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JonTron (youtuber) speaks against demographic "invasion" of America by nonwhites

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Has JonTron said some Nazi tier racist shit or is he just against mass immigration?


You have no idea, do you?

All I'm gonna say is, Wealthy blacks commit more crime than poor whites by virtue of being black and I don't care about facts and I don't care about why black people commit crime and I don't care about this single mom narrative, it's tiring.


See, that wasn't my take on it. I get why people are/were cool with what he said -- it certainly wasn't anything approaching the bullshit alt-right meltdowns we all witnessed.

But I felt like everything he said can be summed up by 'I don't want to see the movie because it's a bunch of girl Ghostbusters. I know I can't justify that, and I don't want to be a jerk, but....I just feel like it should have been the original guys.'

Polite, self-aware bullshit doesn't impress me.

But he didn't say that. It was a reboot that didn't entirely appeal to him from the news and previews. He said he was fine with other reboots like Starwars TFA and that stared a female Jedi. My takeaway was that he didn't like how they were going to burry the legacy of the original film. The original cast weren't even going play the old roles... etc.
How the hell does TB keep on earning himself a spot on my shit list? Wtf I take him off and he hops back on willingly.

His soundcloud is essentially "Actually, it's about ethics in gaming journalism."


"cultural invasion"

1. how many countries does the US literally have invasive bases in, including other "western" countries

2. how many countries have bases in the US

3. how many non western countries have bases in western countries

4. how many countries do we export our culture to

fill out your homework and turn in by next Tuesday, Jon

Big-ass Ramp

hella bullets that's true
"cultural invasion"

1. how many countries does the US literally have invasive bases in, including other "western" countries

2. how many countries have bases in the US

3. how many non western countries have bases in western countries

4. how many countries do we export our culture to

fill out your homework and turn in by next Tuesday, Jon


And he mainly means "white culture" which is...


Ed Sheeran?
Whiteness is homogeny. What culture do we as white people have? Its a bullshit statement to make. Why does he care about white culture anyway?
"Foreigners dilute the gene pool"

Why they didn't fact checked that!! Maybe, foreigners DNA did dilutes the gene pool of white people!!!

Fucking liberal media.

*10K people have now joined the alt-right due to this post*

Whiteness is homogeny. What culture do we as white people have? Its a bullshit statement to make. Why does he care about white culture anyway?

I don't remember the exact quote but I think at one point he then goes on to say that white people have no culture and that they just steal from everyone else. But we have to protect it at all costs... Hmmm


Whiteness is homogeny. What culture do we as white people have? Its a bullshit statement to make. Why does he care about white culture anyway?

He was even out of his depth discussing that. Earnestly seemed to have no idea the Irish and Italians faced racial discrimination throughout early to mid US history; seems to believe there was a stock standard "whiteness" that was original and immutable in US culture from Columbus to Trump.

I guess that makes sense he's ignorant of all that because if you look at the rhetoric people used against the Irish and Italians (they're lazy, they commit crimes and terrorise honest folk, have a strange religion that makes them disloyal to the USA, they're racially inferior, target our women etc) you'd start to go huh this sounds pretty familiar and those folks integrated just fine.


Unconfirmed Member
Has JonTron said some Nazi tier racist shit or is he just against mass immigration?
What are we defining as "Nazi" here? He doesn't call for any genocides, thankfully. The full stream's in the OP, but here are some random highlights:

Besides the immigration stuff, Jon had some choice things to say about people of color. To the point where he decided to refrain from saying more on the grounds that it would "incriminate" him. There's a short summary already available in the OP, as well.


He was even out of his depth discussing that. Earnestly seemed to have no idea the Irish and Italians faced racial discrimination throughout early to mid US history; seems to believe there was a stock standard "whiteness" that was original and immutable in US culture from Columbus to Trump.

I guess that makes sense he's ignorant of all that because if you look at the rhetoric people used against the Irish and Italians (they're lazy, they commit crimes and terrorise honest folk, have a strange religion that makes them disloyal to the USA, they're racially inferior, target our women etc) you'd start to go huh this sounds pretty familiar and those folks integrated just fine.

Also with Hispanics (especially Mexcians) it's that they are both too lazy (abuse welfare) AND work too hard collectively (taking jobs and depressing wages)

The alt right and Jontron tried to argue both ways.
I cannot believe the son of an immigrant and a minority would say "If being a minority is so great, why does no one want to be one?". No one chooses what they are born as? Being a minority in a primarily white society isn't great?! People don't get to just stop being a minority? THATS WHY THERE ARE ISSUES.


But he didn't say that. It was a reboot that didn't entirely appeal to him from the news and previews. He said he was fine with other reboots like Starwars TFA and that stared a female Jedi. My takeaway was that he didn't like how they were going to burry the legacy of the original film. The original cast weren't even going play the old roles... etc.

That was what I got from it too. Even when he mentioned the casts' gender he said "It doesn't matter" (in that thats not why he didnt want to see it). He loves the original film and was disappointed with the direction of the new one. He pointed out how it could have been the original cast training a younger Ghostbusters team.. etc


That's rich coming from the son of an Iranian Immigrant, whose last name is Jaafari which not only means he's Muslim Shia but also has Arabic ancestry.

The guy is a fucking hyppocrite pandering to the gamergating babbons that form his fanbase.

Talking about diluting the gene pool, gene pool my ass, you're a fucking hybrid mut yourself motherfucker.


The US, being culturally invaded

.. the only country that takes films from other countries, even English speaking Anglosphere ones, and recasts them all with white people and western music/locations and then re-exports it to the country it was appropriated from?

Big-ass Ramp

hella bullets that's true
The US, being culturally invaded

.. the only country that takes films from other countries, even English speaking Anglosphere ones, and recasts them all with white people and western music/locations and then re-exports it to the country it was appropriated from?

If White America didn't have that, what would they be left with? Heart disease?


What's his counter argument when people point out how he's himself of Iranian descent? I don't quite get the twitter exchange relating to that in the op, I'm not a native speaker.

he literally uncle tom'd and said he was glad that the white folk that invaded the country gave him the chance to come in behind them via parent immigration
God damn. Even if I agreed with everything JonTron said, I'd be fucking embarrassed by what a huge dumbass he comes across as. Just shameful the way the dude can't follow a thought for more than two seconds before throwing out some other dumb shit.

Like, he literally does not know the difference between immigration and colonization.

Thank god for NeoGAF. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have a place where everyone else is also going, "....the fuck is this guy?"


Guys, I think my genes have already been diluted. Though I am a super pale white guy, I have ancestry in Jewish Germany, Scotland, and Africa. My last name is even french!

What do.


Un Rama
Guys, I think my genes have already been diluted. Though I am a super pale white guy, I have ancestry in Jewish Germany, Scotland, and Africa. My last name is even french!

What do.

You know what to do...

Become a hypocritical self hating YouTuber and rake in those alt-right bucks!


Looking at the r/jontron thread, I see...

  • "I'm a moderate/liberal/rational person, but people are overreacting to what Jon said."
  • "Oh, so now everything's racist?"
  • Claims that Destiny was "unfair"
  • Unsubtle proselytizing by Stormfront and /pol/

Congraulations internet, you've turned into a petri dish for racists.

Big-ass Ramp

hella bullets that's true
Guys, I think my genes have already been diluted. Though I am a super pale white guy, I have ancestry in Jewish Germany, Scotland, and Africa. My last name is even french!

What do.

dude you're white. sit back, do nothing, rake in the bucks.

edit: this is a joke. MUH CONTEXT


Looking at the r/jontron thread, I see...

  • "I'm a moderate/liberal/rational person, but people are overreacting to what Jon said."
  • "Oh, so now everything's racist?"
  • Claims that Destiny was "unfair"
  • Unsubtle proselytizing by Stormfront and /pol/

Reddit is completely infected with alt-right, T_D alt account posters.


We're so culturally invaded, the first thing we make foreign music stars do is record team ups or duets with existing western music stars so that they can get some of the rub from the foreign star doing well, and then send that back to their home country?

Hell, the fucking white culture did this to the black music genres in the US!
What are we defining as "Nazi" here? He doesn't call for any genocides, thankfully.

Instead, he accuses Arin of just that.


Destiny setup a hypothetical setting.

'if immigrants 100% assismiated to US culture (w/e that is) would you be fine with it?' - Destiny.

'no, because something about the gene pool of the US' - Jontron.

There really isn't much leeway to fill in the blanks of what he was referencing.

"No, because then they would enter the gene pool" is the exact quote, I think.


he brings up the elections and then goes on to say "i never heard Trump say anything overtly racist" and I'm sitting here like


Man people are hardcore history revisionists or they really don't pay attention to their own fucking elections and who they vote for.


These racial purity advocates always seem to invoke Japan as a model example. It's never China, South Korea or Vietnam - it is always Japan. Is there a particular reason for this?


he brings up the elections and then goes on to say "i never heard Trump say anything overtly racist" and I'm sitting here like


Man people are hardcore history revisionists or they really don't pay attention to their own fucking elections and who they vote for.

He claims that italians and Irish immigrants were automacticslly declared white and not discriminated against during the big European migrations to the US.

Destiny's face when he claimed that was just stunned.


Let the "white people" be themselves , keep their ADN and do not mix with other races, until they become a biological failure.

ADN mix is what kept humanity evolving and growing all these years


Looking at the r/jontron thread, I see...

  • "I'm a moderate/liberal/rational person, but people are overreacting to what Jon said."
  • "Oh, so now everything's racist?"
  • Claims that Destiny was "unfair"
  • Unsubtle proselytizing by Stormfront and /pol/

Congraulations internet, you've turned into a petri dish for racists.

Makes me sad. And Reddit's views on everything has also helped in keeping the infestation alive and well. They need the roaches or they are nothing.
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