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Konami seeking new main staff members for development of new Metal Gear series


The only Metal Gear games I'll be looking forward to without Kojima's involvement, are remasters or Rising sequels by Platinum.


never left the stone age
So...which great Japanese game directors haven't been fired/left their original companies other than Nintendo devs?

Hell Nintendo seems to give them promotions that don't boil down to "sit still and dont touch anything, for the love of god", but actual meaningful promotions!


The thing that gets me about all of this - these type of shenanigans usually happen after a project's completion; not in the final stretches... I'm shocked this is all going down 164 days before launch (not that I'm counting).


I imagine this is the stance for the average MGS fan "on the street".

Many people doubted Platinum and look how great MGR turned out, sure it won't be the same without Kojima, but who knows, a new take on Metal Gear might be really cool depending on who develops it.


I am seriously thinking of buying the game used just so I wont fork my money to Konami.

I am seriously disgusted at this turn of events. I was happy yesterday to find out that Kojima is finaly free to make some new games, but they way he is being treated by Konami is pathetic. Erasing him from every box?

Konami can kiss my ass.

My entire MGS collection has Kojima's name on the box... you cant erase these Konami...

I'll get the game used and I'll rip that case cover to tiny pieces and replace it with a custom one with Kojima's name as it should be.


The thing that gets me about all of this - these type of shenanigans usually happen after a project's completion; not in the final stretches... I'm shocked this is all going down 164 days before launch (not that I'm counting).

fiscal year shnenigans.

you can bet your hairy balls safely even Evil Konami would have liked to postpone informations about that past the game's release.
How it must feel to have a series that is your brain child and passion be farmed out like this while your still working on the latest entry. I can't even fathom it
To whomever suggested another MGS1 remake: don't. If they want to do an HD remaster for the game then sure, I'll take higher resolutions and smoother framerate. But we don't need any more remakes of that game. the first one was enough of a turd for me to be certain of this.

I think it'd be a good opportunity to try to do a faithful remake. Especially if they are going to have to rebuild the Metal Gear team from scratch. Putting a new team together-- you'll want them to work on something that will help the team mesh together without also having to worry about designing a new game from scratch.


Del Toro should cancel Silent Hill and do Hellboy 3 instead.

I'm willing to bet Silent Hills has already been canceled. Maybe it was canceled a long time ago. Maybe it never existed to begin with.

I just don't see it ever seeing the light of day.

I do think other studios will create games that end up being similar to P.T. to some degree though, so not really a big deal to me.


never left the stone age
Many people doubted Platinum and look how great MGR turned out, sure it won't be the same without Kojima, but who knows, a new take on Metal Gear might be really cool depending on who develops it.

Eh, Rising had a really troubled development process. I think people weren't doubting Platinum as much as they were doubting their ability to salvage the project and turn it into something good. Which they did, but the game ended up being what, 5-6 (extremely sweet) hours long


To whomever suggested another MGS1 remake: don't. If they want to do an HD remaster for the game then sure, I'll take higher resolutions and smoother framerate. But we don't need any more remakes of that game. the first one was enough of a turd for me to be certain of this.
Why the hate for the remake? Just curious. I have several games in the series including the first and remake but I find it hard to get into the series.
Metal Gear Reborn - "A Peter Molyneux Game"

"You start your game.... a clone... all alone in a derelict laboratory. You share his (or her!) journey from their first word, to first confirmed kill. Every scar, imprinted sibling psyche, camouflage and speech impediment will develop in real time with your character. As for stealth... well that's DLC which we aren't addressing at the moment. We'll get there!"


Unconfirmed Member
I'm willing to bet Silent Hills has already been canceled. Maybe it was canceled a long time ago. Maybe it never existed to begin with.

I just don't see it ever seeing the light of day.
Maybe it's better this way. P.T. exists forever as a brilliant 'short game', and Silent Hills never has to be compared to it.


Junior Member
OH GOD what have you done

His Medusa-like stare will render the studios of any gaming personnel reading this defunct immediately.

Thus, El Toro will have destroyed the industry.



And this is how metal gear series comes to a close my friends. Enjoy MGS V because it is the last time you are going to play a good MGS game.

Pretty much.
Seems like its going out with a bang though.

An MGS game without Kojima is like Breaking Bad without Bryan Cranston.
There is no way Konami could write the same OTT ,fantastic crazy ass story's while making it somewhat plausible without Kojima.

I really hope Kojima and his team does well for themselves in the future.
MGS1 was one of the main game that got me into my gaming love affair.

God speed sir.


I'm willing to bet Silent Hills has already been canceled. Maybe it was canceled a long time ago. Maybe it never existed to begin with.

I just don't see it ever seeing the light of day.

I do think other studios will create games that end up being similar to P.T. to some degree though, so not really a big deal to me.

Even if it isn't cancelled, I don't see Del Toro still being on board without Kojima.


I think it'd be a good opportunity to try to do a faithful remake. Especially if they are going to have to rebuild the Metal Gear team from scratch. Putting a new team together-- you'll want them to work on something that will help the team mesh together without also having to worry about designing a new game from scratch.

And you also want them to understand the design of the series and MGS1 is the best one to get a close look at on why things are the way they are and how that works and etc etc.


I love the gameplay, world and characters of Metal Gear way too much so I'd still be down for a new MGS even without Kojima. I hope they continue the lore after MGS4 though with an all new cast. Just throw in the references to the past game and maybe have a few cameos.

....none of that first sentence makes sense. If you love the world and characters, those are things Kojima created. You expect someone else to just take over and know how to develop that world and those characters?
Good luck attempting to sell any metal gear games after this fiasco Konami. Metal Gear is probably one of the very few games that people associate with the creator on a large scale.


MGS is dead to me and the vast majority of fans after V. Guess Konami still has to try if they aren't leaving the console game business.

However, I have to wonder how much Kojima matters to the more casual video game buyers? If Castelvania is any indication, Konami might still get decent returns on one more MGS game that will be mediocre at best, then crash into obscurity.
....none of that first sentence makes sense. If you love the world and characters, those are things Kojima created. You expect someone else to just take over and know how to develop that world and those characters?

It's not as impossible as you claim. There are good Zelda games not made by Miyamoto for example. Although to be fair Zelda's characterization is on a wholly different level than MGS, but I'm sure there are plenty of other relevant examples. Take Superhero movies for example.

MGS is my favorite game series too, but I absolutely vehemently hated MGS4, so I don't put Kojima on a godly pedestal like a lot of you. I'm even holding some reservation about MGSV because I don't fully trust Kojima after the fiasco that was MGS4.
Why the hate for the remake? Just curious. I have several games in the series including the first and remake but I find it hard to get into the series.

the voicework is worse, the cutscenes are much dumber, the character models look off, and bolting on MGS2's gameplay without updating the design of MGS1 leaves the game feeling broken in many parts.

MGS1 is just fine as it is, really. If they want to remake a game they should start with MG1 and MG2, both of which could use some 3D love.

It's not as impossible as you claim. There are good Zelda games not made by Miyamoto for example. Although to be fair Zelda's characterization is on a wholly different level than MGS, but I'm sure there are plenty of other relevant examples. Take Superhero movies for example.

Star Wars comes to mind, too. We can live in a world where both good MGS games are still made and Kojima can make something wonderful on his own. These things aren't mutually exclusive.


The thing that gets me about all of this - these type of shenanigans usually happen after a project's completion; not in the final stretches... I'm shocked this is all going down 164 days before launch (not that I'm counting).
To be fair rumor is the game is pretty much done.


MGS is dead to me and the vast majority of fans after V. Guess Konami still has to try if they aren't leaving the console game business.

However, I have to wonder how much Kojima matters to the more casual video game buyers? If Castelvania is any indication, Konami might still get decent returns on one more MGS game that will be mediocre at best, then crash into obscurity.

MGS 6 being bad isn't necessarily a thing that's written in stone. Depends on who they can hire. Everyone has a price, if they bribe Kojima with enough cash they might even be able to bring him back.


Unless you put an auteur (yes I said it) like Kojima at the helm, it's very probably just not gonna be worth it.
fiscal year shnenigans.

you can bet your hairy balls safely even Evil Konami would have liked to postpone informations about that past the game's release.

Do you really think that even one of the executives thought of that? That someone in the boardroom said, "Guys, it's best if we disassociate ourselves with an employee who's been with the company nearly 30 years for no discernible reason, and do so before his next product is out so people get wind of it."

Make no mistake, this was a calculated move. Whether it had to do with Kojima pushing back or Konami finally deciding to flex their muscle and get out of games for good, this was a strategic maneuver in their eyes. Also an extremely idiotic one, but that's beside the point.

Had they not changed the branding, it's unlikely any of us would be talking about this right now. They could have kept mum until December, but they pushed it out there and (incredibly) seem to be tone-deaf to what they just did.


Unconfirmed Member
It's not as impossible as you claim. There are good Zelda games not made by Miyamoto for example. Although to be fair Zelda's characterization is on a wholly different level than MGS, but I'm sure there are plenty of other relevant examples. Take Superhero movies for example.
The question is how much of Kojima's team will follow him. At Nintendo there's a big focus on mentorship, with successful designers becoming producers and long time employees slowly being groomed to take over the franchise. It's not so easy to do that at Konami when people like Shuyo Murata are presumably following Kojima, if their recruitment ad is anything to go by.
Konami: Let's annualize Metal Gear!
Kojima: LOL, no. Let's make them every 3-5 years like GTA
Konami: If UBI can do it, we can!
Kojima: No
Konami: YES

...and the rest is history
My biggest concern right now is since Kojima described TPP as a full season of a tv show, and missions are like stand alone episodes, I'm terrified that Konami is gonna break missions off and sell them as DLC.

I'm also convinced now that selling GZ as a standalone product was a Konami mandate.
In b4 Joakim Mogren to direct next MGS.

I'm also convinced now that selling GZ as a standalone product was a Konami mandate.

I really don't see how/why anyone thought otherwise. I doubt milking a hungry audience for a demo (yes that's what it is, a demo) was ever part of Kojima's "grand vision for MGSV."
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