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Lizard Squad DDOS Brings Down multiple Daybreak Studios titles


what if their parents are poor?? you will be left worse off than when you started

Not really.
You will be better off since now the guardians are forced to sell their property to cover the case.
Now the kids and their family will be ruined...punishment right?
a bunch of angry gamers

That part of your post could instead be the justifiably angry victim at hand, John Smedley, who's continuing to be victimized and targeted here specifically for declaring that he will pursue more effective justice that's currently completely failing him. I'm sure every employee there is so glad that their livelihood is being chipped away right now too.

Gamers get angry about this stuff because we're aware of it, understand it and can empathize with the victims, not because we're angry, sheltered stereotypes by default. If more stories about swatting, doxxing, harassment and bomb threats as they pertain to streamers, women in games, game companies etc were on 60 Minutes and the local news, there'd probably be some angry grand parents and news anchors that don't fit the NeoGAF profile at all. Congrats on being another cliche on a massive enthusiast video game forum trying to selectively present themselves as someone who doesn't also enjoy video games, though.


I am usually all for rehabilitation but these fuckers need cold hard time in prison. They need to be afraid to touch a piece of technology for the rest of their lives. Finland's punishment is simply inadequate given they have already proven they won't stop and won't learn and can't be reasoned with. The U.S. will likely give him what he deserves. That fake bomb threat alone has him fucked.


& they're having a laugh about it too.


What little shits. I don't know how anyone can defend these little pricks.


Re: punishment - I'll repeat what I said half a year ago, during the christmas attacks: keep these kids away from computers, smartphones, tablets, every kind of online device. two years on probation + that sounds like a plan for me. not only does it "hurt" the culprits without ruining a teenagers life (he'll be back online for uni etc.), but it also disrupts their network, keeps them "off the streets" and away from their "gang" so to speak.
Re: punishment - I'll repeat what I said half a year ago, during the christmas attacks: keep these kids away from computers, smartphones, tablets, every kind of online device. two years on probation + that sounds like a plan for me. not only does it "hurt" the culprits without ruining a teenagers life (he'll be back online for uni etc.), but it also disrupts their network, keeps them "off the streets" and away from their "gang" so to speak.

Make it five years and I'd be okay with that.
It's not really an argument I'm trying to make, the recidivism rates speak for themselves.

No. They don't actually. This is the same "numbers speak for themselves" type of "logic" you see from racist trolls in comment sections who spout statistics about black on black crime to infer that black people are the problem whenever someone gets shot by the police. It intentionally, completely ignores every other contributing factor to any statistic.
Just take them to court and sue.
If they can't afford it as a minor, you can go after the guardian for financial burden.
Yeah I would actually prefer to see them get sued by multiple parties and no settlements.

Destroy their lives financially and use their example as a deterrent for everyone else.


Re: punishment - I'll repeat what I said half a year ago, during the christmas attacks: keep these kids away from computers, smartphones, tablets, every kind of online device. two years on probation + that sounds like a plan for me. not only does it "hurt" the culprits without ruining a teenagers life (he'll be back online for uni etc.), but it also disrupts their network, keeps them "off the streets" and away from their "gang" so to speak.

If the person only did DDOS, I agree. Bomb threats, SWAT-ing and identity theft? Nah, prison time.


The problem with there being no real punishment in this instance is that these appear to be, in their minds, already abstract crimes of no real consequence. These people probably would not break into a mall and loot the cash they found there. They would probably not show up at someone else's home themselves with guns at the ready. They would presumably consider these more "real" actions at least frightening to commit (if not outright immoral), but they are still having armed men and women show up at people's homes and essentially taking a lot of cash out of the hands of various organizations.

Severe physical punishment in response to physical crimes can be counterproductive because it can reinforce the idea that physical extremes are the correct response to problems, but I'm not sure that an absence of real world consequence serves to in any way illustrate the real world impact of their actions in a way that elicits any kind of understanding.

Re: punishment - I'll repeat what I said half a year ago, during the christmas attacks: keep these kids away from computers, smartphones, tablets, every kind of online device. two years on probation + that sounds like a plan for me. not only does it "hurt" the culprits without ruining a teenagers life (he'll be back online for uni etc.), but it also disrupts their network, keeps them "off the streets" and away from their "gang" so to speak.

If nothing else, this.


What little shits. I don't know how anyone can defend these little pricks.
I haven't seen anyone on GAF (or other places) do that, so not sure who you are talking to.

That said, I hope that they get the others alluded to in Smedley's post as well, I'm only aware of that Finnish kid, that guy in England and one in Canada iirc.
If the person only did DDOS, I agree. Bomb threats, SAWT-ing and identity theft? Nah, prison time.

I dunno... barring a technology-based person from technology would be its own prison...

Imagine not being able to touch a smartphone, or any kind of computer except for special monitored workstations for educational purposes only.

That would be downright cruel. And that's exactly what they need.


I'd love to hop on the revenge justice bandwagon present in here but the Finnish justice system knows better than a bunch of angry gamers.

Huhuh I wonder how you feel when your life is turned upside down like John Smedley was and others. So angry....


Not really.
You will be better off since now the guardians are forced to sell their property to cover the case.
Now the kids and their family will be ruined...punishment right?

property sold they are now broke you might recover less than your lawyers fees what are you left with then??


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions

That guy is defending the decision of the Finnish court, not Lizard Squad.

I guess technically they are different things, but they are heavily intertwined.


I dunno... barring a technology-based person from technology would be its own prison...

Imagine not being able to touch a smartphone, or any kind of computer except for special monitored workstations for educational purposes only.

That would be downright cruel. And that's exactly what they need.

Sure impose that as probation until they hit 21.....after they serve 3-5 in prison. Can't let the bomb threat go. You don't do that. He deserves prison time for that alone.


That part of your post could instead be the justifiably angry victim at hand, John Smedley, who's continuing to be victimized and targeted here specifically for declaring that he will pursue more effective justice that's currently completely failing him. I'm sure every employee there is so glad that their livelihood is being chipped away right now too.

Gamers get angry about this stuff because we're aware of it, understand it and can empathize with the victims, not because we're angry, sheltered stereotypes by default. If more stories about swatting, doxxing, harassment and bomb threats as they pertain to streamers, women in games, game companies etc were on 60 Minutes and the local news, there'd probably be some angry grand parents and news anchors that don't fit the NeoGAF profile at all. Congrats on being another cliche on a massive enthusiast video game forum trying to selectively present themselves as someone who doesn't also enjoy video games, though.

It was a mistake using that term but it's far too late to tone it down and edit it now. I'm pretty sure those other pending charges carry heavier penalties than what he was recently convicted of which is why all this reactionary nonsense is premature.


You guys get real salty at non punishment based justice systems dont you?

Another Lizard Squad sympathizer with their don't be mean to criminals lecture. Had the same discussion with two other Gaffers before. Welcome to Ignoresville.


I guess technically they are different things, but they are heavily intertwined.
Trusting in the Finnish justice system to judge what the appropriate punishment is for the charges against this guy that have been handled in this case means defending Lizard Squad?

You lost me.

As far as I can see, some people in this thread want to see some old testament style "eye for an eye" punishment dealt out; Cold War style deterrents that no one dares to do something like that again, but if I'm honest, I'm also of the opinion that these sorts of draconian rulings are more likely to lead to escalating attacks rather than stop them.

Regardless of the punishment that will be netted out, the other people won't stop their attacks until they're caught, just like this guy.

That said, from what I understand is that not all charges leveled against this particular person were handled in this trial, so there stl might be more to come.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
It was a mistake using that term but it's far too late to tone it down and edit it now. I'm pretty sure those other pending charges carry heavier penalties than what he was recently convicted of which is why all this reactionary nonsense is premature.

Do you have any sources on this?


The only assumption I am making is you have antiquated thoughts like 'hurr durr we want people punished first and foremost fuck everything else and fuck the future' which your very post is a testament to.

Punishment is an important part of a deterrent. What you want is for these things not to happen in the first place, then nobody needs to be punished at all and nobody suffers. If there are no real consequences then there's no deterrent.

I don't care about the persons future either. They fucked that themselves. I'd fire them all into the sun, there are plenty of humans and ones like this simply won't be missed.
Yep, rehab sure seems to be the proper punishment here. They seem so sorry for what they do and seem so afraid of the free pass punishment that lies ahead of them. I bet they actually look forward to the rehab sessions with Mr. Mackey where they get to hear "hacking is bad mmmmkay".

What a joke.
You guys get real salty at non punishment based justice systems dont you?

I mean sure, if some cyber idiot defiled my fathers grave, called a bomb threat on my plane,
fucked my credit up and swatted countless people putting their lives at risk, I'd think they deserve a slap on the wrist too./s

These clowns need hard jail time, that's the only way they will learn.

And preferably not in a cushy Finnish prison with a Gamecube and plasma TV,
though that's still better than them being on their computers committing crimes.


I have really mixed feelings. At 17 the guy is still a minor. i worked for 3 years with street involved youth involved in pimping, gang activity, etc, and actively saw how the right services can turn a life around.

At the same time I think there is a balance to be found somewhere and no consequences "justice" isn't the right answer either imho. Especially in this case where peoples lives are being endangered.


Yeah. That's why Smedley was so pissed the guy they caught convicted of 50,000 offences got off with nothing.

I'm personally conflicted about it all ... At 17 the guy is a kid but the stuff they were doing was serious shit ....

At 17 he is not a kid. He know perfectly well what he is doing.
I hope Smedley manages to get him in jail, longtime.


Trusting in the Finnish justice system to judge what the appropriate punishment is for the charges against this guy that have been handled in this case means defending Lizard Squad?

Yup. lets wait for the judgement in 2014 xmas attacks.

Just got the actual sentence, reading it now. But from the first page, this is NOT the PSN/xblive case.

The parties in this case are Educause, Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and MongoHQ Inc.

I will update more as I get through the sentence (it's only 54 pages phew).

Edit: the group he was in in these cases is Hack The Planet, or HTP.

Yes, he was charged for cybercrimes, CC fraud and money laundering that happened in 2012 and 2013.
But most here are talking about swatting that he was not charged for.

He would have had to pay a lot of money if the plaintiffs (Harvard, MIT, MongoHQ) had actually demanded anything, but they decided not to. This does not include Sony or Microsoft since this trial wasn't about the events in 2014, but older ones. So yes he could get in more trouble later after that case (and the swatting) is brought up.


At 17 he is not a kid. He know perfectly well what he is doing.
I hope Smedley manages to get him in jail, longtime.

Just my opinion but 17 is still a kid and kids do stupid things. I say that from the perspective on a 39 year old. There is a huge difference in the maturity level of a 17 year old even versus somebody 22 or older. 17 - 25 is a transitional period for many young adults from the teens to adulthood.

I mean don't get me wrong I've met lots of fairly mature teens, but I've also met and worked with really messed up teens too.

Not to say there shouldn't be some kind of punishment .... The stuff this kid did was heinous. I just think at that age there is still time to turn ones life around. I'd be more for enforced therapy with a psychologist, victim sessions sitting with people affected by his actions telling him how badly they hurt him, and some heavy community service, perhaps with some sort of punitive sentence as well but one that won't end any chance of having a normal life should he turn his life around.

Lock him up and throw away the key at that age is too much. At the same time the joke of a sentence he got is way too little. I get that the crimes committed are serious, I just don't think he/they get it. The sentence needs to focus on making the person see what they've done is wrong. Admitting and understanding fault is the first key to rehabilitation.

Edit: regardless it sounds like there's more trials to come. Hopefully they get the sentencing right this time.


I don't understand why this kid gets off with it, and the founder of reddit was gonna go to prison for 25 years for downloading stuff from JSTOR.
pants is right though, the Finnish system DOES work. A lot better than the US system at least. It's understandable to want revenge, but it does more bad than good in the long term.
The thing is, punishment based systems act as prevention. I find it hard to believe these cowards would have done what they did if the threat of being behind a wired fence until they were 30 was an option.
I'm pretty sure those other pending charges carry heavier penalties than what he was recently convicted of which is why all this reactionary nonsense is premature.

It's not going to be premature if public support of the victims and condemnation of the offenders helps, in any way, to result in the rest of it actually having consequences or the rest being apprehended in a timely fashion. At the very least it represents the idea that regular people don't think this stuff is funny/cool, and don't think of all cyber crime as counter culture freedom fighters sticking it to the man.
As someone who lives in Finland. I just want to tell everyone that this 2 year sentence is automatically halved because he is first timer. So he doesnt even do 2 years only half of the sentence. Also he got vecation days, he can continue school studies and some other happy stuff.

Rage boners on!
This is why we cannot have nice things...

I just hope they do not do another bomb threat or you can beat your asses that will cause members in congress to try to do something since its a freaking election season going on.


You guys get real salty at non punishment based justice systems dont you?

Your post was pants, fitting username.

Seriously, if you can read the Op and don't come away thinking these people need stiffer punishments you have mental issues. It's the equivalent of all of these morons and their sarcastic "lol videogames" nonsense when video games were the least of the things these jerkoffs messed with.

Maybe one day you'll get swatted, get your identity stolen, and your fucking plane grounded. We'll see how much you like these slaps on the wrists then.
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