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Konami seeking new main staff members for development of new Metal Gear series

This is so weird. Just a few weeks ago Konami was announcing the box art, limited editions and release date of TPP and it still had A HIDEO KOJIMA GAME.

Premeditated restructuring my ass. Something unexpectedly bad must've happened very very recently.


I hope that the fans make MGS V a commercial success but then refuse to buy anything from the new series. #NoKojimaNoBuy
I think there's a difference between "deleting a man from existence" and moving marketing focus away from a person. They're not removing his name from the credits, they're removing his name from marketing material.

You know that for sure? Because that's what I fear the most. If this is all about marketing, why would Konami put restriction to KojimaPro personals, preventing them to do their works?
I think there's a difference between "deleting a man from existence" and moving marketing focus away from a person. They're not removing his name from the credits, they're removing his name from marketing material.

It still is wrong to me seeing as how Konami wants to essentially remind the world that this doesn't belong to Kojima anymore. If Konami wants to reboot the series without him and not use his name then whatever but like at least let Kojima use his name in the marketing to remind people that this is a Kojima story.
I'll admit I'll likely still buy the games even without Kojima's vision in the mix. What's gone down is extremely unfortunate and I hope everyone at Kojima Prod. lands on their feet as they're such talented people. But who knows, I'm very intrigued at the prospect of a non-Kojima Metal Gear...


This is so weird. Just a few weeks ago Konami was announcing the box art, limited editions and release date of TPP and it still had A HIDEO KOJIMA GAME.

Premeditated restructuring my ass. Something unexpectedly bad must've happened very very recently.

Well the news just got out unexpectedly after the box arts were discovered.

Then GameSpot inquired and word got out.

For all we know the team knew this for a while.
We wouldn't be so sad if we had ANY faith in Konami. Or even better, had Kojima stayed on friendly terms and even function as a consultant for future Metal Gear games. But this... This is so toxic that any kind of decent changeover is not possible.

The hilarity is that Kojima didn't even have faith in his own team who has made the games with him over the years to take over the mantle of MGS, with him returning over and over again to direct the games.

And the one time he did... well, Portable Ops happened. :/


Eh, the each have their charm. I'm not saying the last few weren't flawed in some big ways but they are playable/enjoyable.

Heck aside from monster design and some bad bugs Downpour was a pretty good SH game.

Compared to Silent Hill 1-3!? Are you insane? You may be okay with mediocrity in a series that you love but most aren't.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
At this point In retrospect its amazing Kojima has held on to MGS as long as he did. I dont think any other game dev has had so much control and dedication to a singular series like he did.


A Metal Gear without Kojima is not Metal Gear. You might as well call it something else. Or don't. It doesn't matter either way, as I won't be supporting this company after V.

Kojimas vision and KojiPro's work were the only things that kept me invested. No more.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Glad they are aware of the shitstorm but it probably won't change anything.


He's talking about how they removed the "a Hideo Kojima" game line from promotional art on their website (the reason behind that is understandable even if it's a dick move) and from the boxart of the MGS collection (not understandable and also a dick move).

I was pissed off about that too.
But in the news source, Konami says the reason behind it was that they changed the production process and stopped doing in-house studios type of thing, so Kojima Production also disbanded. duckroll has perfectly translated that part.
Regarding the disbanding of Kojima Productions, they confirm that the recent restructure of Konami has resulted in a change in the production process, and internal but separate studios like Kojima Productions no longer exists as they moved towards a headquarters driven system.

But personally, I do think Kojima Productions could have been an exception considering the amount of contribution he has made to the company.
I've been depressed all day about this so I really trying to take this news positively...
MGS/Kojima is one of the biggest reasons that I'm continuing to be a gamer and become a gamer...


I'll admit I'll likely still buy the games even without Kojima's vision in the mix. What's gone down is extremely unfortunate and I hope everyone at Kojima Prod. lands on their feet as they're such talented people. But who knows, I'm very intrigued at the prospect of a non-Kojima Metal Gear...

Gears of Metal or Gear Theft Auto?

Rising deserves a follow-up even under a new mainline series spin-off status.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
I'll admit I'll likely still buy the games even without Kojima's vision in the mix. What's gone down is extremely unfortunate and I hope everyone at Kojima Prod. lands on their feet as they're such talented people. But who knows, I'm very intrigued at the prospect of a non-Kojima Metal Gear...

I hate to say this as well, but so am I.


It's really tough man. The thing that angers me the most is that Konami treats Kojima and his team now like shit. If they give him the sendoff he deserves everything is fine.

Let me just repost what I posted in the other thread.

It just pisses me off, why can't Konami give Kojima and his team a break from Metal Gear. I mean they worked on this series for fucking 27 years now. Kojima always said yes but of course there comes a time where he's just done with it... he wanted to left the series after MGS2 but he always returned and said ok i'll do another one so that mr. konami is pleased.

Kojima always tried to improve the series. MGSV for example looks to be the most ambitious game ever. They put all their heart into this game and created a fucking new engine for over 5 years now. Opened a new company in LA so they can work on another Metal Gear Online. Troy Baker said "MGSV may be the biggest game I've ever seen." But nooo it's not enough for mr. konami.

Kojima said he sleeps 4 hours a day to be most productive during the day.

The most disgusting and disrespectful thing is the erasing of Kojima's branding of all Metal Gear products.

What a terrible sendoff for someone who made Konami what it is today.

It's so sickening, I don't even know what to say anymore.


Sorry dude. I know how passionate you are about MGS and Kojima. Hopefully you can find enjoyment from MGS games in the future and Kojima gets to make more amazing games.
I echo what many others have said.

I'm looking forward to seeing what Kojima does outside of the MGS universe. It's history must be getting restrictive for him from a storytelling POV and god knows I wouldn't want to work on the same franchise for as long as he has.

He's shown in the past that he can turn his hand to new stories and genres, and outside of the pull of Konami's need for him to be "Mr MGS" he can do basically anything he wants. I'm sure publishers all over the world are courting him as we speak.

Konami themselves on the other hand may be in trouble. A Kojima-less MGS may be rejected out of hand by longtime fans simply because he's not working on it. They need whatever they do next with the series to an absolute slam-dunk or they could find themselves with virtually no valuable IPs left.


Entirely expected. Konami isn't going to let their only (these days) big franchise die off just since they're losing people.

Whether any future MGS games will be good? That I wonder. I have a hard time seeing it getting back on its feet. Curious to see who they get.


I think there's a difference between "deleting a man from existence" and moving marketing focus away from a person. They're not removing his name from the credits, they're removing his name from marketing material.
Don't give them ideas!


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
I love the posts already to that tweet.



I wouldn't mind a game with the gameplay elements of the original Metal Gears but connect it in no way to Kojima's canon. I don't want Snake. I don't want Patriots. Don't even give me callbacks.
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