1 or 2 at this point).

One more thing!
When you're looking through your equipment, if you press X on the Xbox Controller, it will show you a screen comparing that piece of equipment to what you currently have equipped. Blue means an improved stat, Red means a decrease in that stat. It even compares item weight. If you Press X yet again, you should see a screen with a description of the item. So yeah, X shows you more information about items/equipment. Take a look, won't you.

Ah, and don't forget to kindle the bonfire near the Garden, if you haven't already!
Missed the stream so I'm waiting as best I can for the youtube link.

Sounds like the worst one I could have possibly missed - so much nail biting potential.


Best bit was the fucking-around Jeff did when he had 11k souls. Wish the chat was saved, I would've loved to see what it was like at that part.


Using Titanite Shards to upgrade a weapon to +5 is fine, or to upgrade some armor or shield to +3, BUT watch out for upgrades that use Large Titanite Shards. These are a rarer item you can't simply purchase in the early game, so you should spend them more wisely on weapons or armor you feel particularly attached to.

He needs to ascend his gear to be able to upgrade with better shards, which he can't do yet so it's a non-issue. His shield also goes to +5 with normal titanite.

I really think Jeff should fight
. One of the best ways to learn how to dodge.
He needs to ascend his gear to be able to upgrade with better shards, which he can't do yet so it's a non-issue. His shield also goes to +5 with normal titanite.

I really think Jeff should fight
. One of the best ways to learn how to dodge.

Most frustrating to get wrong as well :p


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Going to watch now. Euro trash will never be able to watch these live (2.30 am)

edit: hah, shoutout to a fellow Belgian who was still awake and watching, nice!

His dsfix is definitely not working btw
He needs to ascend his gear to be able to upgrade with better shards, which he can't do yet so it's a non-issue. His shield also goes to +5 with normal titanite.

I really think Jeff should fight
. One of the best ways to learn how to dodge.

Oh, okay, that's good then.
In that case, Upgrade without holding back!


A few minor tips Jeff: you're doing well keeping your distance from the tree-men so they can't do their grab attack, but you might want to try doing a leap attack towards them. It closes the distance faster and doesn't leave you as vulnerable during the attack windup. Leap attacks are also great for breaking enemies in guard stances. Also, your Claymore is pretty good at staggering enemies and the tree-men are particularly susceptible. If you chain attacks they can't hit you back, until you run out of stamina anyway. Finally, put some more points into vit! It will do you much more good than strength unless you want to wield even larger weapons. At least get it to 20, 14 vit is pitifully low, especially for a new player.


Low Poly Gynecologist
Hey Jeff what's your favorite track on Tegan and Sara's newest album? I'm having a hard time getting into it.
Does the claymore always look that ungainly when one-handed, or does it get quicker and more natural looking as the Strength is upgraded? Never really used the greatswords


Best bit was the fucking-around Jeff did when he had 11k souls. Wish the chat was saved, I would've loved to see what it was like at that part.

Ha, yeah you should have seen the panic in the chat when he went back over to fight that Balder Knight that killed him about a half dozen times on the previous stream with 11K souls on the line.

But then he proved that he had learning how to ace those fucking Balder Knights. After that, I wasn't really worried about him anymore.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Finished. That gargoyle fight was incredible. 3 man team, gargoyles get rekt.

Some tough love though: Jeff, 90% of the time you don't know where you are. At all. Even though you've been there a dozen times. This is because of your overreliance on the chat. You're distracted by it or the people straight up tell you where to go. You're not memorizing the world at all this way. Now it doesn't matter that much, but DkS has a big world and at some point you'll have to memorize some of it. It'd be good to just run around by yourself a bit, to get a sense of your surroundings.

You're looking at the chat when 3 tree dudes are in front of you. You're looking at the chat when the demon is throwing lightning at you. Start doing it out of combat at least.

Important tip: you can buy items at the blacksmith that let you upgrade your weapons/armor at bonfires! They don't cost that much and are very useful, as you can upgrade anywhere you want. Buy these asap.


Does the claymore always look that ungainly when one-handed, or does it get quicker and more natural looking as the Strength is upgraded? Never really used the greatswords

That's how it is, ultra greatswords are even slower

Important tip: you can buy items at the blacksmith that let you upgrade your weapons/armor at bonfires! They don't cost that much and are very useful, as you can upgrade anywhere you want. Buy these asap.

I've never used those haha. I always want to buy mats anyway so might as well go to a blacksmith.


Finished. That gargoyle fight was incredible. 3 man team, gargoyles get rekt.

Some tough love though: Jeff, 90% of the time you don't know where you are. At all. Even though you've been there a dozen times. This is because of your overreliance on the chat. You're distracted by it or the people straight up tell you where to go. You're not memorizing the world at all this way. Now it doesn't matter that much, but DkS has a big world and at some point you'll have to memorize some of it. It'd be good to just run around by yourself a bit, to get a sense of your surroundings.

You're looking at the chat when 3 tree dudes are in front of you. You're looking at the chat when the demon is throwing lightning at you. Start doing it out of combat at least.

Important tip: you can buy items at the blacksmith that let you upgrade your weapons/armor at bonfires! They don't cost that much and are very useful, as you can upgrade anywhere you want. Buy these asap.

I think the best thing he could do is just take time out to look at chat for a full minute or so everytime he dies between attempts rather than constantly. He si getting a lot better about being distracted less, though. A few streams ago he was stopping to tell the chat stories almost literally every 60 seconds even when enemies were there wailing on him.
Don't take the chat away from us!

It might distract him but it's there for comedy potential and to gently guide him. Without it me just get get frustrated and spend too much time backtracking while lost.

Meanwhile Jeff, I'd just keep running by the headless guy in the basement until you're better at rolling and a few levels higher

Otherwise you're doing great. Just keep exploring..
Watching the archive on youtube and I love hearing you talk about getting into the game because of the considered combat. Learning patience and timing - That is exactly what makes the combat in Dark Souls special and unique in todays gaming world. It's the reason so many of us are still playing it even hundreds of hours of gameplay, it's just a fantastic series.

I am wondering how far you will go, it gets pretty challenging in a lot of different ways from here on out. But you are playing so much better now than at the start with regards to locking on and not mashing.


Don't take the chat away from us!

It might distract him but it's there for comedy potential and to gently guide him. Without it me just get get frustrated and spend too much time backtracking while lost.

Meanwhile Jeff, I'd just keep running by the headless guy in the basement until you're better at rolling and a few levels higher

Otherwise you're doing great. Just keep exploring..

I'm not suggesting he totally ignore the chat. The interaction is fun both for us and for him and really it is kind of Jeff's own personal "Dark Souls Message Board." I know when most of us played we were probably discussing the game on messageboards or talking with friends. It's kind of part of the way it's designed to be played.

It's just that it would probably go smoother if he had set rules like only looking at it when he dies or gets stuck and then spend a bit of quality time with the chat in those moments rather than furtive constant glances.


Meanwhile Jeff, I'd just keep running by the headless guy in the basement until you're better at rolling and a few levels higher

Otherwise you're doing great. Just keep exploring..

He's pretty good to practice on though, if for no other reason than being extremely close to a bonfire. He has an attack you have to dodge, slow combos you can block if you let your stamina recharge between each hit and he's pretty nice about letting you back off and heal.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
I think the best thing he could do is just take time out to look at chat for a full minute or so everytime he dies between attempts rather than constantly.

Yeah this seems like a good idea timing wise. I want him to keep using the chat, it's awesome, but he's still relying on it too much.


He's pretty good to practice on though, if for no other reason than being extremely close to a bonfire. He has an attack you have to dodge, slow combos you can block if you let your stamina recharge between each hit and he's pretty nice about letting you back off and heal.

Yeah, Jeff can definitely take that Demon next stream. He just needs to tighten up his circle strafe so that he is really close in when he does it and maybe evne use some of his daggers, bombs, and or other projectiles. He can take that guy next stream easily.
Just a few general tips for basic play, nothing (too) longwinded:

- Upgrading weapons: You get better returns from spending your souls on upgrading your weapon than levelling up your character early on.

- Repair your gear: Weapons and armour deteriorate, if your main weapon breaks in combat (like a boss fight!) you're screwed. So buy weapon upgrade and repair boxes from the blacksmith (under Purchase Item) - this will let you repair and upgrade at any bonfire. Less trips and backtracking to the blacksmiths.

- Don't Kill NPCs/merchants: ESPECIALLY BLACKSMITHS. If you accidently aggro an NPC DON'T kill them - just run away, and you can absolve your sins with the leather guy in the gargoyle bell tower, for a price. This will de-aggro NPCs. The two you killed already aren't that important so no big deal about those guys.

- Equipment load: When your equipment load is below 25% your movement speed is faster. It's a trade off between defence and speed, but the fast roll is great for dodging. Also try running attacks (run, tap attack) and jumping (run, tap roll), both come in handy.

- Losing souls: Don't worry too much about it. A couple of thousand souls seems a lot early on, but it will soon be peanuts.

- Levelling up: Each weapon scales it's damage output with certain attributes. The Claymore does more damage when you level up strength and dexterity, so look at your weapon to tell you what skills to level up. (There is a letter grading on each weapons stat page (Press X or square when highlighting a weapon) in the equipment menu).
Explanation of weapon stats page: http://abload.de/img/dsweaponstats6yki7.jpg

- Two handing your weapon: Increases the damage you do. You can block with a weapon when two-handing, but it's not as good as shield, but learning to switch between one and two handing is a simple thing you can learn that will improve your play just like locking on and being patient did.

- Stamina regen. Stamina regenerates slower when your shield is up, so dropping your shield in between hits is a good skill to learn. No stamina = guard crush and stagger, not good!
I liked the suggestion that we try to get Jeff to be summoned as a white phantom into someone else's game.

Can he be summoned to fight the Bell Gargoyles even though they're dead in his game?
Yep, unlimited number of times and you don't have to be in human form to be summoned either. Easiest way to farm souls.

Great! Then we should get Jeff to do that. He'll get to fight the boss again worry free and rack up souls for leveling up himself and his gear before moving on.


Yep, unlimited number of times and you don't have to be in human form to be summoned either. Easiest way to farm souls.

Yep, I love leaving my Sign down at the Sen's Fortress Boss fog, read a book, browse GAF, whatever and then pick up the controller when I get summoned. Ton of Souls and Humanity every time.
Finished. That gargoyle fight was incredible. 3 man team, gargoyles get rekt.

Some tough love though: Jeff, 90% of the time you don't know where you are. At all. Even though you've been there a dozen times. This is because of your overreliance on the chat. You're distracted by it or the people straight up tell you where to go. You're not memorizing the world at all this way. Now it doesn't matter that much, but DkS has a big world and at some point you'll have to memorize some of it. It'd be good to just run around by yourself a bit, to get a sense of your surroundings.

You're looking at the chat when 3 tree dudes are in front of you. You're looking at the chat when the demon is throwing lightning at you. Start doing it out of combat at least.

Important tip: you can buy items at the blacksmith that let you upgrade your weapons/armor at bonfires! They don't cost that much and are very useful, as you can upgrade anywhere you want. Buy these asap.

From hearing Jeff the last few streams I think he realizes this, and is trying to strike a good balance. There has been several times, where he has said "time to play and concentrate and not look at the chat"

And to be perfectly honest, the only reason I watch the stream is because he is interacting with the chat. What's the fun in watching yet another dude playing Dark Souls? There's plenty of those on youtube.


Yep, unlimited number of times and you don't have to be in human form to be summoned either. Easiest way to farm souls.
Yeah, he should either do it now or after the Darkroot Garden boss (by then he'll have better armor and the chances of survival as a white phantom are somewhat increased). But he should definitely try it. It's fun as hell and there's nothing to lose.


- Don't Kill NPCs/merchants: ESPECIALLY BLACKSMITHS. If you accidently aggro an NPC DON'T kill them - just run away, and you can absolve your sins with the leather guy in the gargoyle bell tower, for a price. This will de-aggro NPCs. The two you killed already aren't that important so no big deal about those guys.

I was going to object but you probably know what I had in mind :D if Jeff trusts his instincts I think everything will work out.


From hearing Jeff the last few streams I think he realizes this, and is trying to strike a good balance. There has been several times, where he has said "time to play and concentrate and not look at the chat"

And to be perfectly honest, the only reason I watch the stream is because he is interacting with the chat. What's the fun in watching yet another dude playing Dark Souls? There's plenty of those on youtube.

Jeff Green is not "yet another dude" in any way, shape, or form.
Jeff should kill any NPC that makes his sex-offender sense go off immediately, without even bothering to ask the chat first.

Lord knows some of those deviants are asking for it.
I was going to object but you probably know what I had in mind :D if Jeff trusts his instincts I think everything will work out.
Haha, I am usually against killing you-know-who because in doing so you miss the bigger loot later on, but I think the early loot is more valuable for new players, so I agree.
The first question on that entrance exam is whether or not he should have retrieved his souls.

(I know I know I know I think he had like... 200 or simply none at the time).

That camera during the jump. Yeesh.


The Beastie Boys are the first hip hop group in years to have something to say
The first question on that entrance exam is whether or not he should have retrieved his souls.

(I know I know I know I think he had like... 200 or simply none at the time).

That camera during the jump. Yeesh.

The camera was working as intended though; predictable and vital for blocking or rolling away. The disorientation comes from the unexpected attack type.
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