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Let's Fool Around!

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Don't let anyone else be in command of your sexuality. Tell her that you're going to fool around alone for 3 minutes and it doesn't matter whether she comes or not, and make sure she knows that you don't really care one way or another. That's the secret to confidence.


Three minutes, huh?

For the past 3 weeks I have been sarging a local university campus after school trying to get over my approach anxiety. I have done extremely well. Some days not so much, but I am seeing a great improvement in general. Used to, the very thought of approaching a hot girl would give me anxiety, but now I can talk to them like it's no big deal.

I admit it was dark when I did my last approach for the day, a 2 set walking to their dorm. I ran up to them and said, "hey you guys. Relax, this is not a robbery. I just have to tell you I saw you guys back there and I thought you were really cute and I had to come say hi." They laughed, so I introduced myself. Afterward, they started to walk away. I tried to save the set by saying, "so where are you guys going right now?" And they said back to their dorm. I ejected at that point, and told them it was nice meeting them and left. (Keep in mind I have NO GAME yet.)

About 15 minutes later I go back to my car, get in and a cop in an SUV pulls up next to me.

"I need you to step out of the car. I'm campus police."

I thought "what the hell did I do?" But complied anyway. Once I stepped out, he radioed a bunch of cops and they all surrounded me. I was scared shitless. "What did I do?" I asked. "You're creeping people out." He said. He asked me where I had been recently and I told him what I was doing. Then I proceeded to tell him the whole story-how I was trying to improve my skills with women by talking to as many as I could. Then the cop behind me chimed in and berated me. They said the girls got scared when I told them "this is not a robbery." I tried to explain it some more, I said that as halfway a joke and half way to keep them from thinking that, to no effect. That's a line I got from Sasha Daygame for God's sake. "You're a fucking weirdo." He said, "and I consider you a threat to the mental health of my campus."

They checked my car out, took my picture, wrote down my information and told me that if I ever set foot on campus again I will go to jail for criminal trespassing. At that point, I began to question myself. What the hell am I doing? Am I really a weirdo?

But then again, I thought, is this really THAT weird? Is it wrong for a guy to try to better himself by facing his fears and talking to women? Can a guy who is deficient in an area not seek to improve himself?

I have been doing stuff like Simple Pickup does, saying random stupid things to people to try to get over self consciousness. Going and asking, "excuse me, do you know where I can find some wieners? Like, hot dogs. Or penises." Stuff like that, stuff completely out of the norm. I do that for an hour or so until I feel confident enough to directly approach. I did that probably 30 or 40 times today. What happens is when I do that I get so comfortable being weird, that I pick up a really weird and creepy vibe sometimes. I could feel it tonight. At first when I went out, I would get over my AA and then I would feel absolutely invincible. I would be so confident and so charismatic, at one point I befriended the entire Starbucks workers, and even got free tea. I also got to stand by their fan behind the counter while they made my drink because it was too hot. I befriended the lonely security guard, made countless women feel great about themselves.

My friend even sent me a tweet from a girl I didn't know on campus (that he apparently followed on twitter) said, "Some random guy just approached me and told me that I am beautiful, then walked away. #daymade" or something to that effect. But now for some reason when I go out I get fearless, but I also get socially stupid. I don't feel like a fucking boss like I did earlier on, when my charisma was at it's peak and my social skills soared, letting me know that deep down I really am an awesome guy, it's just the fear of being social that kept me down.

I really don't know what to do now. This was basically the ONLY place I can besides the mall which I have sarged out the employees and people that have frequent it. Where do I go to do daygame now? Am I really just a weirdo? Do I not have what it takes to become a PUA? Maybe the cops were right. Maybe I'm just doomed to being a loser my whole life. Maybe nobody wants to talk to me. Maybe I just creep people out.

I understand that what I am saying and doing is, in fact, very weird. I mean, who just goes out and talks to a bunch of random people? This is what stopped me from actually approaching women for such a long time. That's exactly why I would just sit at home and study game then go out and chicken out. It just didn't feel natural-because it wasn't natural. However now I can talk to basically ANYBODY with no fear whatsoever. I have humiliated myself in front of tons of hot girls, I feel like I'm at the point now where I can stop using the weird openers and stuff and just start trying to become socially intelligent once again, but now I have no place to sarge.

The cop said I could come back if I emailed the police chief and had him appeal the charge or something like that. I guess I'll try. But from now on I'll be remembered on the whole campus as "that creepy guy". So what's really the point?

I need some serious guidance here guys. What do I do now? Do I continue on? Do I quit? I want more than anything to become amazing with women and be a complete natural, in doing so finding who I really am and sculpting myself into a guy 10. I have a plan in mind on how I am going to do it, and every day I work toward my goal. I really want to just keep pressing on, even if it means standing ten feet away from campus and doing my day game. I don't want to let anything stand in the way of my success, but then again, I have to question whether or not I'm just delusional and if maybe this isn't for me. Maybe I have a hidden mental illness keeping me from this or something.

But enough rambling, please give me some guidance guys. I need it now more than ever.


No one gives a shit about you being a kissless virgin, you are being way too aggressive with the social skills that you have. It seems that you don't have a lot of experience interacting with women so i suggest that you play it cool and let them make the first move instead of acting like creep. I'm usually sympathetic to young guys with no experience, but what were you thinking man? Desperation is not an attractive trait
The thing is, I wasn't afraid of asking her out. I just felt that, if we did go out, it wouldn't result in anything. I felt that we didn't have any real chemistry other than me being physically attracted to her.

So you don't see her as a potential friend or partner, just someone to fingerbang in three minute increments when waiting for classes. Girls don't like that, man. And being that direct made it clear to her how you see her.


That's a line I got from Sasha Daygame for God's sake.

This may be one of your first mistakes.

Edit: Reading through your post again, there seems to be some fundamental aspects of meeting people that you need to re-think. Referring to it as "daygame" and "sarge" is very strange, and represents the predatory way in which you're going about this, whether you mean to or not. Randomers coming up and trying to start conversations with you is always jarring, whoever they may be and whatever their intentions.

If you've really gotta try and meet random people in the world, trying to talk to them about something that isn't external/physical/appearance based is a good start. But really, you need to remember that no one owes you anything for a compliment, getting a compliment isn't going to be straight away positive for someone. I'm sure you're a nice guy, I would just lay off the hidden camera youtube videos and advice like "Sasha Daygame"

Edit: You're amazing, I died laughing and then wanted to help you. God dammit.


Neo Member
I'll give it to the OP for being entertaining but this is fake news. If your mental health professional only diagnosed you with depression then you need to see someone else


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
So the other day, I (a 20 year-old guy) was studying with this girl in my Econ class. We'd been sitting next to each other all semester and I've come on to her a few times during the semester and she'd mostly play it off in jest. I was a little serious, but didn't expect anything to come out of this.

Well, the other day, we texted each other about meeting up after class to study in the library. We study, she has a good time, she finds me pretty funny so there were a lot of laughs going around. It was at this point I had planned to ask her if she wanted to "fool around" in her car before she left for class.

Fooling around was me thinking we could make out or me finger her or whatever, but I digress...

So, afterwards we walk to her car and ask she begins to put her stuff in the vehicle I say something along the lines of "Hey if it's cool with you, do you wanna 'fool around' before heading off to class?" She asked what does "fool around" mean. I said "nothing crazy" Then she laughs and says "I have to get to class" and then I say "How about for three minutes?" she says no again and I accept the rejection and say goodbye and start to leave.

It was a little awkward, but I feel like I went about that very poorly. After battling depression and hitting the gym for six months, this was my first real shot at getting involved with girls again. It's kind of embarrassing, but I've never kissed or girl or sex or anything due to my low self-esteem and confidence issues in the past. But now that I over came those issues, I feel as if my first try this year was me being oblivious and dumb.

I'm open to take advice on how to improve myself in this department.

Simply spend more time with girls in general, you bluntly asking a girl you hardly know if she wants to "fool around" shows that you have poor ability to read the situation and some serious thirst (probably also implies that you think of her as slutty). I suggest (when appropriate obviously) opening with going in for a kiss. If it's shut down/she's not interested, you full reverse, apologize and bail out. If successful there's a chance things could go further. It's all about reading signals which a lot of people are inherently bad at and takes practice. On a side note: if you've been flirting with her all semester and she's been shrugging it off, pretty good chance she's not interested. Anyhow, good luck.
You put in work all semester and you couldn't even give her service? Like, she'd be the one busting and you'd be doing all the work? That's like a free handjob and she wouldn't even take it from you.

Damn dude.



This thread. I am dying.

It's kind of embarrassing, but I've never kissed or girl or sex or anything

If you think like this;

I was thinking that if I did this, I wouldn't be putting anything on the line unlike a date where I would drive there and pay for a meal and what not for a higher possible chance at fingerbanging but more resources spent, compared to no resources spent with a higher percentage of failing

I don't think you will ever kiss a girl... or fingerbang her for that matter.



You're mistake was not first showing how good you are with your fingers. Then saying "Only need 10 secs".
Lmfao some of the gifs in this thread are killing me.

Should have started with coffee or something that didn't involve finger banging right off the back, breh.

This does almost sound like a joke thread though.
How about three minutes? lol

Should've offered her $40 while you were at it.

LMAO - he was 15 seconds away from "Just the tip".

OP from your description it seems like your lack of action up to this point is kind of objectifying the whole thing. If you like a girl just ask her out, things progress naturally from there.
Granted, I've been out of the dating scene for almost two decades.... but I think you were okay until you said... "How about for three minutes?"

Instead of mocking you like everyone else in this thread, I'll tell you why that was wrong. You came off as pushy and desperate. At first, you sounded like you wanted to fool around together, which is fine. But after your 3 minute line, it sounded like you just wanted her to get you off. Treating her almost like a working girl.

Otherwise, I thought you did okay. In the dating game, you're going to take a lot of "L"s and rejections, and you just have to take the time to figure out what works for you. Some guys are smooth, some are funny, some have quirky humor, some have edgy humor, and etc.

It sounds like you were warming her up to you pretty well in the library. But you gotta decide, are you looking for a girlfriend or just a booty call (or finger-bang buddy) . If you genuinely get along with this girl, then you should take things a bit slower. Go on a date or buy her lunch. Otherwise if you're just looking for cheap thrills, you can keep asking girls you barely know to "fool around" but you'll probably have very little luck outside of a party setting.

If you're trying to gain confidence with girls, work more on getting girls phone numbers and going on dates, and less on trying to finger-bang girls in the library parking lot. Kids these days.


OP sounds naïve, but a lot of the advice in here seems to be "you should have pretended to be more interested than you actually are"?

Op, this was your first real attempt to score or something with a girl? Well it takes time to not fuck shit up like you just did, but yeah...you should probably offer her your most sincere apologies and try to play it cool around her (avoid any weird eye contact or joke). Don't beat yourself too much. Yes, what you did was kinda weird but at least you didn't actually forced her to do anything so congrats on that. But...yeah, take a step down and try to make it less weird next time.
This seems reasonable advice, as is the post above me.


well the three minutes thing doomed you to a life of mediocrity in her eyes, i can tell you that. She can get better, longer lasting thrills from a john mayor song at that point. But this isn't the end for you young warrior


Eh. I try my hardest to get into the pile-on mode to get my kicks out of these cringeworthy OPs but I just can't ever seem to do it. In the end I always just end up feeling sorry for the OP too much to get in on the fun.


Unconfirmed Member
Part of me wishes I could have seen her face react when you suggested "how about three minutes"

The other part of me thinks I'm better off not experiencing that level of cringe.


Gold Member
Jesus Christ, OP. You sound creepy stalkerish weird.

Here's the first tip you need: girls are just people, too. They're just like you. Weird, i know, but it's true.

Well, okay, not just like you. They wouldn't walk up and say something like, "hey, you got three minutes for me to peg you in the ass in my car?". Because that would be creepy and weird.

Just hang out and get to know someone. Ask them on a date, like hey wanna check out that movie or go grab some food with me? Not, "Female - come and have nutritional sustenance at a defined hour followed by me digitally penetrating you for exactly 180 seconds."

If a girl wants to get physical, she'll let you know.
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