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Let's Fool Around!

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You have to be friends with her first. Don't expect a single thing. You can pursue her, but leave the sex/fooling around stuff out of the conversation.

There are places to "hook up", but the golden rule is to become friends. Sex and even fooling around are about trust than simple attraction.

Trust is way more important. Going at it like, "let's do this" is going too far. She might need to know you like her more than just a sex object.

The mistake is his general outlook. The very concern that if a date doesn't pan out he wasted $XX dollars is evidence of that.

Spending money on a girl doesn't make you deserve anything. Being a nice guy doesn't make you deserve anything.

That doesn't mean that these things are a waste and it is scary if OP thinks that.


ok i don't know what is funniest in this thread

  • OP literally asks her to fool around

    [*]says only for three minutes

    [*]the xcom "joke"

    [*]OP is too cheap to spend $20 on a date

but you know what REALLY is fucking hilarious? OP thinks he looks like the rock after going to the gym for six months

but then i must rant even more, you care that much about $20? shit just take her to mcdonalds and buy her something off the dollar menu. what are you doing OP? like you're in college, you don't have to take her to a $200 per person steakhouse like it is your fucking fifth anniversary. what the hell man, what the hell

you talk about battling depression..are you seeing a therapist? are you going to tell your therapist about this "encounter"? you really need to work on your social skills and how you view dating, you should really talk to your therapist about that shit and get some feedback from someone IRL

don't wanna be a dick to you OP, you clearly state in your post that you struggle with this shit and you're clearly making an honest(?) effort here, but goddamn dude you gotta take someone on a date or be friends with them before you even suggest this type of shit
I am more concerned about the dehumanization of said girl into some object/plaything to be used at the OP's will. I mean all sensible concepts of human interaction were thrown out the window with this one for the specific goal of the OP having an experimental fucktoy for all of 3 minutes.

This goes beyond any level of being socially awkward/romantically inept and heads closer to sociopath/serial killer territory.

dude was horny and wanted to get some.


OK, he's a serial killer.
I'd say most of my friends are women actually. I'm not awkward/creepy when I talk to women regularly. I've joined clubs and organizations, met girls, asked them out and whatnot. It's mostly sexual stuff I don't really get. Tinder never worked for me, (never got matches), so meeting people face to face is how I usually interact with girls. It only becomes awkward when I approach situations in the wrong way.

Well you seem to be trying so I'll just chalk this one up as a rookie mistake. I think we have all had cringeworthy moments with the opposite (or same) sex though so don't sweat it too much.

I am more concerned about the dehumanization of said girl into some object/plaything to be used at the OP's will. I mean all sensible concepts of human interaction were thrown out the window with this one for the specific goal of the OP having an experimental fucktoy for all of 3 minutes.

This goes beyond any level of being socially awkward/romantically inept and heads closer to sociopath/serial killer territory.

Dude you are off your rocker if you think OP being an inexperienced awkward taco means he's probably a rapist or serial killer. Get a grip and stop taking things to the extreme. We can all agree that he should never have spoke to her that way because it's creepy/degrading but don't act like they are scum.
I am more concerned about the dehumanization of said girl into some object/plaything to be used at the OP's will. I mean all sensible concepts of human interaction were thrown out the window with this one for the specific goal of the OP having an experimental fucktoy for all of 3 minutes.

This goes beyond any level of being socially awkward/romantically inept and heads closer to sociopath/serial killer territory.

I am more concerned about the dehumanization of said girl into some object/plaything to be used at the OP's will. I mean all sensible concepts of human interaction were thrown out the window with this one for the specific goal of the OP having an experimental fucktoy for all of 3 minutes.

This goes beyond any level of being socially awkward/romantically inept and heads closer to sociopath/serial killer territory.

This is the satire i read gaf for.
I am more concerned about the dehumanization of said girl into some object/plaything to be used at the OP's will. I mean all sensible concepts of human interaction were thrown out the window with this one for the specific goal of the OP having an experimental fucktoy for all of 3 minutes.

This goes beyond any level of being socially awkward/romantically inept and heads closer to sociopath/serial killer territory.

Yeah man, not everyone who goes out for seeking a bang session is a serial killer.
You have to be friends with her first. Don't expect a single thing. You can pursue her, but leave the sex/fooling around stuff out of the conversation.

There are places to "hook up", but the golden rule is to become friends. Sex and even fooling around are about trust than simple attraction.

Trust is way more important. Going at it like, "let's do this" is going too far. She might need to know you like her more than just a sex object.

Great post. Sometimes it's just cringeworthy how clueless young straight men are when it comes to women (in a general sense—but certainly there is granularity in behaviour/preferences).

Hell, if I was this young woman and some dude/colleague who had been somewhat nice to me all semester suddenly asked something as absurd and frankly gross as "do you want to fool around" I would be instantly creeped the fuck out and make sure I never saw that person again.

The context of your existing relationship is not the correct one to pivot to some sort of casual sexual one.

Also, what is it with young guys thinking a go to move is fingering? Especially sexually inexperienced guys? How often have you ever heard a woman remark about how awesome it was when she was making out with a guy and he had his fingers up in her?There is a time and place in a casual encounter and/or other range of relationships, but this is not it.

Being in my 30's, the insight from women in my age cohort about men from their younger years is quite amusing. Lots of head shaking about fingering, lack of understanding about how to touch the clitoris, lack of taking instructions or asking questions and too much trying to act smooth, etc...


I am more concerned about the dehumanization of said girl into some object/plaything to be used at the OP's will. I mean all sensible concepts of human interaction were thrown out the window with this one for the specific goal of the OP having an experimental fucktoy for all of 3 minutes.

This goes beyond any level of being socially awkward/romantically inept and heads closer to sociopath/serial killer territory.

Hey, some people have a dehumanisation fetish.
Here OP, a story from my sloppy past. Maybe it will make you feel better.

Went on a date with a girl back when I was 17, her parents made her bring her little brother and his friend along to make sure I didn't try anything crazy.

...during the movie, I was nervous, but I wanted to make a move. I just didn't know how. I whispered in her ear how she wanted to be kissed.

Well, that was the wrong move. Things got awkward, we kissed but I feel I had already messed things up.

The next day, oh...we worked at the same supermarket too. She told the entire store what I did and said I was a bad kisser to boot.

Fucking twat.


For the past 3 weeks I have been sarging a local university campus after school trying to get over my approach anxiety. I have done extremely well. Some days not so much, but I am seeing a great improvement in general. Used to, the very thought of approaching a hot girl would give me anxiety, but now I can talk to them like it's no big deal.

I admit it was dark when I did my last approach for the day, a 2 set walking to their dorm. I ran up to them and said, "hey you guys. Relax, this is not a robbery. I just have to tell you I saw you guys back there and I thought you were really cute and I had to come say hi." They laughed, so I introduced myself. Afterward, they started to walk away. I tried to save the set by saying, "so where are you guys going right now?" And they said back to their dorm. I ejected at that point, and told them it was nice meeting them and left. (Keep in mind I have NO GAME yet.)

About 15 minutes later I go back to my car, get in and a cop in an SUV pulls up next to me.

"I need you to step out of the car. I'm campus police."

I thought "what the hell did I do?" But complied anyway. Once I stepped out, he radioed a bunch of cops and they all surrounded me. I was scared shitless. "What did I do?" I asked. "You're creeping people out." He said. He asked me where I had been recently and I told him what I was doing. Then I proceeded to tell him the whole story-how I was trying to improve my skills with women by talking to as many as I could. Then the cop behind me chimed in and berated me. They said the girls got scared when I told them "this is not a robbery." I tried to explain it some more, I said that as halfway a joke and half way to keep them from thinking that, to no effect. That's a line I got from Sasha Daygame for God's sake. "You're a fucking weirdo." He said, "and I consider you a threat to the mental health of my campus."

They checked my car out, took my picture, wrote down my information and told me that if I ever set foot on campus again I will go to jail for criminal trespassing. At that point, I began to question myself. What the hell am I doing? Am I really a weirdo?

But then again, I thought, is this really THAT weird? Is it wrong for a guy to try to better himself by facing his fears and talking to women? Can a guy who is deficient in an area not seek to improve himself?

I have been doing stuff like Simple Pickup does, saying random stupid things to people to try to get over self consciousness. Going and asking, "excuse me, do you know where I can find some wieners? Like, hot dogs. Or penises." Stuff like that, stuff completely out of the norm. I do that for an hour or so until I feel confident enough to directly approach. I did that probably 30 or 40 times today. What happens is when I do that I get so comfortable being weird, that I pick up a really weird and creepy vibe sometimes. I could feel it tonight. At first when I went out, I would get over my AA and then I would feel absolutely invincible. I would be so confident and so charismatic, at one point I befriended the entire Starbucks workers, and even got free tea. I also got to stand by their fan behind the counter while they made my drink because it was too hot. I befriended the lonely security guard, made countless women feel great about themselves.

My friend even sent me a tweet from a girl I didn't know on campus (that he apparently followed on twitter) said, "Some random guy just approached me and told me that I am beautiful, then walked away. #daymade" or something to that effect. But now for some reason when I go out I get fearless, but I also get socially stupid. I don't feel like a fucking boss like I did earlier on, when my charisma was at it's peak and my social skills soared, letting me know that deep down I really am an awesome guy, it's just the fear of being social that kept me down.

I really don't know what to do now. This was basically the ONLY place I can besides the mall which I have sarged out the employees and people that have frequent it. Where do I go to do daygame now? Am I really just a weirdo? Do I not have what it takes to become a PUA? Maybe the cops were right. Maybe I'm just doomed to being a loser my whole life. Maybe nobody wants to talk to me. Maybe I just creep people out.

I understand that what I am saying and doing is, in fact, very weird. I mean, who just goes out and talks to a bunch of random people? This is what stopped me from actually approaching women for such a long time. That's exactly why I would just sit at home and study game then go out and chicken out. It just didn't feel natural-because it wasn't natural. However now I can talk to basically ANYBODY with no fear whatsoever. I have humiliated myself in front of tons of hot girls, I feel like I'm at the point now where I can stop using the weird openers and stuff and just start trying to become socially intelligent once again, but now I have no place to sarge.

The cop said I could come back if I emailed the police chief and had him appeal the charge or something like that. I guess I'll try. But from now on I'll be remembered on the whole campus as "that creepy guy". So what's really the point?

I need some serious guidance here guys. What do I do now? Do I continue on? Do I quit? I want more than anything to become amazing with women and be a complete natural, in doing so finding who I really am and sculpting myself into a guy 10. I have a plan in mind on how I am going to do it, and every day I work toward my goal. I really want to just keep pressing on, even if it means standing ten feet away from campus and doing my day game. I don't want to let anything stand in the way of my success, but then again, I have to question whether or not I'm just delusional and if maybe this isn't for me. Maybe I have a hidden mental illness keeping me from this or something.

But enough rambling, please give me some guidance guys. I need it now more than ever.

A+ satire

I hope to god this is satire


Junior Member
ok i don't know what is funniest in this thread

  • OP literally asks her to fool around

    [*]says only for three minutes

    [*]the xcom "joke"

    [*]OP is too cheap to spend $20 on a date

but you know what REALLY is fucking hilarious? OP thinks he looks like the rock after going to the gym for six months

but then i must rant even more, you care that much about $20? shit just take her to mcdonalds and buy her something off the dollar menu. what are you doing OP? like you're in college, you don't have to take her to a $200 per person steakhouse like it is your fucking fifth anniversary. what the hell man, what the hell

you talk about battling depression..are you seeing a therapist? are you going to tell your therapist about this "encounter"? you really need to work on your social skills and how you view dating, you should really talk to your therapist about that shit and get some feedback from someone IRL

don't wanna be a dick to you OP, you clearly state in your post that you struggle with this shit and you're clearly making an honest(?) effort here, but goddamn dude you gotta take someone on a date or be friends with them before you even suggest this type of shit

1. You're right, I was dumb for saying that.
2. 3 minutes was me being desperate, I was wrong for saying that.
3. I thought the joke would be funny since GAF is a gaming forum.
4. I'm in college with no job, cut me a little slack.

5. I didn't have much body fat so my body looked better over a shorter period of time. Never said I looked like the Rock.

Also, in a previous post, I never talked to my therapist about dating and shit because it wasn't relevant at the time. It wasn't the root of my depression. So yeah.


The mistake is his general outlook. The very concern that if a date doesn't pan out he wasted $XX dollars is evidence of that.

Spending money on a girl doesn't make you deserve anything. Being a nice guy doesn't make you deserve anything.

That doesn't mean that these things are a waste and it is scary if OP thinks that.

OP, are you listening?

Money spent spending time with someone and getting to know them should be a reward in itself.

Sex should not be the main goal. Sex is a (potential) bonus from forming a connection with someone.

Talk to women like you would talk to someone you absolutely know you aren't going to fuck. Don't flirt. Don't look for signs that you will certainly misread. Just be friendly and sincere. Sincerely interested in getting to know them, not getting inside them.

That's what women want, a friend - not a dog. Someone who respects them as equals and not just as a wet hole.

And don't worry about "friendzone" bullshit. Either a girl likes you romantically or they don't, friendzone is not a state you can enter and exit at will.
Don't ever ask to fool around, or ask to kiss. Just fool around and kiss .. of course generally in the heat of the moment with both parties involved are clearly desiring such. For instance, instead of asking if you can finger her .. er, fool around before class. Maybe next time take a girl out at night, and go back to her place/your place after and do the fingering?

It's a bit easier than trying to ask for permission to sneak in a quick 'ol finger bang session in between classes lol


OP, are you listening?

Money spent spending time with someone and getting to know them should be a reward in itself.

Sex should not be the main goal. Sex is a (potential) bonus from forming a connection with someone.

Talk to women like you would talk to someone you absolutely know you aren't going to fuck. Don't flirt. Don't look for signs that you will certainly misread. Just be friendly and sincere. Sincerely interested in getting to know them, not getting inside them.

That's what women want, a friend - not a dog. Someone who respects them as equals and not just as a wet hole.

And don't worry about "friendzone" bullshit. Either a girl likes you romantically or they don't, friendzone is not a state you can enter and exit at will.

Some woman want a dog, but I don't think you want to be a dog. The dogs are sad dude.


Junior Member
OP, are you listening?

Money spent spending time with someone and getting to know them should be a reward in itself.

Sex should not be the main goal. Sex is a (potential) bonus from forming a connection with someone.

Talk to women like you would talk to someone you absolutely know you aren't going to fuck. Don't flirt. Don't look for signs that you will certainly misread. Just be friendly and sincere. Sincerely interested in getting to know them, not getting inside them.

That's what women want, a friend - not a dog. Someone who respects them as equals and not just as a wet hole.

And don't worry about "friendzone" bullshit. Either a girl likes you romantically or they don't, friendzone is not a state you can enter and exit at will.

I'm limited by my inexperience in this aspect. My past two dates with other girls didn't amount to much, and, due to my inexperience, I felt hurt, took it personally, and felt like I wasted my time. Maybe me not wanting to invest time in something and fail after feeling as if I had handled most of my life's problems would have been a hit that my ego couldn't take.
It's kind of embarrassing, but I've never kissed or girl or sex or anything due to my low self-esteem and confidence issues in the past.

You've never kissed a girl but you thought you were going to be able to just finger blast this chick in her car on your first go around? That's ballsy bro, I'll give you that.


Dude you hadn't put in the work to ask her to fool around. Also I wouldn't go for something like that on the first attempt you could have asked for her to come chill after class.

Second when people give you a graceful out like "i have to go to class" take it.


I am more concerned about the dehumanization of said girl into some object/plaything to be used at the OP's will. I mean all sensible concepts of human interaction were thrown out the window with this one for the specific goal of the OP having an experimental fucktoy for all of 3 minutes.

This goes beyond any level of being socially awkward/romantically inept and heads closer to sociopath/serial killer territory.

That's a bit of an unreasonable escalation. Sure, maybe he has some problem with how he views women or dating, but the jump to serial killer comparisons are even dumber than the OP's terrible attempt at hooking up. It's pretty messed up to make that kind of psychological jump based off a couple stupid posts.

Anyway, OP, I think you need therapy/life coaching. If you go on dates regularly but get no where, maybe you need to re-evaluate your views and expectations on dating and how you view the women you date.


rule #1:
most people dont appreciate being asked for a 3 min quickie especially if you dont know them.

i dont know,
buy a hooker if you are desperate



This thread is some shit.


Don't ever ask to fool around, or ask to kiss. Just fool around and kiss .. of course generally in the heat of the moment with both parties involved are clearly desiring such. For instance, instead of asking if you can finger her .. er, fool around before class. Maybe next time take a girl out at night, and go back to her place/your place after and do the fingering?

It's a bit easier than trying to ask for permission to sneak in a quick 'ol finger bang session in between classes lol

I think this is terrible advice for someone who struggles to read women like the OP. Easy path to being on a sex predator list :p
Op, get some better pics and go back to tinder, date some girls, and eventually, as long as you act like a normal person, one of them will find you attractive and let you put your fingers in her.
That's a bit of an unreasonable escalation. Sure, maybe he has some problem with how he views women or dating, but the jump to serial killer comparisons are even dumber than the OP's terrible attempt at hooking up. It's pretty messed up to make that kind of psychological jump based off a couple stupid posts.

Anyway, OP, I think you need therapy/life coaching. If you go on dates regularly but get no where, maybe you need to re-evaluate your views and expectations on dating and how you view the women you date.

I don't think he needs to go as far as therapy/life coaching. He just needs to experience trial and error and learn from his mistakes. If you're not failing, you're not learning.


Junior Member
I have an update. I texted her this morning an apology saying I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable and I feel like a creep for what I did. She replied "lol not at all"

She sat next to me at the extra credit thing and we are talking like it didn't even happen.

Soooooo yeah
For the past 3 weeks I have been sarging a local university campus after school trying to get over my approach anxiety. I have done extremely well. Some days not so much, but I am seeing a great improvement in general. Used to, the very thought of approaching a hot girl would give me anxiety, but now I can talk to them like it's no big deal.

I admit it was dark when I did my last approach for the day, a 2 set walking to their dorm. I ran up to them and said, "hey you guys. Relax, this is not a robbery. I just have to tell you I saw you guys back there and I thought you were really cute and I had to come say hi." They laughed, so I introduced myself. Afterward, they started to walk away. I tried to save the set by saying, "so where are you guys going right now?" And they said back to their dorm. I ejected at that point, and told them it was nice meeting them and left. (Keep in mind I have NO GAME yet.)

About 15 minutes later I go back to my car, get in and a cop in an SUV pulls up next to me.

"I need you to step out of the car. I'm campus police."

I thought "what the hell did I do?" But complied anyway. Once I stepped out, he radioed a bunch of cops and they all surrounded me. I was scared shitless. "What did I do?" I asked. "You're creeping people out." He said. He asked me where I had been recently and I told him what I was doing. Then I proceeded to tell him the whole story-how I was trying to improve my skills with women by talking to as many as I could. Then the cop behind me chimed in and berated me. They said the girls got scared when I told them "this is not a robbery." I tried to explain it some more, I said that as halfway a joke and half way to keep them from thinking that, to no effect. That's a line I got from Sasha Daygame for God's sake. "You're a fucking weirdo." He said, "and I consider you a threat to the mental health of my campus."

They checked my car out, took my picture, wrote down my information and told me that if I ever set foot on campus again I will go to jail for criminal trespassing. At that point, I began to question myself. What the hell am I doing? Am I really a weirdo?

But then again, I thought, is this really THAT weird? Is it wrong for a guy to try to better himself by facing his fears and talking to women? Can a guy who is deficient in an area not seek to improve himself?

I have been doing stuff like Simple Pickup does, saying random stupid things to people to try to get over self consciousness. Going and asking, "excuse me, do you know where I can find some wieners? Like, hot dogs. Or penises." Stuff like that, stuff completely out of the norm. I do that for an hour or so until I feel confident enough to directly approach. I did that probably 30 or 40 times today. What happens is when I do that I get so comfortable being weird, that I pick up a really weird and creepy vibe sometimes. I could feel it tonight. At first when I went out, I would get over my AA and then I would feel absolutely invincible. I would be so confident and so charismatic, at one point I befriended the entire Starbucks workers, and even got free tea. I also got to stand by their fan behind the counter while they made my drink because it was too hot. I befriended the lonely security guard, made countless women feel great about themselves.

My friend even sent me a tweet from a girl I didn't know on campus (that he apparently followed on twitter) said, "Some random guy just approached me and told me that I am beautiful, then walked away. #daymade" or something to that effect. But now for some reason when I go out I get fearless, but I also get socially stupid. I don't feel like a fucking boss like I did earlier on, when my charisma was at it's peak and my social skills soared, letting me know that deep down I really am an awesome guy, it's just the fear of being social that kept me down.

I really don't know what to do now. This was basically the ONLY place I can besides the mall which I have sarged out the employees and people that have frequent it. Where do I go to do daygame now? Am I really just a weirdo? Do I not have what it takes to become a PUA? Maybe the cops were right. Maybe I'm just doomed to being a loser my whole life. Maybe nobody wants to talk to me. Maybe I just creep people out.

I understand that what I am saying and doing is, in fact, very weird. I mean, who just goes out and talks to a bunch of random people? This is what stopped me from actually approaching women for such a long time. That's exactly why I would just sit at home and study game then go out and chicken out. It just didn't feel natural-because it wasn't natural. However now I can talk to basically ANYBODY with no fear whatsoever. I have humiliated myself in front of tons of hot girls, I feel like I'm at the point now where I can stop using the weird openers and stuff and just start trying to become socially intelligent once again, but now I have no place to sarge.

The cop said I could come back if I emailed the police chief and had him appeal the charge or something like that. I guess I'll try. But from now on I'll be remembered on the whole campus as "that creepy guy". So what's really the point?

I need some serious guidance here guys. What do I do now? Do I continue on? Do I quit? I want more than anything to become amazing with women and be a complete natural, in doing so finding who I really am and sculpting myself into a guy 10. I have a plan in mind on how I am going to do it, and every day I work toward my goal. I really want to just keep pressing on, even if it means standing ten feet away from campus and doing my day game. I don't want to let anything stand in the way of my success, but then again, I have to question whether or not I'm just delusional and if maybe this isn't for me. Maybe I have a hidden mental illness keeping me from this or something.

But enough rambling, please give me some guidance guys. I need it now more than ever.
Hey man I can only imagine how embarrassed this situation made you feel. Remember that achieving anything is not a smooth path. You just had the earths natural feedback system give you a massive sign.

I am thinking about this a little more and guessing that you went from nothing to approaching like crazy in very little time. If so then this is a great thing. Your taking MASSIVE ACTION which is the best possible thing you can do to get to the goal you want to being comfortable around women and leading them.

While im sure you never want this to happen again, I hope that you do not become discouraged from what happened. All that needs to be done is some good reflection until you can pinpoint how you were acting that creeped these girls out so much (if you can remember the state of mind you had when approaching them that would be very insightful). Once you can do that (or at least do the best you can with pinpointing it) you will know what DOESNT WORK when going out on your next approaches which is very valuable.

Just take mental note and probably find a few other spots to sarge for the next few weeks or so until people forget about the guy who creeped girls out on campus. If you stick to working as hard as it sounds like you were you should be a totally different person when coming back there anyway.
I have an update. I texted her this morning an apology saying I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable and I feel like a creep for what I did. She replied "lol not at all"

She sat next to me at the extra credit thing and we are talking like it didn't even happen.

I don't know man, she's probably wearing a wire.


Crashing this plane... with no survivors!
I have an update. I texted her this morning an apology saying I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable and I feel like a creep for what I did. She replied "lol not at all"

She sat next to me at the extra credit thing and we are talking like it didn't even happen.

Ask her out, you fool


I have an update. I texted her this morning an apology saying I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable and I feel like a creep for what I did. She replied "lol not at all"

She sat next to me at the extra credit thing and we are talking like it didn't even happen.

Play it cool dude if you like her ask her to do something.

Hell or just make small talk.

"so what's going on this weekend"

"are you getting into anything this weekend"

As the other dude said you can't just ask to something like that. You have to read appropriate moments and let them happens.

Man, you came off as so cringey and desperate.

"three minutes..."

Yeesh. Doesn't speak volumes about your, er, capabilities. You should have just asked her out to coffee or something. Heck, she might have been totally into you until you randomly asking to fool around by her car for three minutes while doing nothing crazy.

I mean, now your chance is dead. Thinking you'll just finger fuck her, jesus wept
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