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JonTron (youtuber) speaks against demographic "invasion" of America by nonwhites

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Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
I feel like there's this weird disconnect between game devs, whom for the most part are liberals, and the overall gamer culture, which gave birth to GG.

Urban techies centered on the coasts versus spiteful nerds with anonymity.
Are we really going to have a thread every time Jontron says something outrageous? We all know by now that he's a racist, sexist piece of human garbage.

The only reason Trump gets a thread every time is because he's the president.
JonTron is just some random Youtuber that makes worthless videos.

Trump is the president because we gave too many people like JonTron a pass.


Are there any gaming channels or personalities that are openly against this shit? Why does it seen like gamers are either neutral or full on board?

It actually upsets me that so many of these people are the faces of gamer culture.

Like other's have said, there's major deterrents like getting doxxed or getting swatted that already happen for no reason when the subject isnt even on politics. Who knows what these wack-jobs would do if they found out that the person they're watching actually gives a shit about others.
Honestly I swear you guys give these people hits and clicks and a larger profile with this. This was a no-name I had never read about before this. But now I know there is some guy named 'JonTron. He is a random YouTuber who is saying dumb shit on twitter. Fuck him and move on. They use the outrage of their inflammatory statements to become more famous. For them, any publicity is good publicity...

When does ignoring a problem make it go away?

This is literally why GamerGate and shitbags like JonTron got to where they are today. Because people ignored the "unpleasantness" and pushed it aside and pretended like it didn't exist in the false pretense that it would just go away on its own.

And now we're at a state where people are "surprised" that there's so many people like him who spout this bullshit.


I am Korean.
If you're on David Duke's side of an argument you fucked up hard somewhere in your life.

The main thing I was wondering with King's comment was... When did our civilization fall?

The Trump thing was bad I mean, but cities are still standing last I checked.

Jon might have well just responded with "fuck you, got mine" because that's the mentality he got.


Until I became knowledgeable on the 'youtuber' scene a year or so ago I always figured he was some random kid with a channel. I know the thread isn't about his content in aggregate but I don't see why anybody gives a shit about him or his shitty videos on the first place


Unsubbed last time stuff like this came up and never looked back. Shame it's how he feels, and I can't change that. But I won't support him any longer because of it.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
The main thing I was wondering with King's comment was... When did our civilization fall?

The Trump thing was bad I mean, but cities are still standing last I checked.

Probably thinks all major cities are irredeemable sodoms. A moral or idealogical fall rather than a literal one.


Are there any gaming channels or personalities that are openly against this shit? Why does it seen like gamers are either neutral or full on board?

It actually upsets me that so many of these people are the faces of gamer culture.

A while back, gators started to make a list of "SJW journalists" so they could avoid them. If you start with that you could probably find a few.

Annoying as it is, it seems like most of the biggest personalities are either supporters or neutral, because that's exactly how it is.
When does ignoring a problem make it go away?

This is literally why GamerGate and shitbags like JonTron got to where they are today. Because people ignored the "unpleasantness" and pushed it aside and pretended like it didn't exist in the false pretense that it would just go away on its own.

And now we're at a state where people are "surprised" that there's so many people like him who spout this bullshit.

There was someone in that Iowan Republican Racist Shithead thread that pointed out the 12yo on 2007's Live cussing you out with every bigoted slur in the book is now 10 years older with a platform and voting rights.
YT is filled with garbage creators. A good thing about they expressing their opinions is that you can decide whether you want to support people like them or not.
What's with people having JT as initials being complete alt-right douchebags?

JonTron, Josh Thomas (of thebitblock), and I know there's another that escapes me...


When does ignoring a problem make it go away?

This is literally why GamerGate and shitbags like JonTron got to where they are today. Because people ignored the "unpleasantness" and pushed it aside and pretended like it didn't exist in the false pretense that it would just go away on it's own.

And now we're at a state where people are "surprised" that there's so many people like him who spout this bullshit.

Who is ignoring anything. I am saying you give some random famewhore who wants to say inflammatory shit a greater profile.

No one ever ignored the pleasantness. Anyone could see the pendulum of politics swinging right. My point being, this shithead now has a first page thread dedicated to him. He obviously doesn't care what he says or how it affects him. Anyone reading now knows there is some JonTron youtube guy with supposedly 3 million subscribers, he is supposedly Persian, he supports the alt-right etc. Challenge his views always, fight back. But my point is, these guys feed on and love publicity. They want to be known. Have their views spread. They love it when tons of sites speak against them. All these Milo types do and I didn't even know who Milo was until the Bill Maher and recent pedophilia stuff and lost book deals.

I just don't want to give these guys a platform... or more publicity.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Dang it. I wish he had stayed on Game Grumps. Maybe he could have had his views challenged before they became so ugly. Well, now we know.

At least the twitter replies are less of a circlejerk than they were the last time he tweeted something like this. What a disappointment.

The Real Abed

So disappointed he turned out this way. Fuck Trump and his people for helping to try and "normalize" blatant outspoken racism. I'm all about separating the art from the artist, but I really don't know how I'll feel the next time he uploads another video game or movie review video.

Fortunately there's plenty of content out there but he really used to be my absolute favorite. But now I have RLM and The Completionist and Alex (Beard Bros) and ProJared and PBG and Jeff (SpaceHamster) and NerdCubed and AVGN and Mike and the GameGrumps with Arin and Danny and so many more really.
Are there any gaming channels or personalities that are openly against this shit? Why does it seen like gamers are either neutral or full on board?

It actually upsets me that so many of these people are the faces of gamer culture.

Extra Credits are good. They're not perfect but they do try to actively reflect on their flaws - they even made a deliberate effort to make the stock 'random people' they depict in their videos more diverse after it was pointed out to them.


Yeah, Jon went off to the deep end unfortunately. It's so weird, I never got that from looking at his vids, he seems like a different person on twitter. Dissapointing.
Weird how many gamers seem to be alt right scumbags when I see how progressive this forum is

Weird how many PEOPLE are alt-right scumbags. Being a gamer really has nothing to do with it. This forum really isn't a good indication of any sort of demographic, because of how liberal most of users, and the mods are in general I think. Not saying that that is a bad thing that most of us are, because "alt-right" might as well be replace with scumbag piece of shit in my book these days. There's having political leanings, and then there's being a cold hearted, selfish, fascist asshole like most of the "alt-right" is these days.

Before I knew this about him, I always just didn't like this jontron guy for no rational reason...now my feelings make sense.

The Real Abed

He is not a member of the GameGrumps anymore and hasn't been for years, they are actually great people.
Yeah, Danny and Arin are really nice people. Especially Danny. And I'm sure the other people in the group (Which we haven't seen in a long time excluding that one art video with Ross from a few days ago.) are the same.

Plus at least we got our long awaited JonTron + Arin reunion before all this happened to get that out of the way. But now I really don't think I ever want a GuestGrumps episode with Jon. Even if they finally finish Sonic '06. (Though I'd still watch it. But you know they wouldn't say anything about anything related to this.)
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