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Last Guardian delayed

hao chi


This game is going to be the biggest disappointment. I really wish it wouldn't have been delayed. Not that I want to play it but I am sick of hearing about it. Looks like shit from what I've seen.

You won't be disappointed since you don't care about the game other than shitposting about it. The people who are interested in the game and are actually going to play it will decide for themselves if it's a disappointment.


Pizza Dog
And why if the game is great and delivers on its key point of the journey and growing bond between the kid with Trico?
NMS got criticized not for a delay but because the game was boring, the point was just exploring a procedurally generated world without clear goals or story or interaction. But many people should have known better because it was clear that the game was about that, concerns about no story, no missions and whatever were raised since the beginning.

I'm thinking more along the lines of people hyping the possibilities up to themselves so much with so little official word on what the game actually is that when (if?) it’s released it can’t possibly live up to expectations.

Obviously if it's great then that's not an issue, I suppose.


This game might be going through some development hell right now and the worse is that they cannot push it back anymore since they've been doing so since... well, years now! I just hope the wait can be worth it because I'm thinking on getting a PS4 just for this game and FFXV...
Oh what the fuck... I guess it's ok. One less expense in October lol. Now I can get Titanfall 2 maybe. Nah I'll prob be playing Gears 4 any chance I get.


Felium Defensor
You won't be disappointed since you don't care about the game other than shitposting about it. The people who are interested in the game and are actually going to play it will decide for themselves if it's a disappointment.
Well said, hao chi.


Neo Member
Well... This was bad news to wake up to. I bet it won't make it in December either, however I really hope I am wrong! Now let's Trease ICO and Shadow on ps4 to make up the wait!

Deleted member 126221

Unconfirmed Member
What the hell with all that negativity? We've been waiting for this game for almost a decade, what's 2 more months? I definitely don't want them to rush it in any way. There won't ever be a Last Guardian 2, nor will there be multiple patches, DLCs, etc.

I want the released game to be exactly as (ex) team Ico wants it to be. No big deal if it involves waiting 2 extra months (after waiting what, 8 years, I really can't see how such a small delay is made into a huge deal).

Kaji AF16

I legitimately wonder if these delays are more related to Sony´s dominant market share during this console generation that to technical / conceptual issues. The gap between Playstation and Xbox is so insurmountable that Sony has been allowed an enormous flexibility.

That said, TLG should go into videogame history books as a study case for excessively early announcements, hype building, and development hell. It went from overblown promise to legend to inevitable dissapointment.


If it's good that a game gets delayed to be polished and to be released without bugs... then TLG will be the best game ever!


I'm fine with the wait. October had too many games packed into it for me to possibly play them all so giving me a couple of months to digest those is acceptable. Hopefully when it does come out it'll be free of any show stopping bugs.


Just wanted to share my two-cents on this matter... (because it seems a lot of people forgot how big Team ICO really is.)

Here's the reply I made to a question/comment I saw on the Official Playstation Blog.

F4r0_Atak said:
EmperorKorea said:
Has it become some sort of a sick and twisted tradition to delay first party PS4 games? Also how is the studio behind this game still operating without having released a game in 10 years?
Well, just so you know, the studio behind this game have released multiple games in the past years across PS3, PS Vita and PS4. Games they either produced, co-developed or even developed on their own. Just to name a few, they released Folklore, Siren Blood Curse, Demon’s Souls, Rain, Tokyo Jungle, Puppeteer, Gravity Rush, Knack, Bloodborne, Freedom Wars and Gravity Rush Remastered. As for the upcoming announced games we have The Last Guardian and Gravity Rush 2, both scheduled for a December release.

What you should ask instead is : ” How is the team who made Ico and Shadows of The Colossus still operating without having released a game in 10 years? “The only answer I have to that is Team Ico have a really small team last time I checked (20-25 people). There is reason why so many high level devs (producers mainly) left during the project. Most of the team who is working on this game are migrating to Fumito Ueda’s new studio, called gen Design (an independent studio, not SIE related). There is also a reason why this team didn’t want to grow any bigger when developing this game. It is easier for certain people to handle a project of that scale when you have a smaller team. That and it would have raised the development cost dramatically. Hence why it was not cancelled so far, since it must have been cheaper to develop this game than other games produced or developed by Japan Studio.


Another delay.

Gravity Rush 2 and The Last Guardian now a week apart, crap planning but at least my December is sorted. I know everyone has different gaming interests but Uncharted 4 was the last big PS4 exclusive I bought and that was in May.

Will only have PES 17, Gears 4 and Forza Horizon 3 to play until then.
At this point I think every major Sony-published title on the PS4 (other than launch titles) has been delayed? Or at least the vast majority.
And why if the game is great and delivers on its key point of the journey and growing bond between the kid with Trico?
NMS got criticized not for a delay but because the game was boring, the point was just exploring a procedurally generated world without clear goals or story or interaction. But many people should have known better because it was clear that the game was about that, concerns about no story, no missions and whatever were raised since the beginning.

Both NMS and TLG have been marketed on the basis of very vague language and gameplay excerpts. But I guess the difference is that Sean Murray and Sony seemed to be using that vagueness as a tool to allow the fanbase to fill in the gaps with their own rich and wild ideas of features that were never going to be part of the game.

With TLG I don't think there have been any implied features that won't be in the game. As long as there is a boy and a bird-dog, and there as emotional beats (effective or not), it will have delivered exactly as promised.
I don't get games immediately when they come out, so I'm thinking this and FFXV as being my Christmas games. I can already imagine burning some vacation days and ignoring the snow and everyone else for a solid week of gaming bliss.


This is great new actually. I don't have to be tempted to play the game before I pick up my new Pro. I don't know if I could have held out even if I knew the game had a pro mode. And I am gonna be playing so much BF1 that this delay is completely cool with me.



Holy shit!


is responsible for the well-being of this island.
Do you guys realize that this is officially the second delay for the game? From Holiday 2011 to Oct. 25th 2016, and then this. Some of you make it sound like it's the tenth one. Hell Uncharted 4 had more delays!


Felium Defensor
Do you guys realize that this is officially the second delay for the game? From Holiday 2011 to Oct. 25th 2016, and then this. Some of you make it sound like it's the tenth one. Hell Uncharted 4 had more delays!
Are you trying to bring perspective and common sense into this? You should know better than that, nbnt. Holiday 2017 launch with Pro mode enabled let's gooo!
I think I'd be disappointed if it wouldn't have been delayed one more time..

Some games are better off as memes (although I think, in the end we will be all very happy about this game)


Do you guys realize that this is officially the second delay for the game? From Holiday 2011 to Oct. 25th 2016, and then this. Some of you make it sound like it's the tenth one. Hell Uncharted 4 had more delays!

You would be surprised by how many people here weren't interested and following the game to begin with let alone know how many times it got delayed.

like this obviously huge fan of the game

Not even mad, I can now justify waiting to buy a ps4 to get a pro for my wife's collectors edition TLG instead of getting a slim.
Do you guys realize that this is officially the second delay for the game? From Holiday 2011 to Oct. 25th 2016, and then this. Some of you make it sound like it's the tenth one. Hell Uncharted 4 had more delays!

"Guys stop being ridiculous! One MEASLY 5-year delay plus this one??!?"

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