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Los Angeles Sheriff Sgt killed, suspect captured alive

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You really don't know how many people use this phrase without the intent of being hateful? People continue to see it as a logical response. (I know, I know, this implies they don't understand the point of what BLM is getting at — trying to say "we've never mattered at all and we need to be recognized" instead of "black lives are the only ones that matter.")

"Intend doesn't matter at all when it comes to hateful statements."

Except that this phrase, universally, isn't hateful inherently. It's been used to push a hateful and ignorant agenda, yes, but take the words at face value and you can easily identify someone's intent.

I'm not saying and have not said that the phrase was...a poor choice of words, nor that I agree with the ALM movement at large. To me it was just immediately recognizable what the OP was getting at, and I was frustrated and sad to see yet another thread immediately derailed and refocused on counterproductive nonsense.

Some people use the word "nigger" and swear up and down they aren't racist or don't mean to be hateful too. They can go fuck off just like the OP and anyone else trying to defend this ALM bullshit. You are going around and around pulling off these mental gymnastics for the OP when he doesn't even try and claim he didn't know what ALM meant. Stop playing devil's advocate. OP is a fucking cop. If you don't think he knows exactly what ALM means and how incendiary and heated that phrase is on the public consciousness, you are a fool.
While the phrase itself is not an instant damning, the OP has made his intent clear with his followup statements.
Additionally, RIP, my heart goes out to the family.

The Beard

My point is simply that your preference for a particular job or career is a stupid way to decide which jobs are "toughest".

I understand, but you'd have a shit ton more applicants for the $1mil/yr janitor job than you would for the $1mil/yr for being a cop. It's not just personal preference, being a cop is without a doubt one of the toughest jobs you can have right now.
Quoting the article verbatim to hopefully put things back on track

A Los Angeles County sheriff’s sergeant was shot and killed in Lancaster on Wednesday while responding to a residential burglary call, setting off a manhunt for a gunman who tried to flee in the slain lawman’s cruiser and held two teenagers hostage before he was captured, authorities said.

Sheriff’s officials identified the victim as Steve Owen, a 29-year department veteran who had previously won the agency’s highest honor for courage. He was the first sheriff’s deputy fatally shot while on duty in more than a decade.

“This has been a very dark day for the Sheriff’s Department,” Capt. Steve Katz said. “We are all suffering right now.”

The shooting occurred shortly after noon as Owen, 53, and another deputy responded to a 911 call from a woman reporting a burglary at an apartment building in the 3200 block of West Avenue J-7, authorities said.


You really don't know how many people use this phrase without the intent of being hateful? People continue to see it as a logical response. (I know, I know, this implies they don't understand the point of what BLM is getting at — trying to say "we've never mattered at all and we need to be recognized" instead of "black lives are the only ones that matter.")

"Intend doesn't matter at all when it comes to hateful statements."

Except that this phrase, universally, isn't hateful inherently. It's been used to push a hateful and ignorant agenda, yes, but take the words at face value and you can easily identify someone's intent.

I'm not saying and have not said that the phrase was...a poor choice of words, nor that I agree with the ALM movement at large. To me it was just immediately recognizable what the OP was getting at, and I was frustrated and sad to see yet another thread immediately derailed and refocused on counterproductive nonsense.

There is no ALM movement, it literally only comes up to shut down black people.


I understand, but you'd have a shit ton more applicants for the $1mil/yr janitor job than you would for the $1mil/yr for being a cop. It's not just personal preference, being a cop is without a doubt one of the toughest jobs you can have right now.

Based on what? It's absolutely NOT the most dangerous, and outside of the potential danger, what is so tough about being a cop?


You really don't know how many people use this phrase without the intent of being hateful? People continue to see it as a logical response. (I know, I know, this implies they don't understand the point of what BLM is getting at — trying to say "we've never mattered at all and we need to be recognized" instead of "black lives are the only ones that matter.")

"Intend doesn't matter at all when it comes to hateful statements."

Except that this phrase, universally, isn't hateful inherently. It's been used to push a hateful and ignorant agenda, yes, but take the words at face value and you can easily identify someone's intent.

I'm not saying and have not said that the phrase was...a poor choice of words, nor that I agree with the ALM movement at large. To me it was just immediately recognizable what the OP was getting at, and I was frustrated and sad to see yet another thread immediately derailed and refocused on counterproductive nonsense.

your post and rainbow avatar are giving me a fucking stomach cramp lmao


Black Lives Matter is a movement created because people didn't care that black people were dying.

All Lives Matter exists because people got really offended that they had to acknowledge black people.

The notion of a black person killing a white person is not ignored - in fact, it's CONSTANTLY focused on whenever it happens, and is plastered all over media specifically to justify hatred of black people. ALM does not exist to remind people that there are black people who kill, because our society does everything in its power to remind people of that.

Hence why I assume op put all live matter in the op, I should have just said op was being a dick it would have been easier for you guys to understand and when I you guys I mean the guys who had a issue with my post.
I'm not saying and have not said that the phrase was...a poor choice of words, nor that I agree with the ALM movement at large. To me it was just immediately recognizable what the OP was getting at, and I was frustrated and sad to see yet another thread immediately derailed and refocused on counterproductive nonsense.

Whats frustrating is to see another person who cant understand or sympathize, that some of are scared for our god damn lives when we see a police officer pull up behind us while driving, even though weve done nothing wrong. Ive had guns pulled on me for eating in a Mcdonalds parking lot. Excuse was theres a lot of drug deals in the area, so obviously a black guy in a new car at a Mcdonalds at 4pm= drug dealer.

And whats counterproductive is someone having his back when hes called on his bullshit.


Condolences to the sheriff's family, friends, and colleagues.

We need a better thread to remember this man and his sacrifice.


Kills Photobucket
Maybe because recently there's been a reaction of joy or apathy to police deaths? And the OP is saying right up front that this death isn't justified just because of his occupation?

Even in GAF — actually, especially on GAF — there is now a near hatred for policeman. This is an earned hatred in light of recent history and events in the USA particularly, but it's still a hatred nonetheless that is as damaging and unwanted as any other.

Can we get some receipts on GAF members showing joy at a police officer's death?


Such vitriol. Sad open dialogue is smashed. I am not trying to devalue anything.

All lives have equal value.

Would be worse to say Blue Lives Matter, Brown Lives Matter?
"All Lives Matter" denies that black people's lives are devalued by institutionalized racism by dismissing the reality of racial inequality, and the need to identify it and root it out. Every person of conscience agrees that all lives matter; that's why Black Lives Matter is a thing. The point is to say "Hey: if we as a society agree that every life matters, that means black lives matter. So let's do something about all this racist bullying and murder."

If widespread racial inequality didn't exist, it wouldn't be necessary to say "Black Lives Matter," because the state of our society would reflect our collective respect for human life.
You add a little courtesy "RIP" "I'm very saddened..." "It's a tragedy..." in your posts but then use the man you claim to respect's death you to push an agenda. That's really disgusting.


"All Lives Matter" denies that black people's lives are devalued by institutionalized racism. Every person of conscience agrees that all lives matter; that's why Black Lives Matter is a thing. The point is to say "Hey: if we as a society agree that every life matters, that means black lives matter. So let's do something about all this racist bullying and murder."

If widespread racial inequality didn't exist, it wouldn't be necessary to say "Black Lives Matter," because the state of our society would reflect our collective respect for human life.



im not that stupid

Fuck all that for $42k a year LOL

Maybe if the wider police community were doing more to engage with communities rather than this shit:


Like, there are police forces in America right now that are trying very hard to bridge the gap between perceived reality and where they want to be in their communities:

"Pittsburgh was chosen not because we're a problematic community, but rather because we have shown our willingness and capacity and demonstrated our ability to work together," said David Hickton, United States Attorney for western Pennsylvania.

"It's coming from a grassroots effort. It's happening in church basements, it's happening in rec centers, it's happening all throughout this city. It's a coming together of community and police," said Mayor Bill Peduto.

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder announced the selection in Washington Thursday afternoon. $4.75 million of funding and national expertise are going into the national initiative, including more than $1 million to Pittsburgh.

"The people at the Department of Justice are very excited to do their work in Pittsburgh. They believe we can succeed here," said Hickton.

There IS a way forward, but for some reason it seems a lot of forces are turning their backs on the communities they're served to protect, rather than trying to understand them.
"All Lives Matter" denies that black people's lives are devalued by institutionalized racism. Every person of conscience agrees that all lives matter; that's why Black Lives Matter is a thing. The point is to say "Hey: if we as a society agree that every life matters, that means black lives matter. So let's do something about all this racist bullying and murder."

If widespread racial inequality didn't exist, it wouldn't be necessary to say "Black Lives Matter," because the state of our society would reflect our collective respect for human life.

There is no circumstance or situation where saying "All Lives Matter" doesn't have, at best, racist undertones. It'd be like going around during Black History Month and "reminding" people that white people did a lot of good stuff throughout history too, and invented a lot of shit. LIke, they get recognition for that, and always have, while black people haven't, which is why Black History Month is even a fucking thing.


Such vitriol. Sad open dialogue is smashed. I am not trying to devalue anything.

All lives have equal value.

Would be worse to say Blue Lives Matter, Brown Lives Matter?
The fact that you understand Blue Lives Matter means that you already understand Black Lives Matter; you just disagree.


You really don't know how many people use this phrase without the intent of being hateful? People continue to see it as a logical response. (I know, I know, this implies they don't understand the point of what BLM is getting at — trying to say "we've never mattered at all and we need to be recognized" instead of "black lives are the only ones that matter.")

"Intend doesn't matter at all when it comes to hateful statements."

Except that this phrase, universally, isn't hateful inherently. It's been used to push a hateful and ignorant agenda, yes, but take the words at face value and you can easily identify someone's intent.

I'm not saying and have not said that the phrase was...a poor choice of words, nor that I agree with the ALM movement at large. To me it was just immediately recognizable what the OP was getting at, and I was frustrated and sad to see yet another thread immediately derailed and refocused on counterproductive nonsense.

ALM, at it's best (and wooboy it's barely a best) is people who are completely ignorant of any and all of the racial history of the united states, thinking that they are stating what should be a universal truth as if it isn't already implied.

In literally every other instance of it's use, it's used as a way of putting down BLM (because the way they see it, BLM means 'You should care about black people more than white people"). They understand the balance of power as White>Black. All of a sudden people want it to be White=Black, and that to them feels like black people are getting "too" much attention, so they have to go "ALM" to try and restore the power to what they "feel" was balanced.

At it's best, ALM is a misunderstanding of why BLM exists in the first place.

At it's worst, it's literal racism.

Considering the OP is a cop, there is zero way he doesn't understand what ALM is.

Ric Flair

There is no circumstance or situation where saying "All Lives Matter" doesn't have, at best, racist undertones. It'd be like going around during Black History Month and "reminding" people that white people did a lot of good stuff throughout history too, and invented a lot of shit. LIke, they get recognition for that, and always have, while black people haven't, which is why Black History Month is even a fucking thing.
My favorite is the call for a WET channel. Because white people have the crisis of losing their own unique culture in a white culture dominated society

PInk Tape

RIP to the sheriff

Ahh "all lives matter" aka shut up black people stop making a big deal out of a corrupt organization that murders people in your community on a daily basis and the cops who kill them always get away with it.

OP you're gross for pushing your agenda in this thread. Not to mention your agenda is shit.


Yes people have vitriol for assholes, of which you are one. Asshole cops especially, of which you are also one.

"Blue Lives Matter" and "All Lives Matter" doesn't need to be said, because when a cop is killed the murderers are actually brought to justice, as your own OP is an example of. When cops are killed willy nilly and nobody is brought to justice for it, then you can start crying "Blue LIves Matter" without looking like a racist piece of shit.

Hell yeah.
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