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Lionhead Studios and Press Play closed. Fable legends cancelled.


Everyone forgets the show and it drives me, it's such a consistently great franchise.
Side note, I love the show but it has been consistently stagnant for the last two years. I think it's best days are behind it unless they overhaul their engine and assets, but they never will because of the annual cycle.

On topic, insane to me that Lionhead closes but Rare still exists after all these years.
It's 5, don't forget MLB 16 The Show from Sony San Diego.

You're right, forgot about MLB 16 The Show and Sony San Diego has a hand in Drawn to Death which is also releasing this year right? Not including What Remains of Edith Finch which Sony Santa Monica has some type of influence.

Wait, Gravity Rush 2 and New Hot shot golf delay or what? That's 7!

Damn, I'm missing everything. It is 7.
Wow and the game seemed so far into development that they would release it first before closing the studio. I hope the people who sadly lost their jobs get back on their feet and good luck.


Max the curse of brotherhood was one of my favourite early Xbox one games, damn :'( I think fable needed to end a long time ago, but wasn't expecting lion head to close. Hope everyone lands on their feet!!
Side note, I love the show but it has been consistently stagnant for the last two years. I think it's best days are behind it unless they overhaul their engine and assets, but they never will because of the annual cycle.

Totally disagree, this year looks amazing, it already plays the most realistic of any game compared to it;s counterparts, how can it play like anything other then baseball? We'll have to agree to disagree.
So, how many first party studios does MS even have these days?

343i for Halo

The Coalition for Gears of War

Turn 10 for Forza

Rare for....Rare stuff

I'm sure there are devs I'm forgetting about but man, that's weak. Sony and Nintendo are full of great first party studios. It really does feel like MS is making gaming a smaller part of their business going forward.

Willy Wanka

my god this avatar owns
I had very little interest in Fable Legends but this is sad news as I was a big fan of Lionhead's earlier output. Hopefully the people affected at both studios aren't out of work for too long.


Hate to say it but this was a 'Wait, this hadn't already happened?' moment for me.

Fable was always Xbox's weakest major exclusive IP. Fable 2 was one of the most disappointing games I ever played.

This is good, because I feel like there was a lot of talent at Lionhead who will get good jobs and do good work on better projects elsewhere.

Interesting times for Xbox, though.
So, how many first party studios does MS even have these days?

343i for Halo

The Coalition for Gears of War

Turn 10 for Forza

Rare for....Rare stuff

I'm sure there are devs I'm forgetting about but man, that's weak. Sony and Nintendo are full of great first party studios. It really does feel like MS is making gaming a smaller part of their business going forward.

There is Mojang too, but that's about it now. Crazy how small the number of internal teams is now.


This fucking blows. We needed another Black & White.


I hope if any of the devs that made these games are still around they go the indie/Kickstarter route and give us another one (maybe under a different name?) on the PC.


It's more schizophrenic than that. Part of them want to be Apple with the cool devices and consumer facing cloud services and part of them want to be IBM with the big data analytics and blue chip corporate services.

I'm not seeing it as schizophrenic? Surface is a billion dollar business as is their cloud business. Analytics is growing every quarter.

I mean Amazon and Google are in the same sectors.


It's more schizophrenic than that. Part of them want to be Apple with the cool devices and consumer facing cloud services and part of them want to be IBM with the big data analytics and blue chip corporate services.

Yep indeed, MS looks like a headless chicken and they still have to prove their value in the gaming industry for me personally.

Before someone brings up that old 'they revolutionized online gaming on consoles'...just stop it, there are people out there who feel differently about this, namely turning the whole console gaming landscape into one big dude-bro festival last gen.


After reading more and taking some time to think about this....In a world full of F2P MOBAs and MMOish survival games everywhere, did Fable Legends and project Knoxville make sense or were they just too far behind the curve?

Legends has been in development since before 2013 and has been in Beta for what seems like forever.

Knoxville just went into community picked development mid 2015 when the genre is already sort of saturated.

Maybe its as simple as that.

I really don't think this is the Xbox apocalypse or the MS being MS...and if you take Legends and Knoxville out of the Xbox portfolio, does it really make any impact?

The only sad and terrible thing here is that people lost their jobs and it was out of their control.

Fable Legends is not a MOBA, but I didn't know any other comparison that is close. It's an online Multiplayer hack n' slash strategy game with a few MOBA-ish features?
Im not going to doom and gloom or concern troll like many here, but I will say this:- When your first party output is constantly being critised for being only one of a few franchises, your position in the market means you will get less and less third party exclusives than you are used to and the time to nuture to both a new studio and new ip is increasing every generation.....

You dont kill a game in one of your bigger franchises and shut down its studio.

Even if we accept that this is just one of those things and Microsoft is still commited to first party IP, where the fuck is it coming from? Outside of buying Crystal dynamics from square, I feel there are very few developers out there willing or able to create AAA IP for exclusively Xbox, and even less able to be bought and be pulled in house.

The other option is building one from scratch, which is something Microsoft has never done and quite frankly hasnt got the patience to do.

Under microsofts hand, Naughty dog would of pumped out crash sequels and would of be moved to some lesser kids franchises until being bumped off. There is now way they would of been able to move to Uncharted and for damn sure something like TLOU.

I dont think todays news is an idication of Microsoft is leaving gaming or anything stupid like that, but I do feel its about time people realise that Microsofts successes as a publisher very much hinges on a handful of the same tried and tested forumlas. Outside of that, if they cant get third party exclusives, they arent bringing much more new to the table this gen.


After reading more and taking some time to think about this....In a world full of F2P MOBAs and MMOish survival games everywhere, did Fable Legends and project Knoxville make sense or were they just too far behind the curve?

Legends has been in development since before 2013 and has been in Beta for what seems like forever.

Knoxville just went into community picked development mid 2015 when the genre is already sort of saturated.

Maybe its as simple as that.

I really don't think this is the Xbox apocalypse or the MS being MS...and if you take Legends and Knoxville out of the Xbox portfolio, does it really make any impact?

The only sad and terrible thing here is that people lost their jobs and it was out of their control.

Not a moba bro.


There is Mojang too, but that's about it now. Crazy how small the number of internal teams is now.

Just goes to show you how MS never cared in the first place. Xbox division is being run from the higher ups it seems like. Why on earth would they make a billion dollar purchase for Mojang, unless they expected to make money from it off the bat.
Kind of sad to see that the XBox from original Fable, Otagi, Fusion Frenzy, crimson skys, are days of the past now.

Thought maybe MS would be the console corner for PC people to play games they like on console.
Since mostly PC developers are where they started when it came to developers on their first system.


I was hoping Phil would strengthen Microsoft's 1st party development. Guess not.

Media molecule continue to make whacky games like Dreams.

Quantic Dream don't make direct sequels to games but they have continued to make games based on the same gameplay concepts. You want a sequel to beyond two souls? Good thing Detroit is on its way.

Wouldn't be be surprised if we get a sequel to The Order at some point.

Until Dawn will likely get a sequel, the devs have hinted as such but in the mould of a new IP considering how the game plays out - it would be similar to how Quantic Dream work in that sense.

Folklore won't get a sequel since game republic shut down. And before you say anything, they were independent.

The reality is that Sony continues to invest in their IP's, and if not in the IP itself they allow the developers to continue creating titles in similar fashion even if they might have previously failed either critically or commercially. In Microsofts case, it has become pretty clear over the years that commercial success is all that matters to them, and hence their first party is in the situation it finds itself in today.

Think about it, 15 years in the industry and the only titles that are truly synonymous with the brand are Halo, Gears and Forza. Is that really good enough? Considering the IP's they are sitting on they only have themselves to blame.

This is a good argument.

And those games will continue to sell terribly. For Sony fostering these studios and their poor selling games makes some sense. For Microsoft it does not...they make real money from other pursuits and they fund games internally to further their platform play.

That platform use to be xbox only. Now it is xbox plus pc.

This is not.


Sorry to hear that though they haven't made anything worth a damn in years. Now who's to blame for that, Lionhead or Microsoft? Gonna say a little of column A, a lot of column B.


So, how many first party studios does MS even have these days?

343i for Halo

The Coalition for Gears of War

Turn 10 for Forza

Rare for....Rare stuff

I'm sure there are devs I'm forgetting about but man, that's weak. Sony and Nintendo are full of great first party studios. It really does feel like MS is making gaming a smaller part of their business going forward.

Halo, Gears, Forza and Rare(Sea of Thieves) is weak?


Oh yeah, Mojang...that's actually a pretty big one, but I'm wondering if they're ever going to be able to top Minecraft.

Who says they're going to be able to do anything besides Minecraft?

IMO (limited as it is) it feels like they wanted to reboot the whole thing and were shot down hard. But I dunno.
Been checking my email for the past week waiting on a beta code for this game... my friend got one like two weeks ago and signing up feels like it was a lifetime ago... can't say I'm not bummed. Looks like I won't be checking my email tn. Didn't people already spend money on some of the micro transactions in this game? And what does this mean for the NDA? Anybody willing to spill some beans on the particulars of this game now that its a corpse?


Feel bad for Fable fans. Game was basically done. Wasn't for everyone but I know a few fans thT would have loved it still. Guessing the marketing costs of releasing it didn't make sense financially. Or they wanted to scrap and redo it all after 4 years of work and this is the outcome. Dam shame.

Another blow to the xbone brand for sure tho.


Just goes to show you how MS never cared in the first place. Xbox division is being run from the higher ups it seems like. Why on earth would they make a billion dollar purchase for Mojang, unless they expected to make money from it off the bat.
Kind of sad to see that the XBox from original Fable, Otagi, Fusion Frenzy, crimson skys, are days of the past now.

Thought maybe MS would be the console corner for PC people to play games they like on console.
Since mostly PC developers are where they started when it came to developers on their first system.

Because it's arguably one of the biggest IPs in gaming? It was a steal at 2.5B. You think that was a bad buy?
They're hoping they can confuse you enough with 'ecosystem', 'unified platform', 'app', and'incremental upgrades' that you won't notice the declining in value of owning a XB1.

There is no value to owning one now. All the games they announced as "exclusive" years ago will be available on PC for them to try (and fail) promote the windows store. Gaming on PC is great because it's so open, they are just trying to lure people and lock it.

They fucked up big, and Sonys success is driving them mad trying to get their fingers in each pot and lock it down.


You're right, forgot about MLB 16 The Show and Sony San Diego has a hand in Drawn to Death which is also releasing this year right? Not including What Remains of Edith Finch which Sony Santa Monica has some type of influence.

Damn, I'm missing everything. It is 7.

RIGs and GT are also this year right? then there's Ratchet and Clank though that's not a first party studio. probably at least 2 more first party studio games this year for VR, but would not be surprised if a couple get bumped to next year.


Yikes at the back handed compliment..not all of them well sell terribly, that's ridiculous. LBP ended up being big and I am sure until dawn did better then expected, there will always be failures but if your trying to push the medium thats normal, thats what seperates MS and Sony. Unless you know the budget and expectations you cannot say anything really. The first uncharted did not sell that well at first..but sony keep pushing it and investing and look what it became.

Agree with this.

You for real, now?

Outside of pure games, Microsoft's done a shit ton to benefit this industry--standardizing software featuresets, introducing as much plug and play online as plug and play games, prioritizing community involvement over just sitting back and watching boxes sell, et cetera.

You can push the medium in different ways from different aspects of the way people play games. Sony and Microsoft are no different in that regard--the only real difference is where that change occurs. Sony prioritizes first party content, Microsoft prioritizes community. Neither of these are inherently better or worse. Just different. You might feel otherwise, but this is how it is without muddying around with opinion.

Or however the fuck someone smarter than me finds a way to say it.

Man, I need tea.


Oh yeah, Mojang...that's actually a pretty big one, but I'm wondering if they're ever going to be able to top Minecraft.

Sorry to tell you this but other than small side projects they are making Minecraft...till the end of time.

I was hoping Phil would strengthen Microsoft's 1st party development. Guess not.

This is a good argument.

This is not.

Not an argument...a statement of the differences between the companies. Sony is doing good for what kind of company sony is.


Been checking my email for the past week waiting on a beta code for this game... my friend got one like two weeks ago and signing up feels like it was a lifetime ago... can't say I'm not bummed. Looks like I won't be checking my email tn. Didn't people already spend money on some of the micro transactions in this game? And what does this mean for the NDA? Anybody willing to spill some beans on the particulars of this game now that its a corpse?

They released a statement the BETA will close April 13th and all money will be refunded for any purchases. In the meanwhile since the project is dead im assuming the NDA still stands due to the April 13th server kill date ?
Halo, Gears, Forza and Rare(Sea of Thieves) is weak?

If that's all they have going forward? Yes. They have other stuff like KI, Scalebound, Crackdown, etc. but none of these are being developed by internal studios. That's fine but it's still pretty sad to see how few first party studios they have in 2016.
Halo, Gears, Forza and Rare(Sea of Thieves) is weak?

If you're not into (or are tired as hell of) shooters, all you have here is a racing game and a new IP of unknown quality. Hell yea the shit is weak. This is why lineup diversity is essential. If Quantum Break disappoints (hopefully unlikely) and Crackdown fails to impress (feels likely) yes this lineup becomes soft as twinkie filling.


You for real, now?

Outside of pure games, Microsoft's done a shit ton to benefit this industry--standardizing software featuresets, introducing as much plug and play online as plug and play games, prioritizing community involvement over sitting back and watching boxes sell, et cetera.

You can push the medium in different ways from different aspects of the way people play games. Sony and Microsoft are no different in that regard--the only real difference is where that change occurs. Sony prioritizes first party content, Microsoft prioritizes community.

Or however the fuck someone smarter than me finds a way to say it.

Man, I need tea.

Nah its okay...lets keep dismissing what Microsoft has done for the medium and what their platform has enabled for pc gamers. Its cool...its been weeks of this at this point. Thanks for reminding me its time for tea.
Turn 10?

The Coalition

Turn 10 ill kinda of give you, but 343i and the Coalition are basically custom built factories centred around specific IP. That is not growing a game studio in the same way Gurillla, Japan studio, Naughty dog, SSM or Sucker punch are groomed by Sony.
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