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JonTron (youtuber) speaks against demographic "invasion" of America by nonwhites

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Haven't read through the whole thread yet, but has Ethan (H3H3) commented on this at all yet?

Ethan handwaved and kind of helped in dogpiling PBG along with Jon and Psychicpebbles after PBG called out Jon for having a shitty political opinion (though in his defense it was mostly about the drama that followed because Austin publicly said they're not friends anymore despite Jon pretending on Twitter it was because of differing political opinions). I kind of expect him to take the path of least resistance.


Ethan handwaved and kind of helped in dogpiling PBG along with Jon and Psychicpebbles after PBG called out Jon for having a shitty political opinion (though in his defense it was mostly about the drama that followed because Austin publicly said they're not friends anymore despite Jon pretending on Twitter it was because of differing political opinions). I kind of expect him to take the path of least resistance.

Just subscribed to PBG.


I haven't watched the whole vod yet but I think this picture sums up my feelings on the conversation.



This is baffling, how do you not know basic stuff like how the races like the irish were discriminated against. It is not even an obscure fact and he keeps telling destiny he's wrong even though that should be basic knowledge.

The rise of Trump has taught a lot of people that never backing down is far far more important than letting things like the 'truth' and 'objective facts' get in the way, much less 'human rights' or 'morality'.
Race is an informal taxonomic group in biology (scientists LOVE grouping things). Anyway a lot of these ignorant/stupid claims these white nationalist make sound like they have some knowledge of genetics but don't actually understand it. Biologically speaking a mixed population is a healthy population. I "pure" population increases otherwise rare recessive diseases and the like. It also means any disaster could wipe out the population because they all share the same strength and weakness. As a scientists people that believe themselves superior because the melanin content in their skin is somehow better than yours make me die inside. How could you possibly justify telling someone you hate them with every fiber of your being because they don't look like you? Racism is fucking stupid, not only is it stupid but makes no logical sense.

It makes no logical sense obviously but is it or is it not an idenfiable concept?

I obviously get the idea of it being both a social construct and an evolutionary adoption. But to deny that in modern society we have defined a concept of race (even if its loose) is just naive. Like I can run around and say I'k white and race doesnt exist all I want but that doesn't make it so in all actuallity. So the semantics game is pointless.
I can guess he will take the whole angle of being an apologist for him and SJWs are after him and it's a witch hunt and were all allowed our opinions and bullshit like that.

I don't know I've seen Ethan handwave a lot of stuff, but he's never given a pass to honest-to-god racism before. They're going through a lot so I would be surprised if they said anything at all, but I would be extra surprised (and completely done with them) if they gave Jon a pass.
Follow-up question should be: "What are you basing that on?"

He seemed to pass a lot of this shit off as 'fake news' type-thing (like saying Irish people were not discriminated against), so I expect he'd just double down on that.

Ethan handwaved and kind of helped in dogpiling PBG along with Jon and Psychicpebbles after PBG called out Jon for having a shitty political opinion (though it was mostly about the drama that followed because Austin publicly said they're not friends anymore and Jon pretended it was because of differing political opinions). I kind of expect him to take the path of least resistance.

PBG got dogpiled?! Do you have a link? I had a lot of respect for him for speaking out against Jon, and it would be a shame if he got shit for it.

I'm also keen to see where Ethan from H3H3 lies in this discussion. Wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't get involved much as he and Jon are good friends aren't they? Has he ever done a video giving someone shit for racist stuff they've said or done?
He seemed to pass a lot of this shit off as 'fake news' type-thing (like saying Irish people were not discriminated against), so I expect he'd just double down on that.

PBG got dogpiled?! Do you have a link? I had a lot of respect for him for speaking out against Jon, and it would be a shame if he got shit for it.

I'm also keen to see where Ethan from H3H3 lies in this discussion. Wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't get involved much as he and Jon are good friends aren't they? Has he ever done a video giving someone shit for racist stuff they've said or done?

Closest I know of - though I haven't watched many of his videos- is where he called out a number youtuber for faking some all lives matter race bait, that depicted white people as simply compassionate and calm while black people were much more violent in response. The question is whether he called it out for being fake, or for the racism.


Just finished the stream - "RIP my career", well, at least he's self-aware of that fact.

Closest I know of - though I haven't watched many of his videos- is where he called out a number youtuber for faking some all lives matter race bait, that depicted white people as simply compassionate and calm while black people were much more violent in response. The question is whether he called it out for being fake, or for the racism.

Watch the interview he did with Joey Salads - he goes in hard.
Is he half Iranian? Is this some sort of self hating thing?

Yeah, he basically rants about Muslim, black and Hispanic people at various points in this discussion, and yet his parents were both immigrants to the US and his father was from a middle-eastern country. I have no idea how someone of his background could have these opinions.


*Brings up White Supremicists and Neonazis supporting Jontron*

Jontron's response:

"Why don't you denounce all the communists in your movement"

How fucking stupid can you go JonTron?

As yes, "Whataboutism", the traditional deflection/response for people who don't have a good argument.
Yeah, he basically rants about Muslim, black and Hispanic people at various points in this discussion, and yet his parents were both immigrants to the US and his father was from a middle-eastern country. I have no idea how someone of his background could have these opinions.

He said he watches Stefan Molyneux on a Sargon of Akkad stream. And seeing the points he brought up, it seems pretty much in line with what you hear Stefan say. So I'm guessing that's about it.


PBG got dogpiled?! Do you have a link? I had a lot of respect for him for speaking out against Jon, and it would be a shame if he got shit for it.

I'm also keen to see where Ethan from H3H3 lies in this discussion. Wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't get involved much as he and Jon are good friends aren't they? Has he ever done a video giving someone shit for racist stuff they've said or done?

I don't have a link but it was a month or so ago on Twitter - PBG criticized Jon openly for him thinking that people who immigrate from war torn countries should just focus on making the countries better for themselves. Ethan responded with a provocative "why don't you just tag him instead of subtweeting" and as a response Austin tagged him without second guessing. Ethan then acted puzzled about the fact that he would openly call out someone who is his friend, to which Austin replied that they're not friends (this tweet got deleted). Ethan's response was "lol well that explains everything" to which Jon showed up and said "it's okay Ethan, he has the moral high ground". Austin called him out on making it sound like they aren't friends anymore because of political disagreements and then Psychicpebbles showed up to criticize him for airing dirty laundry.

A bunch of Jon's fans would then go on to paste PBG onto the "autistic screeching" meme and also calling him out for getting "btfo'd" and everything else you'd expect.


It makes no logical sense obviously but is it or is it not an idenfiable concept?

I obviously get the idea of it being both a social construct and an evolutionary adoption. But to deny that in modern society we have defined a concept of race (even if its loose) is just naive. Like I can run around and say I'k white and race doesnt exist all I want but that doesn't make it so in all actuallity. So the semantics game is pointless.

Might as well say Santa is real because children and consumerism is effected by it.


The guy was racist but only now with the climate does he believe he can get away with it seeing others do so as well.

Doesn't take much to figure out.


That's in every political debate.

Most people are unable to view both sides of the coin. Their opinions are right, the other is wrong. Except nowadays, we like to tell people their opinions make them racists to justify our opinions. Politics are laughable in 2017, because most people know little to nothing about them. The best comedy is when someone asks someone why they identify as conservative or liberal.
How the flying fuck did you watch that video and not think Jontron is racist? He said wealthy black people commit more crimes than poor white people without anything to back it up. He said "genetics" should be a factor in which people we let into the country. That's blatantly fucking racist, you disingenuous junior.
Yeah, he basically rants about Muslim, black and Hispanic people at various points in this discussion, and yet his parents were both immigrants to the US and his father was from a middle-eastern country. I have no idea how someone of his background could have these opinions.

There's a bunch of potential factors, from possible family issues, to cultural divides that leads him to hate the present day form of his ancestry (ie, Iran pre and post revolution), to just the sort of social groups he hung out in. As established, some corners of gaming are full of shitheads.
There's a certain perspective, or set of prejudices, that leads one to believe the way Jon does, but it takes more than that to repeatedly dive into public debate armed with clearly divisive, offensive statements. That takes a belief that one is smarter than conventional thinking and that one's ideas are rooted in a common sense that most people are lacking, and that lack of common sense is what is preventing perceived societal problems from being solved. Like, of course black people commit more crime than white people. Of course a nation needs to be culturally or genetically pure. If only people stopped being so PC, they would admit the truth...


That Dunkey video is really uncomfortable now.
"Fuck you dunkey I do not like your videos because you are black"

thid is not a real quote from JonTron. It is a made up quote by Dunkey to make a parady rant video about JonTron about a year ago. However it is ironic that a year later it seems that JonTron might actually be racist.


Fuck off forever JonTron. How's it feel to be on the wrong side of history?

When you say wrong...do you mean morally wrong, or that the other side will win? I ask becuse...look who is the president of the USA. Seems like that "fuck everyone who isn't white" crowd is winning...at least for now.


He seemed to pass a lot of this shit off as 'fake news' type-thing (like saying Irish people were not discriminated against), so I expect he'd just double down on that.

Yeah, I suppose that's what I should expect - again, it ties back to the notion I mentioned a few posts ago that I'm seeing frequent pushbacks against accusations of racism by citing facts, and working to the premise that their entire belief is *only* about those facts, not due to any prejudice - but without doing due diligence to test the veracity of those facts (or indeed, whether they're true in isolation but omit key extra information that casts the conclusions in a different light. And so then it turns around into "Look, you're denying the reality we all live in!"

(And I have to acknowledge the catch-22 in here, we've got to go to great pains to not make the same fundamental error in the opposite direction)

I said ages ago that one of the reasons I like to believe I turned out just-about okay was through secondary school history lessons, which - as a major component - was a lot of instruction as to how to reasonably read and interpret historical sources, asking the fundamental W questions (who's produced this source, why did they produce this source, what are they saying, that sort of thing), look for signs of bias, and then take and analyse information from it and compare with other sources on the same broad subject. I've said a few times that I think that sort of training, in schools, would be a great grounding for kids beyond history, because that same skillset absolutely applies today.


"Fuck you dunkey I do not like your videos because you are black"

thid is not a real quote from JonTron. It is a made up quote by Dunkey to make a parady rant video about JonTron about a year ago. However it is ironic that a year later it seems that JonTron might actually be somewhat racist.

The somewhat should be replaced with totally.


man, i really liked his videos, but after what he said in his interview with destiny I just don't think i can separate the artist from the work now :(

he's actually a racist, and it makes me sad :(


Neo Member
Between this and Colin getting blasted for joking about woman's day, i think we all need to take a step back and stop taking political advice from personalities on youtube. I respect Jon as a creator and he is entitled to his opinion and it can be what ever he wants it to be and he is in no state to change any policy based of that opinion. I feel like the energy people use to get upset at entertainers needs to be focused more on the people making the decisions.


Who would defend him? It would be career suicide. Hell I would expose him even more but I bet Youtube would take me down for "damaging their precious assets".

PDP, JonTron, H3H3, etc are all close to Sargon of Akkad. I wouldn't put it past one of them speaking up.


It was infuriating to hear him say Black people commit more crimes then poor whites, and then try to say that Africa and other places with black populations have alot of crime, and why is that. He was basically trying to say that because people are black they are more likely to commit criminal acts like it's in our fucking DNA or some shit.


Between this and Colin getting blasted for joking about woman's day, i think we all need to take a step back and stop taking political advice from personalities on youtube. I respect Jon as a creator and he is entitled to his opinion and it can be what ever he wants it to be and he is in no state to change any policy based of that opinion. I feel like the energy people use to get upset at entertainers needs to be focused more on the people making the decisions.

What? No. Ignoring racists allows their hate to spread. Social ostracism works, look at smoking. Racism and general hatred should be like smoking. Do it in your filthy disgusting, piss-coated house if you must, but if you do it in public don't cry like a bitch when everyone tells you off for being a shitstain.

Personalities should try not being disgusting human beings if they're tired of getting blowbacks. I've been on youtube for 7 years. I haven't advocated against women, black people etc. Seems pretty possible to do that and not be a disgusting excuse for a human being.


Okay sure. If that's the path you wanna go down. So would you like to solve racism while you're at it? Because otherwise I'm mot really interested in your point.

The very reason why racism is stupid is because it's based on things that don't exist.
Stop using a concept that's not real and only used for oppressive purposes would be a good start. Or are you going to tell me that there's some value in it?


Neo Member
I'm sure The_Donald will pick this up and claim MSM is trying to take down another YouTuber blah blah blah
I have 0 respect for the man,


I'm sure The_Donald will pick this up and claim MSM is trying to take down another YouTuber blah blah blah
I have 0 respect for the man,

They already had a thread on how "based" he is (hilarious how neo nazis love that term, created by a black rapper)


Between this and Colin getting blasted for joking about woman's day, i think we all need to take a step back and stop taking political advice from personalities on youtube. I respect Jon as a creator and he is entitled to his opinion and it can be what ever he wants it to be and he is in no state to change any policy based of that opinion. I feel like the energy people use to get upset at entertainers needs to be focused more on the people making the decisions.

Let's put our head in the sand, basically.

Let's cut OJ Simpson some slack. He's just an athlete, he is in no state to change any policy based of his actions.
It was infuriating to hear him say Black people commit more crimes then poor whites, and then try to say that Africa and other places with black populations have alot of crime, and why is that. He was basically trying to say that because people are black they are more likely to commit criminal acts like it's in our fucking DNA or some shit.

It's a common talking point of bigots that typically don't want to admit they're bigots. They just view themselves as "telling the uncomfortable truths"


Unconfirmed Member
Between this and Colin getting blasted for joking about woman's day, i think we all need to take a step back and stop taking political advice from personalities on youtube. I respect Jon as a creator and he is entitled to his opinion and it can be what ever he wants it to be and he is in no state to change any policy based of that opinion. I feel like the energy people use to get upset at entertainers needs to be focused more on the people making the decisions.

Nah I'll go on call out anyone who says that some humans are genetically inferior. There's no reason he should get a pass because he's an entertainer
Between this and Colin getting blasted for joking about woman's day, i think we all need to take a step back and stop taking political advice from personalities on youtube. I respect Jon as a creator and he is entitled to his opinion and it can be what ever he wants it to be and he is in no state to change any policy based of that opinion. I feel like the energy people use to get upset at entertainers needs to be focused more on the people making the decisions.
These people are media personalities with a large following. They deserve to be called out on the bullshit they spread.


Between this and Colin getting blasted for joking about woman's day, i think we all need to take a step back and stop taking political advice from personalities on youtube. I respect Jon as a creator and he is entitled to his opinion and it can be what ever he wants it to be and he is in no state to change any policy based of that opinion. I feel like the energy people use to get upset at entertainers needs to be focused more on the people making the decisions.

Hahaha, what BS.

No, they say shit they get shit because they are shit.

And yes I would punch a nazi.


I'm like an hour and 10 minutes into this "debate". I never expected that Jon was this... vile and awful. Like holy shit at his way of thinking.
A lot of people seem to think there's some kind of "new" Jontron who suddenly changed all his original beliefs. Pretty sure that's not the case, he just didn't talk about it or got caught before. There is no sudden "..I should try being a racist" moment in most people's lives.
Absolutely. You don't go from unpolitical to this...
... over night. The tendencies must have been there for a while. That Twitch stream was straight up Neo-Nazi babble. Just what ethnicity does he think he is?

I honestly couldn't watch that shit till the end. Simpy disgusting and vile racist propaganda. Feels like I hopped into a time machine in 2015 by accident and got off in the 50s. Or perhaps I took a wrong turn that year and ended up in an alternate universe where the rise of fascism in the 20s and 30s won and prevailed.

This idiot is talking like he has no knowledge of the past. Completely ignorant of the fact that racism has been the reason for the single biggest calamity in history.


Between this and Colin getting blasted for joking about woman's day, i think we all need to take a step back and stop taking political advice from personalities on youtube. I respect Jon as a creator and he is entitled to his opinion and it can be what ever he wants it to be and he is in no state to change any policy based of that opinion. I feel like the energy people use to get upset at entertainers needs to be focused more on the people making the decisions.

There's a distinct difference between an opinion and despicable belief. They're not one and the same, so yeah you can ignore someone's opinion if you disagree with it, but racism is not a fucking opinion.
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