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Large Youtubers Hide Ownership of CSGO Lottery Site

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I like HonorTheCall's mix of shitting on TmarTn and ProSyndicate and shamelessly promoting his own youtube channel.

Being a Youtube personality is such a #signofthetimes thing.

What? He has an outro graphic with a catchphrase. Unless I'm missing something that's it, not sure how that's 'shamelessly promoting' his youtube channel.


Wrong thread.

But whilst I'm here, it seems like this is dying out a little. I just hope they don't get away with breaking the law. Videos are still getting a low of dislikes and comments though.

Robot Pants

Glad to see the comments section is at least reasonable in this video. Just a bunch of people calling him out.

Well, I'm dead.
If the FTC will give Warner Bro's a slap on the wrist, then I'm doubtful a lot will happen to these two either.

The good thing is that now people will always be inclined to reveal their sponsorships and the healthy scepticism will ensue.
Non disclosure of sponsorship is a lot different than non disclosure of OWNERSHIP, underage gambling and potential rigging of said gambling.

Who knows what the FTC will do.


So what are the actual chances of something actually happening? tmartn is pretty much back to making videos ignoring the whole thing. Besides the lawsuit, has there been anything else?

It's funny how when these type of situations occur nothing really comes out of it. Everyone gave so much shit to the finebros and laughing at them for the insane amount of subscribers they were losing, yet they're doing fine with even more subscribers than before.

Even shitheads like Keemstar is still running properly despite the efforts of other big youtubers to take him down.

It seems like nothing will happen until YouTube themselves step in which they won't cause I have never seen them do anything morally right.


Non disclosure of sponsorship is a lot different than non disclosure of OWNERSHIP, underage gambling and potential rigging of said gambling.

Who knows what the FTC will do.

They'll come down harder on these guys than they did WB to set an example to the average joe.


Non disclosure of sponsorship is a lot different than non disclosure of OWNERSHIP, underage gambling and potential rigging of said gambling.

Who knows what the FTC will do.

If any of this comes down to illegal gambling and game rigging, then the FTC is the least of these dudes worries. Granted they are small fish in a big Ocean. Once you prove illegal gambling and interstate illegal gambling the DOJ and FBI get involved. See Poker websites several years ago, and the Govt went after them not for the gambling but for the money laundering and other potential illegal activities.

If you haven't noticed Valve slowly trying to distance themselves from this stuff, it may happen at an even more accelerated pace. Thats because Valve is the biggest target and the Govt will use smaller cases to thump the deepest pockets.

So this could be huge, and it truly it could end up nothing. However, it always takes time, and a civil class action suit only slows that process down.

It will be interesting too because Youtube/Google may get asked to police their business more too. This is possibly the beginning of much more regulation.

nah who are we kidding no one is really paying attention to this shit. If you were a harmed party though you should contact your state DA, I hear the NY AG likes to go after people.


So what are the actual chances of something actually happening? tmartn is pretty much back to making videos ignoring the whole thing. Besides the lawsuit, has there been anything else?

It's funny how when these type of situations occur nothing really comes out of it. Everyone gave so much shit to the finebros and laughing at them for the insane amount of subscribers they were losing, yet they're doing fine with even more subscribers than before.

Even shitheads like Keemstar is still running properly despite the efforts of other big youtubers to take him down.

It seems like nothing will happen until YouTube themselves step in which they won't cause I have never seen them do anything morally right.

If the ftc is like their UK counterpart then they will investigating all the issues surrounding this, to ensure they can create a case where they know they will get a conviction.

Many a case has failed because people rush in and bring charges before having the evidence to back them up.

Wb has been slapped in the last few days from a game that released months ago.

These guys will think it has all gone silent and go back to doing what they want, then all of a sudden the shit will come down and the next minute their in front of your honour wearing a nice orange jumpsuit.

Remember this is a case against valve and they have been added to it, this make take another 12-18 months to get to court, but I would hope it will and justice is served.


So what are the actual chances of something actually happening? tmartn is pretty much back to making videos ignoring the whole thing. Besides the lawsuit, has there been anything else?

It's funny how when these type of situations occur nothing really comes out of it. Everyone gave so much shit to the finebros and laughing at them for the insane amount of subscribers they were losing, yet they're doing fine with even more subscribers than before.

Even shitheads like Keemstar is still running properly despite the efforts of other big youtubers to take him down.

It seems like nothing will happen until YouTube themselves step in which they won't cause I have never seen them do anything morally right.
Like i said awhile back he will never do jail time and will end up settling out of court towards the handful of people trying to sue him.

Those people just want money they don't care about actual change or prosecution.


Party Pooper
straight from steam

In 2011, we added a feature to Steam that enabled users to trade in-game items as a way to make it easier for people to get the items they wanted in games featuring in-game economies.

Since then a number of gambling sites started leveraging the Steam trading system, and there’s been some false assumptions about our involvement with these sites. We’d like to clarify that we have no business relationships with any of these sites. We have never received any revenue from them. And Steam does not have a system for turning in-game items into real world currency.

These sites have basically pieced together their operations in two-part fashion. First, they are using the OpenID API as a way for users to prove ownership of their Steam accounts and items. Any other information they obtain about a user's Steam account is either manually disclosed by the user or obtained from the user’s Steam Community profile (when the user has chosen to make their profile public). Second, they create automated Steam accounts that make the same web calls as individual Steam users.

Using the OpenID API and making the same web calls as Steam users to run a gambling business is not allowed by our API nor our user agreements. We are going to start sending notices to these sites requesting they cease operations through Steam, and further pursue the matter as necessary.
Users should probably consider this information as they manage their in-game item inventory and trade activity.

-Erik Johnson


"to run a gambling business is not allowed by our API nor our user agreements"

So why did it take this long for action to take place? By their own admission, they're saying it took 5 years for them to do something about it and even then that's because it's like the number 1 internet news story that has resulted in tons of legal scrutiny. That's pretty pathetic


I don't know these people, but just watching that rant by TmarTn where he basically points the finger at everyone else - what a total slimeball. Ugh. Knew a guy in life, BRIEFLY, one time who had made a bit of a fortune by stepping all over everyone else and doing all sorts of shady things while maintaining this clean exterior. This guy reminds me of him - the worst of the worst.


Holy crap. Why do I have this "believe when I see it" feeling. I mean....that really does sound like they are going to shut off their API access, though, doesn't it??
I imagine it'd be easy enough for them to cut off access to the sites if they don't manually remove it themselves.


Holy crap. Why do I have this "believe when I see it" feeling. I mean....that really does sound like they are going to shut off their API access, though, doesn't it??

To these sites, not everyone else. This is the very least they can do and there's no good reason not to.

Like many of us said a week ago.
Oh I know, I just mean this seems almost too good to be true. Valve is smart to lock this down.

There's nothing smart about it. They've been complicit for years, and they know it. They've been caught with their pants down, and now they're trying to cover their tracks while trying to make it look like they're good guys. It's not working. Just look at the message from them that was quoted above. It's textbook legalese where they deliberately avoid mentioning whether or not they knew. There's only one reason why they'd avoid mentioning that.
To these sites, not everyone else. This is the very least they can do and there's no good reason not to.

Like many of us said a week ago.

And I totally have agreed from the first moment I heard about this. I'm just saying, they knew about these sites for *years* and did nothing, and they are finally moving on this. That's big!


So no more CSGOLounge? That's pretty lame. That was a good site and outside of team shenanigans, you couldn't be ripped off.

tmartn and prosyndicate are pieces of shit.

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