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Jeff Green's new band is called "Furtive Pygmy" [Black Dragon plays Dark Souls]


I'd really like to thank Jeff for streaming Dark Souls. It's the best.

There's a few basics about the game I'd like to point out if he reads this.

  • Endurance is the primary statistic you should be leveling. Don't ask chat. Every point in Endurance up to 40 points gives you more Stamina. Stamina is what allows you to attack, roll to avoid damage or block. It is the real currency of Dark Souls. If you block an attack, the damage is subtracted from your stamina before your health. Thus stamina is analagous to the recharging health in a modern FPS game.

  • This is a good way of thinking about stamina. It's like your shield in Halo but it also functions as your ammo for attacking. I agree that as a result END is my favorite stat and the one I favor. My END bar was probably about twice as big as my health bar by the end of the game. However Vinny on the GB stream just went monster on Strength and the dude one or two hits most enemies and then tanks bosses. So that's viable too. But yeah, i favor endurance as well. It also lets you wear the cooler, heavier armor easier without burdening you down.

    I think the main thing is that if he decides he likes the Claymore, then don't waste any more points in Dex or Int the entire game. You want to either go Strength, Dex, or Int since they are all for different weapon types. He'll be in a better position for heavier armor and shields and other great swords later on to just focus on Strength, End, and Vit.
I'm really enjoying watching you come to grips with this game, Jeff :) I don't know what it is about Dark Souls, but after playing it for hundreds of hours and watching multiple full play-throughs and speed runs, I'm still never bored watching someone else play. Can't stop, won't stop.


I'm really enjoying watching you come to grips with this game, Jeff :) I don't know what it is about Dark Souls, but after playing it for hundreds of hours and watching multiple full play-throughs and speed runs, I'm still never bored watching someone else play. Can't stop, won't stop.

It's true of everyone. it's because the combat is dynamic and exciting. It's slow enough that you can follow it and analyze it as it's happening unlike an action game or even an RTS where it is really hard to follow and gauge the move-by-move plays. The combat is just the perfect speed.
Yeah something to point out about rolling, during a roll you are invincible. The roll gives you what is called 'i-frames' (invincibility frames), so when a big attack is about to connect, try rolling through it, you'll end up avoiding the hit and take no damage.

Isn't it a small window of invincibility frames, that are hard to find with consistency without hours of practice with the enemies attacks?


Isn't it a small window of invincibility frames, that are hard to find with consistency without hours of practice with the enemies attacks?

The invincibilty frame may be tough to time but rolling also helps you avoid hits easier too. If you roll to the side from a vertical attack or back from a horizontal attack it puts you in a good position.

But generally I was a blocking man through most of the game.
It's sort of tough to get down 100%. There's enough there that it's often worth trying rather than standing still and taking hits, though. I couldn't tell you what the exact window is, but by the time I got to Anor Londo I was able to roll through those infamous arrows on my second try and didn't realize it was such an infamous moment in the game.

Pfft, I beat those mofos first time without rolling or even raising my shield. I won;t tell Jeff how though :p


Neo Member
I would say it is a generous invinciblity window and anyone can get reasonably consistent as long as they aren't fatrolling. Perfection will probably elude most, but cosistent quite is achievable. I'm glad the invinciblity frames came up. I couldn't fit them in my post.

Also, nbthedude, I agree with everything you said in your reply. I hope I left enough wiggleroom to emphasize that the game is well-balanced and anything is viable as long as you don't spread yourself too thin.

Thanks for being nice. That was my first NeoGAF post and I was nervous.

Lastly, I hope anyone in need of headphones with an excellent cost-to-benefit ratio takes Jeff's recommendation of the Koss PortaPros into serious consideration. I've been using them for over a decade myself and I recommend them anytime I can.


I was never able to learn rolling to avoid damage properly. Even beating the game 3 times across both PS3 and PC and beating Demon's Souls. I just block and move backwards out of the way. Way easier to manage and effective enough to get through the game.

Rolling is too hardcore.
I was never able to learn rolling to avoid damage properly. Even beating the game 3 times across both PS3 and PC and beating Demon's Souls. I just block and move backwards out of the way. Way easier to manage and effective enough to get through the game.

Rolling is too hardcore.

Rolling to avoid was fine for me, Havel kind of made me fine-tune it to a decent level

Rolling to exploit invincibility frames though? Fuck that :p


I'm not that great with the precise timing stuff generally (despite 200+ hours logged), so I tend to bow it up/pyromancer a lot. Ultimately you have to go with what works for you, and adapt when necessary. I did a fair bit of phantoming for people fighting Queen Kelloggs down in Blight town racking up humanity in between farming slimes and it was always the case that people who stubbornly refused to change up their approach tended to get wiped.

No doubt about that.
I should say, that was the best tactic for me.


97.5: The Brodeo
Fast rolling is best and isn't that difficult, but come on guys when starting out - blocking with a shield, then attacking yourself is easiest course of action. Walk before you can run :)

Rolling is like parrying, you usually have to perform it way later than you initially think you do. Getting it down is awesome, but basics first.

Rolling to avoid was fine for me, Havel kind of made me fine-tune it to a decent level

Rolling to exploit invincibility frames though? Fuck that :p
If you've ever rolled through an arrow you've "exploited" the i-frames, it's not that difficult.


And watching Jeff is totally proving EpicNameBro's hypothesis that the Souls games are really frustrating to get into because the community can be so critical. I applaud Jeff for still giving it what he can despite any detractors.
I haven't seen any of this on Jeff's stream. People on the chat do not always agree with each other (though most of the time they do) but it's all really light-hearted and no one is calling Jeff an idiot. Fun chat actually.

I don't wanna be that guy but you said you were going to accept my friend request on Xbox/GFW Live. It has been like 2 weeks now. =/
Don't be that guy. I know it's easy to get star-struck and smitten by Jeff but you have to resist it!
Fast rolling is best and isn't that difficult, but come on guys when starting out - blocking with a shield, then attacking yourself is easiest course of action. Walk before you can run :)

Rolling is like parrying, you usually have to perform it way later than you initially think you do. Getting it down is awesome, but basics first.

If you've ever rolled through an arrow you've "exploited" the i-frames, it's not that difficult.

I don't recall ever avoiding damage by getting hit mid-roll. Probably happened, but never intentionally, I was always too much of a wuss to try it :p


So Jeff, about the Claymore. You should experiment a bit with it and learn all the different moves it has. Different attacks are useful in different situations and movesets are the main differentiator between many weapons. The Claymore is particularly liked for its thrusting attack, which no other greatsword has. It's useful in tight corridors where you don't have enough room to do a horizontal swing, but it's also quick and has good range.

Anyway, there are a lot of different attacks with every weapon. Aside from regular R1/R2 there's:
Run + R1
Roll + R1
Forward + R1 (usually a kick, but not always)
Forward + R2 (leap attack)
Backstep + R1 (tap roll to do a backstep)

There are also some built in combos, for example I think the Claymore has a different R2 if you follow one up with another one. Some of these moves change depending on whether you're 2-handing the weapon or not. It can be a different animation, but I also think that a 1-handed R1 from the Claymore will generally bounce of shields while the 2-handed R2 is strong enough to stagger a lot of enemies that are blocking. Overhead jumping attacks are great for that too, plus they can't be parried by NPCs. Just experiment a bit, try to see what the moveset is and eventually you can start using it more strategically.

I don't recall ever avoiding damage by getting hit mid-roll. Probably happened, but never intentionally, I was always too much of a wuss to try it :p

If you try to dodge attacks it'll happen eventually, it doesn't have to be intentional and you might not even notice it. For example vs
Manus. Some of his attacks come down so fast that even if you dodge at the proper time you'll be inside his hand's hitbox for a short while. It's even more obvious with sweeping attacks, try dodging right into his sweeping attack and you'll go right through it, it's not even that hard to time. Same thing with the Gargoyles and a number of other bosses.
I admit that I mostly blocked on my first playthrough though, shields are OP, especially one you can craft. Did a shieldless playthrough next and it wasn't as hard as I thought. Fun though, I recommend it!


Rolling to avoid was fine for me, Havel kind of made me fine-tune it to a decent level

Rolling to exploit invincibility frames though? Fuck that :p

Yeah the only time I really used rolling in the game was:

1) This monster is winding up to slam a big ass weapon on my head.

2) this magic spell a guy is attacking me with takes too much damage to block w/ my current shield

Other than that, I blocked most stuff.


97.5: The Brodeo
I haven't seen any of this on Jeff's stream. People on the chat do not always agree with each other (though most of the time they do) but it's all really light-hearted and no one is calling Jeff an idiot. Fun chat actually.

Don't be that guy. I know it's easy to get star-struck and smitten by Jeff but you have to resist it!

I don't wanna be that guy but you said you were going to accept my friend request on Xbox/GFW Live. It has been like 2 weeks now. =/

Nothing personal! I just haven't logged on to Xbox Live lately...and I don't do anything thru GFWL except when I'm forced to use it for games like this one. Next time I turn on my xbox I'll accept!
Nothing personal! I just haven't logged on to Xbox Live lately...and I don't do anything thru GFWL except when I'm forced to use it for games like this one. Next time I turn on my xbox I'll accept!

Ah that explains it. I'm gonna have to catch up on your recent streams this weekend. Have fun on your trip!

To everyone here who haven't bought Dark Souls, like me, the game is going to be 75% off on Xbox Live this Monday ONLY (Dec 2).
Jeff Green ‏@Greenspeak 4m

Happy Thanksgiving from Kettleman City, California!



Neo Member
Jeff got me to buy this game as well, currently downloading..

I feel cheap and was waiting for a Steam deal, but Amazon has it for $6 right now for download.


Same here, bought a few days ago at $6... I kinda thought the game was too hardcore for me but hey if Jeff can play it so can I! Uhm, that kinda sounded like an insult... but watching did got me to buy it so good job there.

Looks like its on sale on Steam now as well.


Not Wario
How have I missed this stream? Not the biggest Dark Souls fan, but it's fun enough and watching Jeff fail through it ought to be gold. Is he taking nominations for the next stream title once he's done with this?

I finally tried In and Out on a big road trip earlier this year. Way better than Jack in the box, which I also tried to my dismay on the same trip, and probably the bulk of fast food burgers. Not quite five guys quality, though. Had the best burger I'd ever had in Jackson, WY at a place called The Bird, also on the same trip. Fantastic beef done rare, just perfect. Apparently, there's another one in Berlin, for any eurogaffers that want to take me up on that recommendation. Kind of a big jump to make for your second restaurant.
Oh, and huge thanks to GAFfer Polioliolio for helping me beat the gargoyles! :)

It was my pleasure, PRAISE THE SUN, and of course UUuuuchiiiiiGAaaHTAAHHNAAAaa (I direct this at your enemies to weaken them, should I not be around to assist you again)

Have you been making Dark Souls progress in your head during the Thanksgiving feast?
Perhaps you've cleared the game thrice over at this point.

Looking forward to the next stream!
If I miss it, good luck!!


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
In & out has great burgers. On my California road trip I tried a few fast food joints and they came out near the top. There's still plenty more to try if I go back.

Fries are pretty much terrible across the board though. You could learn a thing or two from us there.


In & out has great burgers. On my California road trip I tried a few fast food joints and they came out near the top. There's still plenty more to try if I go back.

Fries are pretty much terrible across the board though. You could learn a thing or two from us there.

Who's "us", and I'm going to need more details on the fries.
I'm quite confused by the video naming, should I just watch the Twitch archives in order?

It's all Jeff's fault (and mine for continuing to use non-numbered names). Yes you should. Go into past broadcasts (or highlights). They're all in order (newest first). EDIT: I added numbering now. =)

In the steam overlay, just check the checkbox on the product key window and you'll never have to minimize it again. If you've already done this, sorry, I'm not completely up to speed yet. Watching Bing now.


It's all Jeff's fault (and mine for continuing to use non-numbered names). Yes you should. Go into past broadcasts (or highlights). They're all in order (newest first). EDIT: I added numbering now. =)

In the steam overlay, just check the checkbox on the product key window and you'll never have to minimize it again. If you've already done this, sorry, I'm not completely up to speed yet. Watching Bing now.

Oh! Thanks a lot :)


It's all Jeff's fault (and mine for continuing to use non-numbered names). Yes you should. Go into past broadcasts (or highlights). They're all in order (newest first). EDIT: I added numbering now. =)

In the steam overlay, just check the checkbox on the product key window and you'll never have to minimize it again. If you've already done this, sorry, I'm not completely up to speed yet. Watching Bing now.

Oh shit, didn't know that! Thanks!


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Who's "us", and I'm going to need more details on the fries.

Belgium, aka the country with the best fries in the world :p We prioritize fries above all else. When you enter a fast food place here, you get something with your fries, and not the other way around


Belgium, aka the country with the best fries in the world :p We prioritize fries above all else. When you enter a fast food place here, you get something with your fries, and not the other way around

This sounds like a place I could live, nay, thrive.


So I just started watching and I'm already laughing. Jeff is just a naturally funny and charismatic guy, exactly the type of person you want to watch Let's Play something. Jeff, it's not too late to be a streamceleb! Just promise me to punch PewDiePie in the nuts when you meet him at the 2016 Streaming Awards, ok?


Just listened to Jeff talking about going to Giant Bomb... that would be amazing. Giant Bomb is all about strong personalities and Jeff certainly has one of those, and one that would fit perfectly at GB at that. Sadly from what I've gathered from the GB guys, they don't really get free reign to just hire people as they see fit. They're an established team running a successful website with a regular stream of content and I'm sure it would be pretty hard to convince CBS that they need another guy doing essentially the same thing as the guys already working there. They would need to see the added value beyond just "we could put out more videos/articles". Jeff "Added Value" Green.


Low Poly Gynecologist
Just listened to Jeff talking about going to Giant Bomb... that would be amazing. Giant Bomb is all about strong personalities and Jeff certainly has one of those, and one that would fit perfectly at GB at that. Sadly from what I've gathered from the GB guys, they don't really get free reign to just hire people as they see fit. They're an established team running a successful website with a regular stream of content and I'm sure it would be pretty hard to convince CBS that they need another guy doing essentially the same thing as the guys already working there. They would need to see the added value beyond just "we could put out more videos/articles". Jeff "Added Value" Green.

I think seeing as one of GB's men left the office for Chicago and one of the others has passed away, there's certainly an argument to be made for hiring on another man. Especially when they routinely have to nab one of their engineers to do sit in the recording studio because they need more personality on screen.

But, since you're probably not up to this point yet, in one of the later videos Jeff says he would still love to, but it's just likely not going to happen.
I think seeing as one of GB's men left the office for Chicago and one of the others has passed away, there's certainly an argument to be made for hiring on another man. Especially when they routinely have to nab one of their engineers to do sit in the recording studio because they need more personality on screen.

But, since you're probably not up to this point yet, in one of the later videos Jeff says he would still love to, but it's just likely not going to happen.

He said something like "I don't want to give you false hope since it definitively isn't going to happen".


Just finished watching the last stream. Jeff has been improving at a very rapid pace. He's really embracing the mindset you need to play this game! My big problem now is... there aren't any more videos :( Do you have plans for the next stream, Jeff? (edit: oh, you guys have Thanksgiving this weekend, well that's unfortunate... for us! Have a good one)

I'll give you a few simple tips from what I've seen so far:

- Put your weapon away when you're around the blacksmith. If you slip and hit him... you'll be sorry.

- When you're out of stamina, you can't block at all and will take damage. If you're low on stamina and an enemy hits you, he will make you stagger and open you up to attack.

- Hitting walls makes you miss a lot. Most swords (including the Claymore) have an R2 thrust attack that's great in tight quarters.

- Try backstabbing. It's amazing. Just go straight behind a guy, drop your shield, and R1. When you get the hang of it you'll be the Master of Dark Souls.

- When in doubt, put points in Endurance. It ups both Stamina and carrying capacity.
Yes, Jeff, I'm anxiously awaiting your first backstab. The first time I pulled one off, it was quite literally a game changer.

It's easier to learn than a parry and grants you a brief state of invincibility. The three sleleton dudes right outside the Parish entrance (near the blacksmith bonfire) are perfect for practice. Remember, as Ledsen mentioned above, your shield must be lowered in order to initiate the animation.

And thanks so much for the stream! It's been so much fun watching you get hooked.


97.5: The Brodeo
Thanks y'all for the ongoing comments/advice! I have been on involuntary hiatus here in Los Angeles with my extended family for the holidays. The Dark Souls livestream will return on Monday! And rest assured I'm gonna be awesome cuz I've been playing for the last four days IN MY MIND.


Thank you so much for these streams, Jeff :) I want to play this game so badly, but I can't afford anything to play it on right now, so I'm glad I at least get to experience it vicariously through your stream. I'm also going through a bit of a rough spot in my life right now, so I really appreciate the entertainment.

Glad to have you back talking about games, too! Can't wait to see what you do next – best of luck with whatever it is! :)
GillianSeed79 said:
Let me get this out of the way. I had a horrible experience with Demons Souls for reasons that are mainly my fault. When Demons Souls came out, I spent way too much time reading and analyzing faqs and wikis not playing it the way I wanted to play it but trying way too hard to follow some other random dudes' character creation faqs and trying to cheese the game. I wasn't trying to role play. I was trying to play the game the "correct" way. Dumb mistake.

Just saw this in another thread and wanted to remind Jeff and everyone to just let the game happen. No pressure. Having fun is the important part, merchants be damned.


Does Jeff usually post on here before he starts his livestream or do we just need to follow on twitch to be alerted? Assuming Jeff still plans to put something up tonight, that is...?
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