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Los Angeles Sheriff Sgt killed, suspect captured alive

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Can we get a thread reboot or something? Is that a thing that can happen? I don't think I have ever seen a thread derailed in its own first post and it's pretty obcious that the thread will now not be about the cop's death (RIP) but instead a BLM/ALM argument. Not trying to backseat mod or anything I'm just flabbergasted and his death should get a proper thread without such a massive topic derailment.

yeah, the derail here was just too strong


Maybe because recently there's been a reaction of joy or apathy to police deaths? And the OP is saying right up front that this death isn't justified just because of his occupation?

Even in GAF — actually, especially on GAF — there is now a near hatred for policeman. This is an earned hatred in light of recent history and events in the USA particularly, but it's still a hatred nonetheless that is as damaging and unwanted as any other.

I didn't get the sense that OP said, "Hey, this policeman died. Fuck black people, am I right?"

Instead: "Policeman died. Tragic as any other death."

If you choose to look at it differently and get worked up instantly over nothing, that's...well, your issue, I suppose.

I'm not choosing anything, OP forced the thread in this direction, knew exactly what they were doing.

Point me to a cop dying thread where anything other than one or two asshole posters is saying "HA HA YAY DEAD COP"

Ain't nobody wants a war on cops besides the conservative right in America because they can use it to justify their hatred of BLM. That's why you see shitheads propping up these tragic stories with shit like "Blue Lives Matter" or "All Lives Matter" as if the cop's death is some direct result of BLM or approved by BLM when that couldn't be further from the truth.

The truth is that less police officers are dying each year. The rolling average is at around 50 per year right now, with 2015 clocking in around 50 officers killed on duty.

Compare that with 1000 citizens killed by the police in 2015 and we're on track for an increase in 2016. So as less cops are killed, more citizens are killed. There is no war on cops, there is no reason to answer "Black Lives Matter" with anything except "Yes".

So, again, RIP to this officer and condolences to his family. But fuck off with the "All Lives Matter" deflection bullshit.
I don't think it's hey fuck black people I think it's more of a hey look black people shoot white too people and that fact that the cop was white I assume

Black Lives Matter is a movement created because people didn't care that black people were dying.

All Lives Matter exists because people got really offended that they had to acknowledge black people.

The notion of a black person killing a white person is not ignored - in fact, it's CONSTANTLY focused on whenever it happens, and is plastered all over media specifically to justify hatred of black people. ALM does not exist to remind people that there are black people who kill, because our society does everything in its power to remind people of that.
Also, stop pretending that being a cop is more dangerous than it used to be, or that relations in many communities weren't always strained. We're not seeing any new sentiment other than people being far more outspoken, and more likely to be heard about their misgivings.

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
I don't think it's hey fuck black people I think it's more of a hey look black people shoot white too people and that fact that the cop was white I assume

You poor sweet soul. You are wrong. Please read some of the links that people have posted earlier in this thread that prove that ALM demonstrably racist in it's creation and usage.


the "all lives matter" bullshit exists SPECIFICALLY to devalue the BLM movement. OP knew exactly what he was doing. Fuck him.

Such vitriol. Sad open dialogue is smashed. I am not trying to devalue anything.

All lives have equal value.

Would be worse to say Blue Lives Matter, Brown Lives Matter?


RIP to the Sheriff. Noone deserves to die like this.

Fuck the OP and anyone who defends All Lives Matter as a genuine movement, which it isn't. Why even bring it up in this thread. I don't know what's worse the fact that this dishonest hashtag is only used to obfuscate a legitimate movement with legitimate concerns or the fact that because it is said in this specific instance it's furthering the narrative that BLM is a "lol kill all cops" movement.

Such vitriol. Sad open dialogue is smashed. I am not trying to devalue anything.

All lives have equal value.

Would be worse to say Blue Lives Matter, Brown Lives Matter?

Vitriol is deserved. There is no dialogue to be had with a shadow hashtag of vapid platitudes that only exists to diminish the another movement.

Black Lives Matter (too). Not (only) Black Lives Matter, which is what ignorant pieces of shit believe.


R.I.P. to the sheriff.

the "all lives matter" bullshit exists SPECIFICALLY to devalue the BLM movement. OP knew exactly what he was doing. Fuck him.

Actually, naw...fuck the op.

RIP to the Sheriff

RIP to the sheriff
Fuck off to OP

Shut the fuck up

I was banned for telling a racist asshole to fuck off, earlier this year. Even if you don't like what the OP said, you guys might wanna watch your wording. Same goes for OP.
Maybe because recently there's been a reaction of joy or apathy to police deaths? And the OP is saying right up front that this death isn't justified just because of his occupation?

Even in GAF — actually, especially on GAF — there is now a near hatred for policeman. This is an earned hatred in light of recent history and events in the USA particularly, but it's still a hatred nonetheless that is as damaging and unwanted as any other.

I didn't get the sense that OP said, "Hey, this policeman died. Fuck black people, am I right?"

Instead: "Policeman died. Tragic as any other death."

If you choose to look at it differently and get worked up instantly over nothing, that's...well, your issue, I suppose.
No its your issue because you chose to cosign that all lives matter bullshit. Its not "only black lives matter", its "black lives matter too". All lives matter is an obvious fact, and so is the fact that a majority of this country doesnt give a fuck about innocent, and non violent black men are getting killed a disproportionate rate.


Such vitriol. Sad open dialogue is smashed. I am not trying to devalue anything.

All lives have equal value.

Would be worse to say Blue Lives Matter, Brown Lives Matter?

All lives matter should already be implied without saying as such.

Sometimes less is more. Abandon ship dude, there's no damage controlling this one.
Such vitriol. Sad open dialogue is smashed. I am not trying to devalue anything.

All lives have equal value.

Would be worse to say Blue Lives Matter, Brown Lives Matter?

Yes people have vitriol for assholes, of which you are one. Asshole cops especially, of which you are also one.

"Blue Lives Matter" and "All Lives Matter" doesn't need to be said, because when a cop is killed the murderers are actually brought to justice, as your own OP is an example of. When cops are killed willy nilly and nobody is brought to justice for it, then you can start crying "Blue LIves Matter" without looking like a racist piece of shit.


semen stains the mountaintops
Such vitriol. Sad open dialogue is smashed. I am not trying to devalue anything.

All lives have equal value.

Would be worse to say Blue Lives Matter, Brown Lives Matter?

There isn't much room for dialogue when you start it off by taking a massive racist shit. You can't really move forward once you do that.

Not only that, but continuing to play dumb like everyone here doesn't see through your bullshit is insulting.
Such vitriol. Sad open dialogue is smashed. I am not trying to devalue anything.

All lives have equal value.

Would be worse to say Blue Lives Matter, Brown Lives Matter?

Open dialogue exists, you just have to avoid saying racist things like "All Lives Matter" and "Blue Lives Matter"
I don't want to be incendiary. I really don't.

It just seems we are at a tipping point in police/community relations. Not sure if it will get worse before it gets better, and there have absolutely been incidents of unjustified shootings, but things seem so deeply divided and in some ways- hypocritical.

Overall this is one of many very sad incidents.

You knew exactly what you were doing and we see you.


Such vitriol. Sad open dialogue is smashed. I am not trying to devalue anything.


Aww, sorry your bullshit got called out OP, maybe come back with something other than a racist response to a civil rights movement.

In the meantime, I'm going to be sending good vibes to the officer's family.
This wasn't a derail, this is what he wanted. Go away OP with making this into some fuck BLM post when no one here is happy that a police officer is dead.
Such vitriol. Sad open dialogue is smashed. I am not trying to devalue anything.

All lives have equal value.

Would be worse to say Blue Lives Matter, Brown Lives Matter?

Saying all lives matter is a silencing of the other side... jesus fuck dude. You not understanding the term means you need to read up and/or stop spouting racially charged shit that you don't know the meaning behind
I was banned for telling a racist asshole to fuck off, earlier this year. Even if you don't like what the OP said, you guys might wanna watch your wording. Same goes for OP.

If it goes that way it's total bullshit, but I'll die on that hill

How the fuck you gonna use someone's violent death to pop some stupid catchphrase in there, dude was a cop for almost 3 decades
Police trying to devalue the BLM is plenty common, so to suggest he's not doing that with his "all lives matter" comment is disingenuous.


Such vitriol. Sad open dialogue is smashed. I am not trying to devalue anything.

All lives have equal value.

Would be worse to say Blue Lives Matter, Brown Lives Matter?

Saying blatantly racist shit's typically a good way to devalue things. Now everyone's going to ignore this poor dude's death because you're an asshole.


Such vitriol. Sad open dialogue is smashed. I am not trying to devalue anything.

All lives have equal value.

Would be worse to say Blue Lives Matter, Brown Lives Matter?

OP, I get it. That you don't get it.

All Lives Matter was literally created to devalue Black Lives Matter.

It's like arguing that gamergate was meant to fight for "ethics in video game journalism". It's a smokescreen. A vague name that "sounds" right in the hopes of picking up support from the middle ground/uninformed, to make them seem like they're supporting an honest movement, rather than just a hate group.

You shouldn't state All Lives Matter because that SHOULD be the default. It's implied. All lives is important. No one should have to die.

People stating Black Lives Matter aren't trying to say Black lives are MORE important, it's that they have SOME import, because up until now they have had (in the eyes of the police/public) next to none. So it's more a reminder that hey, black lives matter too.

So yeah. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt, which many others in this thread don't feel like doing (and I don't really blame them).


RIP hero

Just a reminder why police have the toughest job in the world. Put you life on the line everyday. Sad they don't get more respect nowadays.


Such vitriol. Sad open dialogue is smashed. I am not trying to devalue anything.

All lives have equal value.

Would be worse to say Blue Lives Matter, Brown Lives Matter?


Peoples fragility towards this issue is insane.
Saying "all lives matter isn't racist" is like saying "gamer gate is about ethics in gaming journalism". We've had these talks time and time again on this board, and it takes barely a cursory glance at who keeps using those phrases, to understand the agendas of people saying them.
RIP hero

Just a reminder why police have the toughest job in the world. Put you life on the line everyday. Sad they don't get more respect nowadays.

They literally don't. Like, at all. But spewing this line helps them get away with the bullshit they get away with.


If we want to reiterate the officer's value (of which he undoubtedly has; no one deserves to die like that), why not just say "this is a tragedy" instead of using an incendiary dog whistle phrase? This isn't all that hard. =/


Or you guys can choose to not make a big issue of OP saying that this death is as sad as any other.

Jesus Christ. He's not devaluing the BLM movement.

"All Lives Matter" is an racist and neo-Confederate slogan that is used to counter the phrase "Black Lives Matter", so yeah, he kind of is.
Okay I've done my part trying to explain this to OP. it's fucking sad this man died. He was young and a hero. RIP brother
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